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116: Dane Johnson - Recovering From Crohn’s, Healing Gut Issues & Natural Fertility
Episode 1166th August 2024 • Natural Fertility with Dr. Jane • Dr. Jane Levesque
00:00:00 01:23:18

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In this episode, Dr. Jane Levesque, a naturopathic doctor and natural fertility expert, sits down with Dane Johnson, a gut health advocate who shares his transformative journey from severe Crohn's disease to total wellness. Dane discusses his personal struggles with Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD), the importance of turning pain into purpose, and the holistic approach he developed to heal himself. The conversation delves into the significance of diet, emotional health, and lifestyle changes in managing chronic illnesses. Dane emphasizes the power of natural medicine, the role of probiotics, and the necessity of reducing toxic load for overall health. This episode is a must-listen for anyone dealing with gut health issues, infertility, or looking to improve their well-being naturally.


STOP wasting time and suppressing your anxiety. Let's navigate your fertility journey together, so you can feel more confident and prepared for this next BIG chapter of your life. In Fertility 101, you'll join Dr. Jane, the creator of the Maximize Your Fertility Program, to learn how to enhance your fertility naturally. Participate in bi-weekly calls with Dr. Jane and learn alongside a private community of women on similar journeys.


Every month, Dr. Jane takes on 2 couples where she works with them 1:1 to identify and overcome the root cause of their infertility.



Key Takeways

12:16 Dane Johnson's Healing Journey

34:59 Dane Johnson's Functional Medicine Journey

41:35 Story of a Woman's Battle with Crohn's Disease

47:51 Deep Lymphatic Health and Detoxification

55:47 Mental and Emotional Health's Impact on Physical Symptoms

1:00:04 Natural Health and Fertility Advice

1:06:27 Advice on Gut Health and Nutrition

Memorable Quotes

"Your strongest self, your most masculine self, is healthy and powerful and smart and energetic and at a cellular level, teeming with normal, healthy testosterone and clean cells."
"If you're out there and you notice that stress makes your colon spastic, I also think, what do we know about viruses and stress? Well, you get super stressed, you get a cold sore. We see reactivation of viruses when the immune system or the nervous system gets out of whack."
"Fiber is physical therapy for the gut, okay? If your body's ready for it, it can do such a wonderful job of cleaning the colon."

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Dane Johnson

0:00 - 0:29

I'm now just a massive value to the world. So I go, oh my God. Now, instead of this being the worst thing that ever happened to me, now I have massive value to give to those that I love, making me more valuable, increasing my confidence and increasing what I felt I can do on this planet and the sense of rootedness and contentment I have at a spiritual level. You listening right now? You want to be a value in this world. This is the way. This is it. Turn your pain to purpose. Diagnosed with purpose.

Dr. Jane Levesque

0:29 - 1:15

ert. Tune in every Tuesday at:

Dane Johnson

1:16 - 1:30

Thank you so much for having me. I'm so excited to be here. Doctor Jane and everyone out there who's dealing with any gut health issues, I dedicate this time to you. Thank you for being here. Let's get massive results. Let's build integrity. Let's heal the body. It is possible the gut is the.

Dr. Jane Levesque

1:30 - 1:43

Epicenter of our health now. I struggled with IB's and my community knows that. I talked a lot about, I had pretty severe IB's. Now you yourself had Crohn's. I'd love to hear your story about how did you become, you know, the IBD guy?

Dane Johnson

1:43 - 2:34

Yeah. I originally thought, you know, my guy who really helped, just helped me with his books cause I never met him. It was Jordan Rubin. I was talking to you about him earlier, but there's a lot of people like Jeannie Patel, been a mentor of mine, Jordan Rubin, mentor and other people like Elaine Gottschall and David Klein's book. I mean, those were all so useful. But I just. The answer really is I just suffered greatly. And if you're out there suffering right now, it can be a superpower. It can turn into one of the best things that ever happened to you. But for me, it was years and years of suffering. I got my first symptoms of IBD at 19 years old, where I got blood in the stool and multiple bowel movements, and I didn't know what to think about it. I was a college kid, good old boy from Virginia, hanging out, you know, talking to the bros, lifting weights. I was just a guy, you know, I was just a regular guy. And I grew up on fast food, and my parents didn't know any better. In the early two thousands and the nineties, it was just food to us. Right. Yeah.

Dr. Jane Levesque

2:34 - 2:56

You don't really bring it up because you aid, like, there's a lot of shame that's associated around it as well. And then you kind of, like, if it just happens once or twice, you're like, oh, it just happens. Because I'll see couples. And my male patients, they won't even tag it on their intake form that they've had blood in those tools before. But when I ask the question, they're like, oh, yeah. And I'm like, okay, so it's almost like this. Oh, it's normal. And I don't really want to talk about it.

Dane Johnson

2:56 - 3:14

Yeah. Because it. And I understand because of what that will do to your trauma and nervous system. I think we innately know that if we go to doctor and talk about blood, they're going to start talking about colonization, colon cancer. You're hoping it's just a hemorrhoid or a fissure, and you don't know what to do with it. Then they want to stick a camera up your butt, and you're going, oh, I don't want to do that. And so you're just like, well, it only happened once.

Dr. Jane Levesque

3:14 - 3:15

I'm too young.

Dane Johnson

3:15 - 5:40


Dr. Jane Levesque

5:40 - 5:42

Which is basically remove your colon.

Dane Johnson

5:42 - 6:28

Colon? Yeah. Partial or total? I was having 25 bloody baboons a day. It was just water and blood coming out in a pan that my mom was holding under my butt at that time. So at that moment, that worst peak moment, I was, you know, my mom flew in, my dad flew in, my sisters flew in. They took time, you know, staying with me through the night. And it was in December that the doctor's going, look, we don't know if he's gonna live now that I don't. I wasn't aware of this. I was completely out at this point. They had me on 3 grams of dilaudid. If you don't know what that is. His legal heroin is seven times stronger than morphine. 3 grams is the maximum dose they can give you to even a dying cancer patient. Okay, so I hit a button, and it was, I'm gone. Okay. I was in a different world.

Dr. Jane Levesque

6:28 - 6:29

See you later, Dane.

Dane Johnson

6:30 - 8:08

See you later. And I was like, oh, you know, maybe this isn't so bad. I'm like, high on heroin. And it was one of the hardest things. And all these terrible things happened. But what saved my life there was a chemotherapy. So this was the climax of what helped save my life. Now, I will say this conventional medicine helped save my life. For everyone out there who's angry at their doctors and feels like nothing's working and you're hearing things that are bogus, like food doesn't matter, which is absolute bogus, youve got to just put things into place, try to forgive what the conventional medicine is doing. Theyre great at what they do. Theyre emergency care physicians. They help save lives and they help save my life. So im forever grateful for that. And they gave me a chemotherapy because my mom kind of took over as the main doctor, called every doctor id ever seen. She was talking to a doctor in Florida who had doing a colonoscopy. And in one of his samples, he had found the cytomega virus. And one of the samples, one out of ten colonoscopies. And he said, I think that its cmv has taken over his system. His immune system is so weak that his body cannot control this virus. It is rampant in his body. Theyre not going to find it, okay? Theyre not going to find it in his stool. Theyre not going to find it. Those basic blood tests they were doing, which they didnt. So they convinced the insurance company to give me a antiviral chemotherapy. They did. And I woke up the next day. So I was on that chemo for 30 days. I checked myself out of the hospital, and I was housebound for a year. I had to learn how to walk. I had to get myself off of every drug. Imaginable and my family took turns living with me because I didn't want to leave California living with me for about three months. And then the next nine months, I was good enough to walk around the house and make my own meals and things like that. But I was bed rested for about two to three months, and it was massive suffering.

Dr. Jane Levesque

8:08 - 8:10

God, what an incredible story.

Dane Johnson


Yeah, it's a big one. And it was a lot of suffering. And I think it's why I'm here. And it's the unique thing I want to offer to you guys all listening out there and, you know, through great pain can come also great power. And I had to heal myself. And there was nothing like there was no Crohn's clouds program out there. I had the books. I had a few books where it's like these special diets, but nothing nearly as comprehensive of what I needed. I needed an emotional, a nutrition, a supplemental, a lab work, integrative, strategic, all encompassing program. And I had to build it. And it took me a long time to build it because I didn't have the systems. I had to go find it and piece it together. Like, you know, going back to that. One of the root issues, I already telling you guys, a lot of you guys, viral load is a deep root issue with autoimmune disease. I see it all the time. Well, I had to go find a test. I end up finding a test with doctor Arman in Germany, who's an MD doctor specializing in root analysis around Lyme disease, HIV, and other autoimmune disease, and he has found that these viruses are deeply connected. Well, I built a custom IBD viral load panel with his lab tested, and I have 50% of the clients we test with IBD in our community. 50% are coming back with one or more active iga antibody viral load. Okay. And they're all in the herpes family. I'm seeing Epstein Barr cytomegalovirus, coxsackie echo virus. I'm seeing VCV varicella. I'm also seeing enterobacteria, like Yersinia and campylobacter. The difference of his test, because he owns one authenticity. He owns the laboratory. I love the way he practiced and how he does it. But he was also not only checking the IgM and the IgG, but he was also checking the IgA, which is local mucosa reaction. And that's what's happening at the brain level, especially with long term Covid. That's what's also happening with the gut. So people with leaky gut and chronic inflammation in the colon. I've seen people, literally, and this is just one, this is not everything. This might, if you're listening right now, this might not be why you have Ib's or Ibdan, but I have seen a large correlation between active Iga viral infection and the colon being spastic, bloody and just going nuts. And so as I treated that, my colon started calming down. It didn't matter what I ate. That was also one of the complications. If you're out there, it doesn't matter if you're paleo, if you're plant based, if you're intermittent fasting, if you're having bone broth all day long, your body's freaking out. There is an underlying, usually pathogen that your immune system is attacking, and it's attacking over and over again. It doesn't matter how restricted the diet is. So that's ninja level, that's a deeper level. But that was what was going on with me. I had already tried carnivore and paleo Aip. I had already, you know, made my own homemade raw goat yogurt that I was having three times a day and doing bone broth fasts and all of this stuff. And my body would just react. And I think it's also correlated. If you're out there and you notice that stress is, makes your colon spastic, I also think, what do we know about viruses and stress? Well, you get super stressed, you get a cold sore. We see reactivation of viruses when the immune system or the nervous system gets out of whack. So we really need to balance that. And most of the time, when you're chronically sick, you're also sympathetic, dominant. So what was happening? I was sympathetic, dominant, stressed, out of my mind. I'm going to die. I'm going to get my colon removed. My life is over. I wait, I look in the mirror, I see a zombie, I don't see myself. I can't leave the house. And so it's a repetitive nature of stress. Sympathetic, dominant, circadian rhythms off. Then my HIPaA axis is off, my adrenals aren't working, I can't absorb, my gut linings destroyed. And it's a vicious cycle, as Elaine Godchill says, a vicious cycle where you're so far down, it just feels like, it feels like God has smited you. It feels like whatever reason, you were fine, and now it's just, there's no way out. You're like, the verdict is in. That's how it feels and that's how it was for me. And the first thing when I got back, I checked myself out of the hospital. Doctors were like, are you sure? I said, you've done all you can. It literally was on 200 milligrams of prednisone, antibiotics. I was on TPN, feeding tube. I mean, legalized heroin, you name it. I mean, is there anything else you can do, sir, besides cut off my colon? No. Okay. I'll come back if I get back into an emergency state.

