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Paranormal Stories | Apparitions, Shadows, Rituals, Ghosts
30th October 2024 • In The Keep • In The Keep
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In this very special Halloween episode, we've asked our listeners to write in sharing their REAL paranormal experiences. Here are four accounts including: an apparition, a shadow person, a pagan ritual, and a ghost. | | |


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hello and uh yeah this is going to be a

really special episode of in the keep uh

as always I'm Tyler Brandon aka the

motherload and uh yeah so I've been

letting you guys know over the past

several weeks that I would be taking

special stories so if you're listening

to this when it comes out first of all


Halloween and uh the plan here is I'm

going to read off I've got four of them

uh that I've picked people have written

in uh ghost stories or paranormal

experiences or I was pretty pretty

open-ended about what I asked for so uh

if you didn't get yours in this time

that's okay if you didn't get picked

that's also okay there'll be other ones

in the future uh but you know just keep

coming because I plan to do this more


um so kind of just just to like preface

this a bit you know uh it's not

something that I've really talked about

a lot in the past on the show uh but

just in in general the the more scary

paranormal spiritual stuff I've

definitely gotten into it more recently

on the podcast if you didn't already

check out our episode with Tony

manfredonia you know he T talked a lot

about like his experience of you know

but from a religious experience but

writing an album you know called

anchored where he felt that he kind of

like battle with a demon and whether you

take that literally or not uh I think

it's pretty powerful stuff and I think

it's worth uh worth diving into um so

without any further Ado just going to go

ahead and introduce some of these

stories here uh they're from various

people the first one is actually from uh

we're going to call him Billy writing in


Alabama and it goes a little something


this I remember as a teenager a bunch of

us were working at a haunted house which

is a lot of fun at about:

