In this episode of the podcast, I'm chatting with Betsy Castaneda about foods to eat for health and wellbeing.
We talk about avoiding certain foods to reduce inflammation, as well as specific super foods that can help.
We also discuss how nutrition can help prevent disease, and Betsy shares when she felt burnt out and how she overcame it. Tune in to hear all about it!
Hello and welcome back to the Be Well, Do Well podcast.
Amin Ahmed:Today I'm really excited to be chatting with Betsy Castaneda, and we're gonna be talking about nutrition and holistic wellness.
Amin Ahmed:we're also gonna be talking about a little bit of challenges that Betsy had, in her life and her career, and the pivot that she made, and I'm really excited to have this conversation.
Amin Ahmed:Betsy, welcome to the.
Betsy Castaneda:Thank you, Amin.
Betsy Castaneda:I'm really happy to be here and thank you for having me here.
Amin Ahmed:Oh, you're very welcome.
Amin Ahmed:So tell us a little bit about yourself.
Amin Ahmed:I know you're in Vancouver.
Amin Ahmed:I'm in Edmonton, and the Canadian medical system doesn't always look at wellness.
Amin Ahmed:So tell us a little bit about your background and how you see health, from your perspective as a nutritionist.
Betsy Castaneda:Yeah.
Betsy Castaneda:I was born in Colombia.
Betsy Castaneda:I immigrate here in 2011.
Betsy Castaneda:and I came from a background of, nutrition and dietetics.
Betsy Castaneda:I did a study in the university in the National University of Columbia and before immigrating to Canada, I did practice from 10 years.
Betsy Castaneda:since I was a child, my parents introduced me to all the holistic work.
Betsy Castaneda:So, my perspective of health.
Betsy Castaneda:Has been, like, around that, not just the normal medical system or the Western medical system because when we talk about this system, they, they treat people based on their symptoms, but they don't look beyond that.
Betsy Castaneda:What is the root causes of that symptoms?
Betsy Castaneda:when my parents, since I was a child, brought me around this world, I always understand and I learned that diseases are not only about symptoms or there are some root causes that are deeper than that.
Betsy Castaneda:And if you really want to help a person to heal, you need to explore the causes and address the causes because if no, the symptoms are going.
Betsy Castaneda:came back.
Betsy Castaneda:So you give the person the medicine and they get better, the symptoms disappear and maybe they are okay, but there is something that trigger that, again, I need come back until the root cause of that is addressed.
Betsy Castaneda:So I have experienced that kind of medicine since a child and I know what are the benefits and how well it works because, I think the relationship between a doctor and a patient need to be more, Address in a different way?
Betsy Castaneda:No, the way that medicine school or the, western medicine approach is, is doing it.
Betsy Castaneda:, I think it lacks of some components that are also important.
Betsy Castaneda:. Amin Ahmed: Yeah, absolutely.
Betsy Castaneda:I, I totally agree that in our Western medical system is, is really good for treating things, but you're right, in most cases it treats the symptoms.
Betsy Castaneda:It doesn't look at the causes of it and fix the cause.
Betsy Castaneda:Now, part of it, part of the problem that I see is that when you have a health issue, you go to the doctor and they prescribe medicine and gets rid of that and potentially causes other issues.
Betsy Castaneda:But is there something that, from a nutrition standpoint specifically, which I'm really interested in that.
Betsy Castaneda:, our listeners can use that simple, but it can help from a preventative standpoint.
Betsy Castaneda:So I'm, I'm thinking of different kinds of foods or foods to avoid and maybe foods they eat more of as well.
Betsy Castaneda:Yeah, totally.
Betsy Castaneda:And also I am going to talk also about holistic nutrition.
Betsy Castaneda:That is because we are not only what we eat, we are in part, we are what we eat, but we also are what we thought, our emotion, our spirituality, how we relate with other people.
Betsy Castaneda:Hmm.
Betsy Castaneda:So it need to be seen in this perspective to be really addressed and all kinds of levels, right?
Betsy Castaneda:And talking about a diet, it is really important that we eat whole foods.
Betsy Castaneda:, eh, society and maybe, eh, our TV commercials and everything is, are leading people to just eat, I will say in quotation marks, whatever.
Betsy Castaneda:Mm-hmm.
Betsy Castaneda:, but they are not teaching people how to choose their right food for them, because everybody has individual needs.
Betsy Castaneda:But if you ask me what foods everybody, needs to avoid.
Betsy Castaneda:There are like processed food.
