Hi there, this is Christian Baker from www.ChristianBaker.net and The Achieve Podcast sharing inspiration, motivation, and encouragement to help you to think differently, to develop your mindset, so you can believe in yourself more, take action and achieve the life and the goals that you want.
Now we're just approaching the end of the year. Some people look at it that we've got three months left, 12 weeks, 90 days.
However, you choose to look at it we've just entered the final quarter of the year.
Recently I've been having conversations with personal coaching clients around what their goals are for the end of the year, how best they can finish the year strong and what they want to accomplish before the end of the year.
So, I'm just going to ask and encourage you to stop, pause and have a think about that for yourself, if you were to get to the end of this calendar year, what is it that you'd like to have accomplished?
Regardless of when you're listening or watching this, this is a great exercise to be do. There are many great times throughout the year when it's a good opportunity to stop and look at your goals, the start of a new year, halfway through the year, the different quarter's, but to be fair any day is a good day to stop,
to look, to reflect, to review where you're heading and what it is that you're actually wanting to accomplish in your life.
So, whether you frame it as three months, 12 weeks or 90 days, have a look at what it is that you would like to accomplish in that timeframe. But then break it down and reverse engineer it and look at what it is that you're going to do for the next 28 days.
You know, once you have a slightly bigger target or goal, then look at your action steps, what's your main focus.
You could then maybe break it down into the next seven days.
Now you know what you want to achieve in 12 weeks, what is it you need to get done?
What is it you want to accomplish?
What's going to help you get closer towards that in the next seven days?
You could then look at the next day, I always think it's a good idea to review your actions the night before.
So, choose, decide, and commit, what your actions are going to be tomorrow. Maybe you're going to choose just one thing, some people like to look at the top three things that they're going to accomplish in a day.
But if you just say to yourself, what's the one thing that I want to accomplish?
Reduce the overwhelm, the noise and all distractions and ask yourself;
What's the best thing I can accomplish, that is going to move me closer towards the goal and the life that I want?
So my encouragement for you, the action step I want you to take away from this episode, is to stop, to look, to reflect upon, regardless of what time of year now and choose and decide what you're going to, accomplish in the next 12 weeks.
Then break that down into the next 28 day chunks, then the next seven days and just focus, get clarity on the action steps that you can take that accumulatively will get you closer towards actually achieving that.
Once you've done that, feel free to leave a comment, drop me a message, send me an email and let me know what you are going to achieve in the next 12 weeks.
Remember what your mind believes you will achieve, so think differently, take action and you can achieve the life and the goals that you want.
Go on, make it happen!
All the best
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