Artwork for podcast Reqless: Software in the Age of AI
2023-08-07. Shameless
Episode 638th August 2023 • Reqless: Software in the Age of AI • Aboard
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Rich and Paul delve into the topic of success, and how the path to success includes a lot of failures along the way. To the extent that an important characteristic of the really successful people is being -- shameless. This podcast is sponsored by Aboard.


Rich Ziade:

Hi Paul.

Paul Ford:

Hey, Richard.

Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:

How you

Rich Ziade:

How's your portfolio?

Paul Ford:

Oh, hey.

Paul Ford:

Good to see you too.

Paul Ford:

Uh, my portfolio is fine.

Paul Ford:

I, I had a close family friend, brilliant person, um, and, uh, he

Paul Ford:

passed away, older guy, and, uh, he'd been a day trader for years, obsessed,

Paul Ford:

and there wasn't that much money.

Rich Ziade:


Paul Ford:

and like, a brilliant person, if he had socked that in an

Paul Ford:

index fund, he would have had like 10x

Rich Ziade:

he was enjoying the sport.

Rich Ziade:

He was gambling, essentially.

Paul Ford:

He, he was superior, you know, he'd bring in the information and he would

Paul Ford:

read research reports and, and, uh, and he would make a decision because he was

Paul Ford:

going to outsmart those, those dummies.

Rich Ziade:

And, and it's, it comes down to information, right?

Rich Ziade:

Like, I mean, having information that you think others don't have

Rich Ziade:

is the perceived advantage, right?

Rich Ziade:

Like I did more research than you.

Rich Ziade:

I know everything about quantum physics and things are coming and I'm invested

Rich Ziade:

and you don't know anything, right?

Paul Ford:

you, you gave me good advice when we were, um, or you sort of told

Paul Ford:

the story and again, not investment advice, but you were like, look, the

Paul Ford:

agency is doing well, you know, you got to do something with that money.

Paul Ford:

And I was like, what's, how do you break things down?

Paul Ford:

And he went, look, all of our risk is in the business that we are running.

Rich Ziade:


Rich Ziade:


Paul Ford:

everything else should be pretty boring,

Rich Ziade:

That's the truth.

Rich Ziade:


Paul Ford:

Uh, we have a startup.

Paul Ford:

And the startup is incredibly risky just by its nature, right?

Paul Ford:

Like, it doesn't have customers yet.

Paul Ford:

So, so it's not like a, it's not like a carpet supply firm that,

Paul Ford:

you know, that's been around for 20 years that we're buying and looking

Paul Ford:

for certain results or real estate.

Paul Ford:

It's very risky.

Paul Ford:

So everything else...

Paul Ford:

Should probably be pretty boring and then, you know, eventually you might be like,

Paul Ford:

I'm really interested in nuclear fusion or, or, um, wristwatches with holograms.

Paul Ford:

So I'm going to throw a couple of dollars on the table, right?

Paul Ford:


Rich Ziade:

It doesn't have customers yet.

Rich Ziade:


Rich Ziade:

20 the like overarching theme of this podcast.

Rich Ziade:

There are no shortcuts.

Paul Ford:

no, no, the American economy...

Rich Ziade:

and again, we learn that there are no shortcuts, right?

Rich Ziade:

Um, and it, the way through is always hard.

Rich Ziade:

Like, I see success on the other side of this startup, but man, if I thought it

Rich Ziade:

was a straight line, I'd lose my mind.

Rich Ziade:

I know it's not going to be a straight

Paul Ford:

to counter that.

Paul Ford:

We say this a lot.

Paul Ford:

There are no shortcuts.

Paul Ford:

And I think that that is the right attitude if you are building something.

Paul Ford:

Don't assume a shortcut.

Paul Ford:

However, I'm going to say two things.

Paul Ford:

One is, There kind of are, and you should always be looking for them.

Paul Ford:

And I'm going to give you some examples.

Paul Ford:

After many, many years of really hard work, um, a medication showed up that

Paul Ford:

helped me rapidly lose weight, which was something I had a lot of struggle with.

Paul Ford:

The people who put the work in to make the meditation were not

Paul Ford:

able, or the medication, were not able to find any shortcuts.

Rich Ziade:

Oh, it took 20

Paul Ford:

But it was an immense shortcut for me.

Paul Ford:

I've lost the weight before.

