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From Stillness to Success with Ken Kladouris
Episode 2233rd November 2022 • Beyond Adversity with Dr. Brad Miller • Dr Brad Miller
00:00:00 00:36:53

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Ken is an entrepreneur, author, speaker, new media host, and wealth advisor.

He believes that by learning the tools and strategies that you need to shift your focus into overdrive, you can realize your true calling, set your targets, and achieve your goals. 

In this episode, Ken talks about his defining moment. How he had his great awakening from his deep slumber and how he got himself out of being stuck because of what society has been telling him to do throughout all the years he’s lived.

He also talks about how everything started. From getting his undergraduate degree in finance, got the job he wanted and worked his way up to being a branch manager in a financial services firm.

He had a lot of early success in his career, and it had gotten to the point where people in his circle were shocked at the level of success he had achieved. It took him aback.

This is when he felt “stuck”. He felt like he couldn’t go any higher. And every day was just the same for him.

It was only when he went on vacation to the Cayman Islands that he realized for the first time in a long time, he had nothing to do.

To him, it felt like all his limiting beliefs, and everything that he thought got him where he was felt kind of washed away.

It was an incredible experience for him. He felt full potential in abundance, with the ability to do anything I wanted. That was the moment when he decided that he needed to change his life, reach the next level, and be the best version of himself.

He had found his glorious purpose.

Episode 223 of The Beyond Adversity Podcast is a must-listen for those who want to go beyond and strive to be better, people who seek alignment in life so they can focus on moving forward, who are willing to learn more, grow more, invest more and go for more and those choosing their better future, to live the life they were meant to live.

“The Beyond Adversity Podcast with Dr. Brad Miller is published weekly with the mission of helping people “Grow Through What They Go Through” as they navigate adversity and discover their promised life of peace, prosperity, and purpose.





Brad Miller::

Ken Kladouris is with us today from

Brad Miller::

And he believes that you should live a life by design, and not by happenstance.

Brad Miller::

And he is all about helping people to get more life in their years here and now.

Brad Miller::

And we'll be talking about his expertise to financial planning field but other things as well,

Brad Miller::

because he's a deeply rooted man in his in his thought processes.

Brad Miller::

And he's going to help us to work through several things here today.

Brad Miller::

He's got a deep connection to the environment through the ocean and other things that he's involved with.

Brad Miller::

And his book is called get there in his course of stillness to success.

Brad Miller::

Ken Kladouris, welcome to Beyond Adversity!

Ken Kladouris::

Thanks for having me, Brad. I'm excited to join you today on the podcast.

Brad Miller::

Well, I think we're gonna have good conversation,

Brad Miller::

because we talk here on the Beyond Adversity Podcast about the things that keep people stuck.

Brad Miller::

And there are several things get people stuck, that's mental health issues, physical health issues,

Brad Miller::

and there is matters of life and death. And then there's also financial issues.

Brad Miller::

And we're going to touch on several of those here today,

Brad Miller::

and you kind of specialize in the financial field, but one of the things you talk about

Brad Miller::

in some of the information we have about you is that you have had a great awakening in your life

Brad Miller::

that led led you to do some of the things you're doing now.

Brad Miller::

When I hear someone say something like you've had a great awakening.

Brad Miller::

That means you had to awake from something

Brad Miller::

that you were kind of asleep or something that used the metaphor there before.

Brad Miller::

So I'd like to hear a little bit about your story a little bit.

Brad Miller::

What was your life like when you are at whatever this asleep stage was?

Brad Miller::

What was the defining moment that caused you to have a great awakening?

Brad Miller::

And how that kind of leads you to what you're doing now?

Ken Kladouris::

Yeah. So I'd say like, as you put it asleep, time was really kind of the adversity time of my life, if you will.

Ken Kladouris::

And so, really, I just done what society had told me to do.

Ken Kladouris::

And I feel like that is where a lot of people get stuck. And that's where I got stuck.

Ken Kladouris::

So basically, I did my undergraduate degree in finance, MBA and finance,

Ken Kladouris::

got the job I wanted, worked my way up to being a branch manager in a financial services firm,

Ken Kladouris::

and had a lot of early success in my career.

