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Scaling Your Business Explained in 4 Levels
Episode 31817th October 2023 • The Scalable Expert • Tara Bryan
00:00:00 00:19:35

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In this episode, Tara breaks down the 4 levels or evolutions for scaling a service-based business. If you started a business or agency by completing projects for other companies and you have found yourself at a growth plateau or crossroads, this episode may give you the tips and tricks to send you into your next level of growth!

About Me:

Hey, it’s your host, Tara Bryan. And I am on a mission to help more business owners learn to infinitely scale their businesses by leveraging the power of online without sacrificing the customer experience or results. 

I like to geek out on all things business strategy, marketing, interactive digital and user experience. This podcast is all about what is working, lessons learned and actionable tips to create and grow a thriving online business. 

Join us each week as we dive into different strategies, tactics and tips you can apply immediately to your business.

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Tara Bryan:

Hey, everybody, it's Tara, Bryan, and you are

Tara Bryan:

listening to the course building secrets podcast. Whether you're

Tara Bryan:

a coach or a CEO, the success of your team and clients is based

Tara Bryan:

on your ability to deliver a consistent experience and guide

Tara Bryan:

them on the fastest path to results. This podcast will give

Tara Bryan:

you practical real life tips that you can use today to build

Tara Bryan:

your online experiences that get results and create raving fans.

Tara Bryan:

Why? So you can monetize your expertise and serve more people

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without adding more time or team to your business? If you're

Tara Bryan:

looking to uncover your million dollar framework, package it and

Tara Bryan:

use it to scale you're in the right place. Let's dive in. Hey,

Tara Bryan:

everybody, welcome to today's episode of the course building

Tara Bryan:

secrets podcast. Hey, in this episode, this is for my service

Tara Bryan:

based entrepreneurs and business owners. And how do you look at

Tara Bryan:

growing and scaling your business beyond just working

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harder, or having a huge infrastructure in terms of team

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and location and all of the things. And this episode speaks

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directly into my heart because when I started my agency 16

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years ago, this is the way that I started. And then the way that

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I scaled my business so that I could keep growing, I sort of

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ended up in that place where two things happened. One is I

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couldn't take on more clients without hiring more people. And

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when I hired more people that grew my, my expenses in so I

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never quite got ahead of becoming, you know, more

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profitable because I had to have more and more expenses as I was

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growing my agency. And the second thing is, is that we just

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we were sort of always in that feast or famine, right? So we

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had to have enough capacity in order to keep the team they had

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to have the team in order to meet the capacity. So it kind of

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was always in that chicken in the egg scenario. So I don't

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know if you find yourself in that place. But what happens in

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that situation, when other than it being super stressful? Is

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that you cap out at at a specific revenue number because

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you can't, you just can't leap over where you are in terms of

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growth, just by working harder, longer, or putting in more

Tara Bryan:

effort, right. So something has to change. So this is a lot of

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the journey that I went through, but also as we've taken our

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clients through of how do you package your expertise? How do

Tara Bryan:

you package your service based business in order to grow and

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scale it in a way that you can have that exponential growth in

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order for you to keep growing, and not kill yourself, by

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working a ton of hours or building a huge infrastructure

Tara Bryan:

in terms of team as you are going? Alright, so I'm going to

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break this down into various sort of stages or, or levels

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that you can think about in terms of as you're growing your

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business. So let our students when you first get started, say

Tara Bryan:

you're leaving your corporate job, and you're going out and

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putting your shingle up or your No, you have, you know, wanted

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to do something with your expertise. Usually what happens

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is you start by, you know, just getting clients, right, so

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you're just doing a bunch of different things, you're helping

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them you're, you've kind of determined your expertise or

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your topic from a broad picture perspective. And then anyone who

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comes in, you're helping them regardless of sort of, do they

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match that core system that you that you want to create, right?