Betsy Castaneda:Mm-hmm.
Betsy Castaneda:, processed food, sugar, obviously alcohol and all of these things that are artificial and have been developed just to make society poorly addicted to certain things that in reality are not giving real nourishment to your body.
Betsy Castaneda:And what kind of things do people.
Betsy Castaneda:a) Need to eat in order for your body to function in its a hundred percent potential will be whole foods like veggies, fruits, things that have fiber and that have five nutrients that are rich in nutrients that are essential for the body to function properly.
Betsy Castaneda:Because if your body lack of that nutrients, . It's like a car, right?
Betsy Castaneda:Your boy is like a car.
Betsy Castaneda:If you don't give them the right fuel, it's not going to work very well.
Betsy Castaneda:And in some point, I have meet people, let's say, oh, I eat all of this junk food and processed food and I don't have anything.
Betsy Castaneda:But at the end, At some point, it's like a load.
Betsy Castaneda:It's going up and up and up, and it just explode.
Betsy Castaneda:. And in some point you are going to have some health consequences if you are not aware or educated of what are the right things to eat.
Betsy Castaneda:And the food industry, in my own perspective is being leading people to believe that certain things are good.
Betsy Castaneda:In the truth, they are not really good.
Amin Ahmed:Interesting.
Amin Ahmed:So, Is there certain foods that, you mentioned whole foods cutting out alcohol and sugars and now we're, my family is vegetarian and when my wife was expecting everyone around us was saying, oh, you, you should eat meat.
Amin Ahmed:It's healthy for the baby.
Amin Ahmed:Cuz we weren't always vegetarian.
Amin Ahmed:We've been vegetarian for the last maybe 13, 14 years.
Amin Ahmed:But I remember, you know, family was very concerned, oh, your child won't be healthy unless you eat meat.
Amin Ahmed:So I'm curious from your perspective, you know, . Is eating meat a good thing, a bad thing, or is it just individual preference?
Betsy Castaneda:I think it depends on the person.
Betsy Castaneda:I do respect if the person can be, want to be vegetarian or vegan, or if they can eat meat.
Betsy Castaneda:Where I will recommend for people that eat meat is that don't do it in a, in a way that is no balance.
Betsy Castaneda:Because the body needs vegetables and fruits need that kind of fiber, need that kind of nutrients to function well.
Betsy Castaneda:And the studies has shown that meat has can be inflammatory.
Betsy Castaneda:Mm-hmm.
Betsy Castaneda:. So I will say for some people that have certain conditions to avoid that meat where they correct the problem, the cause, and if they want slowly introduce it and if it's really good for for you or not.
Betsy Castaneda:Your body is very intelligent.
Betsy Castaneda:If you learn to listen, it will tell you what is convenient or not.
Betsy Castaneda:For example, a person that has iron deficiency, maybe this person don't eat all the time meat, but in.
Betsy Castaneda:Points, the point can tell you just eat this because I need it at this time.
Betsy Castaneda:Mm-hmm.
Betsy Castaneda:, it's not something that need to be, be doing every, every day.
Betsy Castaneda:And what I found also with people that are vegetarian or vegan, is that third diets are very high in carbohydrates and are out of balance.
Betsy Castaneda:So if you are going to choose to be vegetarian and vegan, you need also some guidance and orientation in how to meet.
Betsy Castaneda:Requirements that, you know, body needs to function properly and not go into the other side because if you're going into the other side, there are some problems that can show up in the future.
Amin Ahmed:you mentioned inflammation in your body.
Amin Ahmed:Now most people that, study any kind of nutrition or you know, wellness, they know that inflammation is bad.
Amin Ahmed:But can you tell us what happens when your body has too much inflammation or when you consume food that causes too much inflammation?
Betsy Castaneda:Yeah, so inflammation is not like, In some point when it's showing you that there are something bad in your body that need to be corrected, and it's called acute inflammation.
Betsy Castaneda:Hm.
Betsy Castaneda:That happen.
Betsy Castaneda:And if you just treat and here it goes away.
Betsy Castaneda:But when the inflammation is chronic mm-hmm.
Betsy Castaneda:And it's something that you don't notice.
Betsy Castaneda:You don't notice that you insides are inflammated or your body in general.
Betsy Castaneda:Are Inflamma, for example, people that has obesity, has chronic inflammation, and what happened is that that triggered the immune system always.
Betsy Castaneda:So their immune system is not working properly because the immune system is thinking, oh, there is something that I need to fight.
Betsy Castaneda:the body need to correct.
