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051 Stop Letting Others Control Your Emotions: How To Let Go and Let God
Episode 51 โ€ข 8th July 2024 โ€ข A Changed Mind | Mindset That Matters โ€ข David Bayer
00:00:00 00:27:34

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In this episode, we discuss the idea of aligning with life's flow, rather than fighting against it, a shift in perspective that promises to allow more joy, efficiency, and being present in daily life. We open up about the journey from addiction to freedom, emphasizing the importance of surrendering to a higher power and accepting life's plan.

This conversation is both relatable and inspiring, as we discuss the challenges of balancing personal goals with the unexpected events that life throws our way. Our host, David Bayer, shares practical examples from his own life, like the joy of piano shopping with family, to illustrate how letting go of rigid plans can lead to unexpected blessings.


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Available on Amazon: A Changed Mind: Go Beyond Self Awareness, Rewire Your Brain & Reengineer Your Reality

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What We Explored This Episode

00:02:04: Feeling Constrained and Seeking Freedom

00:05:07: Powerlessness and Surrender

00:08:11: Fighting Life and Solving Problems

00:10:12: Relaxing into Life's Plan

00:12:45: Adjusting Plans and Embracing Life's Flow

00:15:18: Surrendering to Life's Plan

00:18:22: One Day at a Time

00:20:54: Embracing the Present Moment

00:22:26: Unexpected Experiences as Part of the Plan

00:24:28: Letting Go and Letting God

Memorable Quotes

"I'm interested in working with what God puts in front of me. Sometimes God puts in front of me an idea or an inspiration. And it's my job to take courageous action around it because it triggers a lot of my limiting beliefs and my fears."
"What I'm saying is, the plan is what's showing up on a day-to-day basis. If you bring your full energy and attention and presence and love to whatever shows up, even when it seems like it's a problem, your full presence will actually transform that problem into the divine plan."
"Einstein said something really interesting. He said, we cannot solve a problem with the same level of energy that created it. What he was basically saying is, the solution is a different frequency than the problem."

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00;00;00;15 - 00;00;03;23


Today I'm going to be talking to you about how to become free.

00;00;03;26 - 00;00;26;25


And this episode is inspired by the daily reflection. This morning when I drove to my 12 step Alcoholics Anonymous meeting and opened up our daily reflection book and read it. It really struck me as something powerful that I wanted to share with you. And if you've been feeling like you're not free, if you've been feeling like you're bogged down by the problems of your life, maybe they're financial problems, maybe they're health problems.

00;00;26;27 - 00;00;46;16


Maybe they're problems in your career, in your business. Or maybe you're you feel like you're not free because you perceive that you're under the control of governments or the media or a two party political system. So it's not just not being free at an individual level within your life, but at a at a macro level in the world.

00;00;46;16 - 00;01;16;04


You're really going to love this episode, because I'm going to share with you how I went from really feeling constrained in my life to today, truly feeling feeling free. And I'm going to start by reading you some of the daily meditation. in the daily meditation is titled Today I'm Free for June 22nd. It says this. This brought me to the good, healthy realization that there were plenty of situations left in the world over which I had no personal power, that if I was so ready to admit that to be the case with alcohol.

00;01;16;06 - 00;01;33;18


So I must make the same admission with respect to much else, I would have to be still and know that he, not I, was God. So that's the beginning of the meditation. And it's an interesting languaging right? The good, healthy realization that there were plenty of situations left in the world over which I had no personal power in my recovery program.

00;01;33;18 - 00;01;54;23


One of the things I had to realize was that I was powerless over drugs. I was powerless over alcohol. I was powerless over pornography. I had tried to stop those behaviors time in, time out, using means or mechanisms of my own personal will and 100% of the time I was unsuccessful at achieving abstinence, perhaps for a short period of time, but not for very long.

00;01;54;23 - 00;02;28;17


And so through the 12 steps of Alcoholics Anonymous, I learned to develop a relationship with a power greater than myself. We refer to it as a higher power of your own understanding, a God of your own understanding. and to surrender, a great majority of my life to that higher power. And what that means is I no longer try to not drink or drug, but instead I work a program that allows me to accept the circumstances and situations that come up in my life on a day to day basis, and that acceptance is actually what keeps me sober.

