Want to make sales when speaking at summits? Chris is sharing the strategy he's used to make consistent sales at the online events he's spoken at over the past couple years. He wants you to be able to replicate his success!
Learn more about Christ at https://www.TheCoachChris.com
Want Chris's full session, along with all the other fantastic presentations from Sell With a Summit: Speaker Edition? Just go to https://sellwithasummit.com/speakeredition/ and get access to them for free!
Welcome to Virtual Summit Success.
Jenn:I'm Jenn, founder of Virtual Summit Search, and you're in the right place
Jenn:if you want to make the most of your virtual summit experience, whether
Jenn:you're a host or virtual summit speaker.
Jenn:Let's get going with your next step to virtual summit success.
Jenn:You're listening to a snippet of a session from Sell With a Summit: Speaker Edition.
Jenn:Chris is sharing his strategy for making consistent sales from all of the
Jenn:summits he spoke at over the past year or two, so that you can do the same.
Jenn:Let's jump right in!
Christopher Hines:What's good, people?
Christopher Hines:I'm Coach Chris.
Christopher Hines:So today what we're going to cover is, number one, how you
Christopher Hines:can create a talk that converts.
Christopher Hines:I can tell you since COVID started back in March of 2020, that's when I started doing
Christopher Hines:a lot more virtual events and every event I speak at, I get at least one new client.
Christopher Hines:I've done over 30 events now, so you can imagine it's like, a
Christopher Hines:great income stream for me now.
Christopher Hines:So I want to talk to you about how you create a talk that
Christopher Hines:actually is going to convert and really get people to take action.
Christopher Hines:Then we're going to talk about the best conversion strategy.
Christopher Hines:I had the time to really test things out, to see what's going to work well, what
Christopher Hines:doesn't work, all of that good stuff, and it was great to do that because now
Christopher Hines:I know exactly what works and I've been able to show some other people too, so
Christopher Hines:I ran these tests multiple times now.
Christopher Hines:So how do you craft a talk that converts?
Christopher Hines:How do you put together something where people that are listening and tuned
Christopher Hines:in actually want to work with you?
Christopher Hines:First of all, don't sell from stage.
Christopher Hines:I know this is like, a big thing you're taught, and a lot of people teach
Christopher Hines:this and I've been taught this too.
Christopher Hines:And this is how I know it doesn't work for me; I don't like it.
Christopher Hines:Selling from stage is not the best thing to do because then your
Christopher Hines:entire talk becomes an infomercial.
Christopher Hines:When you're selling from stage, it's hard not to direct your
Christopher Hines:energy towards selling, right?
Christopher Hines:And the truth is that actually stops you from getting paid well,
Christopher Hines:as much as you could get paid.
Christopher Hines:'Cause if you pressure people and you try to convince them to buy from
Christopher Hines:you, you may still get two or three, but I guarantee you can get five
Christopher Hines:times more if you deliver a solution.
Christopher Hines:And that's what I'm all about is delivering solutions, actually
Christopher Hines:helping people, especially at virtual events, because virtual events call
Christopher Hines:for interaction, you need to be engaged with the audience, right?
Christopher Hines:That is much more important.
Christopher Hines:That's much more valuable than you just saying, "Hey, go and buy this for these
Christopher Hines:reasons" and showing testimonials.
Christopher Hines:And you don't want your talk to sound like a damn webinar; you
Christopher Hines:don't want to be that person.
Christopher Hines:Don't be that guy, because the audience can tell and they just tune out.
Christopher Hines:And when you're at an in-person event, you know, they can stay
Christopher Hines:in the room, they may drift off a little bit and not pay attention.
Christopher Hines:When you're doing virtual events and people are at home or whatever,
Christopher Hines:and they're in their comfort zone, they're just going to tune you out.
Christopher Hines:They may still have it open or something.
Christopher Hines:They'll walk away from the computer, all of that good stuff,
Christopher Hines:like, I've seen a lot of it.
Christopher Hines:You got to keep the audience interested.
Christopher Hines:So throughout this talk, I'll be asking you questions.
