In today's episode I focus on the realisation that we need to be very deliberate and conscious about growth in our lives. It's true that change is always taking place but it seems that growth in our lives is optional. It is incredible that we have this awesome power to decide to grow or decide to stay where we are or even go backward.
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Well, Hey everybody.
Speaker:Jonathan Doyle with you again, welcome to the daily podcast.
Speaker:Good to be with you.
Speaker:Hope it can bring you something useful today on this.
Speaker:Great big adventure of life that we're all sharing together.
Speaker:Sometimes we just need a little bit of inspiration, motivation
Speaker:to get us moving forward.
Speaker:So if you're listening in your car, in the gym, on the golf course,
Speaker:Base camp of Mount Everest, perhaps who knows anything's possible.
Speaker:Welcome aboard.
Speaker:Thanks for tuning in.
Speaker:I was talking yesterday about state.
Speaker:I've been talking a lot about state this week.
Speaker:Which is really just taking this new responsibility for our levels of
Speaker:energy, how we use our physical bodies.
Speaker:A lot of people want to blow this one off.
Speaker:They're like, ah, this is just raw.
Speaker:This is just a, you know,
Speaker:We don't need to do this.
Speaker:I'm happy how I am.
Speaker:Well, if we are happy, how we are, we tend to stay where we are.
Speaker:If you are completely happy with where you are and you're happy to stay, then.
Speaker:I, um, I may not be useful as, as much as useful as I'd like to be for you,
Speaker:because I think as humans, we're here for change, we're here for growth.
Speaker:Everything is changing.
Speaker:And before I get into that, uh, housekeeping, please make
Speaker:sure you've subscribed and.
Speaker:Uh, there's a whole bunch of links.
Speaker:If you're on the podcast app, you should be able to find a bunch of links.
Speaker:You can book me for a 30 minute coaching call.
Speaker:It's called a discovery call.
Speaker:Where we look at, uh, what you're looking to change in life, business relationships.
Speaker:You want to move your business forward your career forward.
Speaker:Go and book a 30 minute discovery call with me.
Speaker:And we can look together about how we can get you moving forward.
Speaker:I love coaching people.
Speaker:It's a great joy to me.
Speaker:So go and grab that a 30 minute call now.
Speaker:We're talking about change.
Speaker:I want to give you a simple, simple, simple man tried this.
Speaker:Change is mandatory, mandatory.
Speaker:Growth is optional changes.
Speaker:Mandatory growth is optional.
Speaker:That is the thought for today.
Speaker:This one is irrefutable in controvertible.
Speaker:It is just the nature of reality itself.
Speaker:Look out the window.
Speaker:And you will notice change.
Speaker:You will notice the sky changing.
Speaker:You will notice the trees changing wherever you are.
Speaker:Sometimes, you know where we, we live here.
Speaker:It's, uh, it's dramatic.
Speaker:You come through.
Speaker:Into autumn where I live and it's just like nature jumps out and says,
Speaker:okay, we're getting ready to change.
Speaker:Change is always happening.
Speaker:It is happening in your physical body.
Speaker:I've got young kids.
Speaker:But I'll tell you what, they're not as young as they once were.
Speaker:And now I'm at that phase where I'm out and about, and I'll see parents
Speaker:with really young kids and I'll be like, oh man, remember that?
Speaker:Where'd that phase go.
Speaker:My kids are getting older.
Speaker:You know, and, uh, all these different changes taking place.
Speaker:There is nothing you can do to stop it.
Speaker:It is going to happen.
Speaker:But growth.
Speaker:My friend growth is optional.
Speaker:What do I mean by that bottom end by growth.
Speaker:I mean, we, uh, you know, they all saying we're not human beings, we're human.
Speaker:Becomings, there's this potentiality in every single one of us, what it means
Speaker:to be human, what we can have be do.
Speaker:And as I love to finish with contribute,
Speaker:See the goal of life, of course is not to be the richest person in the graveyard.
Speaker:That seems to be our cultural fascination at the moment.
Speaker:Um, you know, particularly through things like social media
Speaker:have influenced, be recognized.
Speaker:Live your best life.
Speaker:Be noticed.
Speaker:Be validated.
Speaker:But life is so much more than that.
Speaker:It's very much about contribution.
Speaker:You know, Real happiness comes from a sense of connection, relationship
Speaker:and contribution that that is what is going to make you truly happy.
Speaker:So friends.
Speaker:How do we grow?
Speaker:It changes mandatory.
Speaker:How do we grow?
Speaker:How do we become more of what we already are?
Speaker:I love that paradoxical statement.
Speaker:How do you become more of what you already are?
Speaker:What does that mean?
Speaker:That means that deep inside us is this incredibly beautiful human potential
Speaker:that God has given every single one of us we've been created with this.
Speaker:Beautiful potential and capacity.
Speaker:How do we, how do we actualize it?
Speaker:How do we move towards it?
Speaker:All I want to say he really is.
Speaker:There are vast numbers of strategies.
Speaker:When I'm coaching people, I often get them to the strategy point lost
Speaker:because there's two other factors that we need to get in place.
Speaker:There's kind of a physiological state, how we're feeling and
Speaker:how we're moving physically.
Speaker:And then we look at.
Speaker:The story that we're in the kind of cognitive architecture, the way
Speaker:that we've built our conceptual framework of our own lives.
Speaker:I want you to sort that stuff out and you start looking at
Speaker:empowering stories for your life.
Speaker:You end up then strategy takes care of itself in time.
