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Your Relationship with Money: Mindset Shifts for Financial Success | RR302
Episode 30218th March 2025 • Relationships Rule • Janice Porter
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The way you think about money is just as important as how you spend or save it.

Chad Hufford brings a fresh perspective to financial planning, showing how shifting your mindset around money can open doors to real financial freedom. It’s not just about crunching numbers or making more income—it’s about smart decisions, strategic investing, and changing the way you think about wealth.

He unpacks the habits that lead to financial independence, why patience is a game-changer, and how small, intentional choices today can create massive impact in the future. Whether you’re just starting to take control of your finances or looking to build long-term security, Chad’s insights will make you rethink the way you manage, grow, and protect your money.


  • Shift your mindset around money to see it as a tool for creating freedom, not just a means for survival.
  • Develop habits that build long-term wealth through consistency, patience, and intentional decision-making.
  • Learn how financial independence isn’t about luck—it’s about strategic planning and disciplined execution.
  • Explore ways to improve financial conversations within your family to create a stronger, healthier money mindset.
  • Understand why small financial choices today can lead to major financial security in the future.

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Janice Porter:

Chad, Hello everyone, and welcome to this

Janice Porter:

week's episode of relationships rule. This week, we're going to

Janice Porter:

talk about a topic that impacts every business owner,

Janice Porter:

entrepreneur and individual, our relationship with money. My

Janice Porter:

guest is Chad Hufford, a top ranked financial planner and the

Janice Porter:

owner of Veritas wealth management. Chad is known for

Janice Porter:

helping his clients not only build wealth, but also align

Janice Porter:

their financial decisions with their values, creating a

Janice Porter:

fulfilling a fulfilling and abundant life. And I think I

Janice Porter:

have to start with, first of all, welcome. Welcome to the

Janice Porter:

show. Chad

Chad Hufford:

Janice, thank you so much for having me. It's a

Chad Hufford:

great opportunity to be here and honor to encourage your audience

Chad Hufford:

and help them pursue a more abundant life.

Janice Porter:

Thank you appreciate that. And I guess I

Janice Porter:

have to start with what I was going to interject when I was

Janice Porter:

introducing you is, this is not a topic I'm really fond of.

Janice Porter:

Okay, money, talking about money, money. I love money. And

Janice Porter:

I love having, you know, being able to earn money and, and it's

Janice Porter:

funny, on Sunday, I was just talking offline with you about

Janice Porter:

my granddaughter. On Sunday, she went and she helped, walked into

Janice Porter:

our garage to look for something, and she came back,

Janice Porter:

and she had a jar with her that had money in it, like coins and

Janice Porter:

some paper roll, a roller, rolling things for putting money

Janice Porter:

in. And there were pennies and quarters and dimes and a few

Janice Porter:

coins from somewhere else, and an old Canadian $2 bill, which

Janice Porter:

we haven't seen for years anyway, she found this she said,

Janice Porter:

I found this money, grandma. Can I have it? And I said, Well, I

Janice Porter:

don't know. I'm not sure whose money it is tomorrow. And she

Janice Porter:

said, I said, but let's put it down, out on the floor, and

Janice Porter:

let's count it. Let's separate it, let's sort it here. I'm the

Janice Porter:

teacher in me starts right away and and so she did, and we had

Janice Porter:

this great little time with you know, the pennies are here and

Janice Porter:

the quarters are here. And I'm like, which do you think is the

Janice Porter:

most money? Which pile has the most money? And she went to the

Janice Porter:

pennies, and I said, Well, let's put, let's put the quarters in

Janice Porter:

piles of four, and then we're going to count them, and then

Janice Porter:

we'll put the pennies in piles of 10, and we're going to count

Janice Porter:

them. And we had to do, you know, I had to keep reminding

Janice Porter:

her she's only five. And anyway, whether it's sunken or not, we

Janice Porter:

had a few math lessons along the way, and so that was kind of

Janice Porter:

fun. But generally speaking, I really don't like talking about

Janice Porter:

money, because I'm not very good with it. So I'm going to say to

Janice Porter:

you, how do you see a person's relationship with money

Janice Porter:

influencing their personal and professional relationships?

Janice Porter:

Because if what I say is true, I'm probably having a bad time.

Janice Porter:

But Well,

Chad Hufford:

I think what your experience is is fairly normal,

Chad Hufford:

and I think a lot of us grew up in households where money was

Chad Hufford:

mostly taboo. The only time it was brought up was under

Chad Hufford:

stressful circumstances. Maybe somebody made a bad financial

Chad Hufford:

decision, somebody lost their job. There maybe was a a health

Chad Hufford:

care cost that Nobody's expecting and mom and dad aren't

Chad Hufford:

sure how ends are gonna be, or mom Maybe mom and dad were

Chad Hufford:

fighting about money. If you grew up in a house where money

Chad Hufford:

was always a streaming match between mom and dad, like, yeah,

Chad Hufford:

you're not gonna have a great relationship with it. And I

Chad Hufford:

think that's where what you just did with Amara is so powerful,

Chad Hufford:

is you normalized having a conversation about money under a

Chad Hufford:

healthy and calm circumstance. And that's how I grew up. But I

Chad Hufford:

really, I realized later in life that that wasn't normal to just

Chad Hufford:

have, just have normal, basic conversations about money. So

Chad Hufford:

I'll just give you a little metaphor. But I think just like

Chad Hufford:

our health, it can be overwhelming, like there's all

Chad Hufford:

these, all these opinions out there. Everybody on podcast has

Chad Hufford:

an idea, everybody on Instagram is an expert, and we hear all

Chad Hufford:

this conflicting information about money and our health, and

Chad Hufford:

I think the tendency for some people is just, I'm just gonna

Chad Hufford:

stick my head in the sand. This is overwhelming. I'm not gonna

Chad Hufford:

deal with it. I don't have the right information. I'm just

Chad Hufford:

gonna ignore it. And our physical health, just like our

Chad Hufford:

financial health, the the only thing necessary for those areas

Chad Hufford:

of our life to deteriorate is negligence our we will not

Chad Hufford:

develop a better relationship with money. We will not develop

Chad Hufford:

a healthier financial situation or a healthier body by

Chad Hufford:

neglecting those areas. So whether you want it to be a part

Chad Hufford:

of your life or not, it is, we don't really have a choice. So

Chad Hufford:

my goal, one of one of the reasons I believe I'm here on

Chad Hufford:

Earth is to help people create a better relationship with money.