00;02;28;17 - 00;02;49;18


Because what what caused me to drink and drug. And maybe you're not an active addict. Maybe you're not an alcoholic. but perhaps you are addicted to worry, or you're addicted to depression, or you're addicted to your cell phone, or you're addicted to social media, or you're addicted to anger or people pleasing or chasing success or hustling, grinding or procrastination or self-sabotage.

00;02;49;20 - 00;03;07;21


Those are all those are all psychological, emotional habits that I, I view in the same category as addictions. Perhaps not substance addiction, but you may not be an addict, but you may still be engaging in. And I'm sure you are. If you're here seeking solutions, habits of behavior that you know are not are not healthy for you, they're not constructive.

00;03;07;26 - 00;03;26;25


And you've been wanting to cease those habits of behavior, but you've had a hard time doing it. And so what I realized was that my alcoholism and my drug addiction and my other addictions were simply a coping mechanism for the uncomfortable feelings of feeling like I wasn't good enough, of feeling like I needed to be perfect in order to be loved.

00;03;26;25 - 00;03;45;16


Feeling that I needed to be successful if I was going to be a prude. Feeling like there wasn't enough time, living in fear of financial insecurity. All of those things, those uncomfortable feelings that came along with this belief systems, I used drugs and alcohol to numb the discomfort. And so today, I no longer have to do that.

00;03;45;18 - 00;04;08;00


And the beautiful thing, again, that this reading speaks to is that, if I was so ready to admit that to be the case with alcohol, right, that meeting circumstances, plenty of situations in the world over which I had no personal power, I had no control. Like I don't ever buy alcohol. But I realize that there are other circumstances and situations in the world where I also don't have control.

00;04;08;03 - 00;04;31;04


then I can surrender those circumstances and situations to my higher power to the reading goes on to say I'm learning to practice acceptance in all circumstances of my life so that I may enjoy peace of mind. My guess is, if you're here, you're looking for peace of mind. And what this reading says is that as I practice acceptance in all circumstances of my life, I can enjoy peace of mind.

00;04;31;07 - 00;04;50;00


At one time, life was a constant battle because I felt I had to go through each day fighting myself and everyone else. Does that feel familiar? If it does, you're you're going to love this episode. Eventually, this became a losing battle. I ended up getting drunk and crying over my misery. When I began to let go and let God take over my life, I began to have peace of mind.

00;04;50;00 - 00;05;08;21


Today, I am free. I do not have to fight anybody or anything anymore. So how do we get to a place? It says, I'm learning to practice acceptance in all circumstances of my life, so that I may enjoy peace of mind. How do we practice acceptance? You know, how can we accept the things that seem problematic in our day to day experience?

00;05;08;23 - 00;05;39;09


And how could it possibly be that by accepting our problems or those things, we feel like we cannot control, that they can somehow be resolved by a power greater than ourselves? So I want to share what my experience has been in living the 12 steps. It's one of the catalysts for why we integrated some of the fantastic technology of alcoholics Anonymous with the frameworks that I've been teaching over the last eight years into, into a program called the Whole Human Framework for Whole Human Healing.

00;05;39;11 - 00;06;11;17


And, and my story is I used to battle all the time, I would be angry with people. I would become irritated. I felt like other people were stupid. Oftentimes that was just a defense mechanism for me. Not feeling good about myself. I felt like I was stupid. That was a learned behavior. Growing up in an environment where, unknowingly, my parents, led me to believe I was stupid in their own ways of trying to help me and teach me to be successful and to do good in school and to achieve in athletics.

00;06;11;19 - 00;06;31;25


I learned that if, I wanted to be loved, I had to be perfect. That was at least the understanding that I gave it. Many of us grew up in families where it wasn't overt trauma. It wasn't necessarily sexual trauma or physical abuse, but it was this micro trauma, of being exposed to our parents unprocessed and metabolized traumas, like they didn't know what to do with it.

00;06;31;25 - 00;06;53;06


And so they either passed it on to us or we learned through observation. And so, I was fighting life all the time in a big way that I learned to fight life was to solve problems. Right? If, if, if something showed up in my life a problem, I was supposed to fight it. I was supposed to figure it out.

