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Building a Supportive Community for Personal Growth
Episode 128th February 2024 • Good in Motion • Juliette Fiszka
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1 | Building a Supportive Community for Personal Growth

Let me tell you a secret… The journey of self-development can sometimes be extremely lonely.

When you create a new version of yourself, you start talking about different topics, spending your time in different ways. And your social circle may not support that new personality of yours.

That’s why I created the Good in Motion podcast. I wanted a platform that helps me and you create our balanced life and connect with the other go-getters of Canada.

Let me tell you how…

When you start something new, well, it's going to suck a little bit at the beginning, but it's normal. —Juliette

🍃 First, what is a balanced life?

For me, a balanced life is a a life where you have control over how you spend your time and can create a routine that makes you thrive. Thrive in your personal and professional projects.

A schedule that allows you to take care of both your mental health and your physical health.

👯 Creating a supportive community

A balanced life wouldn’t be complete without a strong social circle of supportive friends who are ready to back you up with your projects. Who tell you “You can do it!”, “If it’s important to you, let’s go!”

Even if you “fail”, they pick you back up because they are people who know that there is no failure if you learn something from the situation.

Even if you try new things and it’s not as great as you imagined, this community knows it’s part of the process. You have to try something to know if this is the right path for you or not. Guessing is not what’s going to bring you where you want to go.

🍁 Canadian-focused content

For the past years, a lot of the content I have been listening to are made in the US. And, don’t get me wrong, this content is amazing! It got me where I am today.

But I wish that we had more Canadian content highlighting Canadian brands, Canadian entrepreneurs, strong Canadian women. Women that I could meet in downtown Toronto without having to take a plane and cross the border.

I know we have amazing people here in Canada and that’s why I want to use this platform to interview them and learn about their products and services, their visions and their own routines.

👉 In all honesty…

…this podcast definitely comes from a personal need. I want to connect with like-minded people and learn more about Canadian brands.

I know that other individuals might be looking for the same things and I hope that through this platform I’m creating, we will connect!

For this reason, please be patient with me because, as I heard in some really good self-development content recently, when you start something new, well, it’s going to suck at the beginning a little bit but it’s normal.

So, thank you for your support while I navigate this new journey. Until next time, stay hydrated, my friends!



My name is Juliette and I'm obsessed with all things self development, goal setting, health and sustainability. Originally from France, I made the move to Canada with a vision to design my dream balanced life. On this podcast, I share with you everything I've learned along the way, the challenges, the lessons, and of course, the successes. It's also my chance to sit down with local experts, diving into the services and products that have the power to transform our lives. So grab your favorite headphones, stay hydrated, and get ready to learn simple tips that will elevate your life.


Welcome to Good in Motion. Hi friends, thank you so much for connecting and listening to the very, very first episode of Good in Motion. This is Juliette talking and I'm so happy to finally launch this podcast. And I just wanted to tell you why this platform is important for me. I have been looking for my community for the past months, maybe even years.


A community of people who want to become their best self, who are looking for a balanced life. What's a balanced life, you may ask? For me, a balanced life is a routine where you can go after your projects, professionals, personal projects, where your schedule allows you to build a good routine for both mental health and physical health, where you can have great relationships around you, and when you can find supportive people who are ready to back you up with your projects, who just tell you you can do it. It's important for you. Yes?


Okay, let's go. Let's go together. I know it's going to be hard, but even if you fail, I don't really like this word because we understood already that there are no failures, they are just learnings. Even if you try some new things and it's not great, it's okay. It's part of the process.


I just want to meet more people who want to support each other with their projects. And that's why I created these podcasts. Also, I'm very interested in buying local, supporting Canadian companies because a lot of the content I've been hearing is from the U.S. and it's amazing content, but I wish that we had more content about just Canadian brands, Canadian entrepreneurs, Canadian strong women. Just that I can go downtown and meet without having to take a plane, even though I like to travel. And I know we have amazing people here in Canada and that's why I want to interview them and learn about their products, their motivation.


And it comes from definitely a personal need, wanting to connect with more people and learning about more Canadian brands. But I know that other individuals might be looking for the same thing. And I hope that through this platform that I'm creating, we will connect. So for this reason, please be patient with me. And I've heard recently in some really good self-development content I was listening to recently that when you start something new, well, it's going to suck a little bit at the beginning, but it's normal.


So yes, thank you for being patient with me while I navigate this new journey, and I'm looking forward to meeting with you. I hope you enjoyed this episode of good in motion. If you loved this as much as I did, go ahead and rate and subscribe so you never miss an episode. This is Juliette signing off. See you next time.




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