Guest Host and Shop Tour with Bob Noriega, AutoWorks of Tampa, Tampa, FL.
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Bob Noriega,
AutoWorks of Tampa, Tampa, FL. Listen to Bob's previous episodes
Link to the first episode with a discussion of craft beers
Key Talking Points
- “The most important car is the car not at your shop yet”
- Acquired in 2013, outgrew shop, 35K a month- now over $190-220k per month, maximizing space
- 220-280 cars per month
- Growth- 59 parking spaces, 7 bays, 10 employees
- Management flow- parts person (detailed oriented, assists the service writers, estimates), car transporter (the shop backbone), increase nonverbal communication
- Success is small changes that are accumulated
- Any bill over $1,500 requires a deposit due to limited space in the parking lot.
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