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How and Why to Network on LinkedIn
Episode 1121st October 2020 • This Shit Works • Julie Brown
00:00:00 00:16:47

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Are you ignoring the professional world’s most rewarding and recognizable networking and social media platform? LinkedIn today has over 610 million members, 300 million of them are active monthly users and 40 percent of those visit the site every single day! It’s high time you boss up and start building an attention-grabbing yet formally laid out profile. In this podcast I swiftly and tactically guide you through the process!

In a fun yet fact-filled episode, you’ll get to know why LinkedIn networking is one of the pillars to your professional growth and why you do not have an excuse to not use the platform to benefit you professionally. Powerful individuals and businesses are using LinkedIn everyday as a way to connect with people, find employees and market their expertise and disseminate valuable information. 

5 Proven Tips to get the most out of Networking in LinkedIn:

  1. Boss up your LinkedIn profile
  2. Make sure you are connected to the people you already know
  3. Research who you want to connect with on LinkedIn
  4. Get recommendations from people in your network
  5. Share your expertise by posting, commenting and writing articles

Start with your bio! Your profile photo, headline and “about” section are all to be seriously considered, no sh!t tolerable! Equally important is making “worthy” connections and seeking “worthy” recommendations. Sharing engaging and informative content on a daily basis and frequently connecting with your connections is also at the core.

Tune in to get the most out of another power-packed episode!

In today’s episode Julie takes a trip down the memory lane, as she shares her ceaseless love for rosemary bushes and shares her memories of the same.

Today’s Cocktail Recipe comes from David Lebovitz and is the Rosemary Gimlet .

To hear more about JB’s love for the rosemary bushes and to get her recipe for the rosemary gimlet, listen to the complete episode of today, and please do remember to like, review and subscribe to the show. 

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