00;06;53;06 - 00;07;14;17


I was supposed to solve the problem. And so, on one hand, I sort of had my plan or my agenda for the day. The things that I believed I needed to get done in order to be successful, in order to be happy, in order to create financial abundance for myself. And then there was life. Life seems like most days it had a different plan than David's plan.

00;07;14;19 - 00;07;37;10


And so when life's plan showed up and disrupted David's plan, I fought with life. And most of us are fighting with life a majority of the time. We spend most of our life in denial of life as it is showing up for us. We think that life should be showing up differently than it is, right? Our plan is a better plan.

00;07;37;12 - 00;07;59;15


That life's plan. When I'm coaching people who believe in a higher power or believe in God, it's a pretty startling revelation when I say to them, got it? So you think you have a better idea than God does for you? If everything is God and everything is not showing up according to how you think it should be, then you must be smarter than then your higher power.

00;07;59;18 - 00;08;20;28


And so we start to see the arrogance with which we live our lives, and the very myopic view that we take on what must happen in order for us to be successful, or to be happy or to be healthy. We try to control our illnesses, our sicknesses. We try to control our employers. We try to control the circumstances around our business.

00;08;20;28 - 00;08;47;21


And it becomes exhausting. I said said something that is really quite profound. He said you can't solve a problem with the same energy that created it. In other words, we we sort of experience these things that show up on a daily basis that we would call problems, and then we try to wrestle the problem to the ground. We start to fight with life.

00;08;47;24 - 00;09;23;20


And what he's saying is, hey, the solution is a different frequency than the problem, that in order to solve the problems that are showing up in your life, you can't wrestle the problem. You have to do something else. And so as a result of, of, of being in the practice of knowing what things I can control in my life and what action I can take and what things I can control, I've learned to relax into life quite a bit more, and as I've relaxed into life more, what I've seen is that life actually 100% of the time, has a better plan for me.

00;09;23;23 - 00;09;48;17


I'll give you an example of some of the change that I'm experiencing, because sometimes it's difficult to articulate a principle if you haven't experienced it yet. But this week I moved to doing two podcast episodes a week, and I'm very excited about that. And next week I'm going to be out all week in Mexico for one of my high level coaching retreats.

00;09;48;17 - 00;10;10;00


I'll be out the following week two, so I needed to get ahead on podcast episode. So David's plan was, I'm going to record a certain number of podcast episodes before I leave for Mexico. Well, on Thursday my wife asked me if we could cut out early from the home, studio and home office and go take a look at pianos.

00;10;10;02 - 00;10;32;18


She's really excited to buy a piano. my 22 month old son is very enthusiastic about musical instruments, and so now he's taking piano lessons. My wife has decided she's going to take piano lessons with him. So she wants to buy a piano. So David's plan was, well, no. Thursday afternoon I've got to record some extra podcast episodes, but.

00;10;32;21 - 00;10;54;10


And I used to just adhere to this plan. I got to stick to my plan in order for me to produce the result that I want, in order for me to have, the kind of life that I want. And I've got a fight with life along the way to try to figure out how to fit things into my schedule, sacrifice my health, sacrifice my loved ones and my relationships and their desires because I got to get my plan done.

00;10;54;13 - 00;11;14;26


And just notice if you're doing any of this, that there are there are opportunities showing up, and you're choosing to sacrifice because you're forcing your plan rather than responding to how life is showing up for you as a result of being in this work that I teach, and as a result of my recovery, I was able to become aware of what I was thinking.

00;11;15;02 - 00;11;40;20


And I realized, like, I was really trying to hold on to my plan. And you know what? If we weren't able to do two episodes a week on the podcast while I was out for two weeks, we'd shift to one episode a week. What was more important to me was my wife's joy over looking for a piano. Now, that might seem really straightforward, but in the past I would have argued with life and ended up in an argument with my wife.

00;11;40;23 - 00;12;00;14


So we left home early Thursday late afternoon to go piano shopping and it was an amazing time. I've never done piano shopping before. I got to see my wife all excited about the pianos, and I got to see my kid in the piano, display shop or whatever it's called, you know, kind of running from piano to piano and banging on the keyboards.

