Artwork for podcast Suicide Zen Forgiveness Stories re Suicide Loss | Ideation | Mental Health | Offering Hope |Empathy for All
And Now for Something Completely Different: Stand-up Comedy #2
Episode 618th May 2019 • Suicide Zen Forgiveness Stories re Suicide Loss | Ideation | Mental Health | Offering Hope |Empathy for All • Elaine Lindsay
00:00:00 00:17:34

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This was 2019. I had appeared on stage at Yuk Yuk's Ottawa in 2018 and got good revues..( I was asked to come back) 

I had just started my journey to me... I was filled with terror, and of course second guessed myself mercilessly after.  I chose to go with the flow...

When you are becoming congruent within, you begin to create the opportunities you have surrepticiously dreamed about since you were a child. This dream come true opportunity can be almost an assault when the Universe calls you out!

" Step right Up and perform on stage" the universe/God/Creator whatever your term is for the divine hand that fulfills our true desires. This was the second opportunity for me to do stand up comedy in the last year since I began to step into my fully realized self. 




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