Paul Ford:

Um, when we are building software, we're trying to build

Paul Ford:

shortcuts for other people,

Rich Ziade:

Yes, yes,

Paul Ford:

so, so your actual job, yes, there are no shortcuts, but you

Paul Ford:

should be looking for and creating shortcuts for others whenever you can.

Rich Ziade:

Look, the, the investment advisory world, the investment, um,

Rich Ziade:

uh, research world, what is that?

Rich Ziade:

That is essentially people telling other people, if you give me a

Rich Ziade:

little bit of money, I can whisper in your ear and show you a shortcut.

Paul Ford:

this is the entirety of American Finance is built on people

Paul Ford:

searching for shortcuts and saying if you get to them in the next five and a half

Paul Ford:

minutes, I can make you a lot of money.

Paul Ford:

After that, everybody knows,

Rich Ziade:

Absolutely, exactly.

Rich Ziade:

I mean, there are laws, by the way.

Rich Ziade:

If you have...

Rich Ziade:

Actual insider information.

Rich Ziade:

Like if a pharmaceutical company has a breakthrough, um, and you go and,

Rich Ziade:

you hear about it, because you work for the pharma, pharma, pharmaceutical

Rich Ziade:

company, and then you go out, and you log on to your e trade account, and buy

Rich Ziade:

a bunch of stock, you'll go to jail.

Rich Ziade:

That's insider trading.

Rich Ziade:

Uh, effectively, you're cheating,

Paul Ford:

Well, it's a shortcut.

Paul Ford:

The market can't be fair.

Rich Ziade:

the market, yeah,

Paul Ford:

You know, and we have, we have to have something that at least approaches

Paul Ford:

a fair market in order, or otherwise, someone just grabs all the money

Rich Ziade:

That's right.

Rich Ziade:

And and so what you have is this industry that effectively

Rich Ziade:

tries to gather circumstantial evidence and it calls it research.

Rich Ziade:

It's like we see a trend in Idaho.

Rich Ziade:

Moms and dads seem to be buying more expensive strollers

Rich Ziade:

and the trend is upward.

Rich Ziade:

So we recommend, we think they don't even recommend, they say,

Rich Ziade:

we see this becoming a 3 2029.

Rich Ziade:

Get in there.

Paul Ford:

up comes the chart.

Rich Ziade:

Up comes the chart.

Rich Ziade:

And you know, you, their, their, their organizations, that's all they do.

Rich Ziade:

Like Forrester and Gartner.

Rich Ziade:

They always talking about trends,

Paul Ford:

love a quadrant.

Rich Ziade:

industry trends, and one, and there are every single

Rich Ziade:

sector has its research groups around energy, around medic medicine, et

Paul Ford:

So, let's get to the advice portion of this because I think this is,

Rich Ziade:

Let's talk to the normal person.

Rich Ziade:

Let me, I mean, that person's doing well.

Rich Ziade:

They, they have a good, they're professional.

Rich Ziade:

They live in Philly.

Rich Ziade:

Uh, they, they, they have a good 401k.

Paul Ford:

I have a principle,

Rich Ziade:

not going to buy those research reports.

Rich Ziade:

What should that person

Paul Ford:

I have a principle to share because I spent a lot of my career

Paul Ford:

kind of looking at stuff like that and going, I wonder what's in there.

Paul Ford:

Should I have a Bloomberg terminal?

Paul Ford:

Oh my goodness.

Rich Ziade:

Oh, you become a cartoon character when you

Rich Ziade:

think about, uh, investment.

Paul Ford:

That's what I often do.

Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:

This is a principle that has held me really well as I have actually interacted

Paul Ford:

with really powerful institutions and had access to more and more of that data and

Paul Ford:

worked as a journalist and all that stuff.

Paul Ford:

There's no secret information.

Paul Ford:

You actually don't know much less.

Paul Ford:

Then Jeff Bezos does

Rich Ziade:

That's right.

Paul Ford:

like you could, you could extrapolate about 80 or 90%

Paul Ford:

of what Jeff Bezos knows just by like going to the Amazon web page.

Paul Ford:

Now that last 20% is real time and it's about networks and it's

Paul Ford:

about who's going to do what

Rich Ziade:

about no shortcuts.

Rich Ziade:

I mean, that is a, that is a.

Rich Ziade:

A leader who would be like, oh, oh, there's the fire.

Rich Ziade:

I guess we'll have to walk through it to see what, see if we can get through.

Paul Ford:

And he has 20, 000 people who fan out directly from

Paul Ford:

him, who he can basically tell any five of them, go do something.

