Archives in Transitional Justice
29th April 2021 • LawPod • Queen's University - School of Law
00:00:00 00:37:36

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In this episode, Lauren Dempster is joined by Ulrike Lühe, Dr Julia Viebach and Dr Benjamin Thorne to explore the role of archives in transitional justice. Our guests discuss how archives have been understood in Transitional Justice in the past, the various forms and functions that archives have, and the intersection of archives and power in transitional justice processes. You can learn more about the work of our guests here: Atrocity’s Archives: The Role of Archives in Transitional Justice’  Thorne, B. (2020) Remembering Atrocities: Legal Archives and the Discursive Conditions of Witnessing. The International Journal of Human Rights. Viebach, J., Hovestädt, D. and Lühe, U. 'Beyond evidence: the use of archives in transitional justice,' International Journal of Human Rights Viebach, J. (2020) Transitional Archives – Towards a Conceptualisation of Archives in Transitional Justice, International Journal of Human Rights Works referenced in the episode include: Browder and Herrera: An Archive; Public Participation and a Performance Ariana Phillips-Hutton: 'Performing the South African Archive in REwind: A Cantata for Voice, Tape, and Testimony' Henry Redwood: Archiving (In)justice: Building Archives and Imagining Community Andy Aydin Aitchison: Transitional Justice Between the Individual and the State: Criminal Trials, Historical Record, Societal Responsibility Piotr Cieplak documentary, 'The Faces We Lost' - Interview with Luisa Franco: Jelena Subotic: Ethics of archival research on political violence



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