Artwork for podcast Speaking of Grace
The Setup
Episode 5028th April 2021 • Speaking of Grace • WholeLife Productions
00:00:00 00:04:13

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Our annual church retreat canceled all live and online services last week so this week is just a quick setup for this week upcoming and invitation by Randy to join the Loop this week and participate with your questions and comments by using one of the following:

■ Text/Voicemail: 407-965-1607

■ Email:

■ WLC Mobile App: Media Tab/Podcast Banner and Use Text and Email links

■ Social Media: #WholeLifePodcast/ #WholeLifeTakeAways

JOIN US LIVE FOR ‘THE LOOP’! Every Saturday morning at 9:00 a.m. EST our interactive worship service goes live to the internet to engage with you! Ask questions, submit videos or ideas so that we can all grow closer as a community of believers. You can attend in person or online at www.WholeLife.Church/LIVE. Please login to the ‘chatroll’ chat feature so we can meet you personally and take your thoughts and questions!

Thank you for listening! If you’ve enjoyed this episode, please share it on social media. Our show is available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, iHeart Radio, and everywhere you can listen to podcasts! 

NEXT WEEK: We begin our annual series this week hearing from voices within our church community with a new series called - Transitions: Navigating Change - ‘The Winding Path - by Chad Hess

The theme music for Speaking of Grace was written, produced, and performed by WholeLife Church’s own Phillip Burks -

Download the WholeLife Church Mobile App! It is available for both Apple and Android.

Say hello on Twitter:, Facebook:, and Instagram:! Use the #hashtags: #WholeLifePodcast #WholeLifeTakeaways #ThisIsWholeLife #NavigatingChange




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