Dr. Jane Levesque


Yeah, that's what I need.

Dane Johnson


What else can you do? I'm stuck in these fluorescent lights. You got no good food. I can't bring in food here. This is a terrible energy. I'm gonna go back, I'm gonna ground. I'm gonna meditate. I'm gonna get some sunshine. I'm gonna take care of my plants. I'm gonna get my own bed, and I'm gonna start healing the trauma of this experience. And that's what you got to do. And the first thing in my experiences, I healed my mind. The first thing I did is I forgave myself. And a lot of you need to do that right now. Forgive yourself for whatever trauma, whatever's happened in your body, whether it's in pregnancy or whether it's in disease. Just forgive yourself. Get on your own side again. I love tapping for that. Even though my life hasn't been great and I've been feeling worse than ever, I love and accept myself anyways. Start just with that, and then forgive God, and then forgive your parents and forgive the doctors, because it's no one's fault if you can get there and first start with, it's no one's fault, and then the next step is. But it's my responsibility to fix it, not the doctors. God's given you all the power and will help you, and your family will help you, but you've got to be the leader. If you are not ready to take leadership, what does that mean? A leader recognizes what they know, what they listen to, what they eat, when they sleep, if they're going to sit down and meditate. Okay. And that's when my life literally changed, because it was obvious. What can I do the first thing you can do after that, when you become leader? As I said, I'm sitting in that house. I can hardly walk. I'm alone, and I'm going to be here for God knows how long. What can I do that can only help me and can't hurt me? That's the next step. That's what I want you to do next. What can I do that can't hurt me, but can only help. Prayer, meditation, grounding, morning and night, sunlight, reading books. Get out of your head. What is it? They said a statistic. You have 40,000 the same thoughts every single day. 90% of them the exact same thoughts over and over again. It's the same trauma on repeat. I'm scared, I'm angry, I'm resentful, I'm sick, I'm over and over and over again. Pick up Joe Dispenza. Pick up Tony Robbins. Pick up anyone that you really love and connect and read the book. Because here's one of the gifts I realized, one of the hacks, I can't read a page and think about my problems at the exact same time. So if you read for 30 minutes, your negative thoughts have been replaced with a leader, a very successful person's thoughts, they are in your head for 2030 minutes straight. And that gave me relief from my pain, because when I read Tony and I read Jordan and I read Joe, it was like, oh, my. It was just positivity and optimism and good, beautiful energy. And in my mind for 20 minutes, and my heart and my spirit got a break from myself. That's why I love the book by Joe Disposa. Breaking the habit of being yourself. You almost got to get out of your. You got to like, give yourself a break from you.

Dr. Jane Levesque


Yeah, you're the second guest that just literally, like, second guest in a row that's speaking about that book.

Dane Johnson


So it's. He's tapped into it and he's. And the reason is because he's convinced us that science makes it true. If Doctor Joe Dispenza didn't bring the science, you would think he was a voodoo guy. Like, he just talks woo woo, because it's all its manifestation. Quantum physics, right? So that's the next step. Because once, you know, I was on a call yesterday with a guy, one of our clients who's in the ER, multiple fistulas, fissures. He's sick as can be. And I said, what's your pain right now in your colon? What's the pain? He said, seven out of ten. I walked him through a meditation of him seeing him best self, being with his family, being completely healed. And I kept him in that meditation for seven minutes. And I told him to open his eyes after doing deep breathing. And I said, what's your pain in your colon? He said, a four there. You have to change the signal. You have to realize that energy and physical are actually highly connected. If I tell you that your parents just died in a tragic car accident that will change you physically. You will cry, you will shake, you won't eat. You will have diarrhea. Your autoimmune disease will react. So if that energy exists, the opposite must exist. What happens if you just meditated on being healed and happy and at peace? Look around you right now, guys, this is Eckerd toll 101, the power of now. Look around you. Breathe right now. Let it feel good right now. Just let it feel good right now in your car, through the physics of space and time. As you're listening to this recording right now, look around you and let good energy flow. Stop blocking it. Just feel it.

Dr. Jane Levesque


Oh, a moment of awe. There is a. I can't remember who taught me that, but it's moments of awe where it's just 30 seconds.

Dane Johnson


That's what Eckert told literally become famous talking about that. Let it feel good. Stop blocking the feel good because of your pain and resentment and anger. I know it is rational. You're rationally upset, but it's not serving you. I know you have a reason. You are right. But being right is not serving you. Let go and start allowing yourself feel good, and then run towards gore for good feelings. Everyone says, what's the perfect morning routine? I'll tell you what the perfect morning routine is. Waking up and doing something that feels good. That's perfection. You just follow your feelings. You got to get in touch with your intuition. What feels good? Is it sauna? Is it meditation? Is it a walk with your partner? Is it laughing with your kids? Is it just sitting on the patio with your partner and just talking and saying, I'm not doing sauna today. This feels better. Stop trying to just mentally hack it and just get involved with your intuition. That's the difference between a practitioner and a coach. Coach helps look at you and help you do the thing that works best for you, and that's energy.

Dr. Jane Levesque



Dane Johnson


So those are some of the big things. And if you look at. If I look at what change. When I was housebound for a year, and then after a year, I went and got a sigmoidoscopy. It was about 90% better, and I was drug free. When it was that bad, I was on all the drugs.

Dr. Jane Levesque


That's incredible.

Dane Johnson


And my doctor at UCLA goes, wow, your blood works normal. Your colonoscopy is great. What have you been doing? Oh, doctor, I got. Let me tell you about fermented foods and curcumin. Let me tell you about fiber and its role in the microbiome the diversity. And look, I found this. Candida, and, oh, my God, I had h. Pylori and I had this ulcerations. And that's why. Okay. You know, she said, she goes, all right, whatever. Just whatever you're doing, keep doing it.

Dr. Jane Levesque


I know that's what they always say.

Dane Johnson


I was angry. I wanted her to say, let me share this with all of my clients. Let's get on a speaker. Let me. Let me notify the president of the United States that there's something more to this. And that didn't happen. And that's okay, because it also. I. Then I went back to what feels good. And, you know, I said, you know what? I'm so thankful for my doctor. Everyone right now say, I'm thankful for my doctor. They help save lives. They're emergency care physicians. I'm so thankful for them. But, doctor, as much as how brilliant you are, I need another teammate. I need someone else to help me with my mind. I need someone else to help me with my nutrition. I want a team. A CEO doesn't rely on one person. Be the CEO of your health. Keep a great doctor on your team. But you want many people on your board when you become CEO. And that's what I did. You want mentors, and you want spiritual guides, and you want nutrition and supplements and herbs, and you want a home to learn and grow. The answer to healing is you becoming the answer. The answer is within. And you need to be trained. You need a place to get trained and to build knowledge and to understand yourself. And you're going to try these protocols that doctor Jane's talking about or I'm talking about. And then you're going to assess how they work for you. And then you're going to continue to customize your plan and how you use these things. Do you need hyperbaric oxygen chamber? Do you need peptides? Do you need red light therapy? Do you need more meditation? Do you empty tapping or derma? New medicine or hypnosis or eye movement desensitization? Reprocessing? See, I can spit these all out because I've made it my job to explore. I'm an explorer of what's possible and how these things can connect and help my divine body do what it does best. So when you get into that place, it's fun. Natural medicine. What I've just done there is I've made natural medicine interesting, fun. Here's what's even cooler, especially for all my ladies out there who love to have great skin, great hair, nails, no bloating. Flat stomach, everything you do to heal your body and everything to make yourself look your very best, or the exact same thing if you were in perfect health.

Dr. Jane Levesque


Can we just, like, let that sink in? Because I think that the beauty industry has just lost it. Hijacked. Yeah. Like, they've just lost it. I see women putting themselves through hell to look nice, and it's like, what are you doing? It's the same step. If you feel good, you look good. That's it. The two go hand in hand.

Dane Johnson


Well, also, if you're dealing with acne or you're dealing with bloat or you're dealing with hair loss, there's usually a vitamin deficiency, there's a lack of collagen, there's a hormone dysfunction. There's probably a lack of protein. You're having too much sugar, you're having too much processed foods, you're having mitochondria dysfunction and cellular toxicity.