Chad Hufford:

Because money is a wonderful servant, it is a terrible

Chad Hufford:

master. Oh, I

Janice Porter:

love that. Money is a wonderful servant. It's a

Janice Porter:

terrible master. And I get it, because a lot of what you said

Janice Porter:

really rang true with me in that I had to. Deal several years

Janice Porter:

ago, I realized that I was I had a very I had a very contentious

Janice Porter:

relationship and a lot of anger around my father after he died,

Janice Porter:

and it was all about money and and I had to deal with it, and

Janice Porter:

it took me a long time, but I did do some work around it. And

Janice Porter:

it kind of, I think I freed that, that anger, so that I

Janice Porter:

could move forward and and you're right, because money was

Janice Porter:

my dad used to say to my mom all the time, don't worry about it,

Janice Porter:

dear. I'll look after it. Don't worry about it. I've got it, you

Janice Porter:

know. And so she never knew how to write a check after my dad

Janice Porter:

died, you know. So there was that anyway, there's a whole,

Janice Porter:

you know, it should be on the couch to do with that, going

Janice Porter:

through a psych visit with somebody, but, but you do learn

Janice Porter:

as you go through life. You know what you can do and what you

Janice Porter:

there's no shoulds right? But I love what you said, that it's

Janice Porter:

about, you know, it's often about stress, or it's about

Janice Porter:

those, those, it adages that we hear when we're kids. Money

Janice Porter:

grows on doesn't grow on trees. You know, all of those things

Janice Porter:

that we grew up with. I grew up with some of those and and it

Janice Porter:

can affect a lot. So when did you, I mean, have you always had

Janice Porter:

a good relationship with money? Or when did you decide this was

Janice Porter:

your path? I'd love to know how you got there. So

Chad Hufford:

I think, just like any relationship, there's

Chad Hufford:

struggles, right? There's there's good times, there's bad

Chad Hufford:

times. I mean, I have my own scarcity journey as well,

Chad Hufford:

starting this business, and I started in 2007 and a financial

Chad Hufford:

practice in 2007 as the world was starting to slowly burn

Chad Hufford:

down. And then in 2008 2009 the burning down process just sped

Chad Hufford:

up. It was a very, very hard time. And I remember a time when

Chad Hufford:

Janice, I'll be honest, I was doubting myself, not just, not

Chad Hufford:

just professionally, but even as a father, my wife came from

Chad Hufford:

poverty and and we had two kids, one on the way, we were not even

Chad Hufford:

getting our basic bills paid every month. And I'm just

Chad Hufford:

wondering, how are we going to get out of this? What is going

Chad Hufford:

to happen? And I it was very emasculating. I felt like, I

Chad Hufford:

mean, one of these I chose this profession is to give my wife

Chad Hufford:

stability, but it wasn't there. And we, we, we didn't know even

Chad Hufford:

how to pay for basic, basic groceries. And one day, we're

Chad Hufford:

coming home from from my parents house, and we pull up in the

Chad Hufford:

driveway, somebody left a box of groceries on our front door.

Chad Hufford:

Yeah. Door, and it was maybe, you know, 80 100 bucks worth of

Chad Hufford:

groceries, but I just remember how impactful that was. It was

Chad Hufford:

just like a reminder that I'm not alone in this. But it was,

Chad Hufford:

it was a very dark time in my life, and I didn't realize it

Chad Hufford:

then, but looking back now, is dealing. I was battling

Chad Hufford:

depression, and so I think we all have scars. And to answer

Chad Hufford:

your question, I think for the most part, I've had a good

Chad Hufford:

relationship with money, but I still can fall back into that

Chad Hufford:

scarcity mindset and and money is easy to measure, which means

Chad Hufford:

money can sometimes be the goal, the objective, rather than a

Chad Hufford:

means to the end. So So I want a more fulfilling life. I want to

Chad Hufford:

live a life of more abundance and impact that and impact.

Chad Hufford:

That's hard to measure. I can measure money. I want to have X

Chad Hufford:

amount of dollars to my name by the time I'm such and such an

Chad Hufford:

age. That's a lot easier to measure than the impact I'm

Chad Hufford:

having. So I think it's a constant battle to make sure

Chad Hufford:

that we're all viewing money as a means to an end and not the

Chad Hufford:

end in itself. So I would say I am blessed to have been

Chad Hufford:

introduced to good money management principles very early

Chad Hufford:

on. My parents didn't just teach us that. They modeled that. But

Chad Hufford:

I can't say that I've always had a great relationship with money,

Chad Hufford:

and we've had our struggles. I've made my dumb decisions.

Chad Hufford:

When I was 19, I had three different vehicles, you know,

Chad Hufford:

just I felt like I never had money before. You know, I felt

Chad Hufford:

like I was rich. I was just doing dumb things with it. But

Chad Hufford:

where did it start? So, my degree is in biochemistry. I was

Chad Hufford:

actually headed into medicine. Oh, wow. And but I realized the

Chad Hufford:

impact that money has on people's lives. And because of

Chad Hufford:

growing up in a household where my dad was in the financial

Chad Hufford:

industry, we talked about money, it was normalized. As an adult,

Chad Hufford:

I saw how destructive and dysfunctional poor relationships

Chad Hufford:

money can money can have in people's lives and the negative

Chad Hufford:

ripple effect. But I also saw the opposite growing up. I saw

Chad Hufford:

that when people start controlling their money, rather

Chad Hufford:

than having to control them, when they start having

Chad Hufford:

confidence that that also has a ripple effect into every area of

Chad Hufford:

their life. And I saw my dad taught classes in our church in

Chad Hufford:

the community. He helped people become better stewards their

Chad Hufford:

money, so it actually became a tool. People, rather than

Chad Hufford:

something that controlled them. And I just realized this is,

Chad Hufford:

this is a wonderful opportunity, not just to change somebody's

Chad Hufford:

financial life, but to change their trajectory as a whole, and

Chad Hufford:

that's ultimately why I chose this path.

Janice Porter:

So I think I remember that you were, you were

Janice Porter:

in the Were you an athletic trainer?

