There's a lot that's been written on the topic of the subconscious mind. How is what's stored in your subconscious mind affecting your emotions and can you reprogram your subconscious mind to transform the quality of your life and dissolve distracting emotions? In this episode learn how to transform subconsciously stored emotions to liberate yourself and reprogram your mind.
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The subconscious mind stores all conscious, unconscious splits,
Speaker:all ratios of perception that are imbalanced,
Speaker:the superconscious mind stores all ratios of perceptions that are balanced.
Speaker:That's a topic that you probably have run around in your head,
Speaker:how do I reprogram my mind?
Speaker:But let's take it and go down the rabbit hole with it.
Speaker:Every time you get a stimulus from the outside world,
Speaker:you experience that through what are called receptors.
Speaker:You have eyesight receptors, audio receptors,
Speaker:smell receptors, taste receptors, tactile feeling receptors.
Speaker:In fact, you have many, many other receptors, temperature receptors,
Speaker:pain receptors, pressure receptors.
Speaker:Each of these receptors stimulate a nerve receptor by
Speaker:the stimulus that you have, and that causes what is called a graded potential,
Speaker:which is goes down the nerve of the receptor.
Speaker:And if it hits a certain threshold it gets into an action potential and
Speaker:stimulates another nerve and that cascading series
Speaker:cord and up the brain and into the higher areas or lower areas,
Speaker:depending on the threshold. If it's subthreshold,
Speaker:you may not even be conscious of it. If it's above threshold,
Speaker:you may all of a sudden become aware of it. All
Speaker:the information that goes in there,
Speaker:as it goes up into the brain and up the spinal cord,
Speaker:it gets associated with other nerves.
Speaker:And those can contain experiences that you've had
Speaker:previously that get associated with the stimulus.
Speaker:If you've had,
Speaker:if you've gone out on a date and every time you've gone on a date,
Speaker:it's a guy with dark hair. And you find out that every time you go out there,
Speaker:he becomes a certain erratic behavior.
Speaker:And you associate that with dark haired guys.
you're going to have associations with that in your response to that stimulus is
Speaker:now going to be a perception of avoid.
Speaker:If you've had an experience of a bunch of nice pleasureful,
Speaker:pleasant things with the dark haired guy, you may associate with something, 'oh,
Speaker:I like that, It's attractive,
Speaker:I can trust that.' So every experience that you have
Speaker:that from these stimuli of all these receptors go into the brain
Speaker:and summate into experiences
Speaker:through what they call associative, interneurons, and these interneurons,
Speaker:the greater the number of neurons as you go up in the brain,
Speaker:the greater the number, and as you go down in the spinal cord,
Speaker:there are very few. In fact, you've probably heard of a mono synaptic reflex,
Speaker:where somebody hits your knee with a reflex hammer and you just stimulate.
Speaker:That's something that you don't have any option over, stimulus, response.
Speaker:And so if something comes up in your life that you have a stimulus response,
Speaker:that means you don't really have any control over it.
Speaker:But as you go up into the brain, you get more and more interneurons,
Speaker:more and more associations made.
Speaker:And the probability with the greater sample side of
Speaker:50. That means that there's advantages and disadvantages to that stimulus.
Speaker:And you're more active, not reactive,
Speaker:because you have more options on how to perceive that stimulus.
Speaker:And so you're free to decide to do something or not.
Speaker:There's a area of the brain called the amygdala,
Speaker:and anywhere from the amygdala kind of down into the hindbrain is where we
Speaker:react before we think. And anywhere from that area up in the cortex area,
Speaker:we think before react. So if we have a stimulus,
Speaker:the higher we go in the brain,
Speaker:the higher the probability of thinking before reacting.
Speaker:And the more it's down in the primitive part of the brain,
Speaker:the more we react without thinking.
Speaker:So every time you have a stimulus that comes in,
Speaker:if you have had nothing but positive response,
Speaker:or nothing but negative response from previous experiences,
Speaker:you'll keep in the primitive part of the brain,
Speaker:because it will be registered as something to seek, prey,
Speaker:or something to avoid, predator. And you'll have an impulse towards,
Speaker:or you'll have an instinct way.
Speaker:So anytime you've had a stimulus through those receptors that have come in,
Speaker:that you've associated only positive with, no negative, or only negative with,
Speaker:no positive,
Speaker:in the lower areas of the brain where there's less interneurons and
Speaker:associations, the more reactive you're going to be,
Speaker:the less you're going to think about it, faster you're going to respond.
Speaker:And those perceptions that have been stored in an imbalanced way
Speaker:are called the subconscious mind.
