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Ep. 4 - Body types and how to master yours
Episode 431st May 2023 • The Reality of Health • Erik Muzzy
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In this episode, we explore the concept of body types and how they influence our appearance and self-perception. We discuss the three main body types: ectomorph, mesomorph, and endomorph, and explain their characteristics and advantages.

In addition to discussing the different body types and their attributes, the episode delves into the struggle many people face with not accepting themselves for who they are. We emphasize the importance of embracing one's body type and understanding that each type has its own advantages and disadvantages.

The stories shared highlight individuals who have grappled with wanting to change their appearance or physique but ultimately found happiness and success by accepting and working with their unique body type.

The episode acknowledges that societal standards of attractiveness vary and I encourage you to focus on feeling confident and comfortable in your own skin rather than seeking validation from others. Overall, the episode aims to inspire self-acceptance and empower listeners to make the best of their individual body types.



Welcome to episode four. This one. I find very interesting. I hope you do too. And one of my favorite things to talk about and what I believe could possibly be. I'm just saying.

Probably one of the deciding factors on. How you look and how you see yourself. And why. It's not what you think.

Why you're not getting the results that you want because you think. You should look a certain way. Or you should respond a certain way.

I'm hopefully going to show you that it's not necessarily. You. It is you in a certain way, but not fully. What I mean by that is.

You are one of. Three body types. This is a known thing. Okay. They are Called. Ectomorph, Mesomorph and Endomorph

I will get into those a little bit further here, but let me just start off by saying, so you want results to look a certain way. And you're not going to look a certain way because you're not that body type. You have to learn to accept you for your body type and then make you the best you could be in that body type.

Once you understand that, then it takes everything. Down to its base level. At the base level. Now, you know where to start now. You know what to think about. How to approach it. How you should feel about yourself. What kind of management for your health, your weight loss, your weight gain. Your athletic ability, your future ability to do whatever job that you have or career.

Think about it like this.

An ectomorph. Is thin. Usually. Thinner muscle. Very boney there. The guys women.

Skinny people who just, you look at them and you say, wow, you must be able to eat anything you want. Well, I'm an ectomorph and it's not that easy. As you get older things change, but. If you take an ectomorph and you want to put him on the front lines.

In a football game. That's not the best place for that person. They're not big enough to handle the frontline. That person would be a wide receiver. If you were playing another sport. You want. Heavier people in certain places you want thinner people and others. For example, what about a marathon runner?


And then you see. Uh, mesomorph. That's that medium build a lot of muscle. Some fat, maybe not pretty much in between. The ecto and mesomorph. They're the medium build.

Then you have the endomorph. He's the big guy or girl. Big bones. Higher weight. Generally larger.

They have their advantages and disadvantages. And when you understand those and you work with them, then you can actually achieve your goal.

They all have attributes. They don't like about themselves. And they wish they had. Other body types.


People who have maybe a mix. And by the way, this is called a somatotype. Somatotypes are the ecto meso. So an endomorph. Once, you know what you are, then you can kind of find out what you're sort of melted with. So if you are a thin person up top, but you happen to have very heavy legs, maybe you're an

Slash mesomorph. Or ecto slash Endomorph. You could have a mix the other way.

You can mix these somatotypes.

If that's the case, then the way that you would. Approach your health program. Would be sort of a mix a little bit. I will get into these body types and what diet works for literally every body type. I know, I just opened up a huge can of worms and y'all wish I'd just say it, but you'll have to listen to another podcast.

So at this point, Once you realize where you're at. What you look like? What you can achieve by your body type. You can then achieve.

Results that you can't even possibly imagine. And you can work in those. Positive attributes of that body type, rather than wishing you were something else.

Quick story for you. I knew someone long ago. I will not give names from this point forward, pretty much ever. Because they may listen to this podcast. Obviously, I don't want to call these people out. They know who they are.

Plus some of these people had situations that other people I know, and maybe other people listen to this. Would attribute to that person and that's confidential. This one person. Wanting to lose. Body weight. There are two types of body weight. There's just general weight and then there's body fat. Those are two totally different things.

You can have a heavy bone structure and be. Heavy. You can have a lot of water in your body and not realize. How much water weight you have, by the way, you can gain and lose water weight very quickly. Fat takes much longer.