Christopher Hines:Hopefully you're taking notes because, again, I'm not here just talking to
Christopher Hines:you, trying to sell something to you.
Christopher Hines:I want to actually help you get better.
Christopher Hines:So that's the first portion.
Christopher Hines:Now, what's important that you have to have in your talk is you teach
Christopher Hines:people something valuable, right?
Christopher Hines:Teach them something they do not know, give them some direction they were
Christopher Hines:not aware of, give them a new clarity that they just didn't know existed.
Christopher Hines:That is one of the most important things you can do because now when
Christopher Hines:people leave the event, when they close their computer or whatever,
Christopher Hines:they're going to think like, "wow, I actually learned something from that
Christopher Hines:guy, or she was on stage talking about that; and I had no idea that existed."
Christopher Hines:You've got to give people a different perspective on things, different
Christopher Hines:strategies, tools, all that good stuff, because the more solutions
Christopher Hines:you provide, the more you help them, the more they remember you.
Christopher Hines:Nobody remembers a person that tries to sell to them, and if they
Christopher Hines:do, it's for negative reasons.
Christopher Hines:Nobody remembers the person that sells to them and that was helpful.
Christopher Hines:So as an example, "in this talk, you're going to learn how to create
Christopher Hines:different podcast episode styles."
Christopher Hines:That's an example of one of my podcast talks.
Christopher Hines:I don't just go on stage and tell you to do the same thing everybody else said.
Christopher Hines:"I'm going to show you my personal styles I've created for podcasts
Christopher Hines:episodes that have made me over five figures multiple times.
Christopher Hines:I'm going to show you how to get sponsored and work with these companies
Christopher Hines:and bring on sponsors in the first month of your show being live."
Christopher Hines:Which I've done multiple times for shows I'm not even on.
Christopher Hines:So when you approach it like that, and you are clear like, "Hey, this is what
Christopher Hines:I'm going to teach," it's very different.
Christopher Hines:It's something you've never heard before."
Christopher Hines:Now your talk becomes 10 times more valuable.
Christopher Hines:And if you start off with this, people are going to stay tuned in like,
Christopher Hines:"wow, you're going to teach what?
Christopher Hines:I just launched the podcast; I wanna learn how to get sponsored in 30 days."
Christopher Hines:Boom.
Christopher Hines:And there you go.
Christopher Hines:So how you outline this is you've gotta create a talk that converts, right?
Christopher Hines:So what that means is you break down, what do they do, why do
Christopher Hines:they do it, and how it gets done.
Christopher Hines:Think of it that way.
Christopher Hines:Just break it down that way, that's the easiest way to do it.
Christopher Hines:That's the easiest outline I can give you: what do they need to do?
Christopher Hines:Why do they need to do it?
Christopher Hines:How does it get done?
Christopher Hines:That's the basic outline.
Christopher Hines:It makes whatever you want to talk about extremely easy.
Christopher Hines:And for you, that makes it easy to put in slides and stuff.
Christopher Hines:Before I put anything on the slides like this and make it look all pretty
Christopher Hines:for you, it's written on a notebook.
Christopher Hines:It could be in notes on my phone, all of that stuff.
Christopher Hines:It's always an outline before I make the slides or anything.
Christopher Hines:I want to get all my ideas out and clear and then make sure they
Christopher Hines:all align with this method because that makes sure it's valuable.
Christopher Hines:That ensures that it's valuable to the audience.
Christopher Hines:Now, I'm not saying you don't sell, because again, we're going
Christopher Hines:to talk about selling later.
Christopher Hines:I'm just saying you present your offer when necessary, right?
Christopher Hines:I've been going for about 10 minutes now, maybe.
Christopher Hines:If I just started selling to you right now, if I told you what my offer was,
Christopher Hines:wouldn't you look at me like, "oh, here goes another one trying to sell."
Christopher Hines:So, I'm not saying don't sell - it's about timing, right?
Christopher Hines:I haven't earned enough of your respect and attention and trust
Christopher Hines:to try to sell you something.
Christopher Hines:That's just the truth.
Christopher Hines:That's how you avoid being salesy is you build the trust first, right?