Speaker:The subconscious mind stores all previously imbalanced,
Speaker:dissociations that you perceived about things. For instance,
Speaker:let's say you meet somebody and you're infatuated with them,
Speaker:and you're conscious of the upsides, unconscious of the downsides,
Speaker:you're ignoring the downsides.
Speaker:You have a form of ignorance and you're not seeing the whole individual,
Speaker:you're just seeing the upsides and you infatuate.
Speaker:So now you have an impulse towards, like a prey you want to consume it.
Speaker:And some of you've been in a situation you want to consume that person you're
Speaker:infatuated with, literally.
Speaker:And you also could meet somebody that you resent that you're conscious of the
Speaker:downsides or unconscious of the upsides.
Speaker:And now you're going to have an instinct to want to avoid them because they
Speaker:represent predator and you want stay away from that, that's danger.
Speaker:You have an impulse towards prey in an instinct away from predator,
Speaker:seek and avoid. As a result of that,
Speaker:those are associations that are made that now, if anybody reminds you of that,
Speaker:secondary associations or you see a stimulus that
Speaker:that, you immediately avoid or seek. And so again,
Speaker:systems 1 thinking comes in where you're just reacting before you're thinking,
Speaker:and it's a survival response for, you know, prey or predator,
Speaker:seeking or avoiding.
Speaker:And the subconscious mind stores all impulses and instincts,
Speaker:all conscious and unconscious splits,
Speaker:all imbalanced conscious and unconscious states,
Speaker:that are part of the more primitive part of the brain,
Speaker:where there's not as many associations for fast responses for survival.
Speaker:And so when people have their subconscious mind running their life,
Speaker:it's a survival mode and it's a subcortical area of
Speaker:being involved.
Speaker:And it's basically sitting there with seeking or avoiding mechanisms.
Speaker:And so you're basically an automaton reacting to these misperceptions
Speaker:and the associations you made previously and you're living sort of in the past
Speaker:through trial and error from your experiences. But,
Speaker:what happens if all of a sudden a stimulus comes in and it gets all the way into
Speaker:the higher part of the brain where the sample side of associative neuron,
Speaker:interneurons are there and you have a mean distribution of pain and pleasure,
Speaker:positive and negative, a seek and avoid,
Speaker:what happens is that most advanced part of the brain,
Speaker:the medial prefrontal cortex and prefrontal cortex is sometimes called
Speaker:the executive center, and what it does is it stops, assesses it,
Speaker:looks at it, looks at the ratio, balances it,
Speaker:and mitigates the polarities to it,
Speaker:calms it down and governs it and takes and dampens the extremes of
Speaker:polarity and make you think before you react. Now, the executive center,
Speaker:every time you balance out your perceptions and govern yourself,
Speaker:I call that the superconscious mind. You have the subconscious mind,
Speaker:which is systems 1 thinking where you're emotional and you're reacting before
Speaker:thinking. And the superconscious mind, sometimes called the transcendental mind,
Speaker:or the spiritual conscious mind, it's got many names,
Speaker:or the advanced part of the brain, forebrain,
Speaker:where you're now having a mean distribution of positive and negative
Speaker:because of all the neurons and all the experiences and they've been balanced
Speaker:over time.
Speaker:Because in your life you have events in your life you think are terrible,
Speaker:and then a day, a week, a month, a year, five years later, you find out, oh,
Speaker:there's some terrific in it. And there's things you think is terrific,
Speaker:and then you find out over a day, week, month, a year,
Speaker:you find out some downsides to it.
Speaker:And so you accumulate in the highest part of the brain where the most amount of
Speaker:associative interneurons are, you accumulate a balanced orientation,
Speaker:the mean distribution of polarities.
Speaker:And so therefore you are able to objectively perceive something,
Speaker:instead of subjectively bias things with an opinion and a quick response.
Speaker:For survival, you need that quick response, but for thrival, you don't.
Speaker:If you want to master your life, the survival mentality is not where it's at.,
Speaker:because the external world is going to keep running here.
Speaker:All stimuli are going to run you. You're going to be extrinsically driven.
Speaker:And you'll be an automaton reacting to all these stimuli out there that you
Speaker:don't have much balanced view of.
Speaker:The subconscious mind stores all conscious unconscious splits,
Speaker:all ratios of perception that are imbalanced.
Speaker:The superconscious mind stores all ratios of perceptions that are balanced.
Speaker:So love and wisdom, philosophia,
Speaker:the love of wisdom and the wisdom of love, are in the forebrain.
Speaker:And you might say ignorance, phobias and philias,
Speaker:fantasies and nightmares, pleasures and pains,
Speaker:seeking and avoiding mechanisms, which are extrinsically driven,
Speaker:are in the lower parts of the body,
Speaker:mainly in the amygdala down into the hindbrain and spinal cord.