Betsy Castaneda:Right.
Betsy Castaneda:But it's no, it's like this chronical condition is making your immune system to activate permanently and is not going to help you in any way.
Betsy Castaneda:Yeah.
Betsy Castaneda:So, so it's, it's important to differentiate that inflammation is not totally good if it's necessary.
Betsy Castaneda:It's a mechanism from the body to show that something is not going well over there.
Betsy Castaneda:But if it converts to chronic is a problem, it generates a problem.
Amin Ahmed:I see.
Amin Ahmed:Are there any foods that help reduce inflammation?
Betsy Castaneda:Yes.
Betsy Castaneda:Vegetables.
Betsy Castaneda:All the foods that ha are high in phytonutrients and micronutrients, vitamins and minerals help the body to reduce inflammation.
Betsy Castaneda:So veggies and also, fruits and also superfoods that they are called now.
Betsy Castaneda:Superfoods, they reduce inflammation in the boil.
Amin Ahmed:What are some examples of super foods?
Betsy Castaneda:For example, a spirulina or for example, there are other components that are high in antioxidants it helps to reduce inflammation course.
Betsy Castaneda:. Amin Ahmed: I see, I see.
Betsy Castaneda:Yeah.
Betsy Castaneda:We have a breakfast shake that we make every morning.
Betsy Castaneda:Mm-hmm.
Betsy Castaneda:, and we put a little scoop of spirulina and chlorella in it.
Betsy Castaneda:I'm not sure, you know, it's not something that I notice soon as I take it, but I've noticed over the long term, by having it, I just feel generally better, less tired, less irritable, less hungry.
Betsy Castaneda:Sometimes it's quite fascinating,
Betsy Castaneda:Yeah, because you are given to your body there right nutrients to work with, right?
Betsy Castaneda:And your cells, the foundation that are really nourished and helping you, your body to perform a hundred percent.
Betsy Castaneda:So that is, when you change your diet, sometimes people, when they change their diet , they are going to notice that their body respond differently, and you also are going to notice that you are nourish.
Betsy Castaneda:and your body are going to start to say, oh, I don't want that anymore.
Betsy Castaneda:Right.
Betsy Castaneda:I don't want, for example, I don't wanna that Coca-Cola or I don't want that candy because the body.
Betsy Castaneda:now that it is detoxified because you are getting, avoiding all these other foods.
Betsy Castaneda:What is really important for for it to function for the body to function?
Amin Ahmed:I totally agree with that.
Amin Ahmed:I remember when I first, tried to become vegetarian, I said, okay, I'm gonna try for one month.
Amin Ahmed:And what I did is I ate the exact same food, minus the meat, and at the end of the month, my body was craving meat like a really, really wanted meat.
Amin Ahmed:Then a couple of months later, we decide, okay.
Amin Ahmed:you know, we're not gonna try to become vegetarian, but we just happened to eat no meat for the whole week.
Amin Ahmed:But we were eating other things.
Amin Ahmed:Like our Indian diet has a lot of lentils, has a lot of, beans and, and rice and that sort of thing.
Amin Ahmed:And I remember at the end of the week I was, I was fine.
Amin Ahmed:I, you know, I wasn't craving anything.
Amin Ahmed:So we said, let's try for a month.
Amin Ahmed:A month became six months, and it became a year.
Amin Ahmed:And I remember at one point, I had the option, we went to a wedding and they had roast beef at the end, and then they had the, dinner buffet and there was this broccoli and carrots and, and that sort of stir fry type thing.
Amin Ahmed:And I remember thinking, I really want that broccoli and I don't want the meat much at all.
Amin Ahmed:And that's when I knew, I was like, okay.
Amin Ahmed:You know, I, I think I'm fully vegetarian now because I actually want broccoli over meat.
Amin Ahmed:And it was an interesting thing.
Betsy Castaneda:Yeah.
Betsy Castaneda:And something important that you mentioned is at the beginning your body was craving meat because maybe you were not giving the essential amino acids that, or the, or the panel of the total amino acid acid that you have.
Betsy Castaneda:That is something that meat has, right?
Betsy Castaneda:But when once you learn how to transition to that and give to your body, Nutrients that are essential.
Betsy Castaneda:Cause you know, amino acids are the building blocks of protein.
Betsy Castaneda:And protein is what our body are made from, right?
Betsy Castaneda:Mm-hmm.
Betsy Castaneda:for the muscles, the organ and everything.