So this person wanted to lose body weight. I said, you're not probably going to lose as much as you might like to maybe a little bit, not very much. This is just who you are. They were an endomorph, so they are the larger body type. It was a woman.

This woman. Is.

Large bones, a lot of muscle. Heavy person, but built strong.

I thought maybe she's going to lose. A max of 10, 12 pounds. That's how close. I was thinking she would be too. A very low body fat percentage. So I put on a diet. And a certain type of exercise, which again, I'll talk about in the future. I know I keep seeing that a lot in these first podcasts, but these first initial,

Podcasts are the foundation for everything I believe. And I hope that you will understand from all my.

Experience. You can always go back to here. These as the foundation. It starts from the foundation. So I'm sorry. I keep having to say that, but it's really important.

Diet. Exercise the way I wanted her to.

and within about three months, she completely maxed out. She's not losing anymore. Felt great. Looks great.

She lost About 17 pounds. That was mostly water. Some body fat, very small amount. Maybe. It could have been a little bit of muscle as well. I'm not sure because we didn't measure for things like that, but we just had the general. Measurement of 17 pounds. When I asked her to.

Stand up on the balls of her feet. So I could see her calves. Tightened. I could see the striations in the muscle.

That means that she had very low water weight, very low body fat. She was basically lean. I mean really lean.

She could be a powerlifter. I mean, we're talking. Sirius muscle here. Very powerful person. So once she realized that that's what she's going to look like and be like, she embraced it. She didn't like the fact that she had this body shape, but she realized I'm never going to get to be an ectomorph. So I might as well live in the body I have and make the best of it.

Hopefully this person still does. I thought it was. Absolutely fantastic to see that I thought it was just one of those eye opening moments when you've been struggling your whole life with trying to get to a shape or a weight or a size that you want to be. And finding out you're never going to get there.

And it's better to live in your body now. And once you accept that, then you, now you can really grow as that person.

Not everybody believes that everybody type is sexy. . I mean, that's what it really comes down to. If you're worried about what people think about the way you look it's because you want to be attractive. So what's attractive to one person might not be for another person.

Another story. I was training this bodybuilder once for a natural bodybuilding competition.

First time I met him. He says. I've been in three competitions. And I've only. Made fifth place. But I know I could be. Better. A little bit more muscular, a little bit more lean. He was a mesomorph. So he's in the middle of the two.

I asked him what he did for his diet and exercise, that kind of thing. What was he doing for lifting and putting on muscle and leaning out. He told me, and I said, okay, well, let's try a few things that I've used in my life. And let's see what we can do for you.

I put them on. My preferred way to lift weights. To grow muscle. And two. Work out in such a way to lose that fat. That is. Intramuscular. It's on the edge where muscles meet. So you get this smooth look, let's get that fat out of there. So you have that rip look. And then how to blower the water to nor to enter into competition.

It took about three and a half months. The next competition was going to be in the fall. He said, all right, I'll do exactly what you said. To do. And I made him do this specific program that I really liked and I've used other people. Knowing he was a mesomorph. So it was pretty much full-proof

but when you're listening to. All this advice you have to understand is the advice. About an ecto. Meso or endomorph person. It's not the same for everybody. You cannot take the advice of an endomorph and apply it to an ectomorph. It doesn't work that way. It's a different body type and these are actual, real.

Situations. Back to the bodybuilder.

He entered competition. He was about 10 pounds heavier. Much leaner. And not only did he win first place in his division? But he won best overall in the whole competition.

When he saw me after the competition. I didn't go see it.

He said. What was so different about what you had me do compared to what I've always been doing. And I said, because you've taking all the advice. From all the body types and tried to apply it to yourself, you were all over the place. You have to be more specific. It's very simple.

I love that story and I love his success. He worked very, very hard. And he made it and he did it. I was so proud of him. It was a great, just a really great turnaround I wish I knew where he was to see where he's at now. But. Well, Sometimes you don't get to see that.

You can take.

An ectomorph and say, well, let's gain some muscle. It's very, very difficult for ectomorphs to gain muscle.

It's not as easy as it is for a muscle or endomorph. It's just the way it is. DNA decides what happens. Here's the thing, one of the things that happens with an ectomorph is the more they work out, especially with heavier weights. Or doing heavier labor. They become very strong. Even though the muscle might not be large. It's very strong for the most part.