Ken Kladouris::

And I'd gotten to the point where people in my circle

Ken Kladouris::

were shocked at the level of success I'd achieved.

Ken Kladouris::

And I remember when somebody told me like, Wow, I'm so shocked you were able to do that.

Ken Kladouris::

And it kind of it kind of took me back. And my mentors and things at that time

Ken Kladouris::

didn't have the best mentors at that point.

Ken Kladouris::

We all just kind of lived at the same level, and every day was kind of a routine.

Ken Kladouris::

And that's why I think I was stuck. Right? I'd hit not necessarily glass ceiling,

Ken Kladouris::

but the level of which I didn't think I could go any higher.

Ken Kladouris::

And so every day was, again, right to go to the office, talk to people do the work,

Ken Kladouris::

I needed to do go to happy hour, go to a networking event, whatever it may be.

Ken Kladouris::

And that was kind of every day.

Ken Kladouris::

And so with that, you know, I didn't know that there was anything possible beyond that, if that makes sense.

Brad Miller::

So yeah, you were in the financial services industry,

Brad Miller::

but so you probably weren't actually technically punching a time clock,

Brad Miller::

but you kind of had this mentality of go in at 9 to 5, you know, whatever it was.

Brad Miller::

Do the same routine, the same things that happened, and obviously,

Brad Miller::

you were not satisfied with that, because you made some changes.

Brad Miller::

Was there any particular moment that you kind of had an aha moment?

Brad Miller::

You said, Okay, you see, a lot of people can stay there in that situation for 40 years,

Brad Miller::

whatever it is and they stay stuck in those situations you chose not to.

Brad Miller::

Is there any defining moment when you just said,

Brad Miller::

Okay, I just can't do this anymore.

Brad Miller::

I gotta find some different way.

Brad Miller::

Was there that kind of that thing that flipped the switch for you?

Ken Kladouris::

Yeah. So there was a moment like that.

Ken Kladouris::

An interesting thing, it what didn't happen in the environment of my everyday life, right.

Ken Kladouris::

So in life in everyday practice, like I was content with where I was.

Ken Kladouris::

It wasn't until I left that environment, and was actually on vacation at the in the Cayman Islands.

Ken Kladouris::

And for the first time, in a long time, I didn't have anything to do.

Ken Kladouris::

Really relaxed into the week I was gonna be there.

Ken Kladouris::

And there was one day in the middle where we had no plans and for me,

Ken Kladouris::

that was completely different than my everyday life. E

Ken Kladouris::

veryday life was very controlling OCD. Everything has to be instructured,

Ken Kladouris::

this is what has to occur through the day.

Ken Kladouris::

So sitting there, you know, on the patio listening to the waves crash,

Ken Kladouris::

having coffee with the whole day open, was very different than anything I was used to.

Ken Kladouris::

And sitting there, just enjoying that moment,

Ken Kladouris::

as the waves kind of crashed and like went back out into the water

Ken Kladouris::

and came in and went out, it kind of like lulled me into very calm place.

Ken Kladouris::

And all of a sudden, like a light switch went off, or on depending on how you wanna look at it.

Ken Kladouris::

And I had felt like all of my limiting beliefs,

Ken Kladouris::

all of my past everything that I had thought got me to where I was,

Ken Kladouris::

had kind of washed away. And I was left sitting in full potential in abundance,

Ken Kladouris::

with the ability to do anything I wanted. And it was an incredible experience.

Ken Kladouris::

And that's the moment where I decided that I needed to change my life,

Ken Kladouris::

reach the next level and be the best version of myself.

Brad Miller::

Awesome, awesome. So you have this moment of clarity, in a moment of purpose.

Brad Miller::

that you are not satisfied where you're at, and you're going to do something about it.

Brad Miller::

You had a moment of shift shifting direction in life,

Brad Miller::

And so, I'd like to talk to you for a minute Ken, about what you actually did do about it.

Brad Miller::

Because you know, there's a lot of people who go on vacation

Brad Miller::

and say, oh, man, this is great to get back and relax,

Brad Miller::

and then they jump right back into the grind when they get back in the office on the following Monday.