Chad Hufford:

Yes, I so there's a time in my life where I was in

Chad Hufford:

the middle of this pivot where I realized medicine was probably

Chad Hufford:

not going to be the career for my family. It was, I still have

Chad Hufford:

a passion for it, I would say, okay, but it wasn't going to

Chad Hufford:

line up with my family goals, and I wasn't sure what to do, so

Chad Hufford:

I started personal training, and I know it's one of your

Chad Hufford:

daughters, you still own a cross, so it's a big part of

Chad Hufford:

your family, too. And it was something that I could scale

Chad Hufford:

very quickly, sure, but I didn't want to do it forever, right? So

Chad Hufford:

I was working with professional athletes, some Olympians, and

Chad Hufford:

got some contracts working with the military, did some stuff

Chad Hufford:

with the local police department, and it really kind

Chad Hufford:

of got me into this coaching mindset. And it was even though

Chad Hufford:

it felt like a detour, or it felt like I was just biding my

Chad Hufford:

time, what it did is help develop my coaching ability,

Chad Hufford:

because coaching is helping somebody create a better

Chad Hufford:

relationship with whatever tool that you're using to create

Chad Hufford:

victory in their life, to become a better version of themselves.

Chad Hufford:

So I realized my goal wasn't just to help people identify a

Chad Hufford:

better financial plan and better investments, but to actually

Chad Hufford:

help them become a better investor, to actually coach them

Chad Hufford:

to to have a better relationship with their finances. And I think

Chad Hufford:

that period in my life in between medicine and in finance

Chad Hufford:

was was really a great training ground for that skill set.

Janice Porter:

Well, especially, I'm thinking when you're working

Janice Porter:

with professional athletes and military people who have such

Janice Porter:

great commitment for what they're doing that that also can

Janice Porter:

cross over into teaching people mindset and discipline around

Janice Porter:

money, right? Because, yeah, so did that feel like you know that

Janice Porter:

that went with you when you or were you, were you actually

Janice Porter:

coaching the the you know what I'm trying to say, it's not

Janice Porter:

about money, particularly, because you weren't there yet,

Janice Porter:

but you were doing the things that that taught that commitment

Janice Porter:

that could cross over.

Chad Hufford:

Yes, so I think what you're asking is, I'll just

Chad Hufford:

answer, I think you're asking. So the character qualities, the

Chad Hufford:

the temperaments necessary for an athlete to be successful in

Chad Hufford:

their sport, for a soldier to be prepared to go deploy, are the

Chad Hufford:

exact same temperaments and character qualities necessary to

Chad Hufford:

have a good relationship with money and to build financial

Chad Hufford:

independence. I did not know that at the time, and then I saw

Chad Hufford:

all these parallels. And there's actually a book that I read on

Chad Hufford:

an airplane to a wedding, and I thought it's called simple

Chad Hufford:

wealth, inevitable wealth, by a man named Nick Murray. And I

Chad Hufford:

said, this is the message I need to take into the world, and I

Chad Hufford:

have the skills to do it, because I've been doing it with

Chad Hufford:

high level athletes for a long time on athletic standpoint, if

Chad Hufford:

I can help people utilize the tools that are already available

Chad Hufford:

to them to build better physical fitness, to build more mental

Chad Hufford:

toughness, I can do the exact same thing with with investors

Chad Hufford:

to build a better life, but it still requires the grit, the

Chad Hufford:

mental toughness, The the the discipline, the perseverance,

Chad Hufford:

the the temporary sacrifice, all those things were were very much

Chad Hufford:

a part of both fields, and it really was a huge blessing to

Chad Hufford:

have what felt like a little bit of a detour actually, very much

Chad Hufford:

prepared me for what I'm doing now, right?

Janice Porter:

That's exactly what I was asking. Okay, so I

Janice Porter:

that does make me want to ask now, though, your take on, or

Janice Porter:

whether, I don't know if you have any or many professional

Janice Porter:

athletes or high level athletes who are clients of yours, but

Janice Porter:

there's so many you know that I'm into the basketball world.

Janice Porter:

My family's a basketball family, and you see these kids today?

Janice Porter:

Well, even you know, well, no, Kobe Bryant's an anomaly. But I

Janice Porter:

mean, he, I've just been watching his the a documentary

Janice Porter:

of about him on CNN, and they showed a picture of him

Janice Porter:

announcing after high school that he was going right into the

Janice Porter:

NBA Draft. Well, he's an anomaly, as I said anyway,

Janice Porter:

because he was so focused from when he was a kid to what his

Janice Porter:

goals were, so that I would imagine that his financial goals

Janice Porter:

would have been handled better than most. But you see these

Janice Porter:

young kids going into professional sports, and they

Janice Porter:

have no idea, and they come. From poor backgrounds, and all

Janice Porter:

they do is they've got all this, these diamonds around their

Janice Porter:

neck, and they're, you know, what would you say? What? What

Janice Porter:

do you work with any of these types of people? Or what would

Janice Porter:

you say to somebody like that? Because you don't want them to

Janice Porter:

piss it all away, to be rude, but no,

Chad Hufford:

but it's so I believe wealth is like a weight.

Chad Hufford:

So if you, if you have somebody who was, we'll just use this,

Chad Hufford:

like CrossFit analogy, somebody who's been in the gym, they've

Chad Hufford:

been taking classes with your daughter for years, you put a

Chad Hufford:

weight on their back. That weight can actually make them

Chad Hufford:

stronger. They're prepared for it. They know how to use it. You

Chad Hufford:

take somebody that's never been inside of a gym, or hasn't

Chad Hufford:

touched a gym in 20 years, you put 300 pounds on their back,

Chad Hufford:

it's going to harm them. And I think whether it's a celebrity

Chad Hufford:

or a college athlete or a young person coming into a lot of

Chad Hufford:

money, they get this weight of wealth that might help them, had

Chad Hufford:

they been more prepared. But because they're not, it, it

Chad Hufford:

crushes them and it I think wealth, it just like any tool,

Chad Hufford:

can be destructive if it's not wielded properly. And in our

Chad Hufford:

culture, in our society, we Janice, we we believe we can fix

Chad Hufford:

money management or money problems with more money, and

Chad Hufford:

it'd be like fixing poor driving with more horsepower, like

Chad Hufford:

giving my 16 year old daughter, who's had two accidents in the

Chad Hufford:

last 30 days, giving her a faster car to deal with the fact

Chad Hufford:

that she keeps running into other people's cars. It doesn't

Chad Hufford:

work because it's the individual behavior, it's the relationship

Chad Hufford:

between her and the car that needs to change. We can swap out

Chad Hufford:

the car all day, but until she learns how to better manage the

Chad Hufford:

road, the the vehicle itself and the awareness, yes, the car is

Chad Hufford:

just the medium, and that's what we need to to realize. We can't

Chad Hufford:

We can't just add more money to the equation. If somebody is a

Chad Hufford:

poor steward of a modest amount of money. We give them millions,

Chad Hufford:

it becomes even more destructive. We've given them a

Chad Hufford:

bigger, more harmful, more not more harmful tool, but a more

Chad Hufford:

powerful tool with which they can hurt themselves,

Janice Porter:

right? Yeah, good point. So it was a question I

Janice Porter:

had here I wanted to ask you. Okay, I have a couple. So you

Janice Porter:

emphasize I my notes here, you emphasize patience and choosing

Janice Porter:

the hard right over the easy wrong. I love that the hard

Janice Porter:

right over the easy wrong. How does that philosophy strengthen

Janice Porter:

client relationships?

