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How Do I Know What To Make To Sell?
Episode 1128th June 2022 • The Crochet Business School Podcast • Crochet Business School
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How do you choose what products to sell? Well, what do you want your customers to remember you for, and what do you enjoy making?

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Hello and welcome to business school podcast.


I'm Kelly, and I'm here to help you discover all the ways that you can create your own dream cruise business.


Your business does not have to look the same as anyone else's, and you can do it the way you want.


So what do we have on the podcast today?


How do I know what to make?


Choosing what products you make to sell.


It needs to have a bit of strategy behind it.


All your products should have a related topic, and that is a range so that your customers know what to expect when they go browsing in your shop.


They know what to keep your mind for, because I don't forget.


Nobody is going to buy our croquet because it's okay.


They're going to buy it because it fulfills the need they have, whether it be a warm with the hat or some decor for a nursery, they're not going to keep your mind because you are okay.


And they're going to keep your mind because of the type of products that you sell.


So your product range should all be related somehow.


I mean, this could be anything it could be all pastel nursery decor accessories.


It could be a table where it could be coasters.


It could be winter accessories.


It could be everything that's made of purple or rainbows.


The thing can be loose as long as you can describe it in a sentence.


So it's an issue.


What you sell.


You need to describe it in a single sentence.


I sell quirky coasters for the modern home.


I sell parcel nursery decor for the trendy bottom parent.


I sell everything made of rainbows for those who love bold designs.


As long as you can describe in a sentence what you sell and that that sentence covers all of your product range, then you're good.


You're good to go.


It's just something that your customers can keep your mind for, because don't forget.


Just because someone find your store there and then it doesn't mean they're ready to buy.


They may think, Wow, I love this stuff, but I'm not ready to buy just yet.


It could be that they just don't need the item right now, but they would love to buy later as a gift for someone.


It could be that we're just waiting for payday.


You need to make sure that your customers you know what I remember you for, so your product range all needs to relate to what it is.


You so what it is in that sentence that your customers keeping in mind for.


So when choosing a new product at your range, you need to do something that's going to fit in with that theme.


If you go completely off the ball and make something completely random and unrelated, it's going to be very old in your shop.


Your customers are gonna get very confused as to why this there, and it's likely that you won't sell it because it's not what your customers keeping your mind for.


So if you're selling Castle nursery decor and you suddenly add in rainbow like warms finances, it's gonna stand out like a sore thumb.


And the people who come to your shop looking for pastel nursery decor are probably not the same people who are going to be wearing rainbow leg warmers.


So you really need to make sure that you are catering to the audience that you're already building, so choosing which products are going to sell it is all about keeping your audience in mind.


It's all about making sure that you're providing what they expect.


You're given the option of what they're looking for, and it all fits into this theme.


Now that doesn't mean you are stuck with this product range of life.


Of course not.


You can change and evolved over time, but at any one time the product range that you currently sell the house to fit in with that theme and bear in mind if you change your theme, you're going to have to build your audience from scratch because if you're going from selling, um, practical bathroom items two winter accessories there to completely different audiences, you essentially going to build your business again.


So it's a good idea.


Sit down and really think about what you enjoy making because you don't want to be changing your audience too many times because you essentially have to start your business from scratch, build a brand new audience, build all up again and go through all that pain of starting from scratch.


So when deciding what you're going to make, make sure that it's something that you enjoy making and you're happy to make it over and over again.


The worst thing is is for you to not enjoy making it.


It's really easy to think, Oh, that's really popular.


I'll make that.


If you go in with the trends, that's all well and good.


It might get you off to speed the start.


But if it's not something you enjoy making, then your business is quickly going to turn into a store and you're not gonna enjoy it.


If you don't enjoy it, you're not gonna want to make those things.


And that's the quickest way for you to run your business down.


Because if you don't enjoy doing it, you're not going to put the time in.


And if you don't put the time in, you're not going to have a business.


So make sure that what you sell is what you enjoy.


It doesn't matter if it's not the trendy thing going, it doesn't matter.


It's not what splashed all over Facebook because not everyone buys into the trends.


Make what you enjoy and then find the people who will buy it.


You're going to spend a lot of time on this business.


You're going to put a lot of effort into it.


It's going to eat up a lot of your brain power.


Make sure that you're going to enjoy doing it, and they do it in the long run, and that is the best advice I can give you.


When it comes to choose your product line, make sure you enjoy it.


If it becomes a chore, you're not going to want to spend the time on it.


If you enjoy it, you will spend that time, and you are far more likely to make a long term success of your business, and you are far more likely to show your audience the energy of how much you love it.


It becomes a chore.


The energy is wrong and it comes across as a choice your audience and they are less likely to want to buy from you.


But customers love the energy behind the business, and it helps build a relationship with your audience and the better relationship with your audience.


The more sales you're going to make, so enjoying what you make is actually quite vital to the long term success of your business.


So there you go choose what you love, but choose a product range that fits into a single sentence, a theme that your customers can remember you for.


Thank you for joining me today, and I hope this has given you something to think about and something to incorporate into your business so you can grow those sales if you have any questions.


And I would like to carry the conversation more, then coming over to our Facebook community, the seller support group, and you can ask your questions and get the support you need from the Crusaders, and I'll be in there, too.


You can also join our newsletter list for tips, advice straight to your inbox and stick around for the next podcast.


We'll be able to get in a few days time and if you'd like to, I would really love it if you would leave a review on the podcast and subscribe, and that really helps us to grow and to help more crushes like yourself.


Thank you for joining me and I shall see you next time for the next episode.



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