Dr. Jane Levesque



Dane Johnson


That's all the same thing. That's also making. Giving you problems around Lyme or cognitive function issues or chronic fatigue or fertility, which we should jump into. Right? And so the point is, like, when you have an aha moment, I want you to have an aha moment right now. I want you to say to myself, everything I need to create the person I need to become to heal myself is the exact same person who I'd want to be if I wasn't sick anyways, meaning, the very best version, you at 2.0, and what it takes to heal is the exact same thing. Imagine, everyone. Imagine right now, you're at dinner, and they're all. They're all eating crap food, and they're all complaining how many times you're with your friends. Oh, I'm bloated. Oh, I'm so tired. I need three cups of coffee. I don't have the energy. Oh, my God, I look old. I need to get botox. Oh, my God. I need a tummy tuck. Oh, my God. And you're going to. I healed myself of this disease, and I don't need any of those things. I actually look the best I've looked. And they look at you go, oh, my God. You don't get bloat. Your energy is good. You don't need coffee. How do you live without eating this gluten? How do you live without having this glyphosate filled, high sulfate, crappy wine? How do you do it? Well, I actually feel great without it, and it was all poison, and it was all addiction, and I worked on it, and I released all this stuff. And now I feel better forever. And I don't need any of that. They're gonna follow you. They're going to be inspired by you. They're going to want to pay you. Because even though they weren't sick like you, they want what you have. Is that sinking in? That is what changed. That changed me. I'm chronically sick and I'm looking. Wait. Who I want to be in the future and healing. Crohn's colossus is the exact same recipe. I'm 37. I don't think and worry about being obese. I'm not worried about diabetes or the real deadly horseman because of the pain Crohn's and colitis caused at a young age, that I've already changed my life. That the risk of cancers and heart disease and diabetes is minuscule. Because I don't poison myself. I eat what I want, but I don't poison myself. You see?

Dr. Jane Levesque



Dane Johnson


See if we can coach you into changing your perspective of what success is, what happiness is, what food is, what a perfect lifestyle is, to be in balances. If you can shift that, you'll win. What you're struggling with is you're hearing great advice around the Internet, but is too overwhelming for you because it doesn't fit your current lifestyle that your friends and family and community are living, which is actually poisonous.

Dr. Jane Levesque



Dane Johnson


And you've got to start inspiring yourself to change. Go ahead, Doctor Jane.

Dr. Jane Levesque


Well, what I was going to say is, like, a lot of the times you're comparing yourself to people that you don't want to be like. And so, I mean, I have led a lot in the fertility community. They're like, this person got pregnant and they didn't do anything. They're still eating McDonald's or they're still drinking, or they're going out. Why do I have to do x, y and z? And it's just like, what was that? Like, do you want their life? No. Okay. So let's not compare. Like, it's just such a waste of energy to compare yourself to somebody who you do not want to be, like, at all. You are jealous of the fact that they are got pregnant. And we can understand that because that's what you want, but you don't want that pregnancy, you know?

Dane Johnson


Yeah. I gotta say. I'm gonna say something direct to everyone listening right now, and it might be a little bit too direct to you, but just, you know, I gotta say it. I got two kids, okay. I got two sons. Getting pregnant was just step one. My efforts on what I do. The most important thing is that my kids don't get Crohn's and colitis. So in my mind, I'm 100% sure that if I continue to eat crap food and continue to live a bad lifestyle, that the chance of my kids getting Crohn's and colitis will ten x. This is not just about me and my need for kids. This is about making sure that I only have. I have my kids, but they are healthy. And I'm gonna do everything in my power to make sure that they stay healthy. Right now, both my boys are fine. They're good, they're healthy as can be, and I'm gonna do everything in my freaking power to make sure it stays that way. And that means, like, see, I'll tell you, with my kids right now, they don't have gluten because there's no gluten in the house because I don't need gluten. If you don't work on your habits, your kids will take your habits they won't like. And the same thing I noticed recently, I really worked on my tv addiction, because the more tv I want, the more tv my kid asked for, a the less tv. I just did a 30 day detox of no tv. And guess how much tv my kid asked for? About 15% as much as how much he was asking for before. Because I turned that tv on, he immediately asked for his show. Your kids, pick up your habits. Why won't my kids go to bed? Because I won't go to bed. So I've realized that it's not just me that I'm hurting, it's my kids hurting if I don't work on my habits. Now, I've been doing this for twelve years, so I'm a bit of a ninja. So I hold myself to very high standards. It didn't happen overnight. It was a little bit at a time. You just want. You're ready to ask your spirit for more and more as you go. So listen to where you are right now and ask yourself, but get in balance with that. I'm still getting balance where I don't want to watch tv and I want to go to bed at 830, because my kid goes to bed at 830. And I'd rather wake up at 530 than stay up till 1030, because in my heart, I know I'm a sunrise guy. And I like the optimism of the morning, you know, the night, there's just nothing good going on at night. There's just bad food and bad tv and emfs and blue light. Like, you know, I'm a dad now. I don't need to be going out drinking and doing all this stuff. So that's just where I'm at, and that's where my spirit has come to balance with where I'm willing to live, and that's not easy for us to do. So. And that's all what Crohn's clients taught me. So all that pain turns the purpose. So right now, I want you to say out loud that I am dedicated to turning my pain to purpose and that this will be a superpower for me and everything I've gone through, I'm is going to help my children and my parents and my siblings and everyone I care about be that much better. Because as I walk through this fire, everyone will gain value from it. Everyone will be better because of this. And that's what really has pushed me, that if I turn into a victim, it makes everyone's life worse. If I become empowered and I do everything in my power to own this and get better, everyone gets better. Because then someone calls me and says, hey, Dane, I've got diarrhea. Hey, Dane, I got this. I got that all the time. I got family calling me, asking me questions about their health because I've got so many resources to help now. So I'm now just a massive value to the world. So I go, oh, my God. Now, instead of this being the worst thing that ever happened to me, now I have massive value to give to those that I love, making me more valuable, increasing my confidence and increasing what I felt I can do on this planet and the sense of rootedness and contentment I have at a spiritual level. You listening right now? You want to be a value in this world. This is the way. This is it. Turn your pain to purpose. Diagnosed with purpose. Jane, that's my new podcast you're coming on. Okay. Diagnosed with purpose. I'm actually being very serious right now. We actually are creating that podcast right now. And I'm just gonna be preaching, okay? And then doctor Jane's gonna come on and preach. But I want to now get into some intrinsic stuff because I know the mind and all this is really great, but let's now dive into some stuff. I want to talk about pregnancy. I want to talk about Crohn's and colitis and gut health with pregnancy. And I also want to talk about some root issues around Crohn's colitis. I know a lot of people want to hear the most common root issues I see with Crohn's colitis are going to be number one pathogenic. Okay, so pathogenic. I go ahead.

Dr. Jane Levesque


Can I ask you a question about the pathogenic? Because you talked about the viral load. What is the connection to chemicals? Especially in the cell core world, they talk a lot about how it's the chemicals, the toxins, the environmental toxins causing the pleomorphism of the different bacteria, and then also just like down regulating the immune system. So I was curious, why are so many people having this high viral load?

Dane Johnson


That's a great question. Because, and no one knows for sure, but we have our opinions on it because we know that Epstein Barr virus didn't just happen in the last 20 years. Okay. Now, it might have mutated to become more dangerous, like Shiga E. Coli versus E. Coli, which is a perfect example that it was a neutral bacteria in the eighties, and then it became a problem in the later two thousands. Right? So we do know that they can metamorphosize to become a problem against us, and then that can go into a realm of consciousness, like what we think and what we feel can actually aggravate the bacteria and change how they are, because they are single cell organisms that are conscious and work symbiotically with us, but they can't based on our stress levels. There's even clinical evidence to show that how we feel and our stress and what's going on in our microbiome can change the bacteria to be antagonistic against us as a host. So that's a deep hole. But really what we see with the toxins, right, is toxicity overload. Every single sick person has a one of the core issues to be toxic overload. And then we have poor drainage pathways, so its a level of inability to detox or drain, and its then regulating where the toxic load is. So no matter what disease you have, and this is where it all comes full circle. The deeper we look at Crohns colitis, its the exact same thing of all disease. So if you look at any disease, if me and Doctor Jane sat down and she just talked to me about the fertility issue and I talked about the Crohns issue, there would be about a 70% overlap of what were treating. If I sit down with someone with multiple sclerosis, I sit down with Crohns disease, there will be about a 70% overlap of what were treating. And that's why she started this podcast by saying, the gut. See, one of the things that makes me so impactful in getting such massive results, we have more testimonies of healing Crohn's colors than anyone around the world. We put out one a week. We have hundreds more than any clinic doctor around the world, okay? Because we see about 130 Crohn's colitis clients a week around the world right now, every single week. And so we've built. This is all we do, right? And all our team as Crohn's gladiators, we're specialists of this, but there's such a major overlap. So if I talk to a mold specialist, I'm going to need to learn what they need to learn, because there's going to be a certain degree of mold as a problem here. So that overlap is part of the answer is that when we go to Cellcore and we look at these different companies, they're saying, hey, this is a problem for disease in itself, no matter how you label it, but it's manifesting in different terms or the body's responding different. So with IBD, it's a chronic cytokine autoimmune reaction going on localized in the gut. But we also see it linked with abscesses, which is outside of the gut. We see it linked with arthritis, which is outside of the gut, and fertility. So we're going, oh, maybe Crohn's isn't just Crohn's. There's systemic things happening everywhere. So you have to realize that the body is diseased and that there are avenues that you have to treat with any state. So there's pathogenic, there's toxic overload, and toxic could be said in many different forms. There's an energy, there's a toxic energy, there's EMF, there's chemicals, there's traumas, there's clothes. I mean, it's just everywhere, right? So you have to understand and start just reducing your toxic load. And I think you had a. Was it, you had a great PDF on reducing toxic load. But, you know, you want to start looking at your house and saying, okay, how can I change my eating habits? How can I change my smelly candles? How can I change my deodorant, detergents, mouthwash, I mean, all of it. You really have to second guess all of it. Now, is that going to stop the bleeding in the stool? Is that going to make you pregnant tomorrow? No, but you have to start reducing the load on the body, which will then help your liver, it will help your lymphatic system. Itll help when you sweat out in your skin. Itll help your cells cause there are intercellular toxicity. So if you look at any, like, mitochondria dysfunction. You also still have to deal with all these chemicals that are disrupting the thyroid and the hormones and all of that. So its all kind of in that same realm. But a lot of the root issues I see driving crohns, colitis is gonna be local gut candida or fungi mold candida. We see a lot of that. So ive seen clients where theyre ready to get surgeries and theyve been on medicine, biologic suppressants that are not working. And I do a simple quantitative pcr stool analysis and I find five x the normal threshold of Candida just sitting in their stool. I put them on low sugar, right. I start treating candida, maybe things like berberine, oregano, colloidal silver. I start healing the choline, maybe cold, start healing enemas. I build a very specific plant and the symptoms just start going away. And now they know one of their main root issues is that Candida. Now they could also have biofilm issues. They could have other issues. But we also first want to say what is driving that intense cytokine response in the gut? For me, what drives it the worst is viral load. Okay. If I get and see, you cannot eradicate Epstein Barr virus or cytomega virus, but you can be testing it like Ellie spot technology, Doctor Amanda's Ellie spot with CMV and EBV for those two specifically. You can keep testing and you could have a maintenance protocol using natural therapies to regulate those. And then you need to understand how to boost your immune system to make sure that these things don't continue to go up. So we know that high vitamin D, we know that a microbiome diversity, we know that fat solubles, we know that a healthy nervous system balance and circadian rhythm is going to help manage any viral load reoccurring. And then I'll use things like Takuna and Hatunia. I love nutrametics. If you don't know them, you got to check out nutrimetics. They're amazing, but they're single product. They have frequencies just like cellcore on their product, positive frequencies. And then they're in dropper form. So it's great if you're dealing with children or you're really sensitive and you can't just take capsules and you can't take those dosages like Cellcore. Designs for healthy are all really great companies, but they do a lot of multi product capsules and you can't microdose as well. And you don't for sensitive clients. We don't know how they're going to respond so well to everything in pair two, whereas if we just did a little bit of neem oil, it might work a little bit better, right?

