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#184- Seize the Day with Chef Viet Pham (Iron Chef)
Episode 18423rd May 2023 • First of All • Potluck Podcast Collective
00:00:00 01:53:16

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You know how they say live your life to the fullest and every day as if it's your last? And you know how most of us think "Oh that's nice, I should do that. I will do that."...and then, even with the BEST of intentions, we just don't? (No judgment here, it's a super normal part of life.) Let's face it, it's so easy to stay in autopilot - chasing goals, maybe taking some important relationships for granted, & doing the most even if it's not particularly (or at all) fulfilling. In this episode, Minji sits down with highly decorated chef Viet Pham, whose resume as a chef is one that blows your mind - high end restauranteur, Iron Chef winner, defeating Bobby Flay (twice, mmkay), competing on tv shows, creating an incredible chicken sandwich that's quickly taking over Utah. And of course not to mention an amazingly beautiful and loving wife. But like all those with pretty highlight reels, Viet has gone through a LOT personally to experience this fulfilling life, and has overcome a LOT even in the midst of it. In this very personal conversation, Viet opens about facing health scares including a rare cancer that has further expanded his daily approach to life, love, and work. He shares the fears and attitude shifts he's faced as he is afforded new perspectives and a commitment to health and well-being.

Follow Our Guest Viet Pham:

Instagram (@chefvietpham)

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▫️ Music featured in this episode include "Uzutrap" & “I’ll Be There” by Nina Sung

▫️ NEW!!: Subscribe to First Of All on YouTube & check out our S4 episodes on video!

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▫️ This podcast is part of Potluck: An Asian American Podcast Collective

Audio Engineer @marvinyueh

Producer Da Eun Kim (@daeunkm)

Social Media Manager @JulianaDeer




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