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Ep 038: Let’s Get Shift Faced Together
Episode 3814th September 2021 • Dissecting Success • Theresa Lambert and Blair Kaplan Venables
00:00:00 00:30:48

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Let’s get shift faced! This week Blair and Theresa dive into all things transitions from work, seasons, employees to entrepreneurship and how planning will make them less challenging. Listen as Theresa shares about her 3-year transition from a corporate executive job to starting her own business. She highlights that transition and resilience often go hand in hand. And remember, there is an importance to trusting your intuition and following your gut, it allows you to take that leap into something new.

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About the Hosts:

Blair Kaplan Venables is an expert in social media marketing and the president of Blair Kaplan Communications, a British Columbia-based PR agency. As a pioneer in the industry, she brings more than a decade of experience to her clients, which includes global wellness, entertainment, and lifestyle brands. Blair has helped her customers grow their followers into the tens of thousands in just one month, win integrative marketing awards, and more. She has spoken on national stages and her expertise has been featured in media outlets including CBC Radio, CEOWORLD Magazine, She Owns It, and Thrive Global. Blair is also the #1 best-selling author of Pulsing Through My Veins: Raw and Real Stories from an Entrepreneur. When she’s not working on the board for her local chamber of commerce, you can find Blair growing the “I Am Resilient Project,” an online community where users share their stories of overcoming life’s most difficult moments. 

Theresa Lambert is a High-Performance Lifestyle and Success Coach, Speaker, and Bestselling Author of “Achieve with Grace: A guide to elegance and effectiveness in intense workplaces. She founded her coaching and consulting firm, Theresa Lambert Coaching & Consulting Inc., to help ambitious women succeed with more elegance and less struggle so they can lead with focus and nourish themselves to the top. Drawing from her nearly 20 years of experience in the hospitality industry and most recently her 6-year tenure as the General Manager of Nita Lake Lodge she brings both a real world view and proven applicable tools to support her clients. Theresa has been recognized as a business leader in Whistler’s Profiles of Excellence, featured in Thrive Global, Authority Magazine, Hotelier Magazine, and Beyourown, and spoken at Women in Hospitality Leadership events, including Empower Her. Originally from Stuttgart, Germany, Theresa now lives in Whistler, BC where you can most often find her on the golf course in the summer months or relaxing by a fireplace in winter.


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Blair Kaplan-Venables:

Ever wonder what success actually means? How do you get it? And how do you keep it?

Theresa Lambert:

We all want it yet sometimes it feels only some of us get

Blair Kaplan-Venables:

to have it. Hi, Teresa Blair here. We are two badass entrepreneurs, best selling authors, coaches and business mentors who have had success, built success, questioned our own success and reclaimed it. Let's be real for a hot minute. 2020 has been a roller coaster ride, and many of us started to wonder if they'll lose the things that made them successful. So we got curious, Ron real about what success is truly about?

Theresa Lambert:

Can you put it in a box? How can you get it? Can people take it away? Or are you the one with the power?

Blair Kaplan-Venables:

Does it mean the same to all of us? Or are we the ones that created from PGA

Theresa Lambert:

golf pros to doctors, CEOs, entrepreneurs and spiritual mentors, we got together to meet with successful people from around the globe to dissect success for vibrant conversations and interviews. Make sure you click the subscribe button on the App Store. Because each week we will drop a new episode to bust through the myths around success and dissect its true meaning. Hello, hello, and welcome back to another episode of dissecting success. I'm really excited to talk about today's topic, which is going to be about transitioning, like transitioning from like a job to entrepreneurship, transitioning from post summer vibes back into the productive fall, transitioning from doing things a different way in your business, even maybe taking things online, or taking things back to in person, just all things transitions. And I think we've all been transitioning a lot in the last 18 months. But we don't always consciously think about transitions and what it looks like and what it means. And sometimes also don't really acknowledge all the things that we go for, as we transition. So this is going to be a fun one blast thoughts rolling in, I know you're going to die to say something because I can see it.

