Low Ticket Offer vs High Ticket Programs
Episode 1523rd December 2021 • Christian CEO Podcast with Kelly Baader • Kelly Baader
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#152: One of the most commonly asked questions I get from my clients is: Isn't it easier to sell a lower ticket offer than a high ticket program?

Today we are going to review the ascension and descension models from our earlier episodes, and the pros and cons of selling a lower ticket offer and a higher ticket offer.

Here's a brief overview of the 2 types of offers :

  1. Low Ticket Offer
  2. It's difficult to validate your offer first, as you need a lot of effort, time and money upfront in order to drive the traffic first to you and even then you are not certain if people will buy your offer.
  3. High Ticket Offer
  4. They know that you have a high ticket offer upfront, and you will attract those who are seeking a solution to their problem right now. Generally they are willing to invest their time and money.

This episode is the 9th of a 9 part series where Kelly will give insights into how we can level up ourselves and by extension our businesses as well, by using principles from her Power of One Framework™ program.

If you feel that these tips resonate with you and are interested into learning more principles from the Power of One Framework™, click the link below to get access to Kelly's complimentary masterclass. :)

Important Links & Mentions in this episode:


Remember, YOU Matter! See you in the next episode. 



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