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Episode 228 – West Heart Ministries – Donnie West
14th February 2018 • Kingdom Cross Roads Podcast • Robert Thibodeau
00:00:00 00:26:50

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Episode 228 Show Notes – Donnie West Interview

In this episode, I have the distinct pleasure of interviewing one of my favorite Pastors, Donnie West!

Pastor Donnie and I have known each other for several years. He is a broadcaster on Evangelism Radio 7 days per week…and the ONLY broadcaster that I have allowed to have 3 time slots on Sunday!

I’ve visited and preached in Pastor Donnie’s church – and I want you to know – he is as straight a shooter as they come. And we have the blessing of interviewing here, today, for you!

Pastor Donnie has a BIG announcement – the Lord has instructed him to “move on” to a new position in the Kingdom. He is leaving the Pastorate and entering into a new mission for the Lord.

He is starting “West Heart Ministries” and here to talk about this new ministry venture, is my good friend, Donnie West.

Just sit back and enjoy this conversation. I usually type out what questions were asked, but I’m not going to do that for this interview.

You will be able to tell, almost immediately, that this interview is flowing a lot smoother than most. Pastor Donnie and I have a unique connection and that comes out during our conversation.

I would like to encourage you to visit Pastor Donnie’s website at

Invite him to come out and speak at your ministry event, church, retreat, etc.

Just visit his website and the contact information will be right there.

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