In this episode of AskTheTechCoach, we look at Formative Assessment Tools that can be used in the classroom.
This week we were asked about different kinds of online assessment tools teachers can use besides websites such as Discovery Education, PBS, etc. for Science?
Formative vs Summative Assessments
When we discuss assessment tools, we have to look at both Formative and Summative assessments. Formative Assessments are used throughout a unit to help teachers measure individual student learning and adjust as needed. Summative assessments are usually the test at the end. I often wonder if a student does poorly, shouldn’t we then use it as a formative assessment?
Tech Tools as Assessment Tools
There are many tech tools to help teachers monitor and adjust teaching and learning. Some of the overall favorites are:
- Kahoot is a fun interactive game based learning platform that allows the teacher to assess student learning. Students can use any device (desktop, laptop, chromebook, tablet, or phone) to log-in and take a quiz. One important note is to have students use their real name for tracking data. I personally enjoy when students create their own game using the material. The only downside may be that the answers are timed based.
- Quizzizz is very similar to Kahoot as it is also a game based learning platform. The only real difference is Kahoot tends to be teacher-led and Quizzizz is student-led. Students are able to go at their own pace to answer questions.
- GoFormative is another great tool a teacher can use collect formative assessment data quickly and easily. This tool allows the teacher to create a quiz or exit ticket. The questions even allow for a quick draw feature. The teacher can monitor as students are completing the quiz and we can even organize into different classes.
- Plickers is an amazing tool if you are low on student devices. All you have to do is log-in, print out a set of placards, and add your classes. Each student will be given a numbered placard. Now all you have to do is ask a question, let the students respond by holding up the placard, and then use the camera and plicker app start to record student answers.
- Edpuzzle: if you are someone who uses videos in their class, this a great tool for you. Edpuzzle allows you to add any YouTube video to it site. Then you can make the video stop, add questions, or add voice overs. The teacher will receive how the students did while watching the video. Whether you are flipping your class or just using in your classroom, we can collect a plethora of data from using Edpuzzle.
- Polleverywhere is a quicktool that allows you to poll your students to check for understanding. Students will answer in real time and the teacher will see the results live. You can then take your answers and place them in a word cloud.
No matter your content area, teachers must use assessment tools to track student growth and progress. There are tons of tech tools you can use collect assessment data. If you have a tool that you use please let us know at #AsktheTechCoach.
What do you think educators?
On this episode of Ask The Tech Coach, we examine some of the most popular online assessment tools available for your classroom. Join Jeff and Rob as we discuss this hot topic of digital learning. What does that mean??? Hit the play button and check it out today! Don’t forget to
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