Betsy Castaneda:So when you give your body from the plant-based perspective, all this pool of amino acids, it, the body knows how to work with that, right?
Betsy Castaneda:So it's when you say, okay, now I understand how this works.
Betsy Castaneda:. Amin Ahmed: Exactly, And when it comes to nutrition, one of the things that I think a lot of people try to do is they use nutrition to either lose weight or to feel better and have more energy.
Betsy Castaneda:but the other side of this is preventative, so preventing diseases and illness.
Betsy Castaneda:And I know that you had worked, with patients that had degenerative diseases like Alzheimer's, and also cancer.
Betsy Castaneda:, can you talk a little bit about how nutrition played a part in, in, in helping those patients?
Betsy Castaneda:Yeah.
Betsy Castaneda:I, I work with people with degenerative diseases and cancer and in, in that perspective, first while the studying of the cancer that the patient has, it has different approaches.
Betsy Castaneda:And what is the therapy that they are receiving too?
Betsy Castaneda:But at the end, the goal is to nourish their bodies really well because, for example, chemo is getting, like is killing all your cells.
Betsy Castaneda:Not only the cancer cells is also killing the good cells in your body.
Betsy Castaneda:So how we can nourish these people in a deep level with whatever they are accepting.
Betsy Castaneda:of the therapist, they don't accept everything.
Betsy Castaneda:They sometimes reject some foods, and that is individual, with them, you need to really understand how their body is going to accept or reject certain things and how you help them to nourish the cells in order for.
Betsy Castaneda:them to rebilitate on an extreme way.
Betsy Castaneda:It's a beautiful work.
Betsy Castaneda:It was really like, close to my heart.
Betsy Castaneda:Mm-hmm.
Betsy Castaneda:. I really also, eh, like to work with them because they are very honest.
Betsy Castaneda:They are very open, they are very authentic.
Betsy Castaneda:They just like, yeah, I'm here.
Betsy Castaneda:and they can be vulnerable and they are not thinking, what is this person going to think?
Betsy Castaneda:Or, eh, I better don't say this because I, I know she told me otherwise that I did other thing, or no, they don't have that kind of judgment.
Amin Ahmed:it must be really, meaningful and if, you know, rewarding to work with patients that are receptive, first of all, but also see results from it.
Amin Ahmed:Now, one of the things we talked about a little bit before we, hit record on this episode is that you were working in a role where you felt, emotionally and, physically just overwhelmed with the amount of work and you burnt out.
Amin Ahmed:Can you tell us a little bit about, how that felt and when you realized that you actually had burnt out.
Betsy Castaneda:Yeah, so I was working as an employment counselor and I was working with people that experienced or were victims of domestic violence and abuse.
Betsy Castaneda:So emotionally, that role was very charged.
Betsy Castaneda:And also in terms of the load of work that I needed to do, it was also a lot because these people don't function normally.
Betsy Castaneda:So, You can give them some time instructions, but they cannot follow the instructions.
Betsy Castaneda:So at the end, if I need it, I told them, let's, I want explain you how to do your resume.
Betsy Castaneda:We are going to start the resume together and you go home, you finish the resume and I just review it the next time.
Betsy Castaneda:Right?
Betsy Castaneda:But next time it was like, no resume, because they don't have the capacity of doing that work.
Betsy Castaneda:Their brain is affected.
Betsy Castaneda:in its functionality.
Betsy Castaneda:So I was doing their work, my work , everybody's working . So, and also the emotional, sometimes the, the appointments, eh and no being like about employment counseling.
Betsy Castaneda:It was ending about just counseling because they need to get out, right?
Betsy Castaneda:The things that they were going through, and they were not in a place that me explained.
Betsy Castaneda:How you can maintain a job, how can you interview well, or how they can just do a resume in a proper way.
Betsy Castaneda:So they were not in the space and I need to respect the space that the person was at the moment.
Betsy Castaneda:Right?
Betsy Castaneda:So it was emotionally very hard too.
Betsy Castaneda:I think that, I, I am very highly intuitive person, but also I am highly sensitive and sometimes energy and emotion.
Betsy Castaneda:affect me as well.
Betsy Castaneda:Mm-hmm.
Betsy Castaneda:, so it was a point that I start feeling really tired.
Betsy Castaneda:I start having panic attacks.
Betsy Castaneda:I start feeling that I didn't have energy for anything, not even for cooking my own food.
Betsy Castaneda:I have two friends that were sometimes going to my apartment and cook for me.
Betsy Castaneda:. And if they cook, I eat.