00;12;00;14 - 00;12;23;02


It was super cool. And I was like, you know what? I'll try to catch up on my podcast episodes on Friday. Well, as it turns out, my wife materializes things very, very quickly. So we end up buying a piano on Thursday and lo and behold, they're able to deliver it on Friday morning. So she says, hey, can you be available for the piano delivery on Friday?

00;12;23;06 - 00;12;50;23


My immediate reaction the old way of David would have been, no, we just went out shopping for a piano Thursday night. Now I'm backlogged even more on the work that I need to get done because it's my plan. I need to do it on Friday morning. And I noticed all of that coming up. And as a result of really sucking at this, this meeting, going with the flow of life and not trusting life, being afraid that if I don't do my plan, then I will fail.

00;12;50;23 - 00;13;10;19


It will fail, and I will be a failure as a result of sucking at it and doing it the wrong way. Enough times I was aware of these thoughts and these emotions coming up within me, but was able to translate them into the proper response. Yeah, babe, whatever you need, I'll help out with the piano delivery Friday morning.

00;13;10;19 - 00;13;32;17


Hey, it's David, just a quick interruption to your regularly scheduled episode by your favorite sponsor. I want to tell you about my book. It is available on Amazon right here, right now. A changed mind. Go beyond self-awareness. Rewire your brain and re-engineer your reality. In this little book are all the frameworks, the tools, the methodologies that I talk about on this show and that I've used actually changed my mind.

00;13;32;17 - 00;13;51;28


The tens of thousands of other people have used to transform their bank accounts, their businesses, their relationships, their health, their spiritual connection, everything that you want to achieve. This is the way to achieve it. And Amazon has done us a good one. Right now. It's significantly discounted. So you can go and pick up your copy or better yet, pick up a copy for a friend too.

00;13;51;29 - 00;14;06;06


There's nothing better than giving the gift of transformation right now. Hop on over to Amazon. There's a link in the show notes, and if you love the book as much as I love writing it for you, do me a favor. Let me know that and leave a review. And now back to your regularly scheduled episode.

00;14;06;28 - 00;14;30;23


So Friday morning piano comes and gets delivered and it looks absolutely fantastic. And my wife is just so happy and so thrilled. And the nanny was here and I got to watch my wife and the nanny, have a conversation about watching my son grow up and play the piano. And the nanny got all emotional, and she starts crying and my wife starts crying and everybody's crying, and it's just awesome, right?

00;14;30;23 - 00;15;01;25


It's ridiculous. But it's it's awesome. And I'm getting to live my life. And then as a result of that Friday afternoon, I just have a massive brainstorm of ideas and podcast episodes that I want to record, and I feel exhilarated and it feels effortless. So I get in the studio yesterday, Saturday, and I get in the studio today, Sunday, before I leave for Mexico, and I inspired Lee Bang out for podcast episodes.

00;15;01;27 - 00;15;31;05


And I'm able to see this in my life, that life is actually giving me the gift, as long as I go with what it sets up for me. It's giving me the gift of efficiency and the ideas I have, the inspiration I have, the circumstances, the situations, the coincidences, the synchronicities that show up to actually allow me to achieve all of the things that I want to achieve, that are the important and joyful pieces of David's plan.

00;15;31;08 - 00;16;00;13


As long as I'm willing to surrender to life's plan. And the irony is, is when I surrender to life's plan, I get a bunch of other bonuses to. I get to spend more time with my family. I get to be present for the people that I love. I get to show up as the David I aspire to be, who's go with the flow and compassionate versus controlling and angry and irritable.

00;16;00;15 - 00;16;31;19


That was the old way, and it's very much what I experienced when I was in my addiction, in my addiction, I was trying to control all the circumstances and situations around me because I didn't trust God's plan for me. I didn't actually trust that my higher power would give me the gift of not only being able to take care of my body, and to meditate on a daily basis, and to be present for my loved ones, and spend time with my friends and a successful business and financial abundance.

00;16;31;21 - 00;17;03;09


I didn't trust that, you know, if we wanted to go a little bit deeper, maybe I didn't feel I was deserving of that. But the real reason why I didn't trust it is because I couldn't find many examples of that. When I looked at the world and people who had achieved any level of business success or any level of financial success, when I looked out and modeled other people who were quote unquote successful in their business or in their impact or in their influence or in their income, they all had to sacrifice.