Paul Ford:

And the other, you know, many thousands will line up and do it.

Paul Ford:

So it, it's power plus knowledge that matters.

Paul Ford:

And there is some secret knowledge, but not a lot.

Rich Ziade:

Not a lot.

Rich Ziade:

I think, look, uh, I think what you have with certain people, I mean, I

Rich Ziade:

think this is consistent with most very, very like moonshot successful people is

Rich Ziade:

they're absolutely brutal in the room.

Rich Ziade:

When you come to them and say, I have a product idea for Amazon.

Rich Ziade:

It is just the hardest 40 minutes of your life because they own, you are

Rich Ziade:

working out of a state of failure, right?

Rich Ziade:

And, and jobs was Steve jobs was known for this.

Rich Ziade:

Bezos was known for this.

Rich Ziade:

It is just a rough, rough room.

Rich Ziade:


Rich Ziade:

because they're actually incredibly pessimistic about it all.

Rich Ziade:

And you have to show them that one glimmer of hope that makes them want to bet on it.

Rich Ziade:


Rich Ziade:

Amazon had many failures.

Rich Ziade:

It's worth noting.

Rich Ziade:

They do bet a lot that they're known for that.

Rich Ziade:

There's like a dog with an iPad scotch tape to its head.

Rich Ziade:

Have you ever seen that thing?

Paul Ford:


Rich Ziade:

They, I don't think that it ever

Paul Ford:

there's a lot of, yeah, no, the Amazon phone.

Paul Ford:

Look, I will say like one,

Rich Ziade:

at one point.

Paul Ford:

know, the secret superpower to anyone I've seen this, it's, it's,

Paul Ford:

and I, I really struggle with this.

Paul Ford:

You struggle with it less.

Paul Ford:

The most successful people seem to have, not, not necessarily the super genius

Paul Ford:

zillionaires, but the ones who sort of function in the world and get everything.

Paul Ford:

They seem to have no ability to metabolize shame.

Paul Ford:

Like, like, it'll be like, hey, hey Rich, that's the dumbest

Paul Ford:

idea ever, I ever heard.

Paul Ford:

And you would, not you, but like you in that room, if you were the one

Paul Ford:

of these people, go like, cool boss.

Rich Ziade:

yeah, yeah, yeah, they just keep going,

Paul Ford:

They're just, whereas things that would absolutely send me

Paul Ford:

under my desk trembling in shame, even at my advanced age, they'll be like,

Rich Ziade:

That's a great framing, that's another characteristic.

Rich Ziade:

Some are just, they're real smart and they're thinking on their feet,

Rich Ziade:

and the diligence is real time.

Rich Ziade:

It's literally like you're going through what would be three months

Rich Ziade:

of due diligence in like 40 minutes, and it's a brutal, brutal experience.

Paul Ford:

you want to know my value?

Paul Ford:

And you have very, you have much less sense of shame than I do.

Paul Ford:

You more, you hustle harder.

Paul Ford:

That's real, but here is my superpower and why our relationship works.

Paul Ford:

I have a very powerful sense of shame.

Paul Ford:

I need the product to be right.

Paul Ford:

The essay has to be perfect.

Paul Ford:

There can be no errors.

Paul Ford:

I'm compulsive about it.

Paul Ford:

And it's people see me as kind of casual, but I'm very obsessive.

Paul Ford:

But once I no longer feel shame and actually feel excited

Paul Ford:

and motivated about it by the

Rich Ziade:

Once you believe in the thing.

Paul Ford:

I am one of the more glorious storytellers in a room.

Rich Ziade:


Paul Ford:

And that's just like,

Rich Ziade:

But it takes time to get you there.

Paul Ford:

and notice I'm good.

Paul Ford:

I just told you, I, I just complimented myself at a level that is absolutely

Paul Ford:

untoward because I really do believe it.

Paul Ford:

I know that about

Rich Ziade:


Rich Ziade:

Your process is different than mine.

Rich Ziade:

Mine is like, I will put a summer dress on a dog and tell you this

Rich Ziade:

is one of the most beautiful, rare species of dog you've ever seen.

Rich Ziade:

And the dog will be wearing a hat.

Paul Ford:

no, that's right.

Paul Ford:

That is

Rich Ziade:

I will do that.

Paul Ford:

I, I, but once I believe, so what's funny with

Rich Ziade:

You take more time.

