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Episode 304: Online Course Business Plan - Top Planning Strategies For Growth
Episode 3046th June 2023 • The Scalable Expert • Tara Bryan
00:00:00 00:17:10

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In this episode, Tara shares the top question that she is asked when working with new expert business owners. If you are looking to 'Create Your Own Future' through an expert online business, this episode is for you.

About Me:

Hey, it’s your host, Tara Bryan. And I am on a mission to help more business owners learn to infinitely scale their businesses by leveraging the power of online without sacrificing the customer experience or results. 

I like to geek out on all things business strategy, marketing, interactive digital and user experience. This podcast is all about what is working, lessons learned and actionable tips to create and grow a thriving online business. 

Join us each week as we dive into different strategies, tactics and tips you can apply immediately to your business.

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Tara Bryan:

Hey, everybody, it's Tara, Bryan, and you are

Tara Bryan:

listening to the course building secrets podcast. Whether you're

Tara Bryan:

a coach or a CEO, the success of your team and clients is based

Tara Bryan:

on your ability to deliver a consistent experience and guide

Tara Bryan:

them on the fastest path to results. This podcast will give

Tara Bryan:

you practical real life tips that you can use today to build

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your online experiences that get results and create raving fans.

Tara Bryan:

Why? So you can monetize your expertise and serve more people

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without adding more time or team to your business? If you're

Tara Bryan:

looking to uncover your million dollar framework, package it and

Tara Bryan:

use it to scale you're in the right place. Let's dive in. Hey,

Tara Bryan:

everybody, in today's episode, I am going to cover the number one

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question that a lot of people ask me, which is if I could tell

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my future customers anything that would be helpful for them

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to guarantee their success? What would it be? So? So often I get

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this question and, and so I'm gonna address it today on the

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episode because I think it's something that hopefully will

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help serve you. So the the question that, or the sort of

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the, the focus that I would give people around this is to develop

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a business and marketing plan before you build any online

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program, or product. So let me explain what I mean. So often,

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when people come to me, so we do these strategy sessions is VIP

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strategy sessions where people can come in, and we, we look at

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not only what program they're trying to create, like, how do

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you create it? What are the topics? How do you, you know,

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execute on, you know, creating the hybrid experience, right,

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the gamification, the videos, the workbooks, the all the

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things like putting it in the platform and having a great

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foundation. If you rewind all of that, before you get there, it's

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really being strategic about what, what's the business that

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you're creating? Why do you want to create it? How are you going

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to take it from zero to scaled? Right? And what are your goals?

Tara Bryan:

What's the whole purpose of you doing this? Because if it's to

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make money, it's not sustainable, I'm just going to

Tara Bryan:

tell you that right? Like, you could make a lot of money

Tara Bryan:

building an online business, but there's going to have to be

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something behind it, right, it's not just creating an online

Tara Bryan:

program and throwing it out there and hoping that you get,

Tara Bryan:

you know, sales from it, right, that's not the sustainable

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business, you're not looking at it as a business owner, you're

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looking at it as just creating a product that you're throwing out

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there, which is going to be a different topic. But

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incidentally, you cannot just go from like, I'm just gonna throw

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something out there, put some money behind ads and hope it

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sells, right. That's not really how it works in reality. So if

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you have been told that from people, we need to talk, because

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I'm going to help you actually get sort of grounded in reality

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of what it takes to get to build your online course business. But

Tara Bryan:

But the biggest mistake that people make is not thinking

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about it as a business, not thinking about it as like,

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foundationally, what are the key elements that go into creating a

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business, and it's less about sort of the mechanics of, you

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know, well, you need to be able to take in money and you need to

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be able to, you know, pay taxes, you need to be able to, you

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know, have a business network, it's not all about that,

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necessarily, although all of those things are really

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important. What foundationally it takes is, what's your plan?

Tara Bryan:

Right? What what business? Are you creating? What, you know,

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what are all the parts and pieces of that? And then

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thinking through, you know, what are your goals? What's your

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vision? What are you trying to create? Why are you trying to

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create it, when you are in a position where you are in the

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muck of building a business, knowing why you're doing it is

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super, super important. So the very first thing that we do is

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like, Okay, so what's your business strategy, right? Like,

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what is the business plan that you have to build and, and scale

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this online program in whatever way shape or form you are doing

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it? Or, you know, it could be your whole business, right?