Chad Hufford:

Well, number one, it's it's necessary in almost

Chad Hufford:

all walks of life. Usually the easy choice in the moment puts

Chad Hufford:

us on a wrong path in the future. We if we choose

Chad Hufford:

temporary comfort or temporary relief, there's usually a cost

Chad Hufford:

we pay in the future. And I'll just, I'll just give you, we

Chad Hufford:

already talked about Kobe Bryant. So if I can use the Kobe

Chad Hufford:

Bryant story, he is an anomaly, but there's a lot we can learn

Chad Hufford:

from him after games, when everybody else would go out

Chad Hufford:

drinking, he would go hit the gym and and work on the things

Chad Hufford:

that he felt needed to be polished. Even if they won the

Chad Hufford:

game and he had a great game, maybe he would do dribbling

Chad Hufford:

drills if he had too many turnovers, sometimes he would go

Chad Hufford:

shoot 1000 free throws at the game. He would do he would go

Chad Hufford:

into a dark gym where nobody saw him, and work quietly mastering

Chad Hufford:

mundane tasks. Now everybody celebrates the highlight reel

Chad Hufford:

dunks in the 6070, point games and all that stuff, but all that

Chad Hufford:

came from those dark moments in the gym where nobody was

Chad Hufford:

watching and building wealth is the same thing. People celebrate

Chad Hufford:

the, you know, the fancy retirement and going on the

Chad Hufford:

cruises and the nice cars and all that. But for the people who

Chad Hufford:

manage money, well, those that's not what got them there. That's

Chad Hufford:

what that is a byproduct of the things they did behind closed

Chad Hufford:

doors for years and years and years. And here's what makes

Chad Hufford:

Coby an anomaly. He did it by himself. You go, most people

Chad Hufford:

need somebody by their side as an accountability partner,

Chad Hufford:

somebody shoulder to shoulder along the journey with them to

Chad Hufford:

get them to do that, whether it's a workout partner, whether

Chad Hufford:

it's an accountability partner. In our case, we are

Chad Hufford:

accountability partners for finances and for wealth, but

Chad Hufford:

it's keeping people mastering the mundane, keeping them on the

Chad Hufford:

difficult path when they're making sacrifices, temporary

Chad Hufford:

sacrifices in the moment, for a better future. Most people need

Chad Hufford:

somebody in their corner holding them accountable, but also

Chad Hufford:

reminding them of what is the payoff going to be? Right? It's

Chad Hufford:

only temporary. This is not forever. There's a better future

Chad Hufford:

out there waiting because you're willing to do the hard thing.

Chad Hufford:


Janice Porter:

It's so true. It's so true and and when I look

Janice Porter:

back at, you know, if I were to do it differently today, you

Janice Porter:

know it. There are so many things I would do differently

Janice Porter:

that I didn't know, I didn't understand, and I didn't want to

Janice Porter:

know at the time, because I was a product. Personally, me, I was

Janice Porter:

a product of that dad who said, don't worry about it. I'll look

Janice Porter:

after it. And that's what I heard all the time, right? And,

Janice Porter:

and that's just me. Then my my husband, other story, right? You

Janice Porter:

know, so I don't want to get into it, but, you know,

Janice Porter:

everyone's different, right? And they have different angles

Janice Porter:

around money, but it makes it difficult to you have to work

Janice Porter:

through it, and you have to want to work through it. Okay, so

Janice Porter:

who's your Well, let me just clarify something in your

Janice Porter:

company, Veritas, Wealth Management, do you focus on like

Janice Porter:

long term or do you have different kinds of clients that

Janice Porter:

have different risk tolerances, that you do different things

Janice Porter:

with? That would

Chad Hufford:

be the we do so we tailor somebody's financial plan

Chad Hufford:

to their specific goals. Okay? And their financial plan then

Chad Hufford:

dictates the investment strategy. And a lot of a lot of

Chad Hufford:

places do this backwards, a lot of a lot of individuals, they

Chad Hufford:

kind of collect investments for 30 years and then try to throw

Chad Hufford:

it together two years before retirement and make a financial

Chad Hufford:

house out of it. What we tell people is, you wouldn't, you

Chad Hufford:

wouldn't buy a house that was built without a blueprint. You

Chad Hufford:

shouldn't build your future without one either. And the idea

Chad Hufford:

is that we take long term goals. Janice, what do you want your

Chad Hufford:

life to look like if you never had to work another day in your

Chad Hufford:

life you didn't need to produce a paycheck? What would you be

Chad Hufford:

doing? Who would you be spending time with? We We want to make it

Chad Hufford:

about life goals and lifestyle goals, rather than simply money

Chad Hufford:

goals. Now we have to attach some money goals to that, but

Chad Hufford:

then we reverse engineer that process to where they are today.

Chad Hufford:

But objectives dictate the plan. The plan dictates the

Chad Hufford:

investments and the investments or the tail. We want to make

Chad Hufford:

sure that the tail doesn't wag the dog. And too often, people

Chad Hufford:

are changing their investments around because of what's going

Chad Hufford:

on in the economy or what they think might happen. Maybe it's

Chad Hufford:

an election cycle. They're changing their investments even

Chad Hufford:

though their long term goals haven't changed, and that's

Chad Hufford:

where that accountability is important. We want to make sure

Chad Hufford:

that if, if they're in the right investments, even if it's

Chad Hufford:

uncomfortable, that they stick it out, that they weather the

Chad Hufford:

storms. But to answer your question, everybody's plan and

Chad Hufford:

investment strategy is tailored to what their needs are, rather

Chad Hufford:

than tailored to whatever people think is happening next in the

Chad Hufford:

markets or things like that, because that is a fool's errand.