little old man appeared out of nowhere

walking up to the

sidewalk at least 75 people were still

waiting to go through the haunted house

but time just seemed to stop as this

little old man walked up with his head

down everyone stepped back as he walked

into the haunted house without saying

anything or even paying to go

in everyone was speechless and confused

as to who it could possibly be being

from a small town where everybody knows

everybody this gave us all a little

chill even the people working were

afraid to say

anything after a good 20 minutes the old

man emerged from the house and simply

walked away into the darkness rumors

started flying around town about the

little old man on Halloween night was it

a stranger or someone from the past

looking for someone in the haunted

house talk went around for weeks about

the little old man would he reappear

again one day if he did would or could

we make ourselves speak to him I don't

think so to this day almost 60 years

later people still speak of the little

old man who showed up at our haunted

house in a small town in

Alabama many still wonder who or what it

could have possibly been so this time of

year people can still be heard telling

the story of the little old man who

showed up in this little Alabama town on

Halloween that mesmerized and scared an

awful lot of people

this is how Legends

began yeah so that's a it's a really

weird story it's a it's interesting and

thank you Billy for donating your story

to the show I really appreciate this one

I find it first of all it's in Alabama

which if you don't know listen to this

that's where I'm from uh so it's it's a

bit of an interesting story it's

actually based in uh like citronel

Alabama and I I grew up around that area

so definitely some one of those stories

that still gets told around the old

folks that Liv lived during that time

frame and would have been there uh these

are these are strange cuz it's it's not

like it's not like a an apparition or

like a like a poltergeist anything like

really happened that's significant other

than it's a group sighting like everyone

witnessed this you know lots and lots of

people saw it it's one of those things

where on one hand it could be easily

explained like maybe it was someone you

know that they just didn't know uh but

the fact that everyone kind of felt that

same paralysis the fact that everyone

was sort of confounded you know unable


speak uh sharing something like this

it's very strange and it's I don't know

I'm sure there's a rational explanation

to this one I just kind of feel like

there's something that could possibly

explain this outside of it has to be a

spirit but I think that's the case with

a lot of these stories um I'm curious

and that will be the case with all of

these what do you listeners think and

I'd like for you to write in if you do

if if you're from that area and you

actually have heard the story and you do

have a theory I'd really especially like

to hear that uh but that's kind of the

whole point of this just kind of like

share our our experiences our ideas and

uh get get an idea of what people you

know what what are people seeing and

compare them um it's nothing to be taken

too seriously it's nothing that you need

to like I don't know I'm sure someone's

going to write it and say like either a

I'm an idiot for even list into this

stuff like oh it's all scientific you

know blah blah blah you can't prove it

and sure that's that's that's the thing

about these stories though is that like

it's the stuff you can't prove it's the

stuff you

can't come up with an explanation for

that are worth talking about the ones

that are like a you know like a

Scooby-Doo episode where you know at the

you know it's always like old man

Jenkins or whatever in a in a sheet with

some you know there some simple

explanation of course like that that

happens but you know for every hundred

of those there's got to be one of them

in there that's like H can't explain it

same thing with crop circles and stuff

like that I mean of course there's

there's definitely people going out

there doing at as a prank but then the

ones that you can't explain those are

the ones that that I find particularly

interesting so again the thanks B for

writing in and uh on to the next one so

our next story comes from we're going to

call him

K and he

says my aunt was a spiritual woman no

idea to what degree and if she was

educated or experienced in it she always

said her youngest daughter Natasha was

an old soul Natasha seemed empathetic

and always was nice to My Brother and Me

Not sure if she was an old soul as I was

too young or inexperienced to see or

feel what I think um just a little brief

thing here I believe and I could be

wrong so feel free to write me back and

incorrect around this like by empathetic

I think you mean empathic maybe like as

in someone who for those that are just

you know not not super into this stuff

like the same way that you would talk

about someone who's telepathic as in

they can read thoughts and empath is

someone who can read feelings a great

example of this in culture would be like

Deanna Troy uh the beta zooid counselor

from Star Trek the Next Generation uh

this is this is definitely something

that's going to come up a lot on the

show as we go forward uh so just a brief

aside there but we'll keep going so back