Brad Miller::

You know, you know, you had a process and you were motivated to do some things.

Brad Miller::

I'm interested in some of the actions that you took to accomplish this.

Brad Miller::

This dream and venture I'm sure led you to write in your book

Brad Miller::

and to change your your employment situation, and that type of thing.

Brad Miller::

What were the actions that you took?

Ken Kladouris::

When I got home, my life was waiting for me just as I left it,

Ken Kladouris::

and was right back into the grind. Right, I was managing an office,

Ken Kladouris::

it was right back into that. But I think that I was lucky in the fact that

Ken Kladouris::

I had experienced to my core, that feeling of abundance and freedom.

Ken Kladouris::

And so I knew I could live in that place. I just needed to find the tools to help me do that.

Ken Kladouris::

And so when I got back, I jumped into all of the personal development,

Ken Kladouris::

I could whether it was meditation, stillness, Zen.

Ken Kladouris::

I also did a bunch of sales, trainings, career training, double down on my coaching,

Ken Kladouris::

whatever I could do to just get more information

Ken Kladouris::

and really peel back all of those things that were holding me back,

Ken Kladouris::

so that I can live in that place of abundance.

Brad Miller::

So you were dealing in areas that I'm assuming you were a little bit different,

Brad Miller::

a little bit different than where you are kind of purely

Brad Miller::

on the financial services or sales training, this type of thing.

Brad Miller::

You're starting to get into self development now and meditations and other things like this.

Brad Miller::

You mentioned stillness. And so I'm interested now then Ken,

Brad Miller::

and then what you discovered in this time, it sounds sounds to me,

Brad Miller::

like you went through what I often call my teaching a wilderness time.

Brad Miller::

You got to have kind of a wilderness time when you kind of wonder

Brad Miller::

and you learn and you kind of go introspective,

Brad Miller::

and you deal with some you the pain and the discomfort that comes with this.

Brad Miller::

And I'm wondering, in this process,

Brad Miller::

if you were able to somehow make some sort of a connection to some something greater than self,

Brad Miller::

or some higher power or some sensitivity that there is something more to life than this.

Brad Miller::

And there's for some people, this is religion,

Brad Miller::

some people's meditation, for some folks, it's something different.

Brad Miller::

Maybe it's a great teacher. Was there anything like this with you?

Brad Miller::

Where you made it connected to something a little bit metaphysical?

Ken Kladouris::

Yeah, so definitely, for me, it was meditation and just tapping into that infinite possibility

Ken Kladouris::

that is the universe that we live in. And stepping out of the noise

Ken Kladouris::

and the chatter in my own head.

Brad Miller::

So you step into noise and chatter your own head and what were some of things you did to do that,

Brad Miller::

because you had to take some action, and you went to this deeper place.

Brad Miller::

So what were some of the things you did?

Ken Kladouris::

So obviously, I learned how to meditate.

Ken Kladouris::

Got my personal mantra and was meditating twice a day,

Ken Kladouris::

reading a lot of the books on it going to different like seminars,

Ken Kladouris::

really trying to get all the information I could in the meditation,

Ken Kladouris::

and also, again, doing it twice a day, to really just drop back into that meditative state.

Ken Kladouris::

Slip into that, you know, openness and that stillness in the gap of the meditations

Ken Kladouris::

and continually do that every day to create more stillness and met thought clarity.

Ken Kladouris::

And then from that, I think that the biggest shift I had after I started meditating was I did a week in silence.

Ken Kladouris::

And that was really when, like, I took my meditations to the next level.

Ken Kladouris::

Because you realize, for me personally,

Ken Kladouris::

all of the thoughts I was having in my head aren't necessarily true, right?

Ken Kladouris::

They're just thoughts and stories that I've created.

Ken Kladouris::

And when you're in silence, you don't get to share those stories with anybody.

Ken Kladouris::

You don't even get to speak them out to yourself.

Ken Kladouris::

So you realize that that thought of whatever it may be, will disappear.

Ken Kladouris::

And magically, another thought will appear, and that that cycle never stops.