Speaker:So if something is really black or white and it's just terrible,
Speaker:absolutely bad,
Speaker:your brain is going to fire off and you're going to react before you can think.
Speaker:We've all been infatuated with somebody,
Speaker:really infatuated and found ourselves not able to govern ourselves and did
Speaker:things we went, 'ooh,
Speaker:didn't expect that today.' Or been highly resentful and got into rage reactions
Speaker:and really reacted and couldn't govern yourself.
Speaker:That's the subconscious mind running around.
Speaker:The superconscious mind is stable. It's not volatile.
Speaker:It's poised and balanced, not vicissitude,
Speaker:not going all over the place with emotional reactions. It's objective,
Speaker:not subjective. It sees both sides, not one side.
Speaker:It has relativity instead of absolutes. The gradation,
Speaker:we have a gradation like a dimmer switch, from the higher part of the brain,
Speaker:it dims down and governs it.
Speaker:If you were to stimulate a nerve reflex and the advanced part of the
Speaker:brain was not governing down all the way down below,
Speaker:you'd get a spastic reflex called Babinsky reflex. But if you have a cortical,
Speaker:a cortical control from the advanced part of the brain doing it,
Speaker:you have a fine motor control.
Speaker:You can't play a violin from the stimulus response down below,
Speaker:but you can from mastering the part of the brain,
Speaker:that's actually involved in governance, to make fine motor skills,
Speaker:to be able to govern those, those very subtle systems.
Speaker:They're not firing all or none. They're firing with gradations.
Speaker:So when you're able to see both sides of an event,
Speaker:when you first infatuate with somebody you eventually discover, well,
Speaker:they're not what you thought.
Speaker:And eventually you find out they got things you like and things you dislike.
Speaker:And the things that you resent, you find out well, they're not what you thought.
Speaker:They have things, you know, you see that you like after time.
Speaker:Eventually you get to discover that the person you love has got both sides.
Speaker:And therefore, when you're actually loving something,
Speaker:you're able to see both sides simultaneously. Wilhelm Wundt,
Speaker:who was the father of experimental science around 130 years ago,
Speaker:said simultaneous contrast gets the executive center.
Speaker:and the superconscious awareness. Sequential contrast,
Speaker:where oscillating between emotions and going through a gyration like a bipolar
Speaker:response, is when you're in systems 1 thinking,
Speaker:you're emotional responding and you're in survival. Now,
Speaker:most people don't want to live in survival unless there's a real emergency,
Speaker:then thank God you got that kind of response.
Speaker:I'm very grateful to have that ability to do that if a truck's about to hit me
Speaker:or I'm about to get thrown from a horse or something,
Speaker:you need to be able to react and respond quickly.
Speaker:Or if somebody comes and bees about to sting or snakes about to bite you or
Speaker:something, you need those responses. But 99% of our life,
Speaker:99.9% of our life is not that extreme.
Speaker:And so we want to live in our executive center and be reasonable and take
Speaker:command. When you live in your executive center,
Speaker:you're the master of your destiny. You're living by design.
Speaker:You're choosing what you're going to do.
Speaker:You mitigate the risk and rewards and you see both of them simultaneously.
Speaker:But if you're not,
Speaker:you're reacting and most people are highly reactive and they meet
Speaker:somebody. When you go shopping,
Speaker:if you don't have an agenda and a pre-planned agenda with foresight,
Speaker:you're going to impulse buy because you're going to have sales people trying to
Speaker:stimulate you and get you to be responded.
Speaker:The mass media is constantly bombarding you with extremes of polarities
Speaker:in order to get you to respond. Politicians,
Speaker:religious leaders are trying to get you to respond with heaven or hell or
Speaker:pleasure or pain or peace and war, the polarities.
Speaker:And as long as you are vulnerable to that,
Speaker:then you're an automaton reacting to people outside you and any area of your
Speaker:life you're not governing in yourself, other people are running.
Speaker:Any area of your life you don't take command and empower, by having both sides,
Speaker:that's what I mean by empowerment, you're going to be run by somebody else. See,
Speaker:if you're infatuated with somebody and you put them on a pedestal,
Speaker:you'll minimize yourself,
Speaker:you're too humble to admit what you see in them is inside you and so you're
Speaker:disowning a part and that's a disempowerment.
Speaker:If you're resenting somebody and you exaggerate yourself
Speaker:admit what you see in them is inside you, you got a disowned part,
Speaker:a disempowerment. Anytime you disown parts and judge somebody,
Speaker:your impulses and instincts, your amygdala, your hindbrain,
Speaker:are all going to fire off and you're going to be in survival mode.
Speaker:Your autonomic nervous system is going to be into eating and rest and digest or
Speaker:fight or flight responses. And the more polarized you are,
Speaker:the more infatuated you are, the more you fear it's loss,
Speaker:the more resentful you are to something, the more you fear it's gain,
Speaker:the more you live in fear and distress.