to K

here um we lived at my aunt's house for

like half a year every now and again uh

things at the home kind of violently

escalated my aunt had a rough life and I

heard she was a prostitute at some point

no idea what's true she seemed to live

through and sort of cynical but she had

a warm heart and we always felt welcome

but she had a cold house odd statues and

antiques all over the place fond

memories of feeling Carefree there uh

eating plums from the tree in the


Etc one day I ran up the stairs like I

always do and I just want to go fast

right stairs always scare me not sure

why dark Corners maybe so I run up the

stairs and another flight of stairs up

to the top floor which was the attic

where my brother and I slept I spent

tons of time there reading my I think

the my aunt books but could be wrong but

there's books there obviously uh on

stuff like out of body experiences and

things like that so as I arrived on the

top floor this is the last two or three

steps maybe under me I stepped through

this dark shape or void in the shape of

a person it looked like a cutout or a

negative space in like a hole in reality

in the shape of a person like a 3D

silhouette as I step through it I

thought quoting

here it was him and I don't know what

you mean by that but that is what it

says here going on and and I felt my own

surprise and its surprise excited and

confused I go down again immediately and

I tell my aunt that I stepped through a

shadowy silhouette of a

person she was visibly startled and said

that she had purified the house and that

there were no ghosts I didn't understand

what she meant and she she said she'd

have to purify the house again I didn't

have a similar experience afterwards so

that's interesting K and dude I really

appreciate you writing this one and this

is a we're going to talk about this

actually a lot in the next episode that

I'm putting out with author and

Paranormal Investigator named ml Bullock

so mark your calendars that'll be uh I

guess a few days after this one releases

so this doesn't really sound like you

know what is usually called a ghost you

know uh The Last Story also it's not

necessarily a ghost it's it's just like

a a shared experience of something

strange that people can't explain um in

this case not a shared experience you're

by yourself so there's always I guess

the possibility that you're insane uh

but I doubt that so this sounds like you

had an experience with what what often

gets called like a shade or a shadow

person I'm no expert on any of this

stuff I'm just a nerd who like you know

watches a lot of videos reads a lot of

books and stuff but uh we are going to

deeply address this issue of what these

are in our next episode with the m

Bullock so I I I'm really looking

forward to hearing what people think of

that but again you know for the folks

the folks out there listening what do

you think have you ever had an

experience like this is this uh is this

got crazy or you know are there other

people who have had similar things

happen to them or seen something

remotely close uh we could get into a

whole lot of stuff like there's a great

uh there's podcast called the Y files I

guess it's a play on X Files but

literally like wh y files uh that

actually does a whole episode about the

different iterations of Shadow People I

recommend listening to that too if you

haven't already um yeah creepy very

creepy Let's uh let's move on to the

next this one comes from we're going to

call her

a and I think this is really really

interesting one it's uh yeah I'm just

going to get into

it so this took place in

2011 the Halloween that you celebrate in

America is just a sugar rush and has

almost nothing to do with the original

Pagan Sam Haan uh saman is a way to

pronounce this if anybody out there is a

fan of uh Glenn Danzig or the Misfits

you probably know his band called Sam

Han I believe that the actual way to say

this I think it's an Irish word is sa uh

but any listening please feel free to

correct me or you know tell me what your

opinion is whatever happens to be I

don't know a lot about this stuff but

nevertheless let's continue on um so

anyway me and my friends went to the

forest to celebrate sa with the proper

ritual and it was my first one I was in

my early 20s and I had just moved to St

Petersburg uh Russia not not Florida

just based on the person who's writing

this um and so I had only known this

group of friends for a few months months

before going off into the deep forest

with them at night already already got

some questions about your choices here

but you know let's go on um there are

four of us but the main character of the

story is ysep around 9:00 p.m. we took

the train got into the forest and began

making preparations ysep was the leader

knowing the most about this sort of

thing and began telling us what to do in

order to prepare for the

ritual he told me to gather twigs and

logs for the fire

it was super dark very cold and wet from

the first snow I was scared because of

the setting and knowing that these

people you know I didn't know them so

well but knowing they were into this

stuff right and I didn't know what to

expect I had never been involved in such

a ritual before would they sacrifice me

I told ysep I can't do this because it's

so dark so he offered to come along with

me something deep inside of me gave me