Dr. Jane Levesque



Dane Johnson


So you have to, you know, I love nutramedics for that. They have a lot of different stuff, and there's a lot of clinical evidence that they have a single stevia that I just did a presentation with their, their doctor on staff yesterday talking about Stevia being able to eliminate E. Coli, C. Diff, and then biofilm disruptor. And it's just a simple, sweet one off product that you can micro dose one drop at a time and you don't have to take a capsule. And I'm like, that has its advantages. Right, so I see. So I don't mess with biofilms. You're new to this. Don't even worry about that term if you don't know what I'm talking to, okay. Just push that six months ahead.

Dr. Jane Levesque


I think it's very much you need a clinician to your very specific case where, I mean, even then you had books and you had mentors, but for the most part, it's because there wasn't really that much information out there on the topic where now we have these platforms. And that's why I love inviting people like yourself on the platform to be like, hey, this guy almost died. And like, if, when I looked at your pictures on Instagram, like, I just couldn't believe it because it's 120 pounds versus what you look like now, it's like, that's insane. So, you know, if you could do that for yourself. Yeah, if you could do that for yourself, it's.

Dane Johnson


Well, and it's also, and I think, Doctor Jane, you can attest to this, that when you become an expert at this, it's so much about what you do on a day to day basis. You know, I've dedicated the last ten to twelve years working in functional medicine, partnering with different amp D's. I have three doctors on staff. I live this on myself. But I've also worked with 2000 people with Ibdan. One of the problem, I'm talking months, I would see 45 clients a week for years, and I would work with them for a minimum of three to four months each person, and I'd see them once a week. So it was like three year olds, six year olds, ten year olds, twelve year olds, old, people with this for 40 years, people with multiple surgeries, fistulas, abscesses, gastritis, histamine intolerance, lymphocytic colitis, cholangitis colitis. I mean, everything. Pan colitis, all of it. And you and I say to all the physicians out there, you have to take on really tough cases that you're uncertain to get better and you just need to have trust and integrity. When I work with a client who's really severe, I say, first things most important, we have trust and integrity that I'm going to do my absolute best and do everything. Even though your case is tough, or maybe your case is a little unique and different than what I've worked with so far. And I teach that our coaches is like, look, you're going to have cases where you're not going to hit it out of the park. It's impossible. No one bats a thousand. But if you come with trust, integrity, and you put your everything into it and you just push it with that client and go above and beyond, no one's going to be angry at it, you know, and you just got to learn how to move the needle. It is a chess match, but there's.

Dr. Jane Levesque


No guarantee in my space and there's a lot of pressure. But I always say, like, listen, I'm going to do the best that I can, and if you listen to the things that I do and you're open and you're also just like, keeping me up to date because there's a lot of people who will withhold information, like, oh, I had a terrible headache for a week and it's like, why didn't you message anything? Why didn't you say anything? Right. Because they're not used to having a doctor that actually wants to know your symptoms. They're used to having a doctor that say, oh, that's normal, take a Tylenol or whatever. And so it's almost retraining people to actually talk about their symptoms and, yeah, it's hard to be mad at someone who's trying to help you.

Dane Johnson


Exactly. Well, let's finish those root issues and let's jump into, what, some protocols for people trying to get pregnant and dealing with Ibdan, or maybe IB's as well. So, candida, big one. Viral load, big one.

Dr. Jane Levesque


And this is true for both males and females? Correct? Because I actually have quite a bit of male patients will come in and the females will be, no, it's. I'm the problem. The sperm is fine, but he does have colitis. And it's like, okay, what? Because, you know, to me it's like, just because the sperm parameters seem okay, the health of your husband or your I partner, like, it's not good. So we need to look at that.

Dane Johnson


Evan. Yeah. If you've been diagnosed with IBD, there's probably a real malnutrition issue at a cellular level. I'd actually do a micronutrient panel to check the serum and the white blood cells to see what kind of deficiencies are going on because it's a big problem. I mean, you're talking about when you have chronic inflammation, you have cellular damage which is going to affect the absorption, the cellular absorption of nutrition and even. Yeah, getting in your body mean commonly were anemic and electrolyte deficiencies and b complex deficiencies and fat soluble. I mean, fat absorption is a huge problem. I'd say it's one of also the root issues we can go into besides pathogenic. But the last pathogenic, we see parasites as a common problem. A lot of times with parasites, I'm not sure, but I deeply feel that the fistulas and fissures are connected to parasites. I think those freaking parasites are causing those holes and issues going on.

Dr. Jane Levesque


So I. I think doctor Dodd would agree with that.

Dane Johnson


Oh yeah, well, he thinks everything's parasites. He's like, oh, it's all parasites.

Dr. Jane Levesque


Yeah, it's about parasites.

Dane Johnson


But I do think, yeah, fissures and fissures and maybe even hemorrhoids as well. And then mucus in the stool. I see to be connected as well with a parasites itching of the anus because someone said this is kind of gross, but the microscopic parasites are laying eggs outside the rectum because of the environment and that creates that itching in reaction around the anus. And so, you know, you got to treat that stuff. I like using DMSO colloidal silver. That seems to help calm it down. And then obviously you want to do a parasite cleanse, but you need to be working with a clinician. I've had so many people try to do cell course parasite. I mean parasite cleanse and even if.

Dr. Jane Levesque


The products are good, you still need to know what to do with it. That's like, I've had people all the time.