00;17;03;11 - 00;17;28;24


And they were all hustle and grinding. There's a, a significant business influencer out there today. I like some of the stuff that he puts out there, but he sort of makes fun of personal growth and daily rituals, which I understand his point. You can kind of lead daily, daily ritual yourself into a ritual of procrastinate and avoidance.

00;17;28;26 - 00;17;45;23


And I heard him in an interview and he said, you know, I do my first working shift from, you know, 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. then I take a little break, maybe I get a workout, and then I do my second shift from 3 p.m. to 8 p.m. and then, like, right now, I'm on a third shift.

00;17;45;26 - 00;17;52;02


And if you want to produce results, you got to work. You got to work, work, work.

00;17;52;05 - 00;18;19;00


I'm not interested in that. I'm not interested in work, work, work in order to produce outcomes. I'm interested in alignment, alignment, alignment. I'm I'm interested in working with what God puts in front of me. Sometimes God puts in front of me an idea or an inspiration, and it's my job to take courageous action around it because it triggers a lot of my limiting beliefs in my fears, and it would be easy for me to move into procrastination or avoidance.

00;18;19;00 - 00;18;47;17


And it's my job when I'm being called to, is an upgrade of David Bear by taking courageous action with that idea. So I'm not saying you don't take action. Action is a big part of it. And I'm also not saying that there aren't times where life's plan is for you to flow into putting in 16 hours in a day, or a couple days in a week, or a couple weeks straight, and it might feel fatiguing, like a really good workout does.

00;18;47;24 - 00;19;10;22


But you're still in your joy, in your in your inspiration. What I'm not interested in is trying to control the environment around me and sacrificing the things that are most important to me. In the name of David's plan. And so today I'm free, and one of the things we talk about in recovery is one day at a time.

00;19;10;22 - 00;19;34;06


And sometimes it's an hour a time, sometimes it's a minute at a time. I'm not playing God's game perfectly. I'm not surrendering to what shows up on a daily basis without resistance. But now, when I resist man in the midst of it, or pretty quickly, I'm aware that I'm resisting and I'm aware that the resistance is the only problem.

00;19;34;08 - 00;19;54;16


I'm aware that every desire I have will 100% materialize, as long as I can be non resistant. And the resistance is actually fear. It's fear that I must do it my way, otherwise I won't succeed. It's fear that this thing that just showed up is getting in my way. And you know what? Sometimes that thing that just showed up is my 22 month old kid.

00;19;54;19 - 00;20;29;24


It's a sad thing when you realize that these habits, these addictions that we have, these habits of emotion and habits of thinking that we learned at a very early age that we're just just learning to become more deeply aware of and having the tools to actually transform and change our behavior so we don't pass them on to the people around us, that sometimes the victim is our beloved spouse, sometimes the victim or the object of irritation is our child.

00;20;29;26 - 00;20;53;17


I was sharing with, my high level coaching clients the other day. I said, it's requiring a lot of courage for me lately because there's so many amazing things going on in the business, and the business is operating at a pretty fast pace. And, and, and, and I have my son. So, you know, if you're watching on YouTube, I'm down in my podcast studio, man cave, if you're listening on, on audio, that's where I am to.

00;20;53;19 - 00;21;12;13


I'll go up for lunch because because I'm in my home and I'll hear Baba, Baba and Gabriel come running over to me telling me about some, you know, new insect that he found or that he was down in the piscina or the pool, or that he was with Nana, the nanny, and and he wants to crawl up in my lap.

00;21;12;16 - 00;21;31;22


And now my plan was, I gotta get in, I gotta get out. I got another conference call coming up. I got a, you know, some copy that I need to review from my team or some marketing campaign that I need to be working on or whatever it is. And I've sort of entered my day with a calculation of the time blocking and how my day is going to be scheduled.

00;21;31;25 - 00;21;54;20


And what I've learned how to do is to put all that on hold, because Gabriel wants to call it crawl up in my lap. So Gabriel's the plan. My plan is not the plan. Gabriel's the plan. Sometimes you not feeling well is the plan. And the problem is that you're resisting your body's call for rest because you think your body's getting in the way, right?