Tara Bryan:

Like, what's your what is the delivery method that you're

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using? Why are you using that delivery method? Who are you

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going to help? How are you going to help them all the different

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things? So that to me, is the biggest thing that's missing in

Tara Bryan:

When people come to me and they're like, Oh, I, you know, I

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want to start coaching, I want to start building a program, I

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want to start a business online, just remember that you're

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actually starting a business. So you have to go through the

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mechanics of creating a business plan doesn't have to be fancy,

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it just has to be planned out. So you're thinking about the

Tara Bryan:

actual business that you're creating? Otherwise, you know,

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you can easily go and get Kajabi or something else and put some

Tara Bryan:

topics in and call it a course. Right? The mechanics of doing

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that aren't necessarily difficult. What's difficult is

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looking at it and saying, how do you monetize it? Right? How do

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you get customers? And how do you help customers? How do you

Tara Bryan:

give them a transformation? And how do you grow your program.

Tara Bryan:

And so that's really what we focus on first is making sure

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that you have that right foundation, part of that is,

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having a well defined business plan, again, doesn't need to be

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fancy, it doesn't need to be difficult just needs to have

Tara Bryan:

some structure to it, then the second big thing that people do

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not have is a marketing plan. And marketing is not just a seat

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of your pants, get on social media and start talking kind of

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thing, right? Like you actually have to plan for how you're

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going to market how are you going to communicate with people

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how you're going to reach people? Who is it, that's going

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to be the right people for your courses, then all the tactics

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help support that. But if you don't have the plan, if you

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don't know what you're doing, in terms of attracting people who

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you're attracting and how you're doing it, then it's just noise.

Tara Bryan:

So so often, people come to me, and it's either one or two

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things. One, they have no social media presence, they have no

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website, they have no brand, where they're building their

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authority, yet. And that is going to be a very large hurdle

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to selling your program at scale. And so that's, you know,

Tara Bryan:

foundationally, you need to have a plan, first and foremost, then

Tara Bryan:

foundationally, you need to build that brand first, and then

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have the program or product behind it. But the other problem

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is, is people could have a brand, and they're out on social

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media, like doing tic TOCs, or just sort of blasting different

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topics. And, and so, but there's no focus to it, right, it's just

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sort of random, or you, you probably have seen the people

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who like every day, they're posting about a different topic.

Tara Bryan:

And it's not anything related, like they're in a new business

Tara Bryan:

every day. Those are the people who do not have any kind of

Tara Bryan:

business plan or marketing plan ahead of time. And so they're

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just sort of like praying and spraying that something is gonna

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hit, like, maybe somebody's interested in this, and then

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they sell that, or maybe somebody's interested in that,

Tara Bryan:

and they sell that, that is not a sustainable business, that you

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can build, scale, and maybe even sell at some point, right? So if

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you're looking to create a real business that actually serves

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your life, that that is scalable, and is something that

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eventually is an asset that that helps to serve you, then to me,

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those are the two things that most of the time people are

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missing when they come to me. And so we spend a lot of time

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thinking about that foundation, like what are the pieces, that's

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the VIP strategy day that I do is like, Okay, let's take a step

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back from the content itself, and think about the bigger

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picture. And then we can hook everything back together. And it

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helps you, you know, kind of take that pause, think about

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things strategically, and then run back into the tactics and an

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execution. But, but when ever known anyone ever asked me that

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question, that to me is, is the foundational pieces that are

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missing, and when people are marketing to you out in

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Marketing Land, they're selling you on a transformation, they're

Tara Bryan:

not selling you on the reality of you know, what needs to

Tara Bryan:

happen. And so that's why I think a lot of times people will

Tara Bryan:

fall in this trap is like, well, I can just become a coach, I can

Tara Bryan:

just become an online course seller. And, and what they're

Tara Bryan:

not showing you is the actual kind of business acumen that

Tara Bryan:

happens before during. And then obviously after, as you're

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building your business. I remember a couple years ago and

Tara Bryan:

those of you who know me, as you're listening to the story

Tara Bryan:

will laugh because you remember it. I was at a large conference

Tara Bryan:

was at FHL a couple years ago, and this it's still like

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literally sits with me daily is that there was a speaker or that

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got on stage. And she, she's, you know, very successful influencer,

Tara Bryan:

she got on stage and she's just like, Oh, it's just super easy

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to create a course, like I just created on my yacht, I just, you

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know, whipped up my iPhone and created my course and got it out

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there. And it was great. But it just triggered me seem like it's

Tara Bryan:

just not that simple. Like, you don't just like whip up your

Tara Bryan:

iPhone and create a course off the top of your head and then

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sell it for a million bucks. It's not what happens. So that's

Tara Bryan:

the sort of the marketing lens of things, gives you the sort of

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the cooking show. result, right, like I always call it the

Tara Bryan:

cooking show result where you know that you were watching a

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cooking show, and they put all the ingredients together, and

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then they're like, and then it takes an hour in the oven, but

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they have the finished version just right there. And, and so

Tara Bryan:

what you aren't seeing or aren't hearing about because she's not

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telling you about it is all of the parts and pieces that went