Dane Johnson


Yeah, if you have IBD, don't know even the dose that SocoR recommends to start at. We start at like 25%. We have a whole. We do everything specific for IBD. Cause people with IBD tend to be so backed up in their drainage pathways. It's only when their liver got so backed up and. And they stopped being able to move bile and their lymph is completely clogged that they start getting the constipation and blood and urgency and weight loss. So usually they're really bad by the time they're actually diagnosed. Or if their person saying, I'm 15 baboons a day, 90 pounds, 30 pounds underweight, we're like, okay, this is. You can. You don't. You shouldn't even be thinking about parasite cleanse for a while. You need to go through a lot of hoops first to prepare your body. So, yeah, parasites. Candied mold is kind of that hidden one that we don't see drive the blood in the urge and diarrhea, but we see it drive more systemic inflammation, connection with sears, chronic fatigue, sensitivities to stress, sensitivities to houses, and things like that. So mold seems to be like a layer two problem in there, but we do see a lot of it. Mold coming back, and then, you know, bacteria. H. Pylori is a huge problem. Why? Because H. Pylori is lowering your stomach acid. And once your stomach acid goes down, that creates an environment for IB's, that creates an I environment for CFO Sibo, which is small intestine, bacteria overgrowth, small intestine, fungal overgrowth, healthy digestion, and pancreas enzymes is so key for gut health. And so you got to think more upstream. One of the best things I love is a product called Gastromend HP by designs for health. It's got the zincarnosine, the vitamin U, the mastic gum, the deglycerized licorice root all in one. You can herx on it. If you don't know what you're doing, you should be working with a clinician because it is an antipathogenic. But to start treating that H. Pylori, ive seen peoples ulcerations go away in their MRI scans. So, an example, I was working with a woman who was symptom free of Crohn's, but her scans were showing severe Crohns disease in her ilium and in her duatum. And then the doctor was saying, im sorry, I cannot advise you. And she was in New York. She was an actress. She did very well, and she was working with the best doctors in New York. And they all said, you. I do not advise you getting pregnant because of your active crohns. Even though you don't have symptoms, you need to go on biologics. She, like a lot of our listeners right now, did not want to go on biologics. She goes, I do not want to be on biologics and get pregnant. I'm sorry. I refuse. She calls me up, and she goes, Dane, I've been working with a functional doctor for years. He's helped me a lot. I intermittent fast, I'm gluten free, I have no processed dairy, I eat clean and I have two normal balmoom today. So she goes, what do I do? So I said, well, and this is one of those cases where I was like, this is a little different. And she wants to get pregnant immediately. So I said I built trust and integrity, talked her about the pros and cons, what I thought I could do, what I didn't think I could do. And then she agreed and she said, whatever you can do, Dane. I just do everything you can. I trust you. Let's do it. So I work with her and what I did is when I looked at it, I saw ulcerations in the upper gi and I tested her for h pylori. It came back negative. Even in the PCR test came back negative. And I'm thinking biofilms, upper Gi, it's not showing up in the stool. You know what? I think it's a false negative. I treated her for h pylori. Anyways, the next day when I started on a micro dose of anti hair, she gets diarrhea and urgency and she starts panicking. She starts her. She has this pretty severe herx reaction. I go, chill out, you're going to be fine. I think we just hit bullseye with this and you have an h pylori advection that was a false negative in the test. Tests are not always good. The upper Gi is not seen in stool analysis. Testing the upper Gi is very difficult. So she. And she got calmed down. I said, do a, b and c to calm down the herx and I put her on a binder. I took her off the masticum, you know, I did a few things. Within two days, she was back down to normal bowel movements. I started off at a lower dose and slowly titrated her up. Then I started using peptides like BPC 157 and TB 500. I used an oral version and I used BBC arginate salt, which gets past the stomach acid. Then I used single strain isolated probiotics that were powder free that still have the growth medium attached. I usually actually don't like multi strain capsule probiotics. And so I had this methodical plan and she already had a lot of things placed right, but she was missing some of the stuff. Three months later, she goes to the same doctor. She does her CT scan or her MRI. Now. Mind you, her insurance always covers this scan once every six months. We got one shot at this. She's done this scan four times. It's been bad. Worse, worse, worse. Fasting, perfect diet, all these supplements, right? Worse, worse, worse, worse. She goes in. I kid you not. I get a smile on my face saying this. The doctors can't find any signs of zero, zero ulcerations. Three months, 90 days. Now what? I was hoping for 30%. She calls me on the phone crying. I'm like, what's wrong? You have to get emergency surgery. She goes, no, they have. There's no signs of correction. Crohn's disease. My doctors were flabbergasted. They didn't even know what to say. They told me that working with you would be a waste of my money and was a scam, and all of that functional medicine stuff was a lie because they are the best of the best doctors and the mds with the crowns on their head, and they know everything. They couldn't even find Crohn's disease. She gets pregnant, she goes for it. It takes her a while. She gets pregnant. She has her baby. No symptoms of Crohn's colitis, no recurrence. The baby is now eight months old. Baby's fine, healthy as can be. She has no recurrence or symptoms of Crohn's colitis. Still normal. CT scan. She just did a colonoscopy. I think it's been three years. And see our community, they stay involved in our membership, so we have a whole community where people talk. She comes in and says, hey, I just got my colonoscopy. Look normal. Three years later.

Dr. Jane Levesque



Dane Johnson


Endoscopy and colonoscopy.

Dr. Jane Levesque


Because she had the lifestyle, right. Like, she already did all of the stuff. She was just missing. Yeah, she was just missing a couple of those pieces. Like you said, there's the 70% of the stuff that we do the same, but the 30% that you're talking about, like, the individual probiotics and the, you know. Oh, I think with your knowledge, you caught the fact that it was h. Pylori, even though it didn't show up on the test. It's like you caught that because you had the knowledge and the experience before.

Dane Johnson


Now, what do. Yes. And what do you do, guys, as clients, you need to be asking why. One of the biggest mistakes you're making is you're just listening to your doctor or practitioner and just doing what they tell you without asking why and learning the strategy. What I want you to do is go, okay, doc, I get. You want me to take this? Because this. We think this is root issue this is what we're going after. We're trying to prove this, and we're going to reassess in two months. Is that right? And I'm taking these four products, and these are the three sentences on what these products do and why I'm taking them. Is that right? Do that, please. That's exactly what I teach people. Stop. Stop doing what you're told and start understanding why you need to be trained. If you can't think like your doctor, because your doctor's just thinking for your case, you don't need to be the doctor. You need to think how your doctor and practitioner and health coach thinks for you. I'm doing this for you. This is why. This is my strategy for you. And a lot of doctors are so burnt out and overwhelmed with clients that they're going, take these five things, come back to me in a month, and that's it. And it's not. There's no strategy and it's like a. There's no teaching. It's like a breath of fresh air that honestly, here's the secret, guys. In the long run, that teaching is worth more than the symptom relief because the symptoms can come back. But if the training's there, you can respond. You need to have a log. So if something happens in a year, you're looking through your log and you go, why did I take this? Why did I take this? What doses did I take? How did I do this? That's what you're paying for. That's the jewel, is the why. And especially if it works, I would be starring it, highlighting it. Put it on the wall, man. Put it in a plaque. So it's understanding the why. And that might need to change. I mean, to add something and do something. I know what doctor Jane's doing with her health is different than it was two years ago or even four months ago. We ourselves are always tweaking what we're doing, and that's part of the learning. And so you have to respond to adversity, not eradicate it. You have to respond to it. It's a moving chess match. It's a moving thing. Health is much like love. It doesn't just happen. It's not just there. It has to be nurturing, it has to be balanced and has to be said and done over and over again. Okay? And that's what health is, a balance. It's a moving, conscious thing. So those are a lot of the root issues. Another one, drainage pathways. I worked with. I was working with an nd doctor who couldn't figure out her crohn's class. She comes to us, and she. Her liver was completely blocked, and she was having no bile production, and she couldn't get rid. And she was constipated, and we literally. Castor oil packs. I put her on KL support by cellcore casserole packs and a few other things. And then we worked on her nutrition a little bit. It was a little off on the sugars and the complex. Guard. You're still having some seed oils in certain ways. And we did a few other things. I can't remember exactly all the stuff we did, but all of a sudden, her constipation went away in, like, two weeks. She'd been constipated for two years. Now. Those are home runs. Okay? Not everything's a home run, but a home run is possible, and you should know that. So I see another root issue over toxicity. Drainage pathways. If you have an autoimmune, if you are chronically sick, drainage pathways is a problem. Your liver is a problem. It's gut and liver. For me, it's those two things, and then it's the lymph. And, you know, we need to get into. I don't know if you know, doctor Stephanie. I'm getting her last name. She's amazing, but she's really Castro. She's italian.

Dr. Jane Levesque


I'm doctor Stephanie. Estima is another one.

Dane Johnson


She's a DC, but she's really. She works with a lot of celebrities and stuff like that. And she's been. We've been talking about the deep lymph versus regular lymph. Like, she's building a protocol about deep lymph stagnant issues beyond. Just, like, you know, massages and dry brushing and sauna and trampolines and things like this. And I like to use burboponella by nutramedics. You should check that out. It's really good for the lymph. I know lymph active is another product, but, like, the deep lymph is also something like, I had a client who had serious deep lymph issues, and his mom actually became a lymph practitioner, and he would see I do a lymphatic massage twice a week, and he hasn't had a symptom in three years. His mom's actually a practitioner. Found me at Cellcore. Text me where at Cellcore, saying, I just wanted to thank you for help saving my son's life. And so I was like, oh, I'll meet you outside. And I saw her. I actually have a video of it if your community ever wants to see it. I mean, I have a video right here. But she's talking about how her son hasn't had a symptom of ulcerative colitis in three years. And I said, what do you think has been one of the things that's really helped him long term, not have any symptoms, come back. Lymph. He continues. She does lymphatic massages on him. She got involved in it, and she had lymphatic masseuse come and work on him just every single week, like, conditioning. And so I think that, you know, what are the four main drainage pathways, guys? You got the skin, you got the guts, you need the poop, you need the sweat, you need to move the lymphatic system, which is, you know, move toxins through the blood or the tissue and drains it through your body. So the lymphatic system. And then you need to work on the liver. The liver is going to also support the pancreas and the gallbladder, but the liver is where I. Bile. You gotta have good bile flow. If you have no bile flow, you cannot drain toxins. What is bile? Bile is what breaks down fat. That's what it's known for, right? Breaking down fat. But it's made by the liver, not by the gallbladder. The gallbladder stores the liver. And you need to have movement through the bile ducts. Okay. And you need to move it and needs to be properly dumping that into the duatum so it can be released through what? Through the gut and not be reabsorbed into the body. That's why binders are so important. So you've got to get your drainage path ways working. And if you push your toxins by releasing toxins out of your body too quickly, you're going to feel worse. This happens with distilled water. This happens with sauna. This happens with parasite cleanses. When you do a parasite cleanse, you're releasing just as much toxins as you are, killing parasites like you're. It's good because there's so much more toxin release happening. But for you, for most of you out there, it's way too much. And you're going to make yourself feel terrible.

Dr. Jane Levesque


Oh, yeah, the bioflow. I mean, it's not just about detox. It's too, like, I think hormones and your absorption of fat soluble vitamins, production of hormones, getting rid of hormones, like, it's all connected. I almost think that if we're just doing drainage, that's the 70% of the stuff.

Dane Johnson


Yep. Because the body's divine.

Dr. Jane Levesque



Dane Johnson


Because you're just enabling the body to do what it naturally does. You're like, oh, this just needs to work. You just need to help the body. It's not you, it's the body. It's not us as practitioners. It's us just helping the body go and do, like, doing it. And so that's harder for some of us. I mean, if you have methylation issues or, I mean, some people just really cannot detox. And you have to be very careful of toxicity load around you. Anything from EMF says? We talked about household stuff, air, food, soil, clothes, detergent smells, you know, and get some essential oils in there. Transderma. I love vibrant blue. Jodine Cohen's amazing on that, but. And so those are a lot of the root issues, basic fundamentals of what I see. Pathogenic, toxic load, drainage issues, stress, nervous system. Most of you are stuck in the sympathetic state, and your sleep stinks. It should be black out in your room. It's. If you don't get it, your circadian rhythm is going to be off, and that's going to throw off your hormones as well. No tv. If there's a tv in your room, turn off this podcast. Go take the tv and throw it out the window. Okay. All right. Either that or move it downstairs. Pick one, but get it out of your room right now. Okay. Get out of your room. Stop charging your cell phone next to your head.