Ken Kladouris::

And when you can't, again, verbalize and make your thoughts real, they start to quiet down.

Ken Kladouris::

And once I had that type of deep stillness, really everything changed for me.

Brad Miller::

It sounds like this is a real important time was a no,

Brad Miller::

the topic of your course we're going to talk about in a few minutes is all about stillness,

Brad Miller::

and how that was transformative for you. was so it was this stillness time, this week of silence?

Brad Miller::

Was this a part of a organized group? You know, did you do this on your own?

Brad Miller::

I'm familiar with silent retreats and these type of things.

Brad Miller::

Was this part of some organized a process that you went through?

Ken Kladouris::

Yeah. So I'm with a certified Chopra group, Chopar International

Ken Kladouris::

as a meditation instructor, and that meditation retreat was with that group.

Brad Miller::

So you had some direction, some coaching as it were,

Brad Miller::

and what to do during this process,

Brad Miller::

because they're in that sub particles part of the portal,

Brad Miller::

what you want to do, then in those types of things is what you did is not only go deep,

Brad Miller::

but to go deep to find the next step and where you're going to go next.

Brad Miller::

So some people want to try to get out here a little bit.

Brad Miller::

Some people go inner life, and they did get kind of dissolved in their own misery,

Brad Miller::

they could kind of dissolve in their own stuff.

Brad Miller::

But they were, where I'm taking that,

Brad Miller::

in writing your book and doing your course and the things you're doing now,

Brad Miller::

you've transformed your personal transformation has led you then to be seeking to be helpful to other people.

Brad Miller::

But I'm interested, before we get a little more into your book into your course,

Brad Miller::

I'm interested in and what some of the practices you did

Brad Miller::

after your time of transformation, compared to before, for instance.

Brad Miller::

Was meditation and silent periods of time a part of your life and lifestyle

Brad Miller::

before you had just this aha moment.

Brad Miller::

Was it anywhere in there?

Ken Kladouris::

Not even your life? Nope. Okay. It wasn't even like, think about

Brad Miller::

You're kind of whatever go getter and all that kind of stuff,

Brad Miller::

corporate ladder, that type of thing, I assume, right?

Brad Miller::

So tell me just a bit how in practical terms, kind of your day, you had this retreat,

Brad Miller::

the Silent Retreat, but in day to day terms,

Brad Miller::

and how you disciplined or the practices of your life, maybe daily routines, or morning routines, or whatever, how they are different now or after your transformation, compared before. I'm interested in the cognitive play piece here at Cannes, where we apply what we've learned to our everyday life.

Ken Kladouris::

Yeah. So before, there wasn't really any reflection or time for myself,

Ken Kladouris::

it was reacting to whatever was occurring at the office, the thoughts I had,

Ken Kladouris::

whatever I needed to do on a daily basis was just getting done,

Ken Kladouris::

and there was no structure per se.

Ken Kladouris::

So then you fast forward to like today,

Ken Kladouris::

I have a morning routine, a night routine, and a lot more structure in my day.

Ken Kladouris::

But the funny thing is that even with the more structure,

Ken Kladouris::

I have more freedom, which almost sounds counterintuitive.

Ken Kladouris::

But the structure allows me to be more productive in the time of doing things.

Ken Kladouris::

And so to give you some insight on like my daily routine, right,

Ken Kladouris::

I wake up, I meditate for 20 minutes. And then I go into like a gratitude journal.

Ken Kladouris::

And then I review all of my goals for the day, for the year, and then long term goals.

Ken Kladouris::

And then from there, I actually visualize and write out how I want my day to play out.

Ken Kladouris::

And then I also list one thing that I want to try to attract or bring into my life

Ken Kladouris::

that I think will help me move forward and my goals.

Ken Kladouris::

And I do that every morning.

Ken Kladouris::

And then I start working on whatever the most important thing is for the day.

Ken Kladouris::

So if I need to create content or I need to write or if I need to call clients,

Ken Kladouris::

whatever it is, that's going to be the most important thing of the day that gets done first,

Ken Kladouris::

because as we all know

Ken Kladouris::

Oh, at a certain point in the day to kind of start to lose control of it

Ken Kladouris::

and that you don't know who's going to call or need something,

Ken Kladouris::

or what's going to what fire is going to erupt, that you're going to need to take care of.