Christopher Hines:That comes first.
Christopher Hines:So now let's talk about converting.
Christopher Hines:This is the best conversion strategy.
Christopher Hines:So getting leads is really the second step to making speaking profitable;
Christopher Hines:the first one is having a great talk.
Christopher Hines:I don't care what anybody says, if you don't have a good
Christopher Hines:talk, you can't do anything.
Christopher Hines:The second is having the leads actually take some action,
Christopher Hines:actually going to the next step.
Christopher Hines:So I want to break down my lead strategy.
Christopher Hines:How do I get listeners and viewers from these events to go and check me out?
Christopher Hines:'Cause I can honestly say doing events is one of the best ways
Christopher Hines:to create another income stream.
Christopher Hines:Number one, it also helps you build your audience on whatever platform you want to
Christopher Hines:use, and it helps you build relationships.
Christopher Hines:So even though the person doesn't buy a week after the event, they could
Christopher Hines:buy in four months and six months.
Christopher Hines:Is their money going to be less valuable?
Christopher Hines:No, it's not.
Christopher Hines:You still want that client, you still want that customer.
Christopher Hines:So let's get into it.
Christopher Hines:Number one, ask for a follow online.
Christopher Hines:Now, again, this is going to build an engaged audience because if they
Christopher Hines:tuned in and they watch you talk for 30 minutes, 40 minutes, whatever it
Christopher Hines:is, they're definitely going to want to tune into more of your content.
Christopher Hines:So if you're like me - you have a podcast or you have a YouTube channel, all of
Christopher Hines:these different things - they're going to want more information from you, right?
Christopher Hines:So you tell them to follow you on the social platform that you actually use.
Christopher Hines:Now for me, I use Twitter.
Christopher Hines:I love Twitter.
Christopher Hines:I know a lot of people don't use Twitter, so I try to make an exception.
Christopher Hines:So I say Twitter and Instagram, and it works because it's the same exact handle..
Christopher Hines:so that's not really a problem, but you don't want it to be complicated.
Christopher Hines:Like, "oh, you can find me on Facebook at this name and the Instagram or
Christopher Hines:this name and email me here" because now there's just too many options,
Christopher Hines:there's just too many things going on.
Christopher Hines:So ask for a follow one place - only do two or three if they're the same exact
Christopher Hines:name; if not, leave it alone, ask for one.
Christopher Hines:Step number two is give them an action to take.
Christopher Hines:This is one of my favorites because this is what separates you, right?
Christopher Hines:I don't just say, "oh, go follow me over here."
Christopher Hines:Everybody says that.
Christopher Hines:I say, for example, "follow me on Instagram or Twitter and send me
Christopher Hines:your podcast so I can check it out."
Christopher Hines:Now that leads to me doing a podcast audit, that at least us
Christopher Hines:building a relationship, because I can start listening to their show.
Christopher Hines:I'm going to leave them a review on iTunes, right?
Christopher Hines:Now I've separated myself from everybody else that they've talked to because
Christopher Hines:I'm actually literally helping them.
Christopher Hines:And even if I just subscribed to the podcast, that's actually helpful to them.
Christopher Hines:I'm giving at that point; I'm giving them something.
Christopher Hines:And action area's about giving something, right?
Christopher Hines:Give them an action to take that's going to get them a result.
Christopher Hines:If you want them to download something, it gotta be a result.
Christopher Hines:Don't just tell them, "download this" and then there's a blank
Christopher Hines:result or it's something basic.
Christopher Hines:I don't really do short little five-page eBooks anymore.
Christopher Hines:It's useless.
Christopher Hines:It doesn't get you to a clear result.
Christopher Hines:You'll be better off with something like a checklist, right?
Christopher Hines:Because, "oh, well, I'll give you a podcast launch checklist
Christopher Hines:for the tools you need.
Christopher Hines:This is the best software.
Christopher Hines:Here's a promo code.
Christopher Hines:Here's a promo code to get microphones," all of that stuff.
Christopher Hines:Now that's valuable because I'm saving them money and time on recent.
Christopher Hines:So now that's valuable.