Speaker:There's only two forms of fears and distresses in your life.
Speaker:The fear of loss of that which you seek and the fear of gain of that what you're
Speaker:trying to avoid. Every fear that you ever faced is one of those.
Speaker:And so when you're in survival 1 mode and you're emotionally reacting and you're
Speaker:letting the stimulus outside you, you have an evoked potential,
Speaker:not an actualized spontaneous potential where you're actually thinking and
Speaker:planning yourself. So that's what happens when you're in the,
Speaker:you might say systems 1 thinking, you're fast responding for survival,
Speaker:but you're basically not in governance of your life.
Speaker:And so your misperceptions of all those lopsided perceptions are running your
Speaker:life. But if you balance out those perceptions,
Speaker:you automatically bring blood, glucose, and oxygen up into the forebrain.
Speaker:If you live by highest priority,
Speaker:what's been found is everybody's got a hierarchy of values,
Speaker:whenever you're living by your highest priority and you're living by real,
Speaker:really the most important things in your life, the blood, glucose,
Speaker:and oxygen goes into the forebrain and stimulus goes up in the forebrain,
Speaker:gets associated and has more balanced, reasonable responses.
Speaker:And you think before you react and you're now governed,
Speaker:and you're somebody that people want to be magnetized to be around because you
Speaker:have your life together.
Speaker:Whoever is demonstrating and exemplifying mastery draws and magnetizes people
Speaker:and opportunity to them. But if they're emotionally reacting, watch out,
Speaker:unpredictability, uncertainty, and people don't like to be around uncertainties
Speaker:and unpredictabilities, it's frightening sometime,
Speaker:and they're going to create a chain reaction. Whatever emotions you have,
Speaker:you create chain reactions. If you see extreme, you know,
Speaker:sympathy or extreme anger on television, you can get all engaged in it,
Speaker:it can run you. That's what the media is,
Speaker:what they're trying to do to get you engaged, to watch their show,
Speaker:to sell commercial time.
Speaker:But if you actually are poised and present and balanced and purposeful,
Speaker:because when you're living by highest value you're more objective and neutral,
Speaker:you're purposeful, you have self-governance, self-mastery,
Speaker:and you exemplify what's possible as a human being and you grow your potential,
Speaker:because nothing's missing in your life.
Speaker:You're not too proud or too humble to admit what you see in others inside you.
Speaker:You embrace both sides of yourself.
Speaker:How you going to love yourself if you're trying to get rid of one side and only
Speaker:trying to get the other side?
Speaker:Trying to get rid of half of yourself and trying to be only one sided is futile
Speaker:and trying to change other people to live in your values or trying you trying to
Speaker:live in other people's values is futile.
Speaker:So systems 1 thinking is there for survival, but it's not thrival,
Speaker:it's not mastery.
Speaker:So for all these years I've been watching people do this and I see people have
Speaker:struggles with that and they have futilities and frustrations and they
Speaker:disempower their life.
Speaker:And then they wonder why the world's running them and they become victims of
Speaker:history, not masters of destiny. And they have false attribution bias.
Speaker:They blame the things on the outside and exaggerate the negatives in
Speaker:something and blame things on the outside you know, exaggerate the positives.
Speaker:And as a result of that,
Speaker:they're looking for something on the outside to save them.
Speaker:And these lopsided perceptions are there.
Speaker:If you go and you're highly infatuated and you got an addiction to somebody or
Speaker:highly resentful and have a subdiction for something,
Speaker:you go for therapy or go for somebody,
Speaker:or come to me or somebody to try to balance it out.
Speaker:And because you want control of your life again, because you've lost control.
Speaker:And if it's really polarized,
Speaker:you end up with bipolar condition and even dissociative conditions and sometimes
Speaker:delusions and schizoid behaviors, if it's really extreme.
Speaker:And that's what happens when you're in survival,
Speaker:it can be extreme in order to capture prey and avoid predator,
Speaker:you've got to accelerate the adrenaline and cortisol in order to really capture
Speaker:the prey and do it.
Speaker:So we really subjectively bias our realities when we're living there.
Speaker:But the second we ask quality questions,
Speaker:see the quality of our life's based on the quality of the questions we ask.
Speaker:And a quality question is one that brings balance to the mind.
Speaker:Pythagorus said this in his times, and Galen in his times,
Speaker:and Asclepius in his times and throughout the ages,
Speaker:almost all great minds knew this.
Speaker:The quality of your life is based on the quality of the questions you ask.
Speaker:Every time you have a positive without a negative or a negative without
Speaker:positive, you have an ionic state.
