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Eplerian Life Philosophy Is Quantum Biology
Episode 818th July 2024 • Good Thoughts Podcast • Gary Epler
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Eplerian Life Philosophy Is Based on Quantum Biology

The Eplerian Life Philosophy is knowing “who you are moment by moment,” which means knowing which of the five locations you're thinking from: the head, heart, gut, body, or mind, which is the universe outside the body.

The 10 principles of the Eplerian Life Philosophy include (1) Authenticity by living in the mind, (2) Kindness from the heart, (3) Creativity and joy from the mind, (4) Engage in life with vitality and enthusiasm, (5) Give outside yourself, (6) Learn something new every day, (7) Positive social interaction, (8) Energy and strength from one hour of daily exercise, (9) Peak functioning prefrontal cortex from eight hours of sleep every night, and (10) Vibrant body from a healthy nutrition lifestyle.

The 4 principles of quantum biology include quantum superposition, entanglement, tunneling, and the observer effect.  

Quantum biology is useful and healthy too. Quantum biology explains unknown gaps in science. Quantum biology allows us to share our kindness with people and access the mind to solve problems and help people, to have the courage to be our authentic selves, and inspiration to improve the world.

Dr. Gary Epler / Eplerian Life Philosophy

Copyright© 2024 by Gary Epler, M.D. All rights reserved. This podcast is for general informational and educational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice.


Eplerian Life Philosophy Is Based on Quantum Biology

Dr. Gary Epler – I’m excited to share how Eplerian Life Philosophy is quantum biology.

Joan – Let’s start with the basics. What’s the Eplerian Life Philosophy?

The Eplerian Life Philosophy is knowing “who you are moment by moment,” which means knowing which of the five locations you're thinking from: the head, heart, gut, body, or mind, which is the universe outside the body.

Can you tell us the 10 principles of the Eplerian Life Philosophy?

The principles are: (1) Authenticity by living in the mind, (2) Kindness from the heart, (3) Creativity and joy from the mind, (4) Engage in life with vitality and enthusiasm, (5) Give outside yourself, (6) Learn something new every day, (7) Positive social interaction, (8) Energy and strength from one hour of daily exercise, (9) Peak functioning prefrontal cortex from eight hours of sleep every night, and (10) Vibrant body from a healthy nutrition lifestyle.

That’s a great approach for living with optimal health and joy. Now, let’s explore quantum biology. What are the principles?

Four quantum biology principles include superposition, entanglement, tunneling, and the observer effect.

What’s quantum biology superposition?

Superposition means an object can be in multiple locations at the same time. It’s Schrödinger's cat, which can be in two places at once until observed.

That’s impossible. What’d you mean?

It’s impossible with classical physics and common sense. Place a big box on a table and put a cat in the box. You sit in a chair looking at the box. Where’s the cat? The cat can be in the left, middle, or the right side. The cat is in two locations at the same time. Now stand up and look in the box. The cat is in the middle of the box. You are the observer turning quantum biology into classical biology, turning the unknown into reality.

You mentioned an observer, what does that mean?

An observer changes quantum biology into classical biology. The unknown into reality. You are the observer for the cat changing the cat being in two places at the same time into the cat being in the middle of the box. The observer is a person, an object or particle detector, or the mind.

How does quantum biology superposition apply to the Eplerian Life Philosophy?

Thinking from the heart and the mind at the same time. Quantum superposition is thinking at the same time from the heart with kindness and from the mind with creativity to help people. Superposition does not allow thinking from the primitive self-centered brain at the same time as being in the mind because these two locations require different brainwave frequencies. With quantum biology, you live in the mind with no stress and no self-centered negative thoughts.

What’s quantum entanglement?

Quantum entanglement means two objects are connected separated by long distances. Let’s use bird navigation as an example. Classical physics shows that birds use the earth’s magnetic field for flying to their winter location. Quantum entanglement shows electrons have spins which align with the earth’s magnetic field for the bird’s guidance.

How does entanglement apply to the philosophy?

Accessing the mind. With classical biology, it’s impossible to connect the human brain with the universe. Quantum entanglement connects and accesses the mind from the prefrontal cortex.

Can an observer physically connect two distant objects or people?

Yes. Here’s a possible example. I was training for the New York Marathon many years ago along the Charles River in Boston and Bill Rogers came flying by me in the opposite direction. On a different morning, my future wife Joan was running along the Charles River and Bill Rogers flew by her. A week later, I was running toward the Museum of Science bridge and Joan was running toward me. We’ve been running every day since. Bill Rogers was the observer.

That’s my favorite entanglement story. How does quantum tunneling apply to the Eplerian Philosophy?

Kindness. Quantum tunneling means objects pass through structures or energy fields instantly. For the Eplerian philosophy, kindness from your heart is instantly felt by another person. Your personal space is quantum tunneling. You are surrounded by a comfort zone that makes you feel uneasy when someone enters your personal space. Time and stress are quantum tunneling. Make two trips to the car or from the car takes time but less stress. A short cut saves time but causes stress.

How does the observer effect apply to the Eplerian Philosophy?

The observer effect applies to all aspects of the Eplerian Life Philosophy. The observer changes quantum biology into classical biology. The instant there is an observer, quantum effects vanish into an event. We can choose to observe or not observe, changing our reality. I have a question for you, how do you feel when you see an unpleasant event, like people arguing in a restaurant or in the street?

It’s upsetting. Why?

This is classical biology causing stress.

How do you change this to quantum biology?

“You don’t see it. You don’t feel it.”

What’d you mean?

See an unpleasant or upsetting event? With classical biology, you’re the observer causing stress. Don’t look. With quantum biology, you have no stress. You changed classical biology to quantum biology in a good way.

Do you have other examples of the observer effect?

We can transform our lives by applying the observer effect. Choose not to observe or hear negativity can eliminate stress. “You don’t think it. You didn’t do it.” With classical biology, thinking and talking about negative self-centered thoughts from the primitive brain causes anger and stress. With quantum biology, if you don’t think or talk negative thoughts, then there is no stress. “You make a mistake that doesn’t affect other people. Don’t think about it, you didn’t do it.” Having no thoughts about the mistake means it will not register in your acute memory system and over a few hours, you will forget what it was; therefore, it never happened.

Other observer effect examples?

“Don’t think about a problem. It’s not a problem.” Thinking about money in a negative way causes a problem. Don’t think about money in a negative way, there’s no problem. “Don’t see a sad face, you’re not sad.” “Don’t hear a negative conversation, you have no stress.” “You don’t see them. They don’t see you.” Negativity causes stress. Don’t let negativity register in your memory system, don’t think negative thoughts.

Joan – Quantum biology is useful and healthy too. Quantum biology explains unknown gaps in science and can improve our lives. Do you have any closing comments?

Dr. Gary Epler – Quantum biology allows us to share our kindness with people and access the mind to solve problems and help people, to have the courage to be our authentic selves, and inspiration to improve the world.



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