Ken Kladouris::

So if I know that the most important thing is done before those things start occurring,

Ken Kladouris::

at least I'm moving towards my goals on a daily basis.

Brad Miller::

And so you have kind of a prioritize,

Brad Miller::

you've set your intention for the day with your meditation,

Brad Miller::

and you have your priorities to accomplish.

Brad Miller::

But it sounds to me just from just getting to know you a little bit here today,

Brad Miller::

can you say that you accomplish more, and you're more productive?

Brad Miller::

It says you also did a much more at ease and peaceful than whatever you had before.

Brad Miller::

Perhaps it was frantic or angst ridden? I don't know. But is that fair to say in some regards?

Ken Kladouris::

Oh, yeah. 100%. I mean, before, I had a little bit of OCD,

Ken Kladouris::

stressed out about everything, and really felt like

Ken Kladouris::

I needed to control every aspect of my life and the people around me,

Ken Kladouris::

just to get things done at some level, right.

Ken Kladouris::

And now it's much more in flow and things just happen a little bit easier.

Brad Miller::

In that, that makes life a little more bearable to in terms of when when the bad things happen.

Brad Miller::

Because they do you know, when when life happens, you know, when there's health matters,

Brad Miller::

or financial matters, or whatever they are, they happen to all of us

Brad Miller::

and how we handle it makes all the difference.

Brad Miller::

And I think what you're given us here today,

Brad Miller::

Ken has some directions and instructions out of your own life that may be helpful to other people.

Brad Miller::

And I know you've you've written this book called get there

Brad Miller::

and you have a course called Stillness to Success all at your website

Brad Miller::

And people can access those. But there's got to be a reason that you wrote those,

Brad Miller::

it seems to me that this is you add some inclination,

Brad Miller::

how this process that not only to serve your own productivity,

Brad Miller::

but you had some sort of a moment when you said something to yourself the effect of okay,

Brad Miller::

I need to share this with others, or you were compelled to do that.

Brad Miller::

So tell us a little bit about that story.

Brad Miller::

And I like to say that's when we serve others with love, we care enough about others

Brad Miller::

that we want to serve them with love.

Brad Miller::

So tell me about the story of how you ended up writing this book

Brad Miller::

and do this course out of an inclination to want to help other people gain some sense of purpose as well.

Ken Kladouris::

Yeah, that's definitely the course, I would say that the book

Ken Kladouris::

was written more for myself in that it was a goal of mine.

Ken Kladouris::

Right, I kind of set the intention of I wanted to write a book.

Ken Kladouris::

And so many people that I was talking to are like,

Ken Kladouris::

Oh, I have a book I want to write to, or,

Ken Kladouris::

Oh, I started a book I never finished. It's really hard, right?

Ken Kladouris::

I was getting all this feedback. And I'm like, No, I know, I can write a book.

Ken Kladouris::

And so that, for me was more of my commitment to my development.

Ken Kladouris::

But it was the conversations I was having with clients, and things like that.

Ken Kladouris::

But the book, again, was just me being committed to my goal.

Ken Kladouris::

The course on the other hand, really,

Brad Miller::

The course just just in essence, the book is about financial planning services.

Brad Miller::

And this type of thing is that's kind of the core of the book get there.

Ken Kladouris::

Um, it's more about it's a little bit of that.

Ken Kladouris::

But it's really about identifying what your life financially you wanted to look like.

Ken Kladouris::

Right, so many people don't know, kind of what their plan is,

Ken Kladouris::

or have a clear understanding of what their goal is in retirement or for their financial life.

Ken Kladouris::

So it helps you get understanding of that understanding of the compounding effect of money,

Ken Kladouris::

how your spending habits can affect your ability to save,

Ken Kladouris::

and different things like that.

Ken Kladouris::

So it's really creating intention in your finances,

Ken Kladouris::

to put together a plan and start to do the actions you need to do to create the financial future you want.