Speaker:And all ions are looking for their opposites to balance the chemistry.
Speaker:And your brain has a homeostatic mechanism trying to balance its neurochemistry,
Speaker:trying to balance its electronics. In the more primitive part of the brain
Speaker:you have synapses that work by chemistry.
Speaker:Then you go in the higher associations, you start working by electronics.
Speaker:Then you go even further, you have photonics.
Speaker:And finally at the very highest levels, you have literally entanglement,
Speaker:which is the fastest system.
Speaker:And that's there to conquer and overrule the impulses and instincts of the
Speaker:systems 1 thinking. So,
Speaker:if you ask questions that balance your mind,
Speaker:you liberate yourself from the emotional baggage that's stored in the
Speaker:subconscious mind. The subconscious mind stores all those imbalances,
Speaker:all those lopsided associations,
Speaker:all those things that you don't have control over in your life.
Speaker:And those can come from previous experiences, all
Speaker:previous splits in conscious and unconscious awareness,
Speaker:things that we've injected into our lives by subordinates,
Speaker:subordination to outer authorities.
Speaker:If we meet a mother or father or preacher or teacher or somebody on the outside
Speaker:that gives us a moral hypocrisy that we're supposed to live by
Speaker:and then we can't, we beat ourselves up.
Speaker:All those are stored in the subconscious mind,
Speaker:sometimes called limiting beliefs or sabotaging components.
Speaker:But the second we balance out our mind,
Speaker:we don't have the phobias or the fantasies,
Speaker:and we automatically have governance and we're now consciously aware and live by
Speaker:design. Many years ago,
Speaker:I started to ask how do I take a person out of their emergency response system,
Speaker:danger response system sometimes, or fantasy response system,
Speaker:and how do we get them to self mastery?
Speaker:That's been my dream since I was literally 18 years old.
Speaker:How do I get an individual to self mastery?
Speaker:How do I help them break through those limitations of perception
Speaker:and get a more of a mean distribution and see both sides of things, aware.
Speaker:As Wilhelm Wundt says, that's the individual that's fully conscious.
Speaker:See if you're conscious of something and unconscious of something,
Speaker:you're not fully conscious.
Speaker:When you see both sides simultaneously you have mindfulness, full consciousness,
Speaker:sometimes called enlightenment.
Speaker:And you have a homeostasis and balance in the mind.
Speaker:And your autonomics are balanced. You have resilience, adaptability,
Speaker:heart rate variability is enhanced. I mean, the physiological,
Speaker:almost all the symptoms in your body that you face are feedback mechanisms to
Speaker:try to balance your mind. Your brain is a homeostatic mechanism.
Speaker:It was basically Walter Cannon wrote a book called 'The Wisdom of the Body' and
Speaker:showed how the entire body is basically meant for homeostasis, balance.
Speaker:No matter what the perturbing events on there,
Speaker:the stimulus from those receptors are, you can maintain a balance.
Speaker:So in order to do that, you can ask quality questions.
Speaker:So I developed a system, which I call the Demartini Method,
Speaker:which I teach in the Breakthrough Experience, on how to do exactly that,
Speaker:how to go from system 1 to system 2 thinking.
Speaker:How to go from the subconscious to the superconscious,
Speaker:how to go from reacting to proacting,
Speaker:how to sit there and being something that we're emotionally exaggerating ourself
Speaker:with pride or shame or living in infatuation resentments
Speaker:and we're gyrating all over the place and run externally,
Speaker:to be able to live spontaneously inspired from within and see both sides and
Speaker:not react, but actually proact, as a master,
Speaker:instead of some mass conscious reaction that sensationalism brings.
Speaker:And that's asking question, for instance, let's say in the Demartini Method,
Speaker:let me give you some samples of the questions. Let's say you have something,
Speaker:you see that your mother ridicules you and criticizes you or
Speaker:something, or maybe your spouse does that. Your spouse is criticizing you.
Speaker:It asks the question, what specific trait, action,
Speaker:or inaction do you perceive this individual, my spouse,
Speaker:displaying or demonstrating that I dislike or despise or hate most?
Speaker:And I write down 'verbally criticizes me' and the content of
Speaker:that is verbal criticism, the context is about the way I'm raising the children.
Speaker:Great. Now you ask the next question.
Speaker:Now you've defined what it is that you're reacting to that's been stacked up
Speaker:through associations in your mind, somebody criticizing,
Speaker:you've associated pain from that,
Speaker:and you want to avoid that and withdraw from the man you love,
Speaker:and by the way,
Speaker:and you're most likely doing something that's challenging his values,
Speaker:or you're somehow arrogant and need being brought back down,
Speaker:back into authenticity, or he wouldn't be doing that.