Paul Ford:

I gotta believe.

Rich Ziade:

You gotta

Paul Ford:

I gotta believe.

Paul Ford:

And then once I believe, I'm all in.

Paul Ford:

And you know what, that's an artifact.

Paul Ford:

I'm a very, very loyal person.

Paul Ford:

I'm very trusting.

Paul Ford:

And it has burned the living crap out of me over the course of my life.

Paul Ford:

And so I'm very aware of this aspect of myself.

Paul Ford:

And so I'm careful about where I go in.

Rich Ziade:

I, yes.

Rich Ziade:


Rich Ziade:

And I think, I do think it's why we work well together.

Rich Ziade:

I also think...

Paul Ford:

a lot of trust.

Paul Ford:

I trust you.

Paul Ford:

And you know that if I, if I, if I won't budge, you, you stop pushing.

Rich Ziade:

I do.

Rich Ziade:

I do.

Rich Ziade:

I can see it.

Rich Ziade:

I can, I can

Paul Ford:

You're, you're not,

Rich Ziade:

your observation about shame...

Rich Ziade:

As a key ingredient to success is profound.

Paul Ford:

you have less shame, you will succeed unbelievably.

Paul Ford:

And you can be an incredibly ethical person.

Paul Ford:

You, in fact, you sometimes they are.

Rich Ziade:

you know who's one of the most shameless Business people

Rich Ziade:

and extremely successful elon musk.

Rich Ziade:

He's he has absolutely

Paul Ford:

God, he is absolutely, Donald Trump had no shame.

Rich Ziade:


Rich Ziade:

I think, look, I think what you're saying when you say no shame, you're

Rich Ziade:

also saying like they have an almost fantastical belief in the thing.

Rich Ziade:

They don't even know how they're going to get there, but they

Rich Ziade:

believe in it down to their soul,

Rich Ziade:

People who do well, put differently, it's not that they have no shame, because

Rich Ziade:

when you say they have no shame, what you mean is they really care about how

Rich Ziade:

others perceive them and, and, and they don't want to look bad in front of others.

Rich Ziade:

People who do well, who like chase the thing, don't see other people.

Rich Ziade:

They just don't see it.

Rich Ziade:

I was reading, uh, uh, recently about Musk and like how his psychology works.

Rich Ziade:

And the way his psychology works is he doesn't see, he doesn't see embarrassment.

Rich Ziade:

He doesn't see it.

Rich Ziade:

He actually doesn't see it.

Rich Ziade:

He actually is like, oh my god, look at this.

Rich Ziade:

These numbers are lining up and something fascinating is gonna happen

Rich Ziade:

three months from now because of that,

Paul Ford:

And because the other 99.

Paul Ford:

95% of the world perceives shame pretty fundamentally, they look at

Paul Ford:

Musk and they go, how can you survive another minute being who you are?

Paul Ford:

And he's like, you mean being the greatest guy in the world?

Rich Ziade:

Yeah, exactly.

Rich Ziade:

Who wants to fail at...

Rich Ziade:

In front of their family, in front of their partner, in front of their

Rich Ziade:

community, in front of their colleagues.

Rich Ziade:

Nobody does.

Rich Ziade:

That's why people are very hesitant and very careful, right?

Paul Ford:

fear of getting caught.

Rich Ziade:

I, that's right.

Rich Ziade:

And the ones that really skyrocket are the ones that actually,

Rich Ziade:

when the doubters show up.

Rich Ziade:

And the people who, like, whether grounded in envy or just resentment or

Rich Ziade:

hatred or whatever it is, it fuels them.

Rich Ziade:

They're very motivated.

Rich Ziade:

When people see, there are certain, there's a certain strain of person, of

Rich Ziade:

personality, that is, that it feeds them when other people seem to want them to

Paul Ford:

You know who else had no shame and who did this very subtly?

Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:

Obama was not, he was like, I'm the smartest guy in the room.

Paul Ford:

Smartest guy.

Rich Ziade:

Oh yeah, he, he, yeah, I mean.

Rich Ziade:

It was true.

Rich Ziade:


Paul Ford:

but still like he was just like, yeah, that's really interesting.

Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:

Thank you.

Paul Ford:

Good feedback.

Paul Ford:

See you later.

Rich Ziade:


Rich Ziade:


Rich Ziade:

I mean, look, success is measured a lot of different ways.

Rich Ziade:

It through one particular lens.

Rich Ziade:

Trump was incredibly successful.