Blair Kaplan-Venables:

So transitions. That's the process or a period of changing from one state or condition to another. And I was thinking about transitions, you know, we're in a transition of seasons, from you know, back from like, everyone working from home transitioning back to an office. I've had a lot of meetings recently if people have transitioned from being like employees to entrepreneurs. And I also want when I talk about the word transition, I think about the word resilience, and I feel like there is part of them that go hand in hand together. And I think some transitions are really long and slow and drawn out. And some just happened like in a blink of an eye because they have to, and some are really graceful and some are sloppy as fuck. And I've had a lot of transitions in my life, a lot of those like, awkward Bermuda Triangle in between times while transitioning from one thing to the next. And I think we should talk about it. Because you know, especially with social media, we only see the good stuff. But we don't talk about all the messy stuff that happens in the background. And you know, Teresa, and I come from such different backgrounds and threes, that's what I love about you is you transitioned from a really, really successful corporate career to entrepreneurship, and transform similar like what you were doing, which was management, which is similar to coaching into coaching, and I have woven all over the place, my business is 13. And sometimes I've had jobs while building my business. Sometimes my business was, you know, only a few hours a week, sometimes it's 50 hours a week, and I'm in a really great spot right now. But there's still transitions, because it's not just with business, it's about life, like changing cities, like I just moved across the province. And I transitioned and now I have to transition my whole business community, you know, my in person, business community and transitioning. And I'm just thinking a lot about that, because the seasons are changing, the leaves are changing color here, unless you're somewhere warm, that doesn't get fall. And, you know, I think we're in this big state of shift. And I've said this before, shift faced. Let's get a little shift face. And I want to talk about transition. So why don't you maybe, Teresa, why don't you walk us through some of the transitions you've had in life, like the need to transition and, you know, kind of how did you prepare and what was happening on the outside and the inside? And how did you know it was time to make a transition?

Theresa Lambert:

Oh,that is a good question. How did I know that it was time to make a transition. I think you never really quite know that it's the time to make the transition but at 1.1 call just becomes louder. I think that a lot, like even what you've just been mentioning, you know, the seasons are changing. Sometimes we change, you know, we change jobs, we change cities, we change so many things. And I think that, especially right now, this time of year, if you're living in the Northern Hemisphere, you can really tune into the season to help you transition into this different season, in your business in your life and your entrepreneurship as you're moving, because this time of year always makes me video aware of how things are changing in my life, in terms of what do I need to be able to, you know, show up with the energy that I want to show up with, and as the days are getting shorter, and the nights are getting darker? It's kind of that time to to take a step back and reflect and think, you know, what are the things I need to let go off, and it's that season a fault, right? Like we can learn from the trees, like trees just let go of their leaves, like they're not, there's no resistance to that, right? Like, they just drop the leaves, like, the color changes in the most beautiful, vibrant colors, and then boom, off goes the leaves and the trees troughs that the leaves will regrow come spring. And so I feel like this is really what we can lean in and be empowered by nature, within our transition. So for me transitioning from being the GM of a luxury boutique hotel to my business, my coaching business full time, it was a bit like that, you know, once I've, once I made the decision, which took me three years to make that decision. Let's just be super clear, because I think some people just think that I woke up one day and made that call and was like, Oh, one day I woke up and I knew I wanted to have a coaching business. It was not like this people it was not like this at all. And like you said, there's we often only see the one side and you didn't see the free years of me struggling through this coming to conclusions, making a decision, changing my mind, changing my mind, again, withdrawing completely from the idea of ever leaving going back to so there was this like big like push and pull, you know, but eventually I was like, it's time to change colors and drop the leaves. And I actually made that decision in the fall of 2019. And then jumped into, you know, my coaching business in January 2020, with a complete different intention of how my business was going to look like. And I actually was on a podcast interview this morning. With Nicki, our guest we had last week. So I'm super excited to be on her square peg podcasts. And it's funny that we're talking about transitions, because I said to her, I was like, I feel like I've been in like shifting and pivot mode. Since January 2020. Because of the way things unfolded, I've had constant change in the way I run my business show up in my business often. Seriously, like from, you know, the idea that I was going to work with leaders and hotels and and do hotel management consulting to now really helping online entrepreneurs, you know, build and succeed in their businesses. It was a big shift. And like I've been shift faced, for don't know, 18 months, 18 months, ladies and gentlemen, I've been shift phase for 18 months. And, you know, I realized the last couple of weeks that I've been bottling up a lot of stuff and I really needed to just drop it all and take a break and and and you know, something you said, and I'm sure you're gonna love this plan was you like sometimes, you know, it's just a little messy. And the message that has really come through for me these last two weeks is let it be messy. Who cares if it's messy, let it be messy, let duck house and then trust that amongst the messy in the chaos. that next step will reveal itself. And that can be really tough for me sometimes because, you know, definitely kind of like to know what's common and entrepreneurship has never been like that. And so I think the last two weeks have just been a big transition period. And for me really owning the fact that you know, there was a message in the messy and it's, it's time to shift, it's time to shift gears, it's time to transition into fall, it's time to get a little bit more precise on my messaging and how I want to show up the next couple of months. And it's time to really, you know, drop the Leafs and hold steadfast on my center with my roots rooted in the fucking ground.

