What if you get a job offer but aren't sure it's the right fit? Here are some scenarios to consider when accepting a sports job.If you’re determined to advance your sports career, the Master’s in Sports Industry Management from Georgetown is the answer you’ve been looking for.Georgetown offers a part-time Master's in Sports Industry Management that prepares you to excel in the global sports industry.Ideal for working professionals, the program offers flexible options to take classes online, on campus, or through a combination of both—so you don't have to interrupt your career to earn your degree.This is huge – you can literally keep earning while you learn. Keep your day job while advancing your skill set.You'll leave the program with the communication, business, and leadership strategies that position you for success.To learn more about the program, visit Hi everybody, I’m Brian Clapp Director of Content for and this is the Work in Sports podcast…I have to admit I was kind of bummed yesterday that there was no football. That’s the thing about sports, you go for months keeping up with your team, reading articles, scouring transaction wires, listening to podcasts…and then it’s done.My team won the Super Bowl this year, but the celebration doesn’t last for the fans really… I miss being in season and getting excited or panicked over every moment. I miss the drama of the game.It’s almost like cooking a great meal – you spend 2 hours getting it ready, and then everyone eats in 10-15 minutes. Then you clean up for an hour. The joyous part was so small in perspective.I’m not trying to sound like a selfish, spoiled fan… I’m actually remarking how much fun the season is, and then how sad it can be when it’s over.This will wear off – I’ll transition to NBA and NHL…maybe check some college hoops and get ready for baseball. But I always get a little out of sorts after the end of the football season. Maybe it’s the weather too – it’s nasty here in philly. I’m ready for spring.Before I get into today’s question – did anyone watch the AAF? I know I’m talking about the end of football, and I could have chosen to watch the AAF…but I just couldn’t do it. What about you?Did you try out the new league? Any thoughts?I’d love to hear your take – if you are a member of our private facebook group head over there and let me know if you watched any of the AAF games and what you thought. If you aren’t a member, JOIN! Head over to facebook, type in the Work in Sports podcast in the search bar, answer a few quick questions and join in the group.Not only are there great discussions on sports careers, but there are also tons of people looking to network and learn from each other – including many of our expert guests!Speaking of which, Wednesdays Work in Sports podcast will feature Tiara Brown, Charlotte Hornets Manager of Corporate Social Responsibility – such a growing and important sector of the sports industry, Tiara shares a ton of her experience in working with the community in Charlotte.Alright let’s get into today’s question --- this is a subject I want to expand upon after it was brought up during our Facebook Live session on Thursday at 7:30pm EST. For those of you that haven’t joined the LIVE yet you really should.I pick a teachable theme each week – so we’ve covered topics like how to network on social media, mastering your cover letter, and leveraging LinkedIn… I talk about that subject in a very actionable way for the first 20-30 minutes… then I open up the floor to everyone in attendance – the questions fly in and I try to handle them all. They can expand on the theme, or they can be in a totally different direction. They can be general advice on something like interning, or they could be very specific to you and your needs.It is all fair game --- and it is a lot of fun. Again, it happens every single Thursday at 7:30pm EST on the Work in Sports facebook page – not the podcast group – that’s...