What’s the difference between a Small Group and a Missional Community? On This Episode, Caesar and Heath look at the traditional “small group” model and suggest ways to transition them into a more “missional” mode of life-on-life together in community.
You may have been in your current small group for years–or maybe you've given up on that already. Love it? Hate it? Take heart! You were designed to live a rich life as part of God's family in community on mission with others.
In This Episode You’ll Learn:
- This biggest difference between small groups and missional communities
- Why small groups tend to create a false sense of community
- Why there’s a good chance you are approaching small groups from a “consumer” mindset and how to change that
- Simple steps you can get started with right away!
Get started here...
If you thought that missional communities are just a way of Christians getting together to party, celebrate and never take the Word seriously…you don't understand what a true gospel-centered community on mission is all about.
Each week the Big 3 will give you immediate action steps to get you started.
Download today's BIG 3 right now. Read and think over them again later. You might even want to share them with others...
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Links and Resources Mentioned in This Episode:
Get a free sample of Week #1 of the Tangible Kingdom Primer and a discount code to save you money on TK Primers]
Free Download of the Big 3 For Episode #106
Caesar Kalinowski's Website and Blog with Loads of Resources
Missio Publishing – Top Missional Books and Resources