Rich Ziade:

He became president.

Rich Ziade:

He passed a bunch of laws.

Paul Ford:

He's a billionaire.

Rich Ziade:

a billionaire.

Rich Ziade:

He put Supreme Court justices in the white house.

Rich Ziade:

So he got to where he wanted.

Rich Ziade:

Now you could say, well, that guy's shameless.

Rich Ziade:

I mean, he's shameless.

Rich Ziade:

It's true.

Rich Ziade:


Paul Ford:

Well, the thing with him is he also just shows signs of living

Paul Ford:

in a delusional nightmare world.

Rich Ziade:

He's not

Paul Ford:

Yeah, whereas, like, someone like Obama is pretty shameless, but also,

Paul Ford:

like, capable of human relationships, love, and interacting with the

Paul Ford:

world as if other people do exist.

Rich Ziade:

it is.

Rich Ziade:

It is a hard thing to be.

Rich Ziade:

It is a hard thing to be.

Rich Ziade:

You're, you're going to do better in business if you have less shame.

Rich Ziade:

You will, you will fire the problem employee more quickly

Rich Ziade:

if you have less shame.

Rich Ziade:

You will make decisions more decisively, right?

Rich Ziade:

That's a ridiculous

Paul Ford:

but, but, but I'm going to tell you, like, here we are, we're about to,

Paul Ford:

you know, we're not far from launching our startup in the world and people are

Paul Ford:

already as they're coming in, they're having opinions, we're getting emails and

Paul Ford:

people are going to tell us we suck or it's irrelevant or all that stuff, right?

Paul Ford:

I, but what happens to me, the, the way for me to succeed as the

Paul Ford:

storyteller and, you know, I have a lot of, I have a lot of this product

Paul Ford:

is coming out of my head and your head and like, I'm very connected to it.

Paul Ford:

The way for me to succeed once this thing goes live.

Paul Ford:

I'm just gonna love it.

Paul Ford:

Just gonna love it.

Paul Ford:

And, and people are gonna be like, well, blah, blah, blah, and I'm gonna go like,

Paul Ford:

okay, maybe not for you, but I love it.

Paul Ford:

I'm already starting to tell that story.

Paul Ford:

People are sending us like, hey, and you can see it.

Paul Ford:

You can see in the emails I'm sending.

Paul Ford:

I don't get there easily and I don't get there lightly because once I'm there.

Paul Ford:

It's really painful

Rich Ziade:

a relationship.

Rich Ziade:

Yeah, you're taking the leap.

Paul Ford:

and I'm going to have no shame about saying I think we've

Paul Ford:

built something really good and special that other people should use.

Rich Ziade:

let's close it with some advice.

Rich Ziade:

Not everything works out.

Rich Ziade:

Having no, being a little brash, believing in the thing you're doing.

Rich Ziade:

Going forward and then it not work sometimes things don't work out.

Rich Ziade:

I've had things I've had success I've also had failures.

Rich Ziade:

I've pissed away a lot of money on ideas early in my career

Rich Ziade:

We had no business doing it.

Rich Ziade:

Like I didn't have a house yet and I had no business

Paul Ford:

and when you do this, people on the other side will say, Well, you

Paul Ford:

didn't dot your I's and cross your T's.

Paul Ford:

And I think these are the problems you've caused.

Paul Ford:

And you know what?

Paul Ford:

I just don't like you anyway.

Rich Ziade:

Oh, the advice shows up real fast on the other side of failure

Paul Ford:

Like people are gonna, I know what happens when I go out

Paul Ford:

in the world and start talking about how much I love this thing.

Paul Ford:

People are gonna go, you sell out, asshole.

Rich Ziade:

all of it all of it all sorts of flavors, right if it doesn't

Rich Ziade:

work and it may not work And we may fail and you may fail and others

Rich Ziade:

others fail all the time like 70% of restaurants close in New York City within

Rich Ziade:

like nine months or some ridiculous

Paul Ford:

90% should close.

Paul Ford:

But go ahead,

Rich Ziade:

The healthiest thing you can do is tell one more story on the other

Rich Ziade:

side of that and then just keep going.

Rich Ziade:

That's it.

Paul Ford:

That's it.

Paul Ford:

Well protect yourself.

Paul Ford:

Don't, don't, don't mortgage your house, you

Rich Ziade:

Protect yourself.

Rich Ziade:

I've had.

Rich Ziade:

Friends and colleagues who really took it hard when something didn't come through.