the feeling that I wasn't safe and we

only had one flashlight between us and

it was not even a very bright one

nevertheless we went together deeper

into the woods and heard a sort of voice

in the woods in the wind in the sounds

of the forest I thought I was

hallucinating but it was like a voice


Y and I was

terrified was someone tricking us uh the

other group was nearby but it definitely

couldn't have been them because we

looked towards them and they were also

shocked the voice was not human and

everyone present heard it so huh it was

so creepy the sound was not something

that a person could imitate really

although I just tried to imitate it but

I don't think it do Injustice to

whatever the whatever a here

experienced it was so loud as if the

entire Forest were talking at once it

was now almost midnight and the portal

was open um the portal to the other

world is open during SE that's part of

the part of this whole thing I guess

um also like Dia diais muus in Spanish

or you know what we call

Halloween um so this was when the

spirits were able to enter our realm and

I felt a presence and so this added to

my fear everything felt alive like it

was breathing and watching around us

this was like a feeling of being watched

by things that are not there things that

are not they are alive and at the same

time they are

not at this ysep became Furious he began

to shout at them and didn't see you know

he didn't seem like himself something

triggered this in him and he does not

use this in his normal life it's not a

way that he typically acts I've known

him for years now and I've never seen

him like this otherwise this is the one

moment in his life that he was and I'm

quoting this

person he was inhuman as if something

had entered him that's really scary by

the way uh for anybody who studies

spirits and demonology or anything like

that that that right there is terrifying

just to hear that for

me uh but nevertheless it goes on to say

I don't think that he was possessed but

that something deep within him was

awakened also possible I felt fear but

not the fear of being scared but more

like a child witnessing aliens coming

down to earth or something like that we

managed to make a fire and conduct our

ritual once he had calmed down

everything was over like a switch turned

off and the presence

disappeared this was the best Halloween

of my life so far even telling the story

now people still find it frightening yes

I do and I feel now uh that what I

witnessed was a moment when the spirits

managed to make a real connection


ysep uh yikes that's terrifying uh I

don't know if you're still friends with

ysep I I think you based on the way you

wrote this probably um I don't know I'm

definitely not in authority on the

subject I'm certain a lot of people

especially like our more Christian

oriented audience are going to say this

dude definitely you know opened himself

up to the spirit realm and uh that

something tried to jump into his body

maybe possess him I'm not sure but

usually like when you hear about

exorcism and stuff like that it's always

like well we were playing with a Ouija

board and it said it was my mom and

asked if it could come in then I invited

it in and then boom now you got to get

exercised or whatever it's terrifying

this is

scary uh like kind of shaking just when

I was editing you know to to get ready

to do this like it's creepy but thank

you for sharing and um you know be

careful when you're playing out there in

the woods kids although it sounds like a

you know B just based on you saying it

was the best experience ever you best

Halloween ever cool I

mean that's really interesting I'd like

to hear you know if anybody else has any

opinions about this but also like

anybody out there who's like a

practicing Pagan or wiah that kind of

stuff um if you've had similar

experiences to see if like there's a

connection here I've heard people you

know I know that people do these sorts

of things actually um a lot a lot of

stuff like this but I don't really know

much about the rituals themselves and

what they entail there's no detail here

uh given about what that is I'm not sure

if it's private I'm not you know maybe

maybe not clearly there's a fire

involved but you know you hear about

witches and and wiah and and Pagan type

like that do these things and there's

always like that stereotype I even have

a I think it's a t-shirt from like a

black metal band that shows like kind of

women dancing around a fire as part of

one of these ceremonies but yeah i'

would love to know more if there's any

books out there or you maybe documentary

or something that I could uh get sped up

on that'd be really great too uh so yeah

what are your thoughts folks let us know

in the comment section or feel free to

join our Discord it's a discord. ineke and under the in theep Channel

just fire away because uh I'm super

stoked to hear what people

think that's uh

yeah a little scary that

one and that brings us to our last

story this one is a really special one I

it's from my mom so I hope you enjoy it

my mom is someone that I love dearly and

trust with all my life she gave birth to

me and all that raised me so I take her

very seriously uh but I'm curious what

you guys think so the preface is in

January of I'm reading in my mom's voice

s really weird but in January:

man through his four children age 32 1

and a baby of four months old from the

Dolphin Island Bridge Dolphin Island is

a Barrier island off of the coast of

Alabama that's two stories from Alabama

I just realized that uh thanks Mom it

was Friday evening and my husband and I

were watching uh television in the

living room I grew up in this living

room I remember this what a strange

thing to be doing I'm going to try to

keep the serious from her

on I kept hearing someone say

mama from where I was sitting the sound

was coming from the other side of my

husband I brushed it off and initially

thought I was just concerned about my

boys who were a bit under the weather

and had left earlier with their father

for the weekend so I wasn't there

obviously um each time I heard the tiny

voice I looked up and in that direction

after maybe the fourth time she

materialized she was hazy but I could

clearly see she was a tiny Asian girl of

about two I said nothing but I kept

watching her my husband noticed this and

asked me what I was looking at at first

I didn't tell him as I was processing

what was happening and the next time I

heard her call out I looked again and

then my husband got serious and asked me

to please tell him what I was seeing I

told him it was it was what little

Hannah luong who was just the girl they

couldn't find and she was calling for


mother then suddenly there was a news

break on TV and we were watching stating

that all of the children had been found

except for Hannah the 2-year-old they

were asking for volunteers to come uh

out and ride with the sheriff's flotilla

to help look for her and my husband

walked over and knelt beside me and he

asked what could he do to help me to

help her and I told him I needed to go

to the

bridge okay

remember it was a cold January night I

was in shorts and a t-shirt I needed to

go change into warmer clothes but

Strangely I was uncomfortable going to

the bedroom alone I asked my husband to

come with me and he declined

saying I'm going to say

Mom uh they come to you for a reason you

should go alone in case she has

something else to reveal to you and as I

walked through our bedroom into the

bathroom water fell and landed on my

forehead I called out to my husband and

he came

there was a drop of water on my head but

as he reached up to check the door frame

it wasn't wet at all as I dressed he

asked if I wanted to wake up early and

go out to the flotilla to search for her

I said yes so he went ahead and set an

alarm we left our house for the 56 mile

ride to Dolphin Island as you're

approaching the bridge it's long like

about the length of the shore and where

you're looking over the bay and you

could see the island there was an

extreme ly calm

quiet neither of us spoke and on that

stretch of store line I heard Hannah's

tiny voice again several times and she

was saying not here I'm not

here we drove over the bridge and onto

the island we stopped got water at the

local convenience store and I told my

husband we can go home now I got what I

needed I drove home in silence and he

went to sleep the next morning January


my husband woke me up and told me it was

time to go and I said no there's no need

to go she's not there she's not where

they looking later that day we were

watching television I was folding

laundry and again there was a news break

they reported that Hannah had been found

that morning off the coast of Grand Isle

Louisiana my husband's face drained with

color and he asked how did you know to

which I replied she told

me um yeah um if you if you listen to my

recent episode with Mo ter we we we're

talking about kind of some paranormal

stuff towards the end and and I brought

the story up I know I Mist told it

because I think I said New Orleans and

not Dolphin Island it's all on the Gulf

Coast Area a few other details that I

definitely got wrong I remember my mom

telling me this when I was very young

and I was super skeptical I mean I

didn't believe in any of this stuff as a

kid now I'm a bit more open-minded to it

and definitely breing through the sea

and that's a it sends chills through

your spine I mean this was a this is a

very famous story I remember at the time

as a big deal was all over the news like

every day um what a heinous thing to do

evil God to throw your own children off

of a bridge I mean obviously this guy

was uh mentally ill Andor possessed by

something very very very dark um but my

my mother nonetheless had this

experience and I the story doesn't seem

to have changed and the oh my God this


yeah has hasn't changed since very very

very scary but also it's nice you know


have I guess a a relatively happy ending

I'm assuming that the little girl was

able to move on to the next life and be

with her siblings and

gosh gosh um


spooky what do you guys think was any

anybody uh listening to this if you were

in the area at the time if you remember

the news story I'd like to hear what you

think about it but uh yeah has anyone

else heard of something like this like

someone who was lost to a terrible like

a murder a tragedy and uh was going

around seeking help to try to find their

way home uh that's

crazy I uh I don't really know what to

say other than thank you to everyone who

wrote in happy Halloween all that stuff

uh for for you guys out there listening

to this if you you know if you're scared

to death I don't know go watch some TV

do something be around somebody try not

to fall asleep and have nightmares about

it or anything uh again if you if you

missed your opportunity to get into the

show or if I didn't pick your story for

some reason obviously you I'm trying to

keep it short here uh definitely send

them over uh you can email podcast at

inthe or you can join the

Discord server again discord. inthe and let us know uh really

appreciate all the support you know from

everybody on

patreon uh it's it's been really really

nice to just get back to podcasting and

to be you know kind of changing the tide

a little bit little little less just

video games and a little more freedom to

talk about whatever we like here

definitely going to be doing more

content like this in the future like I

said I'll I'll do more you know aliens

I'm thinking about doing like Crypts if

you've seen like a big fooot or whatever

uh just anything at all that people

experience is out of the ordinary um I'd

love to to hear about it so yeah

definitely stay tuned and uh look out

for me to put out the next call to

action as we say to see you know what

the next topic will be or if it's

another ghost paranormal oriented thing

I uh yeah I love you God love you stay

in the keep



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