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Everyday Series | Season 1 | Significant Lessons Saturdays | 009 | Jim Rohn
18th September 2021 • The NJ Podcast • Njabulo James Nkosi
00:00:00 00:08:27

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In this episode, we unpack lessons from Jim Rohn.

He was an American entrepreneur, author, and global business speaker who has inspired millions of people to better their lives. He has authored over 17 books and has been called one of the greatest mind-expanding individuals of our time. He has been a personal mentor to many including the famous Anthony Robbins. There are many pearls of wisdom and practical lessons businesses, entrepreneurs, and consultants can learn from him. I have been following his work for some time and the posthumous impact he has had on me is incredible. His name is Jim Rohn and here are some lessons he has taught me.

If you will change, everything will change

"If you will change, then everything will change for you"

Jim began his journey to fulfillment at age 25, when he was broke and had made many mistakes. He decided to change his life when he lied to a girl scout about buying cookies because he was embarrassed to mention he was broke. Tired of living this way he found a mentor who began to teach him. The first major lesson was in order for things to change, you must change. You cannot get a different result by trying the same method. In consulting, if you try the same failed method instead of changing your approach, then you will fail your client. Don't look to outside influences for the change to happen, you need to change - change your approach, mindset, business model, and habits. At age 31 he became a dollar millionaire simply because he changed. If you will change, everything will change for you.

Value makes the difference in results

"In order to make more, you need to become more valuable"

In order to become more, you must do more. Rohn became a millionaire because he added more value to the marketplace by growing his skills. In corporate, the big bucks are paid to executives because they add more value and handle more problems than the cleaner - they are not any better but they do add more value to the marketplace. Two people can start at the same place, do the same job and one will earn twice as much as the other person. The only difference is one is more valuable than the other. Apple, Google, Walmart, Microsoft, and other Fortune 500 topping companies are where they are because they add more value to the world than others. To get better results - to have more - you must understand that value makes the difference in results.

There is a day that turns your life around

"You cannot change your destination overnight but you can change your direction overnight"

Transformation and a change in the direction of your life takes one moment of a dedicated decision - a day that turns your life around. An alcoholic, cigarette smoker, and drug addict once they hit a moment of being tired of their situation, turn their life around through one decision - and they never go back to the way their lives were. The day that turned Rohn's life around was when he lied to a girl scout and he said 'I won't live like this anymore.' Businesses that struggle can drastically change their direction overnight by being sick of the status quo and take a major decision. The co-founders of Instagram, snap chat and others altered the course of social media when they made the leap to create something different. Anybody can drastically change the direction of their life in a moment of decision - in the day that turns their life around.

Work on yourself 

"Formal education will make you a living; self-education will make you a fortune"

A great lesson in responsibility Rohn learned from his mentor was to work on himself more than he did on his job. "If you work hard on yourself, you will make yourself a living; if you work hard on yourself, you will make yourself a fortune", said his mentor. This lesson applies to all entrepreneurs and consultants. Your income and work performance will not exceed your level of personal development. If you procrastinate at home, you will procrastinate on your job; if you are not a great communicator at home then you will not be a great communicator in your job. Working on yourself, learning, and applying new skills will increase your value to the marketplace - you will also gain a great reward: the satisfaction of becoming more. In Toastmasters, it is great to see how you improve as you complete your assignments and rise up the ranks through personal development. Work hard on yourself.

Your personal philosophy 

"Your personal philosophy is the greatest determining factor in how your life works out"

Your personal philosophy is your internal guidance system. This guidance system dictates your outlook, daily actions, and end results. The difference between high performers and others is their personal philosophy. Valuable companies and business people, I have found, have a personal philosophy of CANI (constant and never-ending improvement). High-performing companies continue to innovate and disrupt while others are overcome by inertia. The government, economy, technology, and social influences will probably not help you if you are not the right person - have the right personal philosophy.



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