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2: Interview with Mordy Rapp & Amir White from Video Sparks
12th March 2015 • The Frum Entrepreneur • Nachum Kligman
00:00:00 00:27:59

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Today we will be speaking with the guys from Video Sparks (Almost Video Parks), Mordy Rapp and Amir White.
VideoSparks is a video production studio that drives creativity and advertising to a whole new level. Not only do they understand animation, script writing, film….but they also understand business. They know that your goal is to get more customers, so, as business people themselves, they implement their knowledge of marketing and advertising into your video.

Names: Mordy Rapp & Amir White

Company Name: VideoSparks


LinkedIn: Mordy on LinkedIn

Mordy Rapp
Mordy has a background in fine art, film and acting dating back to his teen years, he has developed a unique way of communicating his ideas into fun and exciting graphics. In addition to this, Mordy sports an honors B.A. in Marketing and Technology.

Amir White
Amir has always had a passion for film. Ever since he was a young, he could recall his days of yore, sitting behind the camera and capturing life, one frame at a time. As he got older, he continued his hobby while pursuing his B.A. in Bio-Technology. During this time, Amir partnered up with Mordy to form VideoSparks where he practices both KungFu disciplined motion graphics and awesome video production daily.

Torah Mentions
Rebbe Nachman – Tehillim is not only for when things are down, but also as a way to say thanks for when things are up. At Video Sparks whenever they close a sale instead of ringing a bell like some companies they break out their Tehillims and have a company wide Tehillim Reading.

Names of People Mentioned
Brian Spector, Producer Vision Palette
Jonathan Caras, CTO Glide
Amir’s Parents
Jon Stefansky, CEO ViewBix
Hillel Scheinfeld, COO ViewBix
Rabbi Nachum Wasosky, Founder of Geerz

Names of Businesses/Organizations Mentioned
Vision Palette
MR Productions (Mordy’s First Production Company)
Yeshivat Lev HaTorah
Zuta Labs (Pocket Printer)

“Treat your business partner like you would treat your spouse”, Jonathan Stefansky

Links Mentioned:
Zuta Labs Kickstarter Project

Recommended Resource: – Animation Video Tutorials

Charity Plug:


​​Geerz is a non-profit organization dedicated to helping youth to become the leaders of the next generation. We use the powerful tool of mountain biking ​to teach valuable lessons in leadership. Geerz implements a specifically designed curriculum teaching leadership skills. The curriculum is imparted during 24 rides with the teens. We succeed because mountain biking is an extreme sport that requires skill, attention and focus. While the youth are focused, they are absorbing the values of leadership.


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