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Episode 25: Tech, Chili Cook-offs, and Classic Movies with the Texoma Trio!
Episode 25 β€’ 19th April 2024 β€’ Get It Right, Texoma! β€’ Mike, Trey, and Terry
00:00:00 00:31:49

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🌟 Episode Summary:

  • 🎬 Texoma Trio Unleashed: Terry McAdams, Mike Hendren, and Trey Sralla kick off the episode with a wave of nostalgia and a shout-out to classic movies like "Three Amigos" and "Three Godfathers."
  • πŸ“± Tech Talk: Broadcasting from MacTech Solutions in Wichita Falls, Texas, the crew dives into what it means to be an Apple authorized reseller and service provider. They explain the ins and outs of servicing Apple products with authentic parts, ensuring warranty protection, and the benefits of opting for AppleCare.
  • ✈️ In-Flight Entertainment Tips: Mike shares a pro-tip for airline passengers: bring an iPad on flights (especially American Airlines) for a better viewing experience, now that screens are removed from seats.
  • 🏍️ Outdoor Adventures: Eddie Hills Fun Cycles gets a spotlight for not only selling motorcycles and ATVs but now venturing into high-end, battery-operated outdoor equipment like robot mowers.
  • πŸͺ Local Lore and Events: The episode covers a lot from local businesses like Lollie & Pop's Sweet Shop to upcoming events including a "cosy" chili cook-off event and a Parks and Recreation fishing program for kids.
  • πŸš” Serious Topics with a Side of Humor: The hosts discuss a significant drug bust in Wichita Falls, touching on the serious implications of drug trafficking mixed with a lighter take on local law enforcement tactics.
  • πŸ“Ί Nostalgic Game Show Banter: A trip down memory lane discussing old game shows like "Match Game" and "Family Feud," highlighting how these shows have shaped pop culture.
  • πŸ—³οΈ Political Commentary: The conversation turns to politics briefly, discussing the upcoming presidential debates and the integrity of news reporting.

πŸŽ™οΈ Tune in for a lively blend of tech, entertainment, and local culture with the Texoma Trioβ€”where laughs and insights collide!




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