I had originally been planning to just drop another half an hour of the live performance from July 7th in here. I listened to the whole 3 hour cut from that night, and decided against dropping that raw material on my podcast. So I cut the second half hour of the night and pasted it into a new file. Then I duplicated it. So two new identical tracks. Then I dropped a couple of effects on each track, both different and both set up to do very different things. I also sidechained the compression on each track to my gear.
Next step. I have a sequence of patches programmed in Main Stage 3 which are controlled from my Yamaha MOXF8. This combination allows me to provide rhythm and movement by switching sounds, colors and textures as I play along. By steadily changing the patches and rhythms, I can keep things a bit more interesting while controlling the entire electronic orchestra.
Finally, I let loose and just talked/sang things that were on my mind as I played. Naturally, my ongoing, life-long battle with accepting the sound of my own voice lead to a decision to alter the sound of it through effects and processing. I am happy to live in the computer age where I can manage all this in real-time as I record.
The final result is a quasi live, quasi improvised, quasi preplanned and programmed recording. As always, I hope you enjoy.
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