If they do nothing. Then this weak muscle, but they can get very, very strong. If you ever go to a powerlifting competition, you would see this, you would think there's no way that guy's going to lift that weight. And then he crushes that weight and then you see a larger person try and do it and they can't do it.

Because his body has acclimated based on his body type to be able to do something like that. And for some reason, ectomorphs, most of them become very strong. Even stronger than most. Mesomorphs. You can definitely. In your body type, accomplished many things. You just have to learn how to use it.

Using that body type in the best way possible.

Let's talk mesomorphs. You can lose weight and gain weight as far as body fat. Very easily . That's what makes them very adaptable, a very universal body type. And endomorph. We'll gain body fat very quickly, but it has a lot of muscle mass. That muscle mass helps to lose body fat. If they exercise, they can lose a lot of body fat. Sometimes they don't lose as much as they want because

that program DNA to be an endomorph wants them to be heavier.

I know. I have a meso endomorph from many years ago. Who was able to carry pianos. Upstairs by himself. Not many people can do things like that. An ectomorph, we'll never do that. You want to live in the body you have and make the best of it. We will talk more about body types and dieting and losing weight and all that great stuff in the future. This one, I just wanted to give a quick synopsis of.

Ecto meso and endomorph. By the way you can go online, you can see these. There's lots of websites that talk about this and you can, you can see all the data you can decide for yourself. Remember, you might not fit each one of those. You may have to combine two of them. That's totally normal. If that happens, NATS, when you need somebody who understands this.

To help you achieve the goals within your body type, that you are a combination of.


The second.

Most amazing thing about the human body. Is this. Here is my diatribe. Okay.

The human body is a powerhouse. It is a machine.

It's a chemical processing, physical masterpiece.

It can take Food . And process it into nutrition and fuel and building blocks and energy.

It takes. Years to decipher this stuff. For an outcome. It can take in years in years of horrible food. That is poisonous and detrimental. To itself. And yet still exist.

It can take in fully. Organic natural food and build the body to be super healthy.

Isn't the body. Absolutely amazing.

Not only. Can it filter out all the garbage and toxins and chemicals. But it can take in all of the positive nutritive chemicals. And macronutrients. And make a healthy. Wonderful. Beautiful body.

The body. Manages all the chemicals.

All your cells have to decipher what to do with them. So if you don't understand that, It's hard to tell yourself why you're eating this organic or why you need this food or that food, because you don't understand what's going on molecularly. In your body.

It has to manage negative chemicals. Instead of positive chemicals or else you die.

You have to decide your outcome. For your life later on. Eat, what you want now and suffer later. Or suffer now. So you don't suffer later.

Do what you have to do now, so you can do what you want later.

Couple of podcasts ago, I gave the.

Idea of your body being a machine, like a, like an auto mode of. Engine. Because essentially that's what it is. Your cells, your body function like a car with an engine or a truck with an engine. Okay. You must understand this, this. This kind of.

Description is what helps you realize your potential for health . How your body actually works. This podcast. The reason I do this is so you can see your body differently than you have your whole life.

In order for you to feel good. That way, when you understand this. Without having so much. Information that you have to decipher because it's gotten really technical. I'm trying to bring it to you in a way that you can understand. You can wrap your head around it and understand how amazing your body isn't.

How simple it really is to take care of it. As complex as it is. As a chemical processing, physical masterpiece. But if you don't grasp this concept and why are you even going after health? Why are you going to the gym? Why do you diet? Why do you eat the food? You don't really want to eat? Why?

Your body is like an automobile. Your mitochondria are like the engines, the power plant.

In order to have energy and to exist, the engine must be running. It has to do things. It needs chemicals. Then you have your transmission and other things in the car. Those all require chemicals. They're all moving parts. All of this works together. And so if you can make. The ultimate. Vehicle.

From putting in all the right nutrients. Then you have a well running machine.

These chemicals. Good or bad. Determine your health good or bad. Trust me. I get it. I know, I know for a fact, That all the tastiest foods and all the beverages. They're fantastic. They taste so good. They're wonderful. But most of them. Kill you. Slowly.

Some things can kill you right away. Alcohol poisoning.

So you have to determine what do you want on of your health?