Christopher Hines:That's getting them a result after they go through that checklist: they'll have
Christopher Hines:all their equipment at a discounted price.
Christopher Hines:That's a win, right?
Christopher Hines:So you got to think of ways that you can get them quick wins so that they like you.
Christopher Hines:You have to actually help them.
Christopher Hines:Now, this is the thing I'm saying about sending something immediately, right?
Christopher Hines:This is the third step; this is where you get them to convert.
Christopher Hines:The coaching session is a good option if you have a particular strategy, because
Christopher Hines:again, you don't want to spend the entire time selling to them at the same time.
Christopher Hines:You don't want to treat them like their regular client.
Christopher Hines:You want to give them a peek of what that looks like.
Christopher Hines:So for me, I usually do hour, hour and a half sessions with my podcast clients,
Christopher Hines:depending on what level they're on, and we work on their marketing plans,
Christopher Hines:monetizing, all of that good stuff.
Christopher Hines:We talk about product development, all those different things.
Christopher Hines:When I connect with somebody from an event that has a podcast,
Christopher Hines:I tell them DM me their show.
Christopher Hines:I go and listen to it and then offer them a podcast audit.
Christopher Hines:Now, during the audit, we talk about ways they can improve their show, all
Christopher Hines:the areas where they're doing very well.
Christopher Hines:We talk about marketing options and then monetizing options, right?
Christopher Hines:So I'm not even selling them at this point.
Christopher Hines:I'm just giving them an experience.
Christopher Hines:I want you to walk away from the podcast audit with a very crystal clear marketing
Christopher Hines:strategy and monetizing strategy.
Christopher Hines:Simple.
Christopher Hines:Now, if you want more, we can discuss that.
Christopher Hines:But because you went to the event and all of that, I want to make
Christopher Hines:sure I provide you with solutions and get you to that next level.
Christopher Hines:So that's what I do is a podcast audit.
Christopher Hines:And that's just an example; I don't think everybody should be doing audits
Christopher Hines:or coaching sessions, but what you have to do is deliver a solution immediately.
And here's a pro tip:send them to the social platform
And here's a pro tip:that you actually care about.
And here's a pro tip:I wouldn't send anybody to my Facebook page because I
And here's a pro tip:don't really use it like that.
And here's a pro tip:I'mma be honest.
And here's a pro tip:I don't care for it.
And here's a pro tip:So don't send people to LinkedIn if you've never used LinkedIn.
And here's a pro tip:That don't make sense!
And here's a pro tip:Choose the right one.
And here's a pro tip:That's very, very important in the process.
And here's a pro tip:Now, if you do want more information from me, hit me up on Twitter
And here's a pro tip:@thecoachchris_ or Instagram, I'm on there as well @thecoachchris_.
And here's a pro tip:I want you to send me a DM with your niche and topic.
And here's a pro tip:Like, what topic do you speak on?
And here's a pro tip:You never know - I may be able to get you on some podcasts
And here's a pro tip:or some other speaking events.
And here's a pro tip:Let me know what's up.
And here's a pro tip:And I'm going to give you a free copy of my new book, the
And here's a pro tip:Personal Branding Playbook, so make sure you check it out there.
And here's a pro tip:Thank you so much for being here.
And here's a pro tip:I'm super excited.
And here's a pro tip:Again, if you have any questions, reach out.
And here's a pro tip:I will see you all in the DMs!
Jenn:I love that Chris laid out his strategy.
Jenn:So clearly in his full session, he also covered his strategy to make sure
Jenn:you have the right product to share on your summit presentation, so if
Jenn:you want the full presentation, along with all the rest of the Sell With a
Summit:Speaker Edition sessions, go to sellwithasummit.com/speakeredition.
Summit:And make sure to leave us a review and let us know your biggest takeaway, too!
Summit:Thanks for listening to Virtual Summit Success.
Summit:Don't forget to leave a review and let others know your biggest
Summit:takeaways from this episode.
Summit:Every review helps others find us, and the more successful virtual
Summit:summits there are, the more tips we'll have to share with you.
Summit:For show notes, links, and other resources, go to virtualsummitsuccess.live