Speaker:But I want to give you, I guess, one, at least strategic insight on this
Speaker:relationship between change and growth.
Speaker:If you want growth.
Speaker:The real first step is.
Speaker:I'll say mindfulness, but I don't buy that mean the kind of new
Speaker:concepts we have around a sort of.
Speaker:You know, presence, meditation thing by mindfulness.
Speaker:I mean,
Speaker:Having awareness, having a simple awareness that growth.
Speaker:Is optional.
Speaker:Beginning to think to yourself.
Speaker:Hang on a sec.
Speaker:He's right.
Speaker:Change is always going to happen.
Speaker:But if I want to partner with growth, I have to be deliberate.
Speaker:I have to be conscious.
Speaker:And many times I've said that the world that we inhabit at the
Speaker:moment because of it's, it's, it's a, it's an attention economy.
Speaker:It's a distraction economy, right?
Speaker:So, so much of the time being deliberate and conscious about what we want for
Speaker:our lives, for the people we love.
Speaker:Can be really overwhelmed by the sheer inundation of stuff.
Speaker:That's coming at us all the time.
Speaker:So my challenge for you today.
Speaker:It's just to sit with this concept.
Speaker:Ask yourself.
Speaker:The question.
Speaker:Yeah, I know I'm changing, but am I growing?
Speaker:What does growing look like for you?
Speaker:Is it a growth in intellect?
Speaker:Is it a growth in attainment achievement?
Speaker:Is it a growth in a sense of success or wellbeing?
Speaker:Is that your relationships are developing and growing in a way you like your
Speaker:spirituality, your sense of your place in the cosmos, your relationship to God.
Speaker:All of that stuff.
Speaker:Are you growing?
Speaker:The nature of the cosmos itself.
Speaker:You know, I often talk about the second law of thermodynamics, which
Speaker:is what's called the law of entropy.
Speaker:That things are moving from a hotter state to a colder state, which means any system
Speaker:left to itself with no fresh inputs.
Speaker:Is cooling down is slowing down, is moving towards entropy and death.
Speaker:And so, yeah, there's physical death for all of us, I guess, but.
Speaker:Happy podcast.
Speaker:Isn't it.
Speaker:It's this physical death, but there's also very much.
Speaker:The death of our dreams, the death of our potential, the death of our contribution,
Speaker:because we're not consciously partnering with trying to move it forward.
Speaker:So that's my question for you today.
Speaker:Are you growing?
Speaker:Are you growing?
Speaker:And if you're not growing, then reach out.
Speaker:We can, we can do some coaching.
Speaker:We can look at what's stopping you and get you moving forward.
Speaker:But even if you don't do that, Are you growing?
Speaker:What could you do today?
Speaker:What could you read?
Speaker:What conversation could you have?
Speaker:Jim, could you join?
Speaker:What war could you go on?
Speaker:What thing could you do that you're avoiding doing that would get
Speaker:you moving forward and growing.
Speaker:All right.
Speaker:So last time changes, mandatory growth.
Speaker:My friend growth is very much optional, so let's be partners in growth.
Speaker:Let's get on our own team.
Speaker:Let's get behind ourselves here.
Speaker:And start growing.
Speaker:I, and I'll tell you what one last thought.
Speaker:It's hard.
Speaker:I'm in a real phase of growth at the moment.
Speaker:I started my day today at 4:00 AM.
Speaker:I mean here in the studio and I'm committing to a process I'm
Speaker:doing a lot of sorta online study and research and thinking and.
Speaker:And I thought to myself last night, I thought, wow, you know, growth is hard.
Speaker:It's so much easier just to, to cruise.
Speaker:And when you grow, there's this tension I think in, in yourself, I don't know
Speaker:if you felt it sometimes in your life, you kind of got, you want to go back.
Speaker:You want to go?
Speaker:I remember this is hard.
Speaker:It was easy before you.
Speaker:I wasn't happy it.
Speaker:Wasn't where I wanted to be, but it was comfortable.
Speaker:It takes us into that whole great big decision, the whole great big
Speaker:conversation about comfort zones.
Speaker:Doesn't it.
Speaker:There's a reason that we have comfort zones.
Speaker:It's not profound.
Speaker:It's because they're comfortable.
Speaker:It's cause they're comfortable.
Speaker:We want to stay there.
Speaker:So do not be afraid of you move forward with any form of growth.
Speaker:If you find resistance within yourself, it's like a rocket
Speaker:taking off into space, you know?
Speaker:It needs this big, this burst of fuel and energy to get it moving forward.
Speaker:Because once it's done that, it breaks free out of the atmosphere
Speaker:and has this huge expansive.
Speaker:Cosmos to explore.
Speaker:This is a good metaphor for you.
Speaker:All right, everybody.
Speaker:God bless.
Speaker:Go and book yourself a coaching call with me.
Speaker:Go and check out all the other links.
Speaker:You can get free access to my book, bridging the gap.
Speaker:There's a free PDF version that I do there.
Speaker:And, um, we're going to send you, I think we sent you a
Speaker:chapter every couple of days.
Speaker:So go and grab that there's a whole bunch of links.
Speaker:You gotta check them out.
Speaker:Uh, please subscribe.
Speaker:Share this with people.
Speaker:It's a huge blessing.
Speaker:Uh, you want to reach me personally?
Speaker:Just email me,
Speaker:All right, everybody.
Speaker:God bless you.
Speaker:My name is Jonathan Doyle.
Speaker:This has been the daily podcast.