00;21;54;23 - 00;22;12;25


Sometimes you think your relationship is actually the problem because the demands of your partner or your spouse are getting in the way of your plan for whatever it is that you want to accomplish. And what I'm saying is, it's a much more holistic approach, right? That the the plan is what's showing up on a day to day basis.

00;22;12;26 - 00;22;38;21


If you bring your your full energy and attention and presence and love to whatever shows up, even when it seems like it's a problem, your full presence will actually transform that problem into the divine plan. But when you think that the thing that's showing up, which is actually the plan, is a problem, you fragment yourself. You're spending sort of half of your time over here in your false plan, and then not all of you over here in what is the real plan.

00;22;38;24 - 00;22;59;26


And so things get wonky. Problems hang out, things don't get resolved. You don't actually have your best ideas. You're not taking your best action because you're working in a world of two plans. There's only one plan. You know, I think it was Eisenhower who said plans are essential. Planning is essential. Plans are useless. So have your plan. But but that's just for you to kind of set sail.

00;22;59;28 - 00;23;22;23


That's for you to leave port on a daily basis and have a direction to go in some small fraction of the time you actually just continue to set sail in that direction without any type of disruption. But most of the time there's a disruption. That distraction is not a disruption, it's a redirection. The grand plan has shown up, and if you could just flow with whatever it is, you'll be operating from a powerful state.

00;23;22;25 - 00;23;42;12


You'll be consolidating all of your energy. You'll be living from love and compassion and presence. And then what you'll find is that one moment after the next, after the next, after the next is you string together all of these moments, some of them seemingly completely disconnected from what you're trying to accomplish.

00;23;42;14 - 00;24;08;23


You arrive in the Promised Land, whatever the goal is that you're trying to achieve. Einstein said something really interesting. He said, we cannot solve a problem with the same level of energy that created it. But he was basically saying is the solution is a different frequency than the problem. And so things will show up on your day to day basis that you don't expect.

00;24;08;26 - 00;24;39;25


And we call those things problems. I think it's a bad label. It's not a problem. It's the plan. It may be unexpected, yes, but it's the plan. And so if you can be in these poorly named problems, these unexpected experiences over the course of your day in the frequency of the solution, which is the frequency of love, the frequency of surrender, the frequency of allowing, then those problems transform very, very quickly.

00;24;39;27 - 00;24;53;18


But if you view them as problems and you try to address the problem as a problem, you can't solve the problem. Because you're trying to solve the problem with the same level of energy or frequency that actually created it.

00;24;53;18 - 00;25;09;24


So this is a very powerful reading. I am learning to practice acceptance in all circumstances of my life, so that I may enjoy peace of mind at one time, life was a constant battle because I felt I had to go through each day fighting myself and everyone else.

00;25;09;24 - 00;25;31;23


Eventually, this became a losing battle when I began to let go and let God take over my life, I began to have peace of mind. Today, I am free. I do not have to fight anybody or anything anymore. So I want to encourage you to just let go a little bit and let God wherever you can today, whatever that looks like.

00;25;31;27 - 00;26;02;15


You know that he. So I want to encourage you today to just if you can, in those moments where life shows up in an unexpected way, see if you can just let go and let God bring with you into that moment and awareness that your plan is a great plan, but is not the plan. And the more you can allow the plan to unfold and work with what actually shows up with joy, with presence, with compassion and know that whatever it is, it's not getting in the way.

00;26;02;22 - 00;26;19;24


It actually is the path to everything that you want to create. Then. Then maybe you can start to live with a little bit more peace of mind too. So I hope you found today's episode valuable. Wanted to share that special reading with you? You're in the right place, you're doing all the right things and we're going to keep doing it together.

00;26;19;26 - 00;26;23;06


I love you and I will see you in the next episode.

00;26;23;06 - 00;26;41;28


Hey David hop on over to David Bayer dot com. Click right here. There's also a link in the show notes and sign up for our newsletter. You'll get immediate access to my free mind hack e-book as well. A couple of trainings to help you master the inner game. This is a great way to stay informed and be a part of our community and be notified of special announcements.

00;26;41;28 - 00;26;54;23


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