Blair Kaplan-Venables:

Okay, so what I'm hearing you say is let's get shift faced together. Okay, so how do you know it's time to get shift faced? Let's let's just you know, let's just stop using the word transition maybe and, you know, shift face. I think there's a huge part of intuition. With it to like, sometimes, you know, it's time to move on. Sometimes, you know, it's time to uplevel sometimes, you know, it is just the time. And, you know, I want entrepreneurs out there to listen to what I'm about to say, because I've had a business and I know we've talked about this sometimes with my business in Vancouver, I had bartending jobs and cafe jobs, because I had to make ends meet. And it's okay to have, you know, a side hustle. We don't really use the word hustle anymore, but you can have a side job and you can have a couple things and you can, you know, you don't have to Nish. Like, there's all these things that, you know, we think we have to do, or we think we don't need to do or we shouldn't do. And let's throw all that stuff away. You know, I want to rewind to what I met my husband, I met my husband, we've been together for about 1010 years, and I was living in Vancouver. And he was living in Pemberton and we started dating and was long distance, and I worked for myself, so I can go wherever I want. And so after visiting him, you know, multiple times, I thought, you know what, Shane, like, Let's live together. And he said, No, I'm not living in Vancouver. I'm like, Well, I guess I'm coming to Pemberton. He's like, Can you handle that? Like, you know what, I'm gonna get a job, I'm gonna get a job and build my business, because my industry is about who you know, and I don't know anyone in Whistler. And so I apply for a job got hired, no, I apply for a job, had a interview, got hired and moved within a week and a half of that conversation. Okay, that's aggressive. That's a big shift. But what happened was, I so I took a job. And while building my business, I also had a job because I want to meet people, it helped me, you know, balance, I got out of debt, it was really exciting and stuff. But what happened was, as I had this job building, my business allowed me to really get out in the community and meet people. And eventually, I left that I left that job to go for work for another company, who was a client who brought me in house, and it was a really cool opportunity that I have PTSD from, we don't need to talk about that, but involved television shows or reality TV. And you know, and I ended up leaving that position. And this first job said, we really need your help. So I went in there, and how did I know it's time to go in to leave? Like, how did I know it's time to stop just taking jobs, stop taking jobs, just focus on my business, it was when I was filling, I was making more money with my clients and at my job consistently. It was that I was working on putting more time and passion into like, what I was doing with my clients than with my job. And my job I knew was a job. It wasn't summer I had aspirations to grow and evolve. And, you know, I had, I was in a box, like, no one puts baby in a corner, I was in a box, where my company got me excited and had all these ideas. So my intuition said, you know, what, what are you doing, you don't need a job, you took a job because you didn't know anyone. But you know, people now you've built a successful business, you're sought after you're turning clients away, you don't also need a job. And so I let that go, I let that go. And you know, even as of recently, one of my clients brought me in house. And unfortunately, that did not end well. And my gut told me when it was time for it to end, it was time for me to be shift faced is very, very uncomfortable, very messy. It involved anti semitism towards me, involved gaslighting, it was when I say messy, I'm talking messy. And it was very uncomfortable, the beginning of the pandemic, you know, I had this vision for the pivot I wanted to make in my business, and as the beginning of the pandemic, and I walked away from a very well paying opportunity. But my gut told me it was time. Right, your gut knows your intuition knows,