Speaker:It's part of a mechanism of bringing you into balance as well as you learning
Speaker:how to balance yourself. And by the way,
Speaker:if you don't balance yourself and learn the tools I'm about to show you here,
Speaker:you're going to end up having to be run from the outside world.
Speaker:People that don't listen to their physiology and psychology and govern
Speaker:themselves from within,
Speaker:have to be run by politics and religion on the outside to govern them.
Speaker:That's where the moral hypocrisies and polarities come in,
Speaker:which actually are counterproductive.
Speaker:So what happens is you go in there and you now ask the question, okay me,
Speaker:go to a moment where and when I've perceived myself
Speaker:that same behavior. In Romans 2 in the biblical writings,
Speaker:it basically showed that we never judge another person unless it's representing
Speaker:a part of us that we're too humble or too proud to admit we have,
Speaker:but we have what we see. And when we're judging them,
Speaker:we're judging a part of ourselves stored in the subconscious mind,
Speaker:it's causing impulse and instincts. That's why we're avoiding it.
Speaker:So if all of a sudden you go in there and go, where do I do that?
Speaker:And you stack up where it was, when it was, who'd you do it to,
Speaker:and who perceived you that way. Where it was, when it was,
Speaker:who perceived you doing that? And who did you do it to?
Speaker:And you do it until the quantity of when you've done it and the quality of what
Speaker:you've done is equal to what they've done,
Speaker:and you level the playing field and you no longer have them down on this pit and
Speaker:you up on this pride mode, but you kind of bring your pride down, because,
Speaker:oh my God, I've done that, I've done the same thing, who am I to judged them?
Speaker:And all of a sudden I realize, Hmm, I've done the same thing.
Speaker:It calms down the reaction. It takes you out of the amygdala and the hindbrain,
Speaker:and puts you back in the executive center. Then if you go and ask the question,
Speaker:go to a moment where,
Speaker:and when you perceive this individual displaying or demonstrating this behavior,
Speaker:this verbal criticism, about the way I'm raising the children,
Speaker:and now ask the question, at that moment when they verbally criticize me,
Speaker:and from that moment till now, what are the benefits of their verbal criticism?
Speaker:At first, you're going to say, no,
Speaker:there is none because of those memories in your past stored in your subconscious
Speaker:mind, you're going to protect yourself.
Speaker:And so you're going to subjectively bias it and not look objectively and see the
Speaker:upsides to it. And as long as you're seeing the downsides, no upsides,
Speaker:you don't have a balanced mind.
Speaker:You're not mindful and you're going to react instead of act.
Speaker:So then if you go in there and ask, so what are the benefits to that? Oh,
Speaker:well it's made me stop and look at what I'm doing. Am I over nurturing the kids?
Speaker:Am I over supporting them? Am I making them dependent?
Speaker:Am I doing too much for them?
Speaker:Am I robbing them of accountability and responsibility?
Speaker:Maybe what that person, my husband is saying has actually got some merit to it.
Speaker:Am I,
Speaker:am I justifying my wounds from my past and I'm overcompensating because I didn't
Speaker:see my mommy there and so I want to make sure I'm there for them and I'm now
Speaker:smothering the kid and maybe my husband is playing the balancing act,
Speaker:an androgynous balancing out to make sure I don't.
Speaker:And I stop and I look at the benefits of what's going on,
Speaker:the way I'm raising the kids.
Speaker:Or maybe it's going to make me stop and look at it and he goes, no,
Speaker:he's just in his mode that day and he's out letting his pressure.
Speaker:But it allows you to look at it and see the upsides to it.
Speaker:And once the balance of the upsides balance the downsides,
Speaker:there's nothing to react to.
Speaker:And you're immediately back up in your executive center and you're now
Speaker:functioning. And now you know how to respond to the husband.
Speaker:Thank you for your feedback. I appreciate it. Made me stop and self reflect.
Speaker:Made me look at what I was doing and maybe at times I'm over protecting and
Speaker:nurturing and over supporting them and making them dependent and not,
Speaker:and I'm robbing them of accountabilities. And other times I realize that no,
Speaker:you're just reactive and I'm now learning how to discern which one is which,
Speaker:and make sure that I'm more aware,
Speaker:so I'm not reacting to you and judging you and I'm not reacting and judging me.
Speaker:So thank you. When you see the benefits of that,
Speaker:all of a sudden they're equal to the drawbacks, there is no reaction.
Speaker:You've got an executive function, you got systems 2 firing away.
Speaker:And now you're thinking before you react.
Speaker:And then you could go further and you could go now go to a moment where and when
Speaker:I perceive myself doing this and how did it benefit the people I did and to the
Speaker:people who perceived me doing it?
Speaker:And I clear out all my shame and all my guilt from all the past experiences.