You want to slowly get better? Maybe a little bit quicker. Well, you need to learn. And understand how your body works. I'm going to do this for you. I'm going to help you see this. Help you understand so that you know what you're doing and it'll keep you going. Once you grasp all of this, you'll understand how the gift of life is very hard to manage.

If you're not managing your body, then your mind and your spirit aren't going to do well. That's just the long and short of it. We're going to talk about mental health in the future, because it is absolutely a mirror of your body's health. You don't believe me, listen to one of the podcasts coming up. You don't even have to go very far. You can get online and look at it.

You'll see.

Here's a quick little one for you. Your microbiome. Runs your brain don't think so. Eat the wrong food.

That food. You will keep eating over and over again. Once you feed that microbiome, that's all the bugs in life that lives inside your body wants that food. And it will tell you to keep eating that food through hormones and stimulation of the neurons that are in your gut, that directly. Leave right to the brain.

Yes, your gut. Is. Almost identical to your brain in the sense that it has neurons. Exactly like your brain. So all those living organisms down there, talk to those nerve endings that tell your brain what to do in many different ways. We'll go into those.

Your gut. Is how you change your life. That's a fact.

I hope this makes sense to you. I hope you realize that. Not only. Are you. A classified body. Uh, somatotype.

But you also are a machine and they'll two of those. When you understand both of those concepts. You can be very successful in your health.

You'll know where your positives are, where your negatives. What to handle. Now so that you don't have to handle and worry about it later. These are all things that. You, we all say,

if I knew. Then. What I know. Now. I would do things differently. Right. We say this all the time. Finances. Health. Kids. Job career, whatever.

You're in charge of. Your body. An intern. Gives you peace of mind. Lower stress.

Better spiritual outlook.

Better moods.

Basically. You feel better? In every way.

It's up to you. What do you want to do?

People on their deathbed.

Say that they would be willing to give up. All of their money, all their possessions. To get their health back.

Some people say that before they even get to the point of dying, some people say that. While they're in pain. Before the death.

They would give anything. To not feel like that.

Y, let yourself get there. Why not just do it now.

What could you accomplish right now in your life?

If you were healthy. Or on your way to being healthy, it doesn't have to be perfect health. No, one's perfectly healthy. Nobody, especially the people who you look at and you think, wow, she's so healthy looking. Her weight and her body shape, which we just went over. Oh, wow. He is just looks like he's got it all put together.

Trust me. There is nobody that doesn't have some kind of health conditions. They manage these things. Most people that manage them are managing them because they don't know how to heal them. They don't. No, what they're doing. So why not learn it? Why not have. The knowledge in order to change your life from this point forward.

I'm going to give this to you from now on that's the whole point of this. I want to make it easy for you to understand. I'm not going to give you a bunch of data and long. Dissertations of chemicals and.

All the science and geek out. Sometimes I will just because it's necessary, but most of the time, I'm not going to make this difficult to understand. My goal is to help you get to the end result, which is the best health you can get. And I'm going to help you use this knowledge.

To get there. No reason to make it overly difficult. So I'll help to dispel the myths that work against you. The things that work for you. All of it coming together in an easy way to understand so that you can spend your life.

Enjoying your family. Your hobbies. Whatever it is you have, and it'll make your life easier and not have to think about the health side. You're just going to be able to do it. You get the concepts. There's truth that. Equals life. There's a way to get there.

Most people don't know the way. They've heard 10,000 ways to be healthy. And I hear the same thing over and over again. I never know what to believe, Eric. What am I supposed to believe this person says this and this news channel says this and this magazine.

I just gave it to you. The first thing. No, your body type. And then realize you're a chemical machine. And if you don't run those chemicals properly, the machine's not going to run well. And we're going to work on that. All right.

Tell me what you think, please, if you like these shorter or longer, get to the point. Eric, quit talking so much. You let me know. Please let me know. You can reach me in the description.

Other than that. Let's keep working on these foundations for a little bit here, because this is important. If you understand the foundations, we can make big progress in the future. If you don't understand the concepts in the beginning, then you're going to be fighting, upstream, looking every tiny little thing for healing.

To make your life better and it's just going to be a mess. We're going to put it down to the basics and then work from there. We're creating the foundation. Follow me in future . I'm going to keep bringing you through this. If you follow this, I guarantee you, you will feel better. Follow me.




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