Theresa Lambert:

your God always knows intuition always wins. You know, I think that is a big, big thing. And it's interesting that you're bringing this up and and you know, you've made the shift like that transition from you know, full time entrepreneurship actually going back to being an employee, then going back to doing both then, you know, understanding like that there is shift and it's kind of like the tide moving in and out. And, but it always comes back and I think that's why sometimes you just know, like, we can know things without knowing things. It's like, you know, like, I know that my business is going to be incredibly successful. I know that I will have a multi million dollar business I know it's going to happen. I can't tell you when and some days I can't even tell you how

Blair Kaplan-Venables:

it gets it seems implausible. It's momentum it's going to happen because of momentum Theresa,

Theresa Lambert:

it is going to happen because of momentum. But like it's, it's you know, I think in the messiness of it all we can get lost in our heads and our heads like to make logic of things and sometimes the decisions we make from intuition to ones that you know, you fought through logically and you you're not always going to pull, pull your calculate out and be like, Oh, if I'm gonna leave this door, If I can make this much for my clients, then I'm going to be fine, right? Like, sometimes we see, hey, actually, I can do more and be more without the job, right? Like when we're talking transition. And other times, we're like, you know what, right now getting that job feels really comfortable. And I've actually had, you know, again, like, I had one of my one to one clients, we had this conversation today, and, and I said, you know, if it feels good, to have a job, while you're building your business, while you're gaining the momentum, then maybe that's worth doing. Because you can always quit the job, right? Like, you can always quit a job when you're ready. And so I love that you share that, but also that you shed both sides, you know, sometimes we feel the confident not, and then we're doing it, but then our business naturally grows to a point where like, you know what I'm out. And then other times, we're in situations that really aren't good for us. where we are, you know, in your case, like, that was a very, very horrible environment to be in. And you know, that could happen to you not just at a job that could be in a relationship that you you're in, that could be maybe the relationship you have with yourself, right? It's not always other people, like, we can be our own worst critic that time, right. But sometimes, we also need to decide to drop, right to drop the we used to get brave and get shift faced again, and make a bold move and make a change that that moves into a new direction. And I think that that is really key for everybody that's listening to know is that it's not always the clear old answer, there isn't always like, you know, it's like you can know without knowing and at the same time be scared shitless that you'll shift facing, is going to go horribly wrong. Right. So I think what I love about it is that it really brings color to life, right? Because otherwise, like, I mean, think about this, if we would know that every move we've ever made ball shift facing through life wouldn't have been as vibrant and colorful and fun. If we would have known that it was all gonna work out. I don't know. I mean, for me, that's a fucking No, because I'm pretty sure I would not be here talking to you. If I would have made logical, calculated decision.

Blair Kaplan-Venables:

Oh, my God. Okay, first of all, so you took three years to make the decision to leave the luxury boutique hotel, where I am extremely impulsive. I always have been, I'm just like, I'm just like my dad, I, I am getting better at being less impulsive and being more rational, but still making quick decisions. And what I've learned is that if I want to do something immediately, and I resist it, I want to do it even more and more and all most of the time it works out because I'm resourceful in a way where I make it always work out. Like I'm really good when I am shift faced. I love being shift face because I'm really great at problem solving to my toes, and I do a lot of things that aren't conventional. It's not like I can wait, what am I gonna do today, open the manual and see, let's let's make these moves in my life. I I often innovate and move in a direction because there's such a need. And maybe that needs us to pay off debt. Maybe that need is to meet people. And that's maybe why I take a job or have a job and this is years ago, maybe it is that I decide to take on only a few clients because I know I'm moving and I know that I want to dedicate time to moving or that I'm planning a big launch like you know this fall I'm I'm publishing my second book, and I'm launching empowerment, six months social media group coaching program. So, you know, having a plan allows you to plan out when you're getting shift faced. Remember when you're young and you're all getting ready to go out to the dance or like the parties are in Winnipeg, we call them socials. y'all get together with your friends because you know the plan. The plan is you got tickets last week, doors open at nine you're gonna go for 10 o'clock and you know you're gonna meet your friends so you all get ready at like six you have dinner you listen to music, you get ready, this is me my girlfriend's we get get together one of our houses to our hair, do each other's makeup, get ready, maybe have some pre fun drinkies and like get ready to go out to get, you know, get our party on, get our fun times on. Like I'm thinking back to a time where it's super applicable now to business like I can prepare to get shift faced, like Theresa and I right now are getting ready. It's like we're doing our makeup. Instead we're on a podcast talking about the things we're doing, you know, worth posting on social media. We are networking, we are doing our own things separately. We're doing things together. We are in this process of being shift faced to being million dollar businesses, multi million dollar businesses. And so we are pre gaming right now. This is the pregame before gametime, we're tailgating, right? That's what Americans do at football. Or maybe Canadians do it too, but it gets cold here, but like, we were tailgating this is this is the tailgate like you're right now listening to the tailgate party, we are currently at the party getting shift faced, and you are along for the ride. This is Episode 38, like 3838 weeks, 30 weeks at this party.