Rich Ziade:

Took it too hard.

Rich Ziade:

Just too

Paul Ford:

No, but I am taking my best swing here.

Paul Ford:

And if it doesn't connect, that's life.

Rich Ziade:

And you'll tell a story then.

Rich Ziade:

And you'll tell a story then about what you learned.

Rich Ziade:

And what maybe you could have done better.

Rich Ziade:

Anyone, like the haters are gonna

Paul Ford:

I'll tell you what to man.

Paul Ford:

Nobody ever punishes you for believing too hard in your thing.

Rich Ziade:


Paul Ford:

Everybody, people get it.

Paul Ford:

So that's, that's, I'm telling you Rich, this went in a slightly different

Paul Ford:

direction, but, you know, this is real.

Paul Ford:

You want to succeed?

Paul Ford:

Turn the shame off, get going.

Paul Ford:

Um, and when you're out there being shameless about your thing, then shut

Paul Ford:

the F up and listen for a minute too.

Paul Ford:

Like, don't just, that's where you, that's where the shameless ruin themselves.

Rich Ziade:


Rich Ziade:


Rich Ziade:


Rich Ziade:

I mean, it's good to, to buy into the religion, but you have to listen.

Paul Ford:

Well, people want to see you believe.

Rich Ziade:


Rich Ziade:

They do.

Rich Ziade:


Paul Ford:

And then they want to tell you what they need.

Rich Ziade:

By the way, what startup are you talking

Paul Ford:

Oh, I'm so glad you asked.

Paul Ford:

It's called a board.

Paul Ford:

It's a board.

Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:

And it is under rapid development and about to get out into the world.

Paul Ford:

It is getting to a very stable, safe place.

Paul Ford:

I'm going to tell you two things.

Paul Ford:

I'm going to tell you what we say it's for, and then I'm going

Paul Ford:

to tell you how I think of it.

Paul Ford:

It is a place to collect, organize, and, uh, and information and

Paul Ford:

collaborate on that information.

Paul Ford:

It's, it's, it's great that way.

Paul Ford:

It turns data and ideas and links into cards and you can move around.

Paul Ford:

It's very visual, like it's, it's any place you might use a Google

Paul Ford:

spreadsheet to organize a little data.

Paul Ford:

We can make that into something that just feels like a wonderful software

Paul Ford:

at almost with the snap of a finger.

Paul Ford:

So it's one of those

Rich Ziade:

very cool.

Rich Ziade:


Paul Ford:

quite like it.

Paul Ford:

For me, it is a way to express ideas in software more rapidly than coding it is.

Paul Ford:

And I don't want to say it's low cut.

Paul Ford:

I'm just

Rich Ziade:


Paul Ford:

if I have an idea about how I want to see the world.

Paul Ford:

Using software.

Paul Ford:

I can get there in a board in like five seconds, and it feels really good.

Paul Ford:

Sometimes it's about editorial.

Paul Ford:

Sometimes it's about organizing a process.

Paul Ford:

Sometimes it's more like an application, and we're just kind

Paul Ford:

of it's the most powerful platform I've ever been involved in.

Rich Ziade:

I hope you're going to be sharing examples in the future.

Paul Ford:

We're going to share so many examples.

Paul Ford:

We're going to be making videos.

Paul Ford:

I am getting, we are getting the screen, the good screen recording software, unless

Paul Ford:

you have an eye, it turns the cursor into a little dancing ice cream cone.

Paul Ford:

It's so great, man.

Rich Ziade:

Dripping ice

Paul Ford:

I am going to be, look, if you're going to live something,

Paul Ford:

you got to believe it and love it.

Paul Ford:

And I'm going to make good content and I'm going to tell a lot of good stories.

Rich Ziade:

That sounds amazing.

Paul Ford:

wait to get out there, my

Rich Ziade:

Put your shame aside.

Paul Ford:

that's what I'm doing.

Rich Ziade:

Uh, it's at aboard.

Rich Ziade:


Rich Ziade:

Sign up and we're going to be waving everybody in real soon.

Rich Ziade:


Paul Ford:

check us out at Ziotiford on Twitter or X or whatever

Paul Ford:

the hell it's called this week.

Paul Ford:

We love you.

Paul Ford:

Check out Ziotiford.

Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:

Give us five stars.

Paul Ford:

Give us, just be honest.

Paul Ford:

Tell us what you think, and we'll talk to you soon.




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