Lindsey is the Customer Experience Manager at the Contractor Sales Academy. She loves sharing her wisdom with contractors who she supports every day at CSA.
Show Minute Markers:
📍[8:25] Who has implemented Marcus Sheridan's "They Ask, You Answer" videos on their website?
📍[10:13] On a scale 1-10, how good is your team at educating your client/lead on what to expect?
📍[11:45] Oooh...5 step sales script role play. Who does something similar with their team?
📍[18:29]Have consistent weekly meetings with your management team to decrease communication problems
📍[20:57]How are you incentivizing your sales team? Do your salesmen/saleswomen have the opportunity for up-selling and bonuses ?
📍[24:33]Have your sales team by very clear about your process and what to expect when working with your company. Don't promise the moon just to make the sale!
📍[28:45]Marketing Homework: Get 5 "They Ask, You Answer" videos up on YouTube, Social Media, and your Website
📍[29:33]Finances: Get your people trained and comfortable talking about pricing.
📍[31:37]Systems Homework: Get a weekly management meeting scheduled, if you do't do that already.
📍[33:09]People Homework: Consider a sales incentive program, but be sure to balance with a metric ensuring client retention. This is to avoid selling with false promises in order to make the sale.
📍[33:41]Lindsey's Homework: What is your customer's why?
Quote of the week
The Question you ask are more important than the things you could ever say
-Thomas Freese
Lindsey Kirchner
Tay Meroni (Marketing) with Pure Pressure Washing
Meaghan Likes (Finances) with Bookkeeping Academy Online, Likes Accounting Company & Jeff Likes Clean Windows & Gutters
Michelle Myers (Systems) with Pink Callers
Martha Woodward (People) with The Pay for Performance Expert, Quality Driven Software & Dusting Divas