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75. Pros & Cons of Themed Mini-Sessions
Episode 754th July 2022 • Mini Sessions Made Easy • Rebecca Rice
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Resources Mentioned: Free Minis Class

There is a time and place for themed minis. Today we'll be talking through the pros and cons to themed mini sessions! But, before we get into it I want you to know I'm hosting a LIVE free class all about MINI SESSIONS! I'll be sharing secrets I use and tips for fully booked minis. Especially with Fall minis literally around the corner it's the right time for you to start prepping! Choose the time that works best for you and join me live (I'll have a Q&A at the end), but if you can't make it live be sure to register for a replay! Now, on to the pros and cons of themed mini sessions...

Pro: Perfect for Seasons

Themed mini sessions are ideal for those seasonal things like Christmas or Easter. My team does Red Truck Minis and they are such a hit! This is when everyone wants to do nostalgic set ups like Christmas pajama minis, Tree Farm minis or Easter minis. I do a fun picnic mini setup in the Spring and people love it!

Pro: Pinterest Worthy

They typically are like the "Pinterest worthy" shots that everyone is looking for. Here's the thing: if you're going to do a theme you want to go all out! Choose something that will grab people's attention. Most of the time when you have a setup that is elaborate and Pinterest worthy people will book. They just have to have that robust flower truck for Spring or that fireplace Christmas setup.

Con: $$$ Expenses

A lot of those elaborately themed minis are expensive. Renting all the things or purchasing the right furniture can add up quickly. This can eat into your profit before you know it. So, you have to be prepared to factor that into your cost. Be sure you increase the price of your mini sessions to cover the cost!

Con: Super Specialized

Sometimes when you're too specific you miss your audience. A lot of times people want something more generic. For instance, in the Fall I don't do an "autumn themed" setup. I've found that most clients just want updated family photos for cards or frames around the house. Which means they don't necessarily want a specific Fall theme. When nature provides something beautiful enough like colorful leaves, blue bonnets or wildflowers don't add to it! Save your themes for more seasonal or holiday shoots. Back to school is a great themed idea that's not necessarily a holiday!

Think through pros and cons of themed mini sessions before diving in and you'll save yourself time and money!

What We Discussed

Pro: Perfect for Seasons (3;11)

Pro: Pinterest Worthy (4:58)

Con: $$$ Expenses (6:57)

Con: Super Specialized (7:27)





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