Tara Bryan:

So you're just kind of in this hours for dollars pattern,

Tara Bryan:

you're helping people but every single thing that you're doing

Tara Bryan:

for every client is just a little bit different, or could

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be a lot different, right? So when we first started, we do

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custom learning solutions for large companies. And so when

Tara Bryan:

when we started, what would happen is we would have our sort

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of way that we would work with clients, but all the projects

Tara Bryan:

were different, right? different industries, different needs,

Tara Bryan:

different problems that we were solving. And so everything was

Tara Bryan:

just slightly different. So I had to hire really specialized

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talent to come in to help actually get to the finish line

Tara Bryan:

with the different projects which is great, right like

Tara Bryan:

working with a lot of awesome people. But the more specialized

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your talent, the more expensive they are, the harder it is to

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make margins, right so everybody was all my clients were coming

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Again, and we were providing an awesome service and really doing

Tara Bryan:

a great job with them. But every single project was different. We

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couldn't, we couldn't put it into a system or a framework or

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a formula that was consistently applied all the way through with

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all of our clients. And so the challenge with that is every,

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you know, because everything is different, it's really hard to

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kind of work, work through, you know, the consistency, when

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you're hiring people, it's really hard for them to follow

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kind of a, an ad hoc model. It's hard when you're bringing

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clients in to provide them with a level of security, that

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they're going to have their project delivered on time and on

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budget. And, of course, the more variation that you're doing in

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your business, the harder and more complex it is to run the

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business. So That's level one, that's usually when people start

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as they're just trying to kind of figure out either who their

Tara Bryan:

ideal client is, what problem they solve, and how can they

Tara Bryan:

start to consistently solve that problem in a way that, that they

Tara Bryan:

can provide an efficient solution. Okay, so that's number

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one. So what happens is you get to a level of growth, again,

Tara Bryan:

really hard to scale, you kind of end up in that place of like,

Tara Bryan:

everything feels like a mess, everything feels really hard.

Tara Bryan:

And, and you're not able to get any efficiencies as, as you're

Tara Bryan:

going. And so it's just, it's a really tough place to be in at

Tara Bryan:

some point you max out. So then you have level two, which is

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you've chosen a specialization, right? You've taken all of those

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projects, you're like, Okay, these are, this is the one, or

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these projects are the ones we love the most. And so you kind

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of you choose that one and you specialize. When you specialize,

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what you can do is you can turn that into a step by step

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formula, or step by step signature framework or

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methodology that you can consistently deliver each and

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every time to all of your, your customers. So if you do that,

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and you're, you know, consistently providing them that

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level of experience, what starts to happen as you get more

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efficient, you can document how things go with that step by step

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system, your team has more predictability, your client has

Tara Bryan:

more predictability, you can start to just deliver on that

Tara Bryan:

one step by step methodology. And then you can start to think

Tara Bryan:

about what comes next. Right. So once you've done that, and you

Tara Bryan:

can run all your clients through it, it helps to save time, it

Tara Bryan:

helps to gain efficiencies, you're starting to create some

Tara Bryan:

standard operating procedures are starting to create some

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systemized approaches for how things happen. And it becomes

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something that it can be scalable, because it's more

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streamlined. And it's it's one way of doing it versus sort of

Tara Bryan:

ad hoc, everyone's a little bit different.

Tara Bryan:

But it requires some discipline, because it requires you to just

Tara Bryan:

choose that one thing and move forward with that one thing and

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and really start to, you know, just hone that one process as

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you're going through. So choose the one that sort of your

Tara Bryan:

signature methodology that solves the problem that you like

Tara Bryan:

to solve the most. And then start saying no to everything

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else, what that will do is it will attract the right people to

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you who need that solution, and give you the opportunity to

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start honing in on just that focused area. So as you're

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starting to, to grow in this area, what you'll see is you're

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able to hire easy, easier, you're you're able to attract

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the right clients who aren't asking for all sorts of crazy,

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wacky new things, and your profitability will start to go

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up because you can have a little bit more predictability in how

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you're delivering and how you're getting other people to help you

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deliver as well. Alright, so That's level two, is if you are

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in that place where everything is totally different, and you're

