Opportunity Knocks
This book is not intended as a quick fix to change your life. It is meant for those who are looking for a little more out of life. To understand “simple happiness” is to realize that you have a choice in how you feel at any given time or in any situation. It is not a particular destination, but merely a state of awareness along your journey of life. You may already be on a quest for happiness. Or you may not. Perhaps you’ve never even given it a thought. No worries. You will still find something as you read that will lighten you up enough to recognize that you are in the driver’s seat.
Simple Happiness offers 52 easy ways to help you remove some of the mystery and confusion from your everyday life. Contrary to what some might say, life does not have to be complicated and full of stress. Every day can be a new opportunity to experience joy.
You can certainly read through chapter after chapter, but it is not necessary. Each one represents a particular thought or idea to consider. They can stand alone or you may find that some overlap in a similar concept. You might randomly read a chapter each day as a reminder to be in simple happiness. Or since there are 52 chapters, you might enjoy picking one per week for inspiration all year. As you read, you may find what I offer to be very basic, while others might find it quite profound. There are sections aimed to inspire you and others specifically meant to challenge you. Many offer practical steps or even spiritual solutions. No matter what, please be assured that everything I share in this book is meant for you!
Simple Happiness was written from the heart with the intent to give you comfort and hope. Comfort that at no matter where you find yourself, it is just where you are supposed to be. All the experiences of your life have brought you to where you are now—in the right place at the right time. And it offers hope that no matter where that place is, it can always get better, much better. It represents comfort and hope that true happiness and joy are available to everyone—including you!
It is my further intent that these pages inspire you to look at the same old things in a brand new way. However this book finds you, it brings me joy to know that it may open doors for you that you didn’t even know existed. I encourage you now to take the first step through a door of opportunity I like to call “Simple Happiness.” And as you do so, may you find what your heart desires.