Chad Hufford:

You should invest based on your goals, based on what is

Chad Hufford:

important and meaningful to you, not what's going on in the

Chad Hufford:


Janice Porter:

Does that mean also, then that, because the way

Janice Porter:

your company is structured, you have, you can choose whatever

Janice Porter:

you want to for that investment, for someone you're not tied to,

Janice Porter:

I've got to push these bonds this week, or this, yeah, okay,

Janice Porter:


Chad Hufford:

it's, it's yes, and it's such, and this is what

Chad Hufford:

was so hard getting started, because I got started

Chad Hufford:

independently. I wasn't tied to another financial firm, because

Chad Hufford:

I wanted that independence. I wanted to be able to meet with

Chad Hufford:

somebody, connect with them on a personal level, find out what

Chad Hufford:

was important to them, attach some goals to it, and then go

Chad Hufford:

find the tools necessary to build the life that that

Chad Hufford:

individual wanted. I mean, right now, what we're seeing is

Chad Hufford:

everybody comes in with these target date funds. They're this

Chad Hufford:

one size fits all, which means one size fits nobody. And

Chad Hufford:

they're, they're not tailored to anything specifically. And never

Chad Hufford:

wanted to be like that. I never wanted to have a list of

Chad Hufford:

products where, Janice, I've got this little box that I'm trying

Chad Hufford:

to jam you into. It's more about you tell me what you need to

Chad Hufford:

build, and then we'll go out and we'll find the best tools to see

Chad Hufford:

that, yeah, yeah.

Janice Porter:

I think that's I've always liked, that, that

Janice Porter:

style, or in that, that process better.

Chad Hufford:

Well, can I give you a quick metaphor? Yes. Think

Chad Hufford:

about this from a health perspective. You go to a doctor.

Chad Hufford:

You walk in the doctor's office, you, you, you don't even fill

Chad Hufford:

out a form yet. You don't know anything about you, and they

Chad Hufford:

start telling you about all the most popular prescriptions that

Chad Hufford:

they can write and all the benefits, all these things. And

Chad Hufford:

by the way, there's some really popular procedures. Everybody's

Chad Hufford:

doing this thing, and we'll schedule like, what? What is a

Chad Hufford:

good day for your surgery? You're like, whoa. You don't

Chad Hufford:

even know what's wrong. Like, you don't even know why I came

Chad Hufford:

in here yet. Now you're laughing, no, but it's a great

Chad Hufford:

analogy. But the financial industry does the exact same

Chad Hufford:

thing. We're so product focused, we haven't even we haven't even

Chad Hufford:

talked to the person about what they want their solution to. And

Chad Hufford:

I think my industry needs to learn from that, that it's about

Chad Hufford:

finding out what this person needs, not trying to sell them

Chad Hufford:

what is popular. Because ultimately, we're not selling

Chad Hufford:

anything. What we need is people to buy in. They're buying into a

Chad Hufford:

journey with us. It's a partnership. The investments are

Chad Hufford:

just the tools. It's the partnership that makes a

Chad Hufford:

difference. I mean, going back to basketball, yeah, everybody

Chad Hufford:

uses a basketball. Everybody, but. But the basketball, the

Chad Hufford:

shoes, the court, all those things are commodities. They're

Chad Hufford:

all basically the same. It's how the team functions together that

Chad Hufford:

makes all the difference. It's all about relationships. It's

Chad Hufford:

all about the the connectedness within that team. And I believe

Chad Hufford:

finance is no different.

Janice Porter:

You know that you just reminded me of a funny

Janice Porter:

story. My mother was a was widowed. She was in her 60s, and

Janice Porter:

as I told you, she didn't know how to write a check, so she had

Janice Porter:

to learn all the basics of looking after her her finances.

Janice Porter:

And she started by having a good friend of hers, a woman who had

Janice Porter:

been a bookkeeper teacher some of the basics, right? And then

Janice Porter:

she found she got, I don't know how who, where this person came

Janice Porter:

from, but she got a financial planner, and this guy's name was

Janice Porter:

Ed. And every time we had to talk to my mom about money,

Janice Porter:

she'd say, I don't know. I have to ask Ed. And this went on for

Janice Porter:

years. I'll have to check with Ed. And it became like a joke,

Janice Porter:

right? Because I lived here, she lived I lived in Vancouver, she

Janice Porter:

lived in LA, my sister lived in LA, but we never met Ed, right?

Janice Porter:

But we knew Ed existed, and she, like she wanted to buy a new

Janice Porter:

car, so she get ed to help her and see if she could move her

Janice Porter:

money. She didn't. She didn't get left as much she as

Janice Porter:

comfortably as she should have been, but that's the whole story

Janice Porter:

about my dad. But um, so she had to be careful of her money. So

Janice Porter:

it was always ed. So my mom died many years later, and we had to

Janice Porter:

talk to Ed, because Ed was still in the picture. And so my sister

Janice Porter:

and I went to meet him, and he was the nicest guy. And you

Janice Porter:

know, he he'd done the best he could with her. I don't know. I

Janice Porter:

mean, I don't really know, you know, the details of how it all

Janice Porter:

went, but it was so silly. It was so fun, like we went to meet

Janice Porter:

Ed. And the other piece to that is my sister now uses Ed.

Chad Hufford:

Oh, that's funny, which I this thought

Janice Porter:

was so funny. I don't know how old he is now,

Janice Porter:

but, but anyway, I just thought that was funny. The trust that

Janice Porter:

she had in this guy, and we didn't even know who he was,

Janice Porter:

well, and

Chad Hufford:

that's just the trust, but the partnership,

Chad Hufford:

where they obviously had a dialog going. She wasn't just

Chad Hufford:

asking investing questions. She was no and that's and that's

Chad Hufford:

what's so important about this is we realize that, because most

Chad Hufford:

people did grow up where finances are taboo, we're asking

Chad Hufford:

questions that their best friend, your best friends, your

Chad Hufford:

family members, don't even have the answers to right? It's very,

Chad Hufford:

very intimate, and it creates it requires time and a lot of

Chad Hufford:

relationship capital to build that intimacy. But it sounds

Chad Hufford:

like your mom and Ed developed that where they were working

Chad Hufford:

together. She wasn't asking for Ed's permission or anything, but

Chad Hufford:

she she trusted his guidance. Said, Hey, this is a big

Chad Hufford:

decision before I make that happen. Yeah, I want to circle

Chad Hufford:

ed in and make sure we do this the right way, so that that

Chad Hufford:

actually warms my heart, and I'm glad you finally got a chance to

Chad Hufford:

meet him,

Janice Porter:

yeah, yeah, no, it was so funny. Anyway, okay,

Janice Porter:

so I'm thinking not big bit big business things right now,

Janice Porter:

because I keep thinking about the fact that you have, is it

Janice Porter:

six kids? We have six kids. Yeah, have six kids. And I have

Janice Porter:

a question here that makes me think, because my granddaughter

Janice Porter:

as well. Okay, what advice would you have for families to build

Janice Porter:

healthier conversations around money, but also, like, as as an

Janice Porter:

example, you know, what do you teach your kids about money? Did

Janice Porter:

they have or do they have allowances? Or is that a no no?