Speaker:Cause if I've got guilt and shame of the past, that's running my life,
Speaker:it's going to make me react to people who remind me of it.
Speaker:And I'm going to be resenting all these people out there that have nothing to do
Speaker:with them.
Speaker:It's about me judging myself and they're bringing it into my life to make sure I
Speaker:don't leave it there hanging there.
Speaker:Every event in your life is trying to get you to clear the subconscious baggage
Speaker:and to turn it into superconscious fuel,
Speaker:and liberate yourself so you can love yourself.
Speaker:We all want to be loved for who we are,
Speaker:but we're not going to be loved for who we are as long as we're sitting there in
Speaker:systems 1, we're going to be reacting,
Speaker:we're going to be projecting our values onto others and expecting them to live
Speaker:in our values,
Speaker:which is futile or living and trying to live in other people's values,
Speaker:which is futile. But if you go in there and then you ask this next question,
Speaker:now go to a moment when you perceived this same individual,
Speaker:doing the exact opposite behavior. When did they actually praise me?
Speaker:Cause if I think they're always criticizing me,
Speaker:I'll react and avoid them and I'll now undermine my relationship.
Speaker:If I see that sometimes they challenge me, sometimes they support me. I go,
Speaker:you know what, when I do things that challenge their values, they criticize me.
Speaker:When I do things that support their values, they praise me and I can see that.
Speaker:And if I balance that I stop the labels.
Speaker:If I went another step further and asked another question;
Speaker:at that exact moment when they criticized me,
Speaker:who had me on a pedestal where it was puffing me up,
Speaker:that was making me arrogant and communicating in an
Speaker:make him have to react that way?
Speaker:We don't attract criticism unless we're puffed up and challenging somebody
Speaker:and they're bringing us back into authenticity.
Speaker:And if you stop and look at where was it and who was it that was playing the
Speaker:other, in your mind it could be virtual or real,
Speaker:but somebody's praising you in your head and you're puffed up that's why they're
Speaker:reacting to bring you back down.
Speaker:You don't attract criticism unless you need to be brought back into
Speaker:And then you look at that and you realize that every time they're doing it,
Speaker:they're helping me be authentic.
Speaker:And now you appreciate them for playing their role in making sure you're
Speaker:And many times you had fantasies about your spouse is supposed to make you happy
Speaker:all the time. That's delusional.
Speaker:Your spouse is designed to help you become authentic.
Speaker:It's to help you to bring balance into your life,
Speaker:help you to be authentic and be able to love for who you are.
Speaker:Not for the fantasies you're holding on to.
Speaker:And many people come into relationships from Disney world and they come in with
Speaker:fantasies and that person, that spouse is there to help you balance it.
Speaker:And then you go to the next question, go to the moment where,
Speaker:and when they actually criticize you,
Speaker:and if they had praised you in that moment, the way you fantasized,
Speaker:what would been the drawback? Well you'd have perpetuated your illusion,
Speaker:been self righteous, not cleared out your own guilt to the past.
Speaker:You would've sat there and been a persona and a false persona instead of an
Speaker:authentic being.
Speaker:And you basically sit there and not realize that he's keeping you under his
Speaker:control by praising you all the time.
Speaker:And you're now becoming a juvenile dependent and not
Speaker:And you want to build a healthy relationship that's
Speaker:and independence, freedom and constraint, as they say.
Speaker:So if you ask those questions to an event that you think is terrible,
Speaker:when you're done, there's nothing there, except thank you I love you.
Speaker:And you can do that on the opposite side. When somebody's done and praising you,
Speaker:you can do that in reverse. It doesn't matter.
Speaker:There's nothing your mortal body can experience that your immortal soul,
Speaker:the state of unconditional love, can't love, by asking quality questions.
Speaker:And that's the reason why I teach the Demartini Method.
Speaker:The Demartini Method is a series of very precise, very scientific,
Speaker:reproducible questions that guarantee you going from systems 1 to systems 2 and
Speaker:move you from this emotional reactive state to the executive function,
Speaker:where you can master your life and pursue what it is that's your purpose and
Speaker:dream in life and be inspired spontaneously instead of
Speaker:an automaton reacting to anything that's doing it and being purchasing and
Speaker:impulses at the stores and then overspending and then
Speaker:having bills at the end and emotional drama in your life,
Speaker:and where your disempowered in all areas of your life.
Speaker:And then having to be controlled and powered by other people.
Speaker:The Demartini Method is a science on how to re-empower your life.
Speaker:And to help you go from system 1 to systems 2 from the subconscious to the
Speaker:conscious, and to reprogram the subconsciously stored
Speaker:and get you out of the monosynaptic reflexes where you're reacting before you
Speaker:even think, and get you into your thinking mode,
Speaker:and help you realize there's a magnificent order in the universe. By the way,
Speaker:the word disorder means missing information,
Speaker:and order means all the information's at at hand.
