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Episode 125 – Look Up, Reach Up, Rise Up
Episode 1256th August 2020 • Your Ultimate Life with Kellan Fluckiger • Kellan Fluckiger
00:00:00 00:17:45

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“If you have a mate, a partner, a spouse, that might be a place to go, if you have a friend or someone that you can talk to, that might be a place to go, but it might just be you and God. And if it is, that's okay. Because God and one man or one woman make a majority, so you can do anything. You really can. So the first thing when you've been crushed is to look up to the sky, look up to heaven, and look up to your possibilities.” - Kellan Fluckiger 

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 I want to talk about our spirits' infinite resilience, who we are the core of our essence. Every person has their beauty inside, perfection. And even though you are perfect, some situations will happen in our lives that will occur. So these things that are happening that we cannot control turns us down. How do we fight it is the essence of our episode today. 

Look up - talk to someone how you are feeling. No matter how saddening, no issue how much you fail, whatever that is that caused you trouble. You get up and lookup. Always lookup. Suppose you can’t find someone to talk to. Do this, talk to yourself. Or speak to God. Search and speak to him. Yeah, he answers in some other ways. He might not speak to you directly, but he speaks in different ways—me, for instance. 

I didn't even discover that I had been living with depression for decades until I was in my mid-50s. What I had been doing, living with that is creating a battlefield of broken relationships, unhappy people, addiction, and everything behind me, so I had lived with it. Not successfully creating a lot of cash and other external signs of success, but living a miserable, unhappy, shriveled tiny life until my mid-50s. And some events happen that was so powerful and knocked me so hard, so badly that I said, I cannot go on, and I'm finished. So I live that long. And I could have easily thought, I'll be lucky if I just barely scrape my way for the next few years, and kind of get by because I'm destroyed. And that's not what I did. And it's not what I'm doing, and it's not what I'm going to do, and it won't be needing me for you. So the first thing to realize is as long as your heart is beating, as long as you can open your eyes, you can look up. And if you are face down in the gutter, roll over and look up. 

Reach Up - Try to get help. There are some problems that you can’t solve all by yourself. Most of the time, we need a hand of others to resolve things. We have this mistaken idea that we're supposed to do everything on our own that nobody cares. There's nobody, nobody, and we then refuse to reach up. We're refusing Because we've already decided there's no one to reach up to. No one will help us. And that's not true. God is always there in the first place. And your higher self, the person you know you could be, is still there to you and I both know there's always that voice, that other person, the angel on one shoulder, the devil on the other, whatever picture you want to paint, there's still that feeling. You could do more. You could be more, and you could look for something higher, better, nobler, more powerful. Even amid tragedy, even amid the sadness, even amid hurt. 

Rise Up- Every problem has its solution. It’s just a matter of how you will find it. So you look up, you reach up, if you find some help, Rise up. So when you look up, that's an acknowledgment that there is a way forward, there's a path there's a possibility because remember, we're going for your ultimate life here. Your ultimate life is a life event. Purpose, prosperity, and joy you create serving others with your gifts and talents. And whatever it is, it's happened to you this adversity. This Smackdown is not permanent. And this is part of the difficulty that will shape your soul. This is part of the story that has and will make you into something more powerful, better, more capable, more full of energy, life, and power to help and bless others. 

 Key Takeaway

“We might strike out viciously angrily, bitterly at someone who's trying to help us. Reaching up is a choice that you make in your mind that you're going to look for and accept help. I'm not going to do this alone. I'm going to attempt, or I'm going to take the attitude that I need help. I can use it, and I'm going to seek it actively. That's what reaching up means. First, Acknowledging that you need help. Second is actively looking for it. And third is accepting it.”

 “Nothing is permanent. Everything may be bleak and dark and hurtful now. But you can rise up. It is in your nature as a divine being, to be resilient and to be able to move forward stronger, better, more tempered, hardened, like good steel in the furnace of affliction. So, lookup, reach up, rise up, take three steps to take no matter what has happened to you, and keep moving forward to work your ultimate life.”


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