The new film BRAID (2019) has received fairly strong reviews. Italian actress and model, Mitzi Peirone, directed but also wrote the screenplay for what is her feature length film debut. Her career took her to New York City to study theater at the American Academy of Dramatic Arts resulting on her focus on BRAID. The film starts off in her adoptive New York before leading to Montpelier, Vermont.
When Petula, an aspiring actress, and her childhood friend Tilda flee from a drug bust, they lose close to $100,000 of drug dealer product. Having fears of possible retribution from the dealer’s goons, they decide to head back to their home city of Montpelier, Vermont and rob their wealthy friend Daphne of enough money to pay back the drug dealer. Unfortunately to get into the graces of Daphne, the two are forced to play an imaginary game within a fantasy world that the mentally disturbed Daphne has created.
The film stars Imogen Waterhouse (THE OUTPOST), Sarah Hay (BLACK SWAN), and Madeline Brewer (THE HANDMAID’S TALE) in powerful portrayals of very desperate people. Each character has their own personal demons. Dark Discussions takes a look at this very divisive yet highly regarded horror/thriller debut feature by director, Mitzi Peirone.