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up to the place where she could lift up her phone and do a

Tara Bryan:

course like she didn't just like randomly one day, you know, go

Tara Bryan:

up and start filming her her program, right. She's got a huge

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audience, she's got an established business, she

Tara Bryan:

probably had been thinking about the framework for months. And

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just the act of recording, it was the last step. But that's

Tara Bryan:

the step that she led with, like, it's so easy, you could

Tara Bryan:

just do it, you just can do it on your iPhone. But there's all

Tara Bryan:

of this happening behind the scenes, that's not being talked

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about. And so it's just it was interesting. Now, kind of

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reflecting back, like I said, I think it was about four years

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ago, maybe maybe a little bit more, reflecting back, but I

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mean, I was super fired up because I was like, That is a

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disservice to the world to just say that it's that simple. And

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people try it and then they fail. And then they think

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there's something wrong with them. Right? Like, to me, that's

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a disservice to that person who's trying to build their own

Tara Bryan:

online powered empire, right? Because it's possible. But it's

Tara Bryan:

not that simple. And so those, those are the pieces that in my

Tara Bryan:

mind, she wasn't sharing, right, she wasn't sharing that she

Tara Bryan:

already had probably, you know, I don't even know how many

Tara Bryan:

people she has on her list. million people on her list,

Tara Bryan:

right, she's already had four or five programs that have been

Tara Bryan:

super successful. And this was a an additional one for her

Tara Bryan:

existing audience that she already had. Right? She's very

Tara Bryan:

strategic and intentional about how she's built her business.

Tara Bryan:

But that isn't what she was sharing. And, and so to me,

Tara Bryan:

that's what I want to share with you today is that if you can get

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these foundational pieces, marketing becomes really easy,

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because you've already defined who it is you're you're wanting

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to talk to how do you want to talk to them? What do they need

Tara Bryan:

to hear in order to pull them towards you? And and then you

Tara Bryan:

can, you know, already have a pre existing list of people that

Tara Bryan:

you're you're out there trying to target, you have a brand and

Tara Bryan:

an online presence that exists. So when people are sort of

Tara Bryan:

looking at like, Who are you and what do you have to offer, it's

Tara Bryan:

already there, and you're not trying to climb up a giant

Tara Bryan:

mountain when you're trying to sell your program. Because I'll

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tell you, I have people who join me in a VIP and they have no

Tara Bryan:

business, they have no online presence, they have nothing

Tara Bryan:

built. And they want to go from concept to a million dollar

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launch in 30 days. And they're being 100% serious. And it's

Tara Bryan:

just not reality, it's possible to get to a million dollars in

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sales. But there's a lot of different sort of foundational

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pieces that need to be put in place first, in order to help

Tara Bryan:

you run and make that happen as quickly as possible. So there

Tara Bryan:

you go, that is my corresponding tip for today. Again, kind of

Tara Bryan:

the number one thing that I wish people knew, as they were

Tara Bryan:

starting out that having these plans in place allow you to move

Tara Bryan:

really, really quickly. And get to that, that place that you

Tara Bryan:

want to get to write. But if you don't have these plans, and

Tara Bryan:

you're just sort of praying and spraying and putting a bunch of

Tara Bryan:

stuff on on tick tock and thinking that that's the thing

Tara Bryan:

that is going to bring all of these people to you in mass,

Tara Bryan:

it's not going to happen. I hate to be the one to break it to

Tara Bryan:

you. Maybe it would be better if I were to stand up on stage and

Tara Bryan:

say all you got to do is just like record on your iPhone and

Tara Bryan:

you'll get a million bucks. Maybe that's maybe that's a

Tara Bryan:

sexier message, I don't know. But the reality is, is that we

Tara Bryan:

can help you get there quickly, with the right pieces in place.

Tara Bryan:

And, and those are, that's just sort of what I wish people were

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actually talking about online is that people who succeed are the

Tara Bryan:

ones that have a plan and a strategy in place. It's not the

Tara Bryan:

ones that are just sort of, you know, showing up every day on

Tara Bryan:

tick tock and expecting to see a business happen because it's not

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going to happen. It may be it may be you get sales, right, but

Tara Bryan:

you're not actually going to have a sustainable business

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that's going to serve you over time. So there you go. That is

Tara Bryan:

my tip for today. If you are looking for those components,

Tara Bryan:

we're gonna be launching an online course powered business

Tara Bryan:

plan template on the site that you can go and grab. But I'm

Tara Bryan:

also more than happy to walk through your specific business,

Tara Bryan:

your specific idea and in really help you build that, that proper

Tara Bryan:

foundation, as in the VIP session that we do. So give me a

Tara Bryan:

shout if you're interested in that. Otherwise, I will see you



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