Theresa Lambert:

I love that we're having a tailgate party, that is such a good thing of saying, We're getting ready for like the bike game, like and we're already playing to win. You know, that's about where, like having a really good time having a tailgate party, right? Like, I think that oh my god, I mean, what do I even start with all? He just said,

Blair Kaplan-Venables:

I wish you would have known me when

Blair Kaplan-Venables:

I was like younger and like not, you know, when I was young, wild and free.

Theresa Lambert:

Oh my god. I mean, like, like, let's just face it. Like, I was like, I had black hair. And I was smoking two packs of cigarettes a day. And my motto was life's a bitch. So I think life's changed a lot in the last like, actually 18 years. So like, you know, I like, I sometimes laugh when I see photos of myself, but we would do the same thing we would, you know, we go out, get ready when we'd party all night and from God, right? Like, nobody goes to the clubs until like, 1am. So you know, my God, that's so late. Now I'm like, how could I ever really be out? But yeah, and I would work, I worked in nightclubs. I was a bartender, like, I was hanging with the cool kids. You know, I was kind of one of those people that I was on every guest lives. People wouldn't know me. It's my friends. But it's because I sold Rosen. Yeah. And it was fun. It was really, really freaking fun. And so a lot has shifted and transitions, you know, since then. But I think again, right, like, bringing this back full circle with how we started this conversation is that I think when you're willing to transition, when you're willing to do something new, when you're willing to try when you're willing to listen to your gut and make the decision that maybe it doesn't make that much sense, right? In the moment, you get to experience life in a much different way. And the lessons learned in hindsight, are so powerful, like the lessons learned, and hindsight is so powerful. And when we look back, and I shared this this morning, or she with a group of people, when we look back and reflect, and you know, I'm a huge like reflector, I'm like, every month, you get to reflect on your month, and you got to draw the lessons, and you get to let go of what doesn't work, and you get to really learn. But when we do that, right, like, we get to make better choices the next time, right like this last two weeks, like, I haven't been feeling like super well, like, I've been moving through a shitstorm while being shift faced. And, you know, what I realized was that I'm in the middle of a launch of launched, which we spoke about a couple of weeks ago. And I was going to run a master class and this happened. bled, this happened, the exact same thing happened in May. And I felt off and I went ahead and I ran a master class. And it wasn't as like the way I wanted it to be. And like I beat myself up. And I remember making this decision that I wasn't going to do that again. And that next time I will listen to my intuition that saying, you know what, just change it up. Just change it up. You don't have to do anything you don't want to do, right. But it feels safe for us to continue to follow the plan. And so sometimes, when you make the plan, you got to trust that when it's time to throw away the plan, and just shift face, it's a really fucking good choice and use that as the beginning. resilience and shift facing and transition go hand in hand. And that is it right there. Every time we shift face, every time we transition every time we allow ourselves to like, you know, get ready for the game. Every time we up our tailgating game, right like every time we like add another like cozy chat by the tailgate. We're getting ready. But we're also embracing the process and the journey above all else, because we know we'll be getting in there like we know like game on, people game on,

