MAMA DAY HOLIDAY is December 26!
About a decade ago, I declared the day after Christmas to be Mama Day Holiday. It was my official day off.
On Mama Day Holiday, I do NOTHING. I don't cook, clean, play with kids, or do anything I don't want to do. It's mama's day off.
Kids eat cereal for several meals, watch a lot of TV, and hopefully, happily play with all of their new toys.
I made this up because the holiday season is a LONG HAUL. It's exhausting. All of the brain-work required to plan gifts, food, photos, cards, is super draining. Plus the extra housework, gift wrapping, errand running, and cooking-cooking-cooking, is tiring!
Mamas - you deserve a day off. And no one is going to give it to you. So you have to CLAIM it.
So I hereby officially announce MAMA DAY HOLIDAY is December 26th.
Enjoy your day off!
Free Resources:
Get your copy of the Stop Yelling Cheat Sheet!
In this free guide you’ll discover:
✨ A simple tool to stop yelling once you’ve started (This one thing will get you calm.)
✨ 40 things to do instead of yelling. (You only need to pick one!)
✨ Exactly why you yell. (And how to stop yourself from starting.)
✨A script to say to your kids when you yell. (So they don't follow you around!)
Download the Stop Yelling Cheat Sheet here
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