#152: One of the most commonly asked questions I get from my clients is: Isn't it easier to sell a lower ticket offer than a high ticket program?
Today we are going to review the ascension and descension models from our earlier episodes, and the pros and cons of selling a lower ticket offer and a higher ticket offer.
Here's a brief overview of the 2 types of offers :
- Low Ticket Offer
- It's difficult to validate your offer first, as you need a lot of effort, time and money upfront in order to drive the traffic first to you and even then you are not certain if people will buy your offer.
- High Ticket Offer
- They know that you have a high ticket offer upfront, and you will attract those who are seeking a solution to their problem right now. Generally they are willing to invest their time and money.
This episode is the 9th of a 9 part series where Kelly will give insights into how we can level up ourselves and by extension our businesses as well, by using principles from her Power of One Framework™ program.
If you feel that these tips resonate with you and are interested into learning more principles from the Power of One Framework™, click the link below to get access to Kelly's complimentary masterclass. :)
Important Links & Mentions in this episode:
Remember, YOU Matter! See you in the next episode.