Blair Kaplan-Venables:

game on like, put your favorite jersey on. Pull up a lazy boy chair, pop some popcorn game frickin on. Okay, so, you know, Patrice, and I've been messaging back and forth about like we're ending. This is the last month of the third quarter. We're going in For the last quarter of the year, and I think it's actually scrapped that I know it's going to be amazing. I know it's going to be extremely fruitful. I know. Because you know, what I'm doing right now is I've been resting. I've been resting, like, you know, when you work out, you're supposed to not work out the same muscles every day, you have to let them rest because that's how they, you know, they repair and get bigger. And that's actually what I've been doing. I've had a very aggressive year, lots of loss, very awesome business successes. But I took the summer to rest to move to reset to plant some roots. And Theresa, and I have some really awesome things happening in the fall, including another launch of momentum. Like I can't even believe that we're coming up to ending our first cohort. Like where has the time gone?

Theresa Lambert:

Yes, six months. That's finishing the end of October. So yeah, we're like in the month five, which is crazy. When we think that momentum was a media conversation less than 10 months ago,

Blair Kaplan-Venables:

and we just got shift faced and made it happen. And you know, and that was because we had a conversation on patio on her deck on Teresa's deck about success. And I said, girl, we got to put this on the podcast, these conversations are good to people reaching out to you guys do group coaching, do you do you know coaching? And we looked at each other and said, Yeah, we do. We built momentum. We actually also do two to one coaching if momentum is not right for you, but you're probably like, Whoa, Blair, Teresa, what is momentum, you can go to Teresa Lambert coaching comm backslash momentum, you can learn more about it, we're accepting only 10 people, it's a very intimate coaching program. It's a business accelerator, where, you know, we're going to start filling our spots. But you know, some of the wins we've had from the people that have been in this cohort, the amazing humans is you know, getting them featured in Forbes, launching their businesses up leveling their businesses, helping them with their social media content, ad strategies on Facebook, and so many other amazing things. And you know, Teresa and I have reef, like, our knowledge is so deep and so different, that it's so complimentary. So soon, we're gonna start sharing some of the wins and testimonials from our first cohort. But if you've been following along to the 38 episodes, or you're just listening for your first time or whatnot, and you want in, we want you in we want you and so you know, hit up Teresa's website, check out momentum.

Theresa Lambert:

Yeah, and now is the time to get in because we got presale happening till the end of September. So price is going to go up so if you know that you're interested, head to the page. And you know, you can always connect with us as well you know, if you want to jump on a call with Plan A and, and want to have a chat to see if this is a fit. Or maybe you're like maybe I want more, maybe I want more one to one time and actually have you to help me build my you know, business one to one, then reach out to us but yeah, pricing is going to go up these 10 spots are gonna go it's an incredible program. And like Blair said, like, I didn't even know like our combined together It's ridiculous.

Theresa Lambert:

But you know more so also our ability to hold space for you and help you through some more energetic shifts and help you through tough times and help you shift facing because we're really good at shift facing, especially when we face adversity and difficult times. And you know, it's not just a business stuff but it's also the community and the connection and it's knowing that you've got two people in your corner that you know, are able to really hold a lot of pain and difficult times and and things like that and still show up and still be there for our clients and still like be there you know, connected to our, to our lives. And I think that that is really important because we sometimes forget that but in business, having these connections being surrounded by people that are building their businesses like that in itself gives us so much momentum by being in this space and being connected and momentum is that and we're going to run momentum again it starts this fall you can drop a no actually we kick off December 15 is going to be a very special pre Christmas. Welcome call. I already have some vd cool and fun ideas. And then we really start the year together so you can literally stop 2022 off with Blair and I like in your back pocket. I need 22 2022 Good one.

Blair Kaplan-Venables:

It's gonna be a good one. Well, you know what? It's been fun getting shit faced with all of you. I really hope that this conversation inspired you to make a change, follow your gut. really listen to those feelings you have, you know, we're here for you. We're here to inspire you edge Obtain you help you up level give you the velocity that you need to take your business to the next level. give you that momentum. And it is Blair and Teresa here. Thank you for dissecting success with us this week case.

Theresa Lambert:

That's a wrap for another episode of dissecting success. enjoyed this episode. Make sure to subscribe to black cap on Venables and Teresa Lambert's podcast dissecting success on the App Store.




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