Betsy Castaneda:If they don't cook, I don't eat, or I eat whatever.
Betsy Castaneda:Like really, I cannot even say , like even a like pizza, what?
Betsy Castaneda:Whatever I found.
Betsy Castaneda:Right?
Betsy Castaneda:and it was a hard time, so it was a day that I tried to went to work and I a right day, but I was not able to do anything, so I went to.
Betsy Castaneda:A walk in clinic and I talked to the doctor and the doctor just assessed me and told me, okay, you need a break and you need to really think if this work is really for you or no.
Betsy Castaneda:And he start to asking me also, what would you doing when you were in Colombia, how that works for you?
Betsy Castaneda:How, how is environment?
Betsy Castaneda:How you feel.
Betsy Castaneda:This was a doctor in the medical system with a, with another, Perspective about medicine.
Betsy Castaneda:So it was like, I think I was blessed to be seen by him because it wasn't, it was in a walking clinic.
Betsy Castaneda:Right?
Betsy Castaneda:So he really listen and he really tend to understand things that usually doctors don't do.
Betsy Castaneda:in, in our system here.
Betsy Castaneda:Mm-hmm.
Betsy Castaneda:so, I, I start thinking and, and I just decided to go back to my passion with nutrition and to, eh, help people in different way with, with, with nutrition, no, with, employment.
Betsy Castaneda:C.
Amin Ahmed:Right.
Amin Ahmed:And that's an amazing, realization that you had there.
Amin Ahmed:And I know we, we often say that our medical system is flawed in that sense, but there are doctors that, you know, I wanna acknowledge that there are doctors that are really good and they listen to that and they, you know, they, they prescribe exercise sometimes, right?
Amin Ahmed:Like those are, you know, really good, well-rounded doctors.
Amin Ahmed:we just need more of them, I think.
Betsy Castaneda:Yeah.
Betsy Castaneda:And he told me, just go out to nature.
Betsy Castaneda:I remember he told me he, he was new here.
Betsy Castaneda:He come from Ireland.
Betsy Castaneda:Okay, so yeah, he was an Irish doctor and is, yeah, different, different perspective.
Betsy Castaneda:He then told me, because I went before to my like regular doctor, my bad family doctor.
Betsy Castaneda:Mm-hmm.
Betsy Castaneda:, and he said that I was depressed and he want to put me into depression pills, and I told him I stand, I stand up for myself.
Betsy Castaneda:That I think is really important for every to everybody.
Betsy Castaneda:Doctors has a lot of educations, but they are no, they don't have the last words.
Betsy Castaneda:Sometimes if it's a trauma situation, yes, they do have the last word.
Betsy Castaneda:Right, because they are saving your life.
Betsy Castaneda:Yeah.
Betsy Castaneda:But in these kind of situations, It's important that people see their perspectives.
Betsy Castaneda:And I knew I wasn't depressed.
Betsy Castaneda:Maybe in the assessment I was showing some symptoms of depressions, right.
Betsy Castaneda:Of depression.
Betsy Castaneda:But because I was burnt out and I, I was telling him I'm not depressed, I'm just extremely exhausted.
Betsy Castaneda:But he didn't listen.
Betsy Castaneda:And I say, okay, I'm not going to take your medicine.
Betsy Castaneda:, I'm out of here.
Betsy Castaneda:, literally . And that, that's why I went to the walking clinic because a really close friend of mine told me he has, injury.
Betsy Castaneda:And he went to that walking clinic and he say, oh, this doctor received me.
Betsy Castaneda:He's new.
Betsy Castaneda:And I, I think he's a really good doctor.
Betsy Castaneda:He really listen, go there.
Betsy Castaneda:And I was so blessed enough to be received by the same.
Betsy Castaneda:. Yeah.
Betsy Castaneda:That's wonderful.
Betsy Castaneda:Yeah.
Betsy Castaneda:Yeah.
Betsy Castaneda:So it was like, yeah, different perspective.
Betsy Castaneda:He say, go to nature.
Betsy Castaneda:Go outside and I see you in three weeks and we assess again.
Amin Ahmed:That's wonderful.
Amin Ahmed:I love that.
Amin Ahmed:that's, that's a great doctor.
Amin Ahmed:I like hearing the full circle where you started with nutrition, went to something else that you thought you may like, and then you came back and you have this realization that nutrition is your thing.
Amin Ahmed:So is, is there something right now in, in your, in your life, in your work that you're really excited about that you know, helps you get up in the morning and you're just ready to go for it?