Tara Bryan:

solving different problems for every single client that comes

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in, start to think about which one you like the best start to

Tara Bryan:

put together kind of that signature methodology, right. So

Tara Bryan:

step by step process from point A to point B, that helps to

Tara Bryan:

define how you're helping people each and every time. So for us

Tara Bryan:

in the agency, we came up with a five step framework, and in that

Tara Bryan:

framework, we took all of them through the same process. So I

Tara Bryan:

was able to go out and and talk to prospective clients and say,

Tara Bryan:

Listen, I can I know that how long this is going to take, how

Tara Bryan:

much budget it's going to take and what the schedule is going

Tara Bryan:

to be based on the fact that we have a proprietary framework

Tara Bryan:

that you can feel confident that we're going to go with through

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and get results. Because we have that level of predictability, I

Tara Bryan:

was able to get about 90% accuracy with everyone's

Tara Bryan:

projects because of that, because we had such a specific

Tara Bryan:

methodology that we were going through, it helped. It helped

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everything. And that was the first big transition point in

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the agency that allowed us to keep growing. And keep growing

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in a way that was sustainable. Okay, so then the next level is

Tara Bryan:

how do you take that step by step methodology, and start to

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package it in a way that allows you to deliver it in some some

Tara Bryan:

interesting ways, that allows you to save time to save effort,

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and not repeat yourself, this is sort of the the game we get into

Tara Bryan:

I call it 51st dates where every single time we're working with a

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customer, we're repeating ourselves, we're making up new

Tara Bryan:

things. Once we have that step by step signature methodology,

Tara Bryan:

now we can start saying, okay, so how do we bring customers on

Tara Bryan:

onboard? Consistently? How do we get them set up? How do we put

Tara Bryan:

them in the system? How do we help them learn the different

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components that they need to either, you know, be a part of

Tara Bryan:

our done for you service, or start transitioning them in this

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phase into done with you. So perhaps, they just want the

Tara Bryan:

system and some coaching and accountability, but they have a

Tara Bryan:

full implementation team who can implement, they have a full team

Tara Bryan:

who, or they want to themselves, do the work to implement, right,

Tara Bryan:

so you can give them the system, and then they're able to go in

Tara Bryan:

and, and actually, you know, complete what needs to be done

Tara Bryan:

because they have the step by step path. And so this opens up

Tara Bryan:

a whole new revenue source for people who are either, like I

Tara Bryan:

said, have a team or they want to do it themselves, but they

Tara Bryan:

want to use your methodology. So again, you can start packaging

Tara Bryan:

that you can give them your standard operating procedures

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that you use with your team, any templates or tools, coaching and

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accountability, this starts to shift the conversation from just

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done for you, to done with you. And allows you to start

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packaging your expertise in a completely new way. And like I

Tara Bryan:

said, serve a new audience. And then once you have done that,

Tara Bryan:

and you've been able to help them you have something that's

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packaged, you've kind of learned all the pitfalls. We call it

Tara Bryan:

controlling the dip, which allows you to create an

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experience that is highly leveraged using systems and

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technology, and still provides an awesome experience that

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allows people to participate and get results and have sort of

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that coaching, and, and help as they're going. In Level Three,

Tara Bryan:

once you've done all of that, then you have a whole new

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opportunity to package all of that into maybe a do it yourself

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option. If somebody wants to take your system and apply it on

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their own without any intervention from you, they have

Tara Bryan:

that opportunity either as a full program, or you can pull

Tara Bryan:

out pieces of your core program and just give them parts that

Tara Bryan:

they can start to implement on their own. So you can sell them

Tara Bryan:

on their own or sell them as part of a package. And so when

Tara Bryan:

you look at that progression, what it does is it starts to

Tara Bryan:

take you from that ad hoc will do anything, anyone who comes

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in, we're gonna say yes, to a very strategic growth model that

Tara Bryan:

helps you continue to grow and adds additional levels of

Tara Bryan:

customers that you may not even be able to see yet today,

Tara Bryan:

because of the way that you're just doing done for you

Tara Bryan:

services. So imagine if you didn't just have the done for

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you services, but you also had additional ways to serve people,

