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Corruption at the FB-Lie, Mueller Black Mass, Dir. Wray ObamaGate
Episode 1713th August 2020 • Looking-glass Forum • S. David Carson - E. David Sonennthal
00:00:00 00:57:32

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A focus in on the lock step goose marching media cover-up of the fascistic power play of the Washington D.C. insider elite who are unelected bureaucratic deep state sycophants seeking to continue the Obama shadow presidency. It's clear that the cynical corruption of the Democrat party will stop at nothing in their efforts to instigate an unjustified impeachment, an outbreak of Virus hysteria across society and a neo-Communist insurrection. The inability of the FBI to remain free of political bias and their direct intervention in the outcome of the 2016 Presidential election represents a more dangerous threat to American democratic institutions than Antifa or BLM. The gradual release of the facts about James Comey and Andy McCabe reveals a very corrupt operation and a continued effort to manipulate the outcome of elections, ongoing cover-up of Clinton crimes while attempting to frame the Trump Administration. Director Wray must go.





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