Janice Porter:

Like, there's different takes on things like that. So I'm just

Janice Porter:


Chad Hufford:

Well, I already, I already kind of praised you

Chad Hufford:

earlier, and I want to do it again, because you took an

Chad Hufford:

opportunity to have a conversation with your with your

Chad Hufford:

granddaughter, Amara, and you, you there's a math lesson in it.

Chad Hufford:

Like, there's all kinds of wonderful things that you did

Chad Hufford:


Janice Porter:

but, but I taught elementary school, so it was

Janice Porter:

just like, right in my element, until she loses interest, yeah,

Chad Hufford:

but you normalized it. And I think that's what

Chad Hufford:

people need to realize. Even if you don't know a lot about

Chad Hufford:

finances, you might not feel like you have a lot of wisdom.

Chad Hufford:

That's fine. Just open up the conversation. It might even be

Chad Hufford:

explained to your kids, like, Hey, this is what's confusing to

Chad Hufford:

me about they changed some stuff in our 401 k this week at work,

Chad Hufford:

and I don't even know what it's talking about, just something

Chad Hufford:

like that. You could even express your confusion around

Chad Hufford:

money. You're like, Hey, here's something I don't know. We're

Chad Hufford:

going to figure this out together as a family, but

Chad Hufford:

normalizing those conversations, because conversations about

Chad Hufford:

money will happen by design or by default. If you design

Chad Hufford:

conversations around money, they can be healthy, they can even be

Chad Hufford:

fun. I'm saying that as a nerd, so maybe it's not your version

Chad Hufford:

of fun, but it can actually be something that draws the family

Chad Hufford:

closer together. I hear you. But if money conversations happen by

Chad Hufford:

default, it will usually happen under stress, and even people

Chad Hufford:

who who do very, very well. Financially. And I get connected

Chad Hufford:

with a lot of people that they're they're multi

Chad Hufford:

millionaires, they have a lot of wealth, but they still live in a

Chad Hufford:

scarcity mindset, because, like we talked about earlier, we

Chad Hufford:

can't fix money issues with more money. So if you take somebody

Chad Hufford:

who has traumatic money experiences, and you don't fix

Chad Hufford:

that relationship, giving them more money just gives them more

Chad Hufford:

money to worry about it actually makes the problem worse. So even

Chad Hufford:

people who are really wealthy, we see you talk about athletes

Chad Hufford:

buying all the the jewelry, which my son taught me the other

Chad Hufford:

day, they call it ice, or icing, or something like that.

Janice Porter:

Ice, yeah, sure, yeah. But I mean,

Chad Hufford:

I I'm not trying to psychoanalyze these people,

Chad Hufford:

but some of that might be them trying to to distance themselves

Chad Hufford:

from that scarcity environment, you know. And so we all do it

Chad Hufford:

different ways. But I think just having those conversations,

Chad Hufford:

opening up with your kids, it doesn't matter so much what

Chad Hufford:

you're even talking about, to a point it just matters that

Chad Hufford:

you're talking about it, and you give you open up the freedom for

Chad Hufford:

them to talk about money, to ask questions about money, and even

Chad Hufford:

if you aren't very savvy with your own money, maybe it's

Chad Hufford:

something that you guys can learn together. Mm, hmm.

Janice Porter:

Um, yeah, I think Do you believe in allowances or

Janice Porter:

not? So

Chad Hufford:

I have a funny story on that. So I have six

Chad Hufford:

kids, but I'm still figuring this out. They're all so

Chad Hufford:

different. And you know, as a parent, you try to pretend like

Chad Hufford:

you've you've got everything lined out and figured out, and

Chad Hufford:

then your teenagers start calling you out, and then you

Chad Hufford:

both realize that, yeah, we don't know what we're doing. But

Chad Hufford:

anyway, with six kids, I should by now, but every now and then I

Chad Hufford:

have one of those aha moments where, like, something worked,

Chad Hufford:

something clicked. So this is a couple years ago. My youngest

Chad Hufford:

right now, they're six and four, but this they were four and two

Chad Hufford:

at the time, and they walk up to me. Everybody else is gone. My

Chad Hufford:

wife had the older kids, and the four year old is a spokesperson.

Chad Hufford:

He comes up says, Dad, we need to talk. I thought, this is

Chad Hufford:

gonna go. He goes, Dad, Barrett and I were talking, and we need

Chad Hufford:

money. It's like, okay, so four and two, they had a discussion.

Chad Hufford:

They go to dad, we need money. Where in the world is this

Chad Hufford:

going? So the next thing out of his mouth, he said, What kind of

Chad Hufford:

jobs do you have for us so we can earn it? Oh, and I thought,

Chad Hufford:

You know what, I'm doing something, right? So for two

Chad Hufford:

hours, we were out in the yard. We were pulling weaves and

Chad Hufford:

trimming hedges and things like that. And I was so proud of

Chad Hufford:

these guys and a little proud of myself. And my wife gets home

Chad Hufford:

and she's like, why are my babies all scratched up and

Chad Hufford:

bleeding and dirty? I was like, they were working anyways. Um,

Chad Hufford:

but we do, we do try to, even if it's menial stuff, but get them

Chad Hufford:

to attach production and service to money that, if, if, first of

Chad Hufford:

all, if you, if you want something, let's, let's attach a

Chad Hufford:

goal to it. How much is that going to cost? And maybe even

Chad Hufford:

set up some parameters on how long it might take you, you

Chad Hufford:

know, for younger ones, if they want to buy a $20 toy, it's

Chad Hufford:

going to take them a little while to earn that but then

Chad Hufford:

lining up. What is that pathway? What are the types of jobs you

Chad Hufford:

can do to earn that thing? How can you serve your family? How

Chad Hufford:

can you serve the people around you? My My mom lives just a mile

Chad Hufford:

away. So they do. She's 77 she has a very high we'll just call

Chad Hufford:

it a labor intensive property, just some land and things like

Chad Hufford:

that. So they go like, how can you serve grandma to earn some

Chad Hufford:

money? And really trying to attach those to that the more

Chad Hufford:

you serve people around you, the bigger the impact you make in

Chad Hufford:

the lives of those in your circle, the more your own needs

Chad Hufford:

will be will be met. So that's what we really try to instill,

Chad Hufford:

rather than just giving them a flat allowance.