Dr. Jane Levesque


But I like to watch tv before I go to bed.

Dane Johnson


Oh, God. You got to get rid of that habit. It's just me. It's not helping anything. And that's the time you can talk to your significant other. That's the time you can read. That's you can go to bed and wake up early, you know, like, especially if you're just watching acting, if you're not watching anything educational, I get it. If you're watching education, if just watching friends or Seinfeld or something, it's like, come on, you're sick. You're here listening because you've been sick, okay? Or you're here listening because you want to get pregnant, like no stone. And remember, what was our first rule or our second step? If it can't hurt you can only help you. Can it help you to watch tv at night? Can it help you to have that EMF in your bedroom? No. No. There's not one way it can help you. Can it hurt you?

Dr. Jane Levesque


Why do you think people have such a hard time getting rid of some of these habits. Like, why do we have such a big attachment?

Dane Johnson


Because you haven't been honestly, I'm going to tell you, give it to you straight, you haven't had enough pain. For me, it was just pain. I suffered so much that I got to a point where I said, if it's not helping me, it's hurting me. I went to bed at one in the morning on average when I was in college and when I was younger and I had went through so much pain and suffered so much that my new bedtime, my bedtime as a big boy was 939. I called my girlfriend at the time when I was, I mean, I had a sniff, another, thank God when I was sick. And I told her, I said, my phone's on airplane mode, it's out of my room. If you text me, call me at past nine, I'm not here. Don't try to make plans. But no, I got it. I was strict because I was tired of being sick. Are you tired of being sick? Then do everything and you go, well, Dane, is tv really going to be effective in my pregnancy? Maybe not, but it's just one thing that you have to not worry about. It's like I am. My priority is to heal. My priority is to get pregnant. What are you doing? Like, if it can't hurt and can only help integrate it. Your tv's downstairs, you'll live, it'll be okay. And you're probably. Your relationship will probably get better to just to talk to your significant other or read a book or just go to bed. It's keeping you up and it's affecting your circadian rhythm. You're not falling asleep is better. And you might have to be taking more ambient or melatonin because of the tv. And here we are buying blue light blockers. Just stop watching it. Don't. You don't need dollar 200 blockers. Just stop watching it. Throw it out the freaking window and see. I am a tv addict. I say with such conviction because I'm an addict. So I have a lot of times just done 30 day cleanses. There is no tea. I am not watching tv for 30 days. I'll give myself my cell phone. But you see, it really helps. That's another thing. This is admitting a lot less EMF and blue light than that. So let's not go too far on a tangent, but with pregnancy, I want to ask yourself if you're really committed. Get rid of things that can't help you and can only hurt you. Look at simple snack changes in the house. For me, as I've healed and gotten better and better, I'm actually at a point where I don't like snacking. I try to eat a meals specifically and try not to snack. I went from Doritos when I first tried this. Guys, just to let you know that this is how hard this is. I would be going nuts on the sugar and I would go to 711. I get chocolate donuts, Doritos combos and gummy bears. I would eat them and then I'd spit them out in the trash can. That's how much I was yearning for them. And then it went to corn chips, and then it went to almond crackers and it went to baked this and that. And now I'm like, okay, stop snacking.

Dr. Jane Levesque


That's the problem. To stop the actual thing, that's eight.

Dane Johnson


Years of looking at it. And the reason is like, because I want to continue to feel my best, because I know what it's like to feel terrible. I know what it's like to be sick. And maybe that trauma still drives me, to be completely honest. But I also look back and I say, how does this serve me? And am I happy? Can I really be happy? You have to meditate on that. Can I be happy in this lifestyle? I don't want you to turn into a monk eventually. You really want to be happy unless.

Dr. Jane Levesque


That'S what you want.

Dane Johnson


Exactly. But that's where the meditation comes in. That's where the self reflection. So with pregnancy and oh, man, I really want to hit a lot of the pregnancy. The thing that's tough if you're trying to get pregnant is you can't do a lot of this stuff once you're pregnant. And you, I think that you should deliberately not try to get pregnant for x amount of time, but go 100% if you have IBD IB's, you should be saying, now's my time. To be very specific with my nutrition, my snacking, my supplemental program. I want to get in a community. I want to get training, get involved, find someone you trust, find someone who has integrity and get lead and get trained and get a coach. I really think that's where I'd spend my money. If it was me, I'd get a coach.

Dr. Jane Levesque


And even my, like, relationships, I think that's a really big part. So, like, when I struggled with IB's a lot of the times, what triggered it was anxiety. And like, the worst time I had my IB's was when I moved away from home, starting naturopathic school in a brand new city. You know, you don't know anyone. I'm single. And that it was a doctor, a naturopath that connected my mental and emotional state to that nervous system. Once I actually felt heard and understood and connected to the emotions, which was like loneliness and, you know, sadness and frustration. Once I actually felt those things instead of trying to run away from them, there was a huge relief in my symptoms just from that. And I see so many women more so, I think, than men. But I'm not sure if that's really the case where we're just like, in these relationships where, oh, I got to go to this birthday party and I got to do this and I get. And I'm like, how many of those things do you actually want to do? You know, and you're just stuck on the cycle. It's like, well, I can't make this choice for food because it's a birthday party or it's a whatever. And I'm like, well, I'll go to a birthday party. And I have no issue saying no to stuff. Why do you have an issue saying no? Right. And how many of those things do you actually want to be doing? Like, I don't get really invited to a lot of stuff. It's like, I don't. That's on purpose. There's no bachelorette parties that I'm going to because I don't really want to be there.

Dane Johnson


Yeah. I think a good write down takeaway for everyone just on that brilliant thing Doctor Jane said is are you saying right. Are you saying yes to the right things? And are you saying no to the right things?

Dr. Jane Levesque


Yeah, 100%.

Dane Johnson


And both yes and no have great power. And maybe what you're not saying no enough and then maybe you're not saying yes enough to the right things. And that for me, the catalyst was Dane 2.0. And this are the same thing. I actually believe I'll be a happier person like this. I don't think getting rid of these, I think getting rid of these things is an addiction and a false sense of happiness, a false sense of truth. And so I bet on that even though I didn't feel that way. You're not feeling that way right now. That's the problem. But I'm betting on it. I'm betting on, as I release it, I'm going to have this awakening of, like, you know what? My life is actually better this way. And I see it time and time in our community. Are you happy eating this way? Are you happy and healthy at the same time? Yes, I am, Dane and I go, there you go. You've gone through the fire. It's a false sense of truth. It's a matrix.

Dr. Jane Levesque


I love that you said that, because one of my patients is. And it was the male. Because I always bring on the male partners, and sometimes the male don't think that they have anything to improve on until, of course, we run lab testing. And I'm like, well, this isn't normal.

Dane Johnson


And this is being unhealthy is considered masculine. That's the problem. I don't ask my buddy out to go out to grab a glass of water. I ask him for a beer. Right?

Dr. Jane Levesque


You should, though. You should. Let's change it.

Dane Johnson


Yeah. If you get a salad at the restaurant, it's considered feminine, right? Not like, oh, he's feminine. It's just like there's an energy to it. Men don't feel like themselves.

Dr. Jane Levesque


So burger and fries.

Dane Johnson


Yeah, but with pregnancy. I know. So, guys, I think the easier thing for our pregnancy was I was already on that train. Men, your strongest self, your most masculine self, is healthy and powerful and smart and energetic and at a cellular level, teeming with normal, healthy testosterone and clean cells. You will get stronger in the gym, you will have less belly fat. Your skin will look better. Your hair will be more more thick. Your eyes will be more sharp. You will be more clean and strong. And you will not be controlled by fake poison. You are controlled, sir. You are not your most powerful self. You are. You got a chain around that ankle, sir. You are not your warrior self, and you know it. See, I could talk to men all day long about that. You are weakening yourself, sir. Stand up and go towards your dominant masculine self, and it will help your wife, and it will help your children, and walk through the fire. And second, guess what you believe to be masculine. And second guess what you think you can and cannot do. Do not choose laziness and convenience. Choose the strength of empowerment. That's why you're having children in the first place, right? Because you're going to be a great father, and you're going to be a leader. Lead your children, lead your family, and get them away from poison. There's difference between pizza and beer and poison. You have to learn the difference. Stop poisoning yourself and allow your genetics and allow your God given talent to flourish and rise to be that strength that it was always meant to be. In the female's point of view, the hard thing is the womb. Because you're carrying the child, you cannot be detoxing while you're getting pregnant. It is too dangerous. Now doctor Jane might have an opinion on that. It's far superior to mine. I got to look at liability and the crazy government and lawsuits. Listen, no one's testing pregnant women. They say that you can have remicade and biologics but you can't have curcumin. I think that's insane. But it's not for me to step over that line. You as a pregnant woman have to do the research and you have to decide, am I going to take these anti inflammatories? Am I going to take these products with the children? So what I want you to do is I want you to focus primarily on beneficial bacteria. It is the number one thing that everyone agrees is okay while you're pregnant. Fermented foods, kefir, yogurts, probiotics. Okay, now I like Natron. N a t r e n. Shoot us a message, we'll give you I'm getting pregnant discount. Okay. Just say hey, I listened to doctor Jane. Click the link in the bio below. Make sure that let us know that you came from her. We're going to hook you up every with everything we can. Probiotics. I like powdered form out of a capsule. Why I get the growth median. The growth median is going to increase the ability for them to cultivate and grow. Did you know in the correct environment 1 billion CFU's can turn to 10 billion CFU's within about 24 to 48 hours. Ah. If I'm gonna ship you to India, I want to ship you with your clothes, your fridge and your house. You get the metaphor. I don't want to ship you by yourself. You're gonna die in 2 seconds out there. Right? So that's metaphorically with a CFU colony forming unit. I want growth median. I want powder form. I want isolated strains. If you're not ready. I want isolated bifido, isolated acidophilus bulgaricus, things like that. Those are the main strains that people have been using for 100 years. And when they grow, other bacteria will symbiotically grow. I'm not a big believer in the monoculture idea. I think it's a little fugazi for me.