Brad Miller::

And hopefully give people some peace of mind in that aspect of their life.

Brad Miller::

Which is such a point of anxiety and adversity for so many folks.

Brad Miller::

And yet, you really see like you poured your heart into this course

Brad Miller::

called stillness to success. So tell us about that.

Brad Miller::

What was your calling in my world? I'm the pastor, we talk a lot about calling,

Brad Miller::

which is just a journey, and it's something you got to do, you got to do,

Brad Miller::

and I sense this and you can do you felt like you had to do this course.

Brad Miller::

So tell us what's involved with this course. What led you to do it? What's in your heart about it?

Ken Kladouris::

Yeah. So in my financial advising and 1031 exchange business,

Ken Kladouris::

I spent a lot of time networking and meeting with people.

Ken Kladouris::

Basically every day and the conversations I was having with people were changing.

Ken Kladouris::

Not I was trying to ask different questions or anything, but they were noticing the shift in me.

Ken Kladouris::

And so they would start asking me questions about,

Ken Kladouris::

what I was doing on a daily basis to be more at ease,

Ken Kladouris::

create more success and still have this just like, fluid nature.

Ken Kladouris::

Because, again, that was a big shift for me.

Ken Kladouris::

And so as I was having these conversations,

Ken Kladouris::

I realized that a lot of people could benefit from the information.

Ken Kladouris::

And so I was teaching people, you know, how I was meditating,

Ken Kladouris::

and how we're structuring my day, so that they can start to see the results.

Ken Kladouris::

And, you know, during that time, I was like,

Ken Kladouris::

I feel like this is really valuable information,

Ken Kladouris::

I spent years kind of curating the content that's in the course.

Ken Kladouris::

And I was like, I could distill this into a very quick, easy course for people

Ken Kladouris::

to create more clarity and create the change they want in their life.

Ken Kladouris::

And so it was with that calling or understanding that I was like, I need to do this.

Ken Kladouris::

And that is how this course came to be.

Brad Miller::

So I think it's interesting, you know, when there's a whole lot of success courses out there,

Brad Miller::

they are all in one form or another,

Brad Miller::

you got to do action, a action b, and, you know, mindset and so on a lot of part of that.

Brad Miller::

But the aspect you're focusing in on your success course,

Brad Miller::

if you will, is the meditation, the stillness, the silence, that is here is

Brad Miller::

how does that differentiate you you think, from other, you know, success courses out there?

Ken Kladouris::

When I was starting on my journey,

Ken Kladouris::

I couldn't find anybody that was creating content that was about the communion

Ken Kladouris::

or connection with higher power, or the universe or whatever, and creating that mental clarity,

Ken Kladouris::

with success, right, it was kind of divided,

Ken Kladouris::

either you were pushing really hard to create the success you wanted,

Ken Kladouris::

or you were meditating in becoming a monk and living in a cave, right?

Ken Kladouris::

There was no one in the middle that says, you could live both ways,

Ken Kladouris::

and create the success you want with the happiness and have fulfillment in life.

Ken Kladouris::

And so that is how I live my life. And so that's how I wanted to present the content.

Brad Miller::

And so I do, I do think it does differentiate, because I do agree, you know,

Brad Miller::

Like I said, I'm a retired pastor, so I kind of come from that world.

Brad Miller::

And yet, there is aspects of people who, you know,

Brad Miller::

sometimes have a skewed view view of resources of money out of that world.

Brad Miller::

And then there's the extreme on the other side,

Brad Miller::

people who see resources, you know, money, that's where it's at,

Brad Miller::

and don't pay much attention to the inner life and that type of thing.

Brad Miller::

I happen to be one who believes that you not only can do both,

Brad Miller::

but there's plenty of evidence biblically.

Brad Miller::

And otherwise. That indicates again, you can have success in life with going the deep route, as well.

Brad Miller::

And I'd love to hear you say that, because I think there's a lot of folks out there

Brad Miller::

who are yearning and aching for some way,

Brad Miller::

how can I have peace in my life, and prosperity, that one day we let's say,

Brad Miller::

you're gonna be on the diversity, we help you find a pathway to peace, prosperity and purpose.