Janice Porter:

Okay, so I think we need to, we need to switch

Janice Porter:

that up a little bit with Amara and and instill that a little

Janice Porter:

bit more. What we've noticed since Christmas she got, I know

Janice Porter:

she she goes to the coffee shop with mom and grandpa. Sometimes,

Janice Porter:

and mom and Grandpa might have a card, gift card with the money

Janice Porter:

on it. She said, I want my own gift card. She wanted her own to

Janice Porter:

get her own drink, right? So for Christmas, she got one. So she

Janice Porter:

got 10 hot chocolates on it, or something like that. So she got

Janice Porter:

to do that, but she goes, if she earns the right by doing

Janice Porter:

something really good, she gets to go to the dollar store,

Janice Porter:

because she loves the dollar store, and she will have her own

Janice Porter:

money that maybe was a gift for her birthday or whatever in her

Janice Porter:

piggy bank, and she gets to spend X amount of money at the

Janice Porter:

dollar store. So there's lessons there. And, no, I can't afford

Janice Porter:

that. Yes, I can whatever, and stuff like that, but I think we

Janice Porter:

need that earning piece in there as well. So yeah, well,

Chad Hufford:

and even one of the things I was thinking about,

Chad Hufford:

maybe my son and your your granddaughter should meet, they

Chad Hufford:

might be a cute. Helpful, but, but also trade offs too. Is it

Chad Hufford:

okay? You know, you saved up $6 for this toy, but you also want

Chad Hufford:

this other toy. So if you buy this one, you don't get that's a

Chad Hufford:

lesson a lot of adults don't get. We want it all. I know. We

Chad Hufford:

want the nice vacation. We want the nice car. We also want our

Chad Hufford:

weekends. We don't want to have to the overtime. There's always

Chad Hufford:

trade offs. And again, it's being intentional about that,

Chad Hufford:

because a lot of times people make decisions and the trade off

Chad Hufford:

costs them way more in the long run than they ever anticipated,

Chad Hufford:

but they don't think about it at the outset. So just talking to

Chad Hufford:

our kids about, okay, that's, yeah, you've earned the money.

Chad Hufford:

That's great, but if you buy that. That means you can't do

Chad Hufford:

these other maybe you can't, maybe you can't buy the hot

Chad Hufford:

chocolate tomorrow. Or, you know, maybe you you can't do

Chad Hufford:

that thing with your friends, and we don't make them earn

Chad Hufford:

everything. I mean, I get it, we'll feed our kids and stuff,

Chad Hufford:

yeah, but trying to to work those lessons into everyday

Chad Hufford:

life. And James, we're not perfect. We're I Bumble up all

Chad Hufford:

the time, but what I want is my kids to feel like they can come

Chad Hufford:

to me with those questions and when they're when they're 16, or

Chad Hufford:

when they're 18, or when they're 25 and they're in a tough

Chad Hufford:

financial spot that they feel comfortable saying, Dad, we know

Chad Hufford:

you screwed up. You've made mistakes. I made one of my own.

Chad Hufford:

Can you walk with me and help me figure this out? Yeah, yeah. And

Chad Hufford:

not, and not feeling like they have to pretend to be perfect,

Chad Hufford:

because that's what happens now, is we all put on it. We cover up

Chad Hufford:

our financial sins with credit cards, yeah, and nobody sees

Chad Hufford:

what's going on. We pretend like we got everything figured out.

Chad Hufford:

And yeah, we have the nice clothes, we have a nice car, but

Chad Hufford:

we're drowning in debt. We're not sleeping at night. We're

Chad Hufford:

fighting with our spouse, and just to be able to admit I'm

Chad Hufford:

struggling right now, I need some help. That's so freeing

Chad Hufford:

when people can cross that so with my kids jams, that's what I

Chad Hufford:

want, is for them to have the freedom to ask questions, to

Chad Hufford:

express frustrations, and just to have a healthy dialog about

Chad Hufford:


Janice Porter:

Amen, amen on that in your setup. Business

Janice Porter:

wise, are you? I'm thinking this because I have a friend who I

Janice Porter:

want to listen to your podcast, because he's a in Canada here,

Janice Porter:

there are different types of financial planners like they'll

Janice Porter:

take percentages, right or commissions, front end loaded,

Janice Porter:

or back end loaded, or whatever. And then there's what he is. Is

Janice Porter:

a for he's a fee based financial planner, so you pay for his

Janice Porter:

services, but he doesn't put you in certain products, like you he

Janice Porter:

would do what was the best thing, and he's building a plan

Janice Porter:

with you, is that the way your business works still probably

Janice Porter:


Chad Hufford:

There's different ways to do the fee, but we are a

Chad Hufford:

fiduciary which means we have not just a regulatory

Chad Hufford:

obligation, but a moral obligation to do what's in the

Chad Hufford:

best interest of the individual, not to sell a particular

Chad Hufford:

product. So we make the same regardless of what Fund Company

Chad Hufford:

somebody uses, the types of funds and type investments, we

Chad Hufford:

make the same amount, and it takes away any potential

Chad Hufford:

conflict of interest, but also puts us on the same side of the

Chad Hufford:

table, where in order for us to do better, that family, that

Chad Hufford:

client, needs to do better. And when we're in the middle of a

Chad Hufford:

financial storm, and they see their 401, K, looking like a

Chad Hufford:

301, K. Or they see, you know, this big account temporarily go

Chad Hufford:

down. They see it in their statement. We feel it in our

Chad Hufford:

paychecks. So we're weathering it together. And I think that

Chad Hufford:

there's a sense of camaraderie that comes out of that. We felt

Chad Hufford:

it in 22 back during COVID In 2020 when the markets across the

Chad Hufford:

globe went down together, for people to know that we were all

Chad Hufford:

experiencing discomfort together, I think was actually

Chad Hufford:

really empowering. That sounds weird, but it allowed people to

Chad Hufford:

stay the course, because they realized, you know what, we're

Chad Hufford:

all in this together. I'm not alone in my financial journey.

Janice Porter:

Okay, so last sort of financial question here

Janice Porter:

for me, it would be okay. Do nobody has those, you know,

Janice Porter:

glasses that we can see into the future. But with what's going on

Janice Porter:

in your country these days, what are you telling people? Because

Janice Porter:

surely the god people are calling you and either going one

Janice Porter:

way or the other, you know, like we're glad this is happening.

Janice Porter:

Or, Oh, my God, so what are you telling people?