Dr. Jane Levesque


You know what you added to the detox and it's like taking these drugs versus Karim Kamen. There's a lot of like nobody wants to touch a pregnant woman. But I think like I don't take pregnant women on but I have a pregnancy program that I take my patients through on once they're pregnant. And the reason that I don't advertise my pregnancy program through is cause if I have no idea how, who you are, like, what your drainage pathways are, your detox, your. Like, we haven't ran all the lab work before you got pregnant. I can't advise you on anything, but if I've been with you for six months to a year, and I know exactly the issues that we faced and how you dealt with certain detoxifications, then I've kept people, I've kept women on things that are deemed unsafe during pregnancy with complete safety. And if anything, it really helped the women have a fantastic pregnancy and a healthy child. So I do think this is where it's not. Once you're pregnant is not the time to do the work. Now you're just trying to keep the wheels on. This is why it's important to do this stuff beforehand, because you can really set yourself up.

Dane Johnson


That's 100%. And I agree. I'm inducting. Having hands on, especially when you're dealing with a child, is probably the most key thing you could have. But what we've seen a lot of people come to the program. We say exactly what you say. Do the work first before you even consider pregnancy. Try to get all these things. If you want to get off biologics, we've had members successfully do it. That's a personal choice. So we advise strategy, the pros and cons, you make the decision. I cannot make that decision for you. Oh, yeah, come off your remake. Come off in Tivia. No, no, no. It's not my place. You get decided. And same with some of these supplements. Without clinical research, you have to make that decision because it's the best integrity. Okay? But the first thing is there's a lot of, of natural foods that we can all agree can be good. You have to work on the microbiome. Okay. You have to reset the microbiome. So you want to get rid of the toxins, the processed foods, the seed oils, all that type of stuff. You want to increase your natural proteins, you want to increase your natural fats, you want to increase your natural short chain fatty acids. I love ghee butter. So what I would recommend is cook a lot with ghee fodder. This clarified butter is very high in short chain fatty acids. It has no, no lactose, it's very clean, and it has a very high smoke point. And it's not going to go rancid or create acidic oils like avocado can. And it's not going to have to go through hexane. Not going to have. It's going to be hexane free, obviously, so that I like to cook with fat. So ghee butter is my absolute favorite. Make sure you're getting natural iron if you want extra iron. And if you're not comfortable with supplementation, you know, I love, I get grass fed beef mixed processed with grass fed liver. And I make those hamburger patties men got women in. That's going to be a great hat for you. I like to start with coconut kefir because we're all a little bit different with goat and cow, and it's a little hard to get it raw and stuff like that. So I like to use something called fermentation fairy. dot. She's had Crohn's disease and she made a wild crafted at her own farm, coconut kefir. And it's very high, 100 billion cfus. And she's got, they're a little expensive to get them to you. Good stuff is not cheap. If it's cheap, it doesn't work. Okay, let's just put it there. But it costs a few bucks. And get her coconut kefir. I love that. She's also got fermented carrots and she's got fermented applesauce. So a lot of different fermented foods. So there's some clinical studies show that fermented foods can help support the microbiome even better than fiber. Okay, but the other one I want is I want to get a good variety of fiber that you can tolerate. I'm not just talking about raw salads that might pose problems, especially with IB's IBD. I'm talking about maybe anhejdehe, a whole food elemental shape. A little avocado, acacia fiber, sprouted and grouted. Chia seed or flaxseed, or maybe even chia seed pudding. Homemade where it's been broken down and those lectins have been broken down, especially if you have like constipation that can be really good to move things. Acacia fiber is an insoluble fiber. Very delicate. It's my favorite gentle fiber. Acacia fiber feeds good beneficial bacteria, reduces bloating and gas. It's very light, very easy. It's made for IB's insoluble fiber. And you know, look at adding in maybe, you know, you have to be careful. Things like, I like a little frozen raw turmeric and ginger in there, but I might even add in into a blender, a little cauliflower. Just like as people get healthier, I'll add a lot of different fibers because I want polyphenols, I want resistant starches, I want prebiotics, and I want it from natural food. If you do it with natural food, no one's going to argue about that while you're trying to get a pregnant. So we had another woman in our program, fistulas, fissures, one of the worst cases. She hasn't had a symptom in two and a half years. I talked to a little bit ago and she actually filmed a two hour case study in my program. So what I'll do is people who've been good for years, I'll do a really long case study where I'll map out their entire program for years. And we mapped out hers and Mackenzie, what's up? If you're listening to this, because she loves to listen to our podcast. She's got two kids, her husband's in the military. She's trying to get pregnant with her third. And I, I think she might be pregnant by now. Had had a symptom in two years. One of her claims of famous is she did a whole food shake every day and it kept her like good. She put the world of fiber in here. This is one of the crazy things as people could healed, I saw people taking so much fiber that the average person would have massive diarrhea and they were having no problem. One of the things about fiber, see, I love carnivore. It works for a lot of people. But for certain cases, when your body's ready for the physical therapy, a fiber is physical therapy for the gut, okay? If your body's ready for it, it can do such a wonderful job of cleaning the colon, okay. A colon that is not properly evacuating is going to get a cytokine response and you're going to get more ulcerative class responses. It's one of the biggest problems is that you're not properly evacuating the colon. You're getting multiple bowel movements. You're getting tiny little cement sediment at the bottom and you're getting blood and mucus. So over time, as you get physical therapy, right, if you do physical therapy too quickly, it'll injure you. But if you do it on time, it will be therapeutic. So let me drive this point home. You have a bad knee. Day one of a bad knee, I tell you to do jump rope, your knee will get worse. Three months into bad knee rehab, your knee will get better from the jump rope. There is a time, there's a paradigm that a therapy can make you worse or better. With the same person based on when it's done and how it's done. And that's where I see fiber. Okay.

Dr. Jane Levesque


Yeah, the timing is huge. I mean, the timing, it's like wrong advice at the right. Advice at the wrong time is wrong advice. Right.

Dane Johnson


And it happens on both ends. I see doctors give brilliant advice on IBD and then the client does it. They're not ready. Like giving biocide and biofilm busters when you haven't done any drainage support. It's crazy. You don't do that. So. But you start with pureed. You start with isolated supplement fibers. You start with fruit. So I might start with fruits high in polyphenol. I might even throw in things like, you know, raspberry, wild blueberry, greenish. So I go from yellow banana to greenish banana because it's lower sugar, it's higher in resistant starch. And I don't get the glycemic spike.

Dr. Jane Levesque


I love the Rs fiber, which is basically like the green banana starch fiber. Designs for health. The Rs fiber, do you know which one I'm talking about?

Dane Johnson


I use the paleo fiber. Rs. Yeah. Rs. Yeah. That's got the green banana and the white and the potato starch. And it's got no other preservatives in it. That's why use that, too. Acacia fiber, paleofiber Rs, greenish banana. And I love my berries for the antioxidants. Now, some studies have shown that bananas can reduce antioxidant load with mixed with berries. Listen, that's so micromanaging. Whatever. Forget that for a second. So, banana, raspberry, blueberry. I like to keep my sugars low, but fruits are a great place to start with fiber. One of the things with fruits. And David Klein taught me, because I cherry picked to heal, it wasn't one thing to heal it. I put it together. So learn. And cherry pick here. Fruits are so good at cleansing the colon, even though they're high in sugar, yada, yada, yada. They're monosaccharides, which are simple carbohydrates that are easily bioavailable. They're really high in water. And the fiber is so light, so squishy. It does a great job of cleaning. It's such a good cleanser. That's why I kept two shakes a day when I was housebound, because it helped me poop. I couldn't poop. I'd have twelve bowel movements and almost nothing come out. And someone's going right now, going, oh, my God, that's me. So you've got so you understand the differences. Then I can add isolated supplemental fibers that I can micromanage up. So with Mackenzie, Sheldon McKenzie, what we did with her and many other clients did this was another guy who was eating raw chard every day and he had no symptoms in perfect GI I was unbelievable. I've seen vegans and vegans have also shown me the way because I work with a lot of vegans of the role of fiber. I've seen great colonoscopies from vegans. Great. But there's also problems of fitic acid and glyphosate filled food and then fake vegans who eat crap food and they don't know how to do it properly. And grains and polysaccharides, which Elaine God showed us about the specific carbohydrate diet, that's a polysaccharide issue. So you just have to know that's what food philosophy, you have to know how to use those and manipulate those. And that's one thing doctor gundry taught me about lectins and pressure cooking. If you want to have millet and quinoa and things like that and how to use like that, use that properly. And that's all I was able to add in. I could have nut seeds, salads and grains now. And most people who've healed can only eat meat or only eat bananas or things like that, you know. So that's not true healing in my book.

Dr. Jane Levesque


No it's not. It's very restrictive.