Brad Miller::

And I love what you're saying there about that.

Brad Miller::

So let's just say someone in our listening audience, and it's just taken

Brad Miller::

Okay, man, this sounds interesting, me, what are they going to find in your course?

Brad Miller::

What are you know, what are they? What are some of the tell us a little bit about the content?

Brad Miller::

And then maybe some exercises or what they are? Would it be have expectations about?

Ken Kladouris::

Yeah, so the course foundationally teaches you how to meditate.

Ken Kladouris::

So we give people a mantra, and give them some guidance on how to meditate

Ken Kladouris::

and start to develop that mental clarity.

Ken Kladouris::

And then from there, we outline their core values,

Ken Kladouris::

create a vision statement for themselves in the life they want to create,

Ken Kladouris::

understand any themes or content that brings them fulfillment and happiness.

Ken Kladouris::

Also, what areas of life that they feel they're struggling in

Ken Kladouris::

and need to work through to get their entire life up to the level they want.

Ken Kladouris::

Also, the fact I guess it could be that they right are two focused in one area,

Ken Kladouris::

maybe it's in career, and it's at the effect of every other aspect of their life.

Ken Kladouris::

So we help them create that understanding.

Ken Kladouris::

And then we elicit again, their values.

Ken Kladouris::

And then from there, outline what it is that they want to achieve.

Ken Kladouris::

Not only long term, but within the next year. And then on those one year goals.

Ken Kladouris::

We break it down into actionable steps that are nice and small,

Ken Kladouris::

so that they can take them and then they get a copy of my journal,

Ken Kladouris::

which teaches them again, kind of what I do the five principles of gratitude,

Ken Kladouris::

the five things you want to get done today, visualize that his visualization for the day.

Ken Kladouris::

And then again, what is it that one thing that you feel you could attract into your life

Ken Kladouris::

that would help you move forward on your goals.

Ken Kladouris::

So it creates that whole structure for them that they can review on a daily basis

Ken Kladouris::

to not only be consciously aware of it, but unconsciously aware as well.

Brad Miller::

So the results are going to come up with going through your courses,

Brad Miller::

they're going to have a plan, they're going to have a process to follow. Is that correct?

Ken Kladouris::

Yeah, they're gonna have a process to create this success,

Ken Kladouris::

defined as how they want success to be in their life, and then a plan to get there.

Brad Miller::

And that plan, may have a focus that is not only monetary,

Brad Miller::

is what I'm picking up on is not you know,

Brad Miller::

a lot of success things are just get X amount of money or

Brad Miller::

X amount of houses or boats or whatever it is.

Brad Miller::

But in your case, it's also having an inner, an inner purpose and inner success.

Ken Kladouris::

You know, really understanding if it is the material things that somebody's after, like,

Ken Kladouris::

what is the purpose behind that? That's really the fulfilling aspect of it.

Ken Kladouris::

Because yeah, I've, you know, I buy a lot of stuff.

Ken Kladouris::

And I can tell you, I've bought things that I thought were gonna make me happy.

Ken Kladouris::

And before the transaction is done, I'm like, okay,

Ken Kladouris::

I'm already bored with that, what's next. So the fulfillment doesn't come into things,

Ken Kladouris::

it comes in the deeper reasons behind why you're making those decisions.

Brad Miller::

Well, I think it's true, things are nice and everything, and having the peace of mind

Brad Miller::

that financial resources can bring is nice, but it's only that element,

Brad Miller::

it's not true cause and effect thing. It's not what I mean by that is there,

Brad Miller::

you can certainly have people who have a lot of money who are miserable,

Brad Miller::

you can people who have no money who are miserable.

Brad Miller::

Same token, you can have people with a lot of money who are

Brad Miller::

pleased and at peace, and people with very little money who have architecting their situation.

Brad Miller::

And it has to do with that inner life.

Brad Miller::

And so, but I believe we've had this pandemic, the last two years plus a COVID crisis,

Brad Miller::

but I believe we also have a pandemic, if you will, of anxiety out of meaning less nests in life.

Brad Miller::

And so people are seeking relief from the pandemic,

Brad Miller::

and other things in life from those type of things.

