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Meet Kandy Schminke ... Part 1
Episode 817th November 2022 • Ladies In the Lead... She Stock Shows! • Joan Garner
00:00:00 00:49:43

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In Part 1 of a 2 week series, we get to meet Mrs. Kandy Schminke... famously known for Schminke Genetics, World Renowned Judge, and friend to all. I have to admit that when I started Ladies In the Lead, Kandy was on my top ten list to get to interview! I might have been a little star struck.. I might still be! She's pretty cool!

Kandy shares about the 40 years of hard work, challenges, and how her flock has gotten to where it is today. She calls herself a learner, a person who grows, and you can see that in her breeding strategy, her judging, and her personal life.

For those in the Sheep World, Kandy is a well respected judge and has covered the US to evaluate livestock. Denver .. check, Houston... check, OYE... yep.. and that's just the beginning. See Kandy was judging when women weren't. You'll smile when she talks about being asked if she was the ribbon girl for the day... but then you'll quickly realize she has set the foundation for so many young ladies to aspire to. Kandy is all class and can cut a class with the best.

Our 1st hour takes us through what Stock Show means and the 2nd hour ends up with her health, which will be part 2.

So enjoy the moments, be open to whatever comes, and keep your dreams in front of you! (Kandy's mantra!) It's going to be a great week to listen! Please join me, be in awe and a little star struck.... I know I was!




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