Dane Johnson


Evan. Yeah. If you're a mother, I love the idea because now I've got prebiotics resistant starches, polyphenols, I've got fermented foods. I got everything to enhance the microbiome. That's going to help with your natural hormone levels. That's going to help with absorption of nutrients to get to the fetus. That's going to help regulate viral load infection. What do we learn about COVID Those with stronger microbiome diversity were more likely to be asymptomatic of COVID 70% of the immune system lives in the gut. Okay. A healthy microbiome is going to help create great molten gult. Okay, so that's gut associated lymphoid tissue and mucous associated lymphoid tissue. That's your gut lining. You need that nice and thick and spongy. Okay. So we need to build that up. And then so again it's like, oh, am I allowed to take butyrate? Am I allowed to, to take this, that and the other? What can you get from food. So a lot of clients have said, look, I'm going to put. So Mackenzie, she put frozen. She would cut up and peel turmeric and ginger, freeze it, and put it in her smoothies. So if she was saying, look, I'm not taking curcumin supplements, but I am eating turmeric, which a lot of indian women do before pregnancy, and she felt comfortable doing that. So I'm getting natural anti inflammatories. Curcumin is anti cancer. It's anti yeast, it's anti inflammatory. It helps calm down cytokine reactions. It can help calm down TnF Alpha and interleukin one beta. I mean, all sorts of stuff. So look to mother Nature in this. And that's one of the biggest points I can make, is, like, if you can start to get on the offense with your food and make sense of it, starting with pureed shakes, until that make, you know, makes sense, and then with your meat, you should be eating red meat, okay? Lamb. Organic grass fed lamb cooked in ghee butter, slow cooked. Do not cook it in seed oil. That's the problem with restaurants. You cannot be cooking this in canola oil, okay? Sunflower oil, that stuff. So I love it. And then I would. I love lamb. I love bison. I love grass fed meat. And I always order mine from a farm. So something like grassroots. Grassroots farm. Type that into google. You'll see them. I love those guys. They got great stuff. And then if you go to a lot of places, like, one of the reasons I live in California is they got fermentation areas and organic food. Everywhere I go down the street, they've got raw kefir, which I give to my four year old son. And they get. They have organic bone broth pre made in house. And then they've got grass fed burgers with mixed grass fed liver already in it. We're making burgers the other day, and my son's just eating the crap out of them. My wife goes, babe, you know those got liver in it, right? And I'm like, yeah. And I was like, Jason's just destroying him. He said like, four. I'm like, yeah, good. And then I give him his yogurt, and I give him his cream he likes because he knows ice cream. I give him his yogurt, cream and strawberries every morning. Guess what? It's raw cow kefir. Raw. He's just like, hump, hump, hump with strawberries. So that's the thing is, as you learn this stuff, guys, you're gonna also teach it to the child that you have. That's really the big thing is making sure your child's healthy, right, because you don't want your child to get sick like you got sick. So those are the biggest things is just think about probiotics, microbiome diversity, and then start releasing toxins. Thats so much of what youre going to do if you werent getting pregnant anyways. So start breaking them down one at a time. Lower EMF, lower toxins. Any scented candles, perfumes? Look at your forever chemicals and your underwear and your spandex. You need to get organic cotton, okay? You need to go for organic cotton in your stuff. Same with the guys, okay. Its messing with your testosterone and your testes to be wearing that spandex, okay? So go and get organic cotton online and getting rid of that underwear, lotions, shampoos, it's all got these pharma chemicals that are hormone disruptors, that are thyroid disruptors and that is affecting the pregnancy.

Dr. Jane Levesque


Yeah. Fertility rates for sure.

Dane Johnson


Yeah. So reduce toxic load. Start with the house, say, dane, where do I start? Just start with the house, the fridge, the bedroom, the laundry, the dishwasher, and get air purifiers in the house. I like air doctor and then there's a few other I know Selcor doesn't like air doctor and they have another one that's really great for mold and all that.

Dr. Jane Levesque


Jasper is the new kind of kid on the block. I really like him. Mike Felstein, you should check him out.

Dane Johnson



Dr. Jane Levesque


Yeah, he came on my podcast. Like he's a really smart guy.

Dane Johnson


Awesome. So yeah, that's what I would do. And then the last thing is join a community. Get a coach, get a judge, get a community. Go somewhere you have trust, integrity. You can constantly learn and ask questions and grow and, yeah, and actually learn.

Dr. Jane Levesque


Right. Like take that information so you can take it away. I think it you really drove that point home because I see so many people sometimes like, oh, I hired a coach but nothing happened. And it's like, what do you mean nothing happened? Like you learned something that didn't work or something that did work.

Dane Johnson


You know, when working with a coach, you want to look, there's a lot of people on the Internet now. Look for someone who actually specializes in what you want and look for someone who has testimonies and success stories doing what you want to achieve.

Dr. Jane Levesque



Dane Johnson


Those two things, okay. Even if they're not a doctor.

Dr. Jane Levesque


Well, I would say another layer is like that they lead a lifestyle that you want in that area. You know, because we see.

Dane Johnson


Yeah. If they don't practice to themselves. Yeah, that's a huge red flag for me. I don't like seeing someone who is not healthy themselves try to preach about health. I think that's kind of.

Dr. Jane Levesque


Well, I have. We have that in the fertility world all the time. It's like the docs who are, you know, 50 to 100 pounds overdose weight, telling women to, hey, you should go on a diet, or you should try to do this or you should stop. And it's like, are you doing any of that? Like, how do you know that works? I mean, that's better than, I guess, nutrition doesn't work at all. Like, that's bogus. I hate when people say that. I'm like, how does that make sense to you? That whatever you eat doesn't matter?

Dane Johnson


That's called common sense.

Dr. Jane Levesque


Yes, that's it.

Dane Johnson


I just. I put it in that boat. It's common sense. We need to stop arguing about things that are so common sense, I can't even give any more breath to it. But. And so trust and integrity is a big one. Like, one thing I said to doctor Jane before we got on is I felt the empathy and integrity of who she was when I heard her speak at Selcor. And it's one of the reasons I reached out and, you know, we're here today is look for that. You can feel it on people, you know, and you gotta take. You gotta make a bet. You gotta make first, make a bet on yourself that I'm gonna do this, that this is gonna be a priority for me. And then partner, and then get a partner, and that's it. And, you know, and one day at a time, stop looking for what I call MP's magic protocol syndrome and start climbing the hill and start becoming accountable and saying, I'm making a life change. You are not really after this for just a few symptoms. You're after this to change your life and not just change for now. If I really. I said, well, what if this comes back in three years? Is that okay? You're gonna go, no, no, no. I don't want it to come back in three years. Okay, so you're looking to change your life permanently. You see how big of a statement that is? See what you're asking the universe for? I want to change my reality. I want to change my health. I want to change my body. I want to change my relationship with food, my partner, with God, permanently. With mother nature, permanently. Okay, big ask. So breathe that in before you look at what you're expecting on how quickly now you can get results quickly. You can, but just be ready just to say, look, I'm in this.

Dr. Jane Levesque


Yeah, sometimes it's not a home run, and that's okay. Like some. It's like, I don't think that's where I'm like, if I had a magic crystal ball, it would be great because I could tell you exactly what your journey is gonna look like, but we can't. So you have to be just committed to the journey.

Dane Johnson


It'll be a home run if you don't quit, I'll tell you that. Yeah, you just. That's it. Just keep pushing. What else are you gonna do, right? I had to keep pushing. I didn't get results quickly. That's why I'm here.

Dr. Jane Levesque



Dane Johnson


So thank you for having me, doctor Jane.

Dr. Jane Levesque


Thank you, Jane. Tell us where people can find you.

Dane Johnson


Yeah. So i know it's a big word. Type in google. You'll see us Instagram, Crohn's colitis lifestyle or me, Dane Johnson one on the gram or YouTube, Crohn's colise lifestyle. And I'm going to send Jane a link where we just know that you came from her. So if you want to talk to our team or look involved or be a part of the community or look at our shield program, we're here for you. Click the link. You can apply for a strategy session. And we have a lot of different ways to help. And we just want to do two things, build trust, integrity. We customize your plan for you. Everyone in our shield program gets their own personal coach, so it's included in the program, and your customized program is built for you, and you're a member for life. And this is what we do. And I think. But, you know, doctor Jane's here to support in the pregnancy, and I don't think there's anyone better who can do that.

Dr. Jane Levesque


Thanks so much, Jane. It was really your wealth of knowledge, and you hit home a couple of really good points. And, you know, the poisoning. And I find so many people have a hard time. I mean, they're not working with me because by the time they get to me, they're ready to make the change because they've been in enough pain. But watching the tv, eating the foods that you're like, I don't want to stop doing it because that's the thing that's bringing joy. And it's like, if that's the thing that's bringing you joy, that's not a very happy life.

Dane Johnson


Say the same thing to a guy who smokes cigarettes. Circuits, it's the same equation.

Dr. Jane Levesque


Anything like drinking, it's. Yeah, it's the same.

Dane Johnson


Any equation, you look at them and you don't feel that emotion. You're like, eh, it doesn't make sense to me because you can think rationally, because you don't have an emotional connection. It's the same thing here. And you just. But it don't. If you're feeling too overwhelmed with it, you're not ready, that's okay. But it's just, when you are ready.

Dr. Jane Levesque


Though, just know there's lots of people to help you.

Dane Johnson


If it can't hurt me, can only help me. I implement it. That's how I got where I was. So I was overwhelmed with all of it. And I was housebound and I was alone and I didn't have any of this. And I just thought, what's my first move? If it can't help me and it can hurt me, I'm gonna do it. And I listened to Bob Marley, I stopped listening to intense music. I stopped watching dramatic shoot em up movies, and I watched comedies, and I stopped watching a lot of tv at all. I even really monitored my tv because I read and I went outside every single day and I earth and I prayed and meditated every single day. I journaled every single day. What were my symptoms? What did I eat? What was my weight? What's my next move? When am I going to try this next thing? So I'm going to do, I'd skip three days in my journal and I'd write, okay, today's a broth fast only. And I meditated at Epsom salt baths. And I would meet with my nd professors and I'd talk to them about what's next and what to do. And I did lab work and I would make I tried hookworm therapy and that was a disaster. And you know, all that stuff, but you got to be willing to try. If you guys want my journal, you can also click the link should just a message info I'll send you my journal I created when I was housebound.

Dr. Jane Levesque


That's amazing. Thanks so much, sting. I appreciate you.

Dane Johnson


Thank you so much, guys. God bless.

Dr. Jane Levesque


Thank you so much for listening to read the full show notes of this episode, including summary, timestamps, guest quotes, and any resources that were mentioned on the episode. Visit podcast and if you're getting value from these episodes, I'd love it. If you took two minutes to to share it with a friend. Rate and leave me a doctorjane the reviews will help with the discoverability of the show, and who knows, I might share your review on my next episode. Thank you so much for tuning in. And let's make your fertility journey your healing journey.




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