Brad Miller::

But they're also seeking your relief and meaning fullness in life.

Brad Miller::

And that's what you're being helpful to folks here.

Brad Miller::

And so, what I'd like for you to share, if you don't mind now,

Brad Miller::

Ken is about someone in you have encountered in your coaching,

Brad Miller::

or who's taken your course or read your books,

Brad Miller::

or maybe a personal encounter that you've seen,

Brad Miller::

something I've provided here has been helpful. I've seen some transformation here,

Brad Miller::

I'm interested in, you know, and based on a testimonial story about people who have described your teaching,

Ken Kladouris::

So the first person that comes to mind is kind of that person that was living,

Ken Kladouris::

that story you just shared, right? Kind of, in the pandemic,

Ken Kladouris::

very stressed, had a good job, but felt unfulfilled.

Ken Kladouris::

And because of the strains of the pandemic, on his relationships in his career,

Ken Kladouris::

he had gone from taking Xanax once a day, to three times a day,

Ken Kladouris::

just to get through the day, cuz he was so stressed.

Ken Kladouris::

And we were having this conversation,

Ken Kladouris::

you know about different things about the course he's like, you know,

Ken Kladouris::

I think that might help me, like, let's give it a shot.

Ken Kladouris::

And so, we started going through the process, and just the meditation alone.

Ken Kladouris::

A week later, he, you know, he called me was like, Oh, my God, I feel so much better.

Ken Kladouris::

I am relaxed. I don't take Xanax anymore.

Ken Kladouris::

Like, I'm starting to move in directions that I knew I should for years,

Ken Kladouris::

but I wasn't taking the steps, you know,

Ken Kladouris::

and he was starting to build momentum in every aspect of his life, just from that first piece.

Ken Kladouris::

And then we just kept accelerating it with, you know, the rest of the course.

Brad Miller::

And that's the type of thing that people can find in your course.

Brad Miller::

And it's certainly as gratifying to you and I think as of firming,

Brad Miller::

you tell me if I'm correct here.

Brad Miller::

All the transitions and things you've gone through it is gratifying to hear

Brad Miller::

when someone has taken your teaching is having success. How to stillness.

Ken Kladouris::

Correct. I mean, that's, that's why I created the course right is to

Ken Kladouris::

help people accelerate both on their learnings and create more success in their life.

Ken Kladouris::

Because I know that while I, you know, help him or any other student

Ken Kladouris::

that's gonna have an effect on their family, their community.

Ken Kladouris::

And as this gets larger, we can have an effect on the entire world.

Brad Miller::

Yeah, that's really awesome. It's all about joy and fulfillment, freedom,

Brad Miller::

all those things that come and and that's what folks can find. His name is Ken Kladouris,

Brad Miller::

and he has the book get there.

Brad Miller::

But he's really been focusing today about his course Stillness to Success.

Brad Miller::

And if folks in our audience here on Beyond Adversity want to find out

Brad Miller::

more about you can or about your book or about your course, how can they find out more about you?

Brad Miller::

How can they get connected to you?

Ken Kladouris::

Yeah, so all the information on our blog posts are on

Ken Kladouris::

If they want some free resources, you can go to

Ken Kladouris::

And both of those are great resources for people to start their journey

Ken Kladouris::

to creating more stillness in their life and then more success.

Brad Miller::

And we'll put connections and links to both of his websitesat

Brad Miller::

His website again, I'll just spell it just because of his name.

Brad Miller::

Spelling is

Brad Miller::

And then they the other website of your course website was stillness to me again plays with

Ken Kladouris::

Brad Miller::

Fascinating conversation here today.

Brad Miller::

And for us to understand the true value of what is really valuable in life.

Brad Miller::

You know, money is success as a part of it.

Brad Miller::

But real true success comes from peace of mind having purpose in life,

Brad Miller::

and then the prosperity will come as a part of that process.

Brad Miller::

Our guest today on the Beyond Adversity Podcast, Ken Kladouris,

Brad Miller::

we thank you for being our guest today.

Brad Miller::

Thank you, Ken.




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