Betsy Castaneda:Yeah.
Betsy Castaneda:I'm building my own business.
Betsy Castaneda:So that is very exciting.
Betsy Castaneda:It has like a lot of ups and downs.
Betsy Castaneda:. Yeah.
Betsy Castaneda:And yeah.
Betsy Castaneda:But I'm excited that I am in my mission and I'm excited that with this work I can really impact people's life and help them to be the best version of their self.
Betsy Castaneda:Mm-hmm.
Betsy Castaneda:I'm, I'm happy.
Betsy Castaneda:I'm happy every day that I'm doing like steps to like grow my business and, and reach my goals too.
Betsy Castaneda:Right.
Betsy Castaneda:In life.
Betsy Castaneda:But it's, it's really nice to know that you can, at least put a seed on people's life.
Betsy Castaneda:Mm-hmm.
Betsy Castaneda:, that maybe the seed needs time to grow, but at the end when you see the changes in your client.
Betsy Castaneda:and you see them happy.
Betsy Castaneda:That is very rewarding.
Amin Ahmed:Hmm, that sounds amazing.
Amin Ahmed:That sounds amazing.
Amin Ahmed:businesses are always challenging in the beginning to get started and, you know, when you start to see results and you start to help people, that that feeling is, you know, I don't, I don't wanna use the word addictive, but it's, it's, it sticks with you and you, you want that more and more.
Amin Ahmed:So I'm really excited.
Amin Ahmed:For you, is there a specific clientele that you want to work with?
Amin Ahmed:Is it women or men?
Amin Ahmed:younger, older.
Betsy Castaneda:I'm now actually shifting my, my business a little bit.
Betsy Castaneda:I'm focusing on entrepreneurs right now that want to learn and understand how nourish really well their bodies so they can be the way, the best version of themselves and how to prevent or burnout and how to manage the way.
Betsy Castaneda:In, healthy manner.
Betsy Castaneda:And also how to make their digestive health really well because there's, these are foundations and as I was born out before, I know where are the consequences and I know how, how hard that is in people.
Betsy Castaneda:And so if I can, if they can prevent.
Betsy Castaneda:, they don't need to go to pass through, that situation.
Betsy Castaneda:it takes time to recover from that.
Amin Ahmed:Definitely.
Amin Ahmed:I think you've, you've chosen an audience that really needs this right now.
Amin Ahmed:As an entrepreneur myself, I know how hard sometimes things can be.
Amin Ahmed:I always say that it's like a roller coaster ride at the top.
Amin Ahmed:It's really good, and at the bottom it's really not good.
Amin Ahmed:And, uh, you, you go through that back and forth.
Amin Ahmed:, the toll it takes on your, on your body and your mind and your, your, your soul right, is sometimes quite difficult.
Amin Ahmed:And if there's something that can be done to help with that, that's amazing.
Betsy Castaneda:Yeah.
Betsy Castaneda:And also I think that entrepreneurs sometimes they say, oh, I don't have time.
Betsy Castaneda:I don't have time.
Betsy Castaneda:I cannot cook.
Betsy Castaneda:I cannot choose good food.
Betsy Castaneda:No, there is time and there is a way to choose what is nourishing for your body.
Betsy Castaneda:There are many ways that you can.
Betsy Castaneda:So it's like it's educating the person to learn how to do that.
Amin Ahmed:Exactly.
Amin Ahmed:Exactly.
Amin Ahmed:So, well, this has been really interesting.
Amin Ahmed:I'm really happy that we had a chance to connect.
Amin Ahmed:this has been really enlightening for me.
Amin Ahmed:If somebody wanted to learn more about you and your services, where can they find.
Betsy Castaneda:So I do have my Instagram page, which is, elite with double E at the end Food Therapy by Betsy.
Amin Ahmed:Okay.
Amin Ahmed:Elite Food Therapy by Betsy.
Amin Ahmed:We'll put that in the show notes.
Betsy Castaneda:And also my website is www elite food
Amin Ahmed:Okay, perfect.
Betsy Castaneda:And yeah, and also they can contact me by email, And is
Amin Ahmed:Perfect.
Amin Ahmed:I'll put all of that in the show notes.
Amin Ahmed:Betsy, thank you so much.
Amin Ahmed:I really appreciate your time and your energy and all the knowledge that you've shared with us today.
Betsy Castaneda:Thank you, Amin, for having me.
Amin Ahmed:You're welcome.
Amin Ahmed:Take care.
Betsy Castaneda:Yeah, you too.