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S1E12: Special Guest Russ Hudson, “Contact,” and Ennea-Type Five, Striving to Feel Detached (Part 1)
Episode 128th April 2021 • The Enneagram in a Movie • Enneagram Arts and Entertainment
00:00:00 01:11:04

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S1E12: Special Guest Russ Hudson, “Contact,” and Ennea-Type Five, Striving to Feel Detached. (The first of two parts.) How do we maintain the clarity-providing space between ourselves and the emotional messiness of life without losing contact? This is the question Fives wrestle with, and it is the question at the heart of “Contact,” the 1997 movie starring Jodie Foster and Matthew McConaughey. Foster’s “Ellie Arroway” is a scientist desperate to make contact with beings from space while struggling to connect with those around her. Russ Hudson, the preeminent Enneagram teacher of our time (and an Ennea-type Five himself), joins Mario, Maria Jose, and Tamer for this wide-ranging conversation that explores how “Contact” clearly depicts the themes of the Five, as well as the futility of seeing a conflict between religion and science and how true spirituality combines the need for critical thinking with a search for the numinous. Oh, and, of course, we discuss why zombie movies matter…




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