In this episode, Meredith Smith and Connie Zoerink, from TaxOps’ SALTovation Team, share their thoughts and key takeaways on Colorado’s Retail Delivery Fee after attending a meeting with the Department of Revenue. The delivery fee that retailers must collect for any deliveries by a motor vehicle in Colorado goes into effect on July 1.
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This episode was produced with support from Truth Work Media.
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Advanced Sales and Use Tax Workshop
Take your sales tax to the next level at Advanced Sales and Use Tax Workshop, February 19-21 in Nashville. Diane Yetter and the Sales Tax Institute’s industry-leading faculty provide individualized training, valuable resources, and practical solutions. Expand your network and earn 23 CPE credits. Visit the link in the show notes and use the code SALTOV10 for 10% off. Save your spot now!"
Use Tax Workshop