Interrupting The Funnel Of Criminality
A special episode today with Roland Frasier and Andre Norman. Andre shares his incredible story of transformation and the framework he’s built to help other people. Andre travels the world as a public speaker, including engagements at the Whitehouse, Harvard Law School and London School of Business.
“I thought... If I can’t be a psychopath why be in jail? I want to be free. But I looked at all the groups in the jail, and they would all come back to jail. I saw that “Free” didn’t work. So I switched my goal to successful.” Andre Norman
To read more about Andre, or to reach out to him, visit his website.
From illiteracy to gang activity, Andre’s childhood prepared him for nothing less than a life of crime and violence. This behavior eventually led Andre to be sentenced to over 100 years in prison. As a natural-born leader, he quickly rose to the top of the prison gang system where he managed gang activities from within the confines of a maximum-security prison. During his two year stay in solitary confinement, Andre had an “epiphany” and he made the decision to turn his life around.
“If you’re talking you’re teaching, if you’re listening you’re learning”. Andre Norman
Listen Today For
- The story that got a standing ovation at WarRoom
- The dream and goal that was more powerful than the standard desire to ‘get out of prison’.
- How his decision to attend Harvard was the destination point that motivated him to teach himself to read, study law and ultimately become hugely successful.
- The skills he learned from leading gangs that he still uses today in business
- His assessment system and how he identifies projected strengths and weaknesses
- How he spots the weakest links
- His framework for Transformation
- Why he teaches his students to teach
- His solution for the white suburban opioid crisis
And more!
“I look at every variable, that I can be shut down in or killed on. Get it right or die. I took training people very serious because where I came from the first time I get it wrong, I die”. Andre Norman
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