While on a field trip, a UW-Madison class discovers a feral goldfish in a local stream. Their find is only the beginning of Wisconsin’s pet problems.
Special thanks to our guests Rob Mooney, Ben Martin, Dr. John Lyons, and Jamie Kozloski.
Ben and Rob’s goldfish find: https://blog.limnology.wisc.edu/2019/04/23/students-solve-case-of-the-mystery-fish-on-uw-madison-fieldtrip/
Habitattitude: https://www.habitattitude.net/
Kingdom Animalia Exotic Animal Rescue: https://www.facebook.com/Kingdom-Animalia-Exotic-Animal-Rescue-348867648486080/
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Wisconsin Sea Grant: seagrant.wisc.edu
Wisconsin Water Resources Institute: wri.wisc.edu
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