Speaker:So when you ask those questions and see both sides and solve the questions and
Speaker:see the love,
Speaker:now you're back in order and you're in order and you're commanding the life.
Speaker:Whoever sees the order is the one that gives the orders and wakes up their
Speaker:leadership. You have the capacity to be a leader that way.
Speaker:In the Breakthrough Experience where I teach the Demartini Method and I teach
Speaker:about values on how to live by priority and how to delegate lower priority
Speaker:where you decrease the probably of causing these reactions and you live more
Speaker:masterfully and you use the tool on anything that causes emotional reaction so
Speaker:you stabilize yourself, you move in the path of mastery.
Speaker:And it teaches you how and doing the method you can take people off pedestals
Speaker:and out of pits, because as long as you put people on pedestals,
Speaker:you're going to inject their values. As long as you put them in pits,
Speaker:you're going to project your values and you're going to be caught in subjective
Speaker:biases all day long. There's no reason for that.
Speaker:You can come to the Breakthrough Experience, learn the Demartini Method,
Speaker:learn how to prioritize your life and determine your values and live by priority
Speaker:and expand your game.
Speaker:And that's why I want people to do the Breakthrough Experience because I know
Speaker:what I'm describing here is where I teach people how to transform that systems 1
Speaker:to systems 2, that subconscious to superconscious.
Speaker:And you don't want to sit there and just do little affirmations and little
Speaker:visualizations only. You know,
Speaker:some people have a fantasy that they say something that's positive all the time
Speaker:they're going to end up being always positive. Well,
Speaker:I guarantee that's not going to last and it's not as powerful.
Speaker:But articulating specific balanced terminologies and
Speaker:balanced visions that do,
Speaker:which I teach in the Breakthrough Experience on how
Speaker:But you have to be objective and not set up fantasy yourself.
Speaker:People set up these fantasy ideas about how to change their subconscious mind
Speaker:that are transient at best and aren't really real.
Speaker:I'm interested in helping you master how your brain works,
Speaker:master how your life works so you can master your mind so you can master your
Speaker:life. That's what I'm interested in.
Speaker:That's why I teach people the Demartini Method and the Breakthrough Experience.
Speaker:That's why I do these little programs every week.
Speaker:So if you're interested in doing that and would like to take your subconscious
Speaker:mind and breakthrough to the superconscious state,
Speaker:or Satori, or enlightenment, or liberation, it's got many names,
Speaker:or Christ awareness if you're a Christian, or the Buddhist enlightenment,
Speaker:whatever name you want to give it,
Speaker:I just call it aware state or full conscious mind.
Speaker:If you do come to the Breakthrough Experience,
Speaker:I can help you master your mind and master your life.
Speaker:I've got all kinds of proven demonstrateable tools
Speaker:I've taught it for 33 and a half years. I've taught it 1,148 times.
Speaker:And I know it can make a difference in your life.
Speaker:I've asked people at the end of the program,
Speaker:how many have you learned something this weekend that,
Speaker:because it's a weekend two day program,
Speaker:how many have you learned something this weekend you could've gone your whole
Speaker:life and not learned if you hadn't have been here? Every hand goes up,
Speaker:every hand goes up each weekend.
Speaker:I promise you something that's not something you just
Speaker:or even at other seminars. It's something that I'm certain,
Speaker:it's my 50 years of research summarized and condensed down into something you
Speaker:can distill down that you can use the rest of your life.
Speaker:You will use this method,
Speaker:the Demartini Method from now on and the information there will be priceless and
Speaker:it'll be lasting. And you don't have to worry about whether it's solid.
Speaker:It will be demonstrated because you're going to do it and experience it
Speaker:firsthand. So come and join me at the Breakthrough Experience.
Speaker:Come and learn the Demartini Method.
Speaker:Come learn how to transform and take command of your
Speaker:as it's been called through the ages,
Speaker:and take command of your superconscious state.
Speaker:There's no reason why you can't live an inspired life.
Speaker:And that's what this program's about. That's what I'm dedicated to.
Speaker:And I love helping people do that. So I want to help you do that.
Speaker:So when you come get ready to work,
it's not a rah rah thing standing on your chairs and singing stuff and that's
Speaker:all that. It's about learning how to master your life.
Speaker:It's practical and it'll be useful I promise you.
Speaker:So I look forward to seeing you there.
Speaker:I thank you for being with me at this little presentation today,
Speaker:I hope it was mind expanding and I look forward to next week when I do the next
Speaker:program, but come and join me at the Breakthrough Experience,
Speaker:that way I can help you do something extraordinary with your life.