Chad Hufford:

It's very polarizing. You're right, and

Chad Hufford:

what I'm telling people is to stay focused on your long term

Chad Hufford:

goals. Don't let what's going on in the country, the economy or

Chad Hufford:

in the world around us dictate your investing decisions. Do

Chad Hufford:

those things have an impact? Yes. But can you control them?

Chad Hufford:

No. And too often, my industry puts so much focus on all the

Chad Hufford:

things we can't control, elections, interest rates, the

Chad Hufford:

economy, wars, in the Middle East, Ukraine, Russia, all that

Chad Hufford:

stuff matters, but we can't do anything about it. So if we're

Chad Hufford:

so focused on the short term things that we can't control,

Chad Hufford:

we'll miss the impact on the. Long term things that we can

Chad Hufford:

control. So it's always putting people's perspective back to

Chad Hufford:

their goals, their long term plan. Are my current actions

Chad Hufford:

aligned with where I want to be and what I want to be doing in

Chad Hufford:

the future, in looking past this crazy world that we live in

Chad Hufford:

right now?

Janice Porter:

Well, when you say we can't do anything about

Janice Porter:

it, I mean, we can as little bit of it. We could all do a little

Janice Porter:

bit to make it better, one way or the other. And I'm not going

Janice Porter:

to get into red or blue, but, but I mean, right, yeah,

Chad Hufford:

no, you're right. And I'm not like, yeah, don't

Chad Hufford:

take that the wrong way. It's voting and being involved in

Chad Hufford:

your community. And we, we being involved. You have the

Chad Hufford:

opportunity to to have some but it's very like, you can't

Chad Hufford:

control interest rates. You can't No, no, I know. So, yeah,

Chad Hufford:

do what you can in those areas. Yeah. But the the problem Janice

Chad Hufford:

is sometimes people spend hours a day focusing on that. Gosh,

Chad Hufford:

yeah, you know. And it takes up not just so much of their time,

Chad Hufford:

but it takes their energy. It takes their focus. It creates

Chad Hufford:

myopic thinking, and in it, it destroys a long term

Chad Hufford:

perspective. Because of everything we're looking at is

Chad Hufford:

the here and now, we can see the future. You can't have reading

Chad Hufford:

glasses on and see something two miles away, right? It brings

Chad Hufford:

your focus into what's right in front of you. And it also, I

Chad Hufford:

think it can actually create a state of learned helplessness.

Chad Hufford:

If we are so focused on the things that we we don't have

Chad Hufford:

much influence over some or very little or none at all, then the

Chad Hufford:

story that we start telling ourselves is, in order for me to

Chad Hufford:

to be financially independent, I have to get lucky. I'm just

Chad Hufford:

going to sit here and all these things need to line up in my

Chad Hufford:

favor and stop saying, you what? Maybe some I've got some things

Chad Hufford:

going against me. Maybe there are some hurdles, but there's,

Chad Hufford:

there's a lot I can't control, but there's a lot that I can do

Chad Hufford:

to improve my my situation, and, if nothing else, my relationship

Chad Hufford:

with money. And that's where this process is going to start.

Janice Porter:

That's a great place to end. I think that's

Janice Porter:

amazing. And I think we've we covered the gamut from the macro

Janice Porter:

to the micro to the macro and and I know that you, I can tell

Janice Porter:

that you're passionate about what you do and that you care

Janice Porter:

about people. And I think that ultimately is, is the, is the

Janice Porter:

the goal, right, that you're helping people lead better have

Janice Porter:

better lives and have a better understanding of the power of

Janice Porter:

money, but that it's that, what did you say money when it

Janice Porter:


Chad Hufford:

Money is a wonderful servant, right? A

Chad Hufford:

terrible master,

Janice Porter:

right? Love that. I gotta write that one down. I

Janice Porter:

like that one. Thank you again for being here. One last

Janice Porter:

question, can you let us know? And I'll put it in the show

Janice Porter:

notes, how my audience can get hold of you, and I didn't even

Janice Porter:

mention but I think it was maybe a couple of years ago. You have

Janice Porter:

a book called it. Wasn't that long ago.

Chad Hufford:

It was. It was spring of 24 forging financial

Chad Hufford:

freedom. It came out right early in 2024

Janice Porter:

which I'm guessing covers a lot of what

Janice Porter:

you talked about today. Okay,

Chad Hufford:

it's very much about the mindset. It's our

Chad Hufford:

perspective around money. There's a lot of of protocols

Chad Hufford:

and processes that books can teach on how to build wealth and

Chad Hufford:

financial independence, but there's not a lot of books on

Chad Hufford:

how to think differently about money. So I wrote the book that

Chad Hufford:

I wish I had read 20 years ago to help people create a better

Chad Hufford:

relationship with money so they can use the already existing

Chad Hufford:

tools and processes more effectively. Perfect.

Janice Porter:

Now I'm going to read it. I don't like to do that

Janice Porter:

anyway, before I interview somebody, I want to come in

Janice Porter:

cold, but that sounds like a book I could I could probably

Janice Porter:

read, because it's not all about the it's more about the mindset.

Janice Porter:

I like that. So how can my audience get hold of you? Find

Janice Porter:

your book. Find you

Chad Hufford:

forging financial freedom. It's on Amazon and

Chad Hufford:

available as a Kindle or hardback. Veritas is

Chad Hufford:

our website and on Instagram, never

Janice Porter:

even mentioned that you were in Alaska. Oh, my

Janice Porter:

goodness, that's right, yes. Okay,

Chad Hufford:

Veritas Alaska, we work with people all over but

Chad Hufford:

Veritas is the website, and Veritas dot Alaska

Chad Hufford:

on Instagram, and you can find me pretty easily on LinkedIn.

Chad Hufford:

Just look up Chad Huffer Veritas and I'll pop right up. Okay,

Janice Porter:

sounds good. This was a pleasure. Thank you so

Janice Porter:

much for being here. And what have I got written here? It's

Janice Porter:

clear that true wealth isn't just about the size of your bank

Janice Porter:

account. It's about living in alignment with your values,

Janice Porter:

building strong relationships and creating a life you love.

Janice Porter:

And I know that that is a passion for you, I can tell and

Janice Porter:

thank you for sharing about your kids as well. I appreciate that.

Chad Hufford:

My pleasure. Thanks for letting me come on.

Chad Hufford:

You're very well. Welcome.

Janice Porter:

There we go. So remember thank you to my

Janice Porter:

audience for being here. Please let me know if you enjoyed our

Janice Porter:

conversation and reach out to Chad for further conversation

Janice Porter:

about wealth and mindset around money, and remember to stay

Janice Porter:

connected and be remembered. You.





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