Derek Kaufman is constantly scanning future trends in vehicle design and aftermarket challenges, including how recent events in electric vehicles are affecting our near-term and longer-term futures. This is your podcast resource, committed to bringing the future and forward-looking information you can use to inform and map your road ahead.
Derek Kaufman, Managing Partner,
Schwartz Advisors, President of C3 Network. Listen to Derek’s previous episodes
Key Talking Points
- BEVs are running about 5.6% of new car sales in the second quarter of 2022 – that’s up from 2.7% in the second quarter of 2021.
- Challenges- recession, price of battery materials/broken supply chain, Inflation Reduction Act
- China controls 60-80% of the powders associated with battery anodes and cathodes and the lithium transfer medium
- 80-90% of all BEV vehicles do not qualify for the Inflation Reduction Act- – it only applies to BEV cars that are under $55,000, it only applies to people making less than a certain amount depending on their marital status
- Autonomous Neighborhood Electric Vehicle (AV NEV)- AV NEVs are package delivery pods and people shuttles traveling in dedicated lanes in urban centers at less than 30 mph.
- The Federal Government is allocating about $5B of our tax money to install another 500,000 chargers – but if we are going to get anywhere close to their desired sales of BEVs we are going to need over 2 million chargers to keep those cars running.
- Estimated 5% BEV share of new car sales this year growing to 20% in 2030 and 35% in 2035 – by 2050 we have BEVs at around 50% of 2050
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