Tara Bryan:

you would have additional customers and members if you

Tara Bryan:

have a continuity model, but you also can still have your core

Tara Bryan:

done for you services, as well, that are more streamlined based

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on the problem that you're trying to solve. And it

Tara Bryan:

simplifies your entire business model gives you revenue from

Tara Bryan:

additional sources and eventually allows you to grow in

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scale in a way that is sustainable and, and grows

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beyond you as the business owner. So if you're in that

Tara Bryan:

position of trying to scale your services, or you're just in a

Tara Bryan:

position of you're just not growing anymore, you've reached

Tara Bryan:

that ceiling. I know that the first time I reached that

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ceiling it was about an 800,000 in annual revenue. And I just

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couldn't get back past it. And so we had to start looking at

Tara Bryan:

these other levels in order to maximize our efforts that we had

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as a business. So that we could not only grow or continue to

Tara Bryan:

grow revenue, but also grow our profitability. Because as you

Tara Bryan:

know, if you have, you know, a great top line revenue and

Tara Bryan:

terrible profitability, you don't really have a sustainable

Tara Bryan:

business, right. And so this allows you to do both. So if

Tara Bryan:

this serves you today, I would love to get your feedback on

Tara Bryan:

this, because I know that when I was a struggling service

Tara Bryan:

provider, this is one of the the answers that I would have loved

Tara Bryan:

to have had, I just didn't know the right question to ask,

Tara Bryan:

right. And so, so often, it's, it's just put more people on it

Tara Bryan:

put more, you know, you can work on your operating system, put

Tara Bryan:

more people in it, get a new office, get more clients, all

Tara Bryan:

those different answers. But looking at how you're offering

Tara Bryan:

your services and how you're productizing your services

Tara Bryan:

actually provides you with what you need to unlock those new

Tara Bryan:

customers, and unlock the ability to help people and have

Tara Bryan:

it completely removed from your time right from recreating the

Tara Bryan:

wheel every time from having that 51st state scenario. And so

Tara Bryan:

hopefully, this serves you because I know that it made a

Tara Bryan:

huge difference in my business as I was kind of at that, that

Tara Bryan:

point of growth. And if you are trying to create your program,

Tara Bryan:

and you haven't actually gone through these levels, it may be

Tara Bryan:

interesting to think about the fact that maybe you need to

Tara Bryan:

start by going out and helping you know, maybe five different

Tara Bryan:

customers that you can just help serve them so that you can

Tara Bryan:

uncover your signature methodology and start to package

Tara Bryan:

it, it's really hard to start with the you know, trying to

Tara Bryan:

package or put a course together, or a program together

Tara Bryan:

without having that sense of how you're getting them from point A

Tara Bryan:

to point B, right? How are you solving their problem in the

Tara Bryan:

fastest and most efficient way. Because at this point, like if

Tara Bryan:

you haven't worked with customers, you're just sort of

Tara Bryan:

guessing right, or you're using your own experience, which is

Tara Bryan:

great. And so but you it may serve you to just jump in the

Tara Bryan:

game and start, you know, taking people through your signature

Tara Bryan:

methodology, one on one or in a small group, so that you can,

Tara Bryan:

when you are packaging it, when you are automating it, you are

Tara Bryan:

able to provide that level of service in a simulated

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delivery method. So that you are you know, making sure that

Tara Bryan:

you're getting those results, making sure you're helping

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people solve that problem. And, and it helps to really expand

Tara Bryan:

your ability to serve. So that's just a side note. If you're kind

Tara Bryan:

of starting from level four, you may want to fill in a little bit

Tara Bryan:

with level two and three, I wouldn't go back to one, but

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going back to two and three, from a short time perspective so

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that you can dial in some of the SOPs, some of the the details in

Tara Bryan:

your signature methodology. It will really help you as you are

Tara Bryan:

growing and scaling. So there you go. That is your course

Tara Bryan:

building tip for today.



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