Artwork for podcast Own Your Calendar: Aligning Your Business & Life Goals
Why waiting for life to slow down to focus on your health rarely works
Episode 2713th February 2023 • Own Your Calendar: Aligning Your Business & Life Goals • Stephen Box
00:00:00 00:14:49

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Finding a balance between a busy schedule and a healthy lifestyle is a challenge that many men face today. Add to that your responsibilities as a significant other and father and it's easy to see why so many men put their health on the back burner.

For many men, going all in for brief periods of time feels like the perfect solution. Unfortunately, that rarely works and even if it does, the results don't last.

In this episode of the Unshakable Habits Podcast, Stephen Box breaks down why it rarely works and gives you a better approach.

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Stephen Box:

Hey guys.

Stephen Box:

Welcome to the Unshakable Habits Podcast where we help men to develop

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strong minds and strong bodies.

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With habits that seamlessly fit into your life so that you can be the husband,

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father, and leader that you desire to be.

Stephen Box:

I am your host Stephen Box.

Stephen Box:

I am a national board certified health and wellness coach, and today we're

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going to be doing something a little bit different because I'm going solo.

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Before I jump into.

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And tell you what we're gonna be talking about today.

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I did just want to answer a question.

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I'm beginning asked light lately, which is Stephen, where have you been?

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haven't posted a podcast episode in a while.

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And the answer to that is, As I just mentioned, I am now a national board

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certified health and wellness coach, and I needed to take some time off

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to prepare for the exams for that.

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So that is where I've been and why I have been missing, but.

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I am back and excited to be here.

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also you might have noticed in the intro there, we have a

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brand new focus for the podcast.

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we are now exclusively focused on helping men to improve

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their habits and their health.

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And this is something I'm really passionate about.

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So going forward, you're gonna be hearing a lot of different content

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around health and it's gonna be this idea of connected health.

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Which entails not just your physical health, but also your

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mental health, your emotional health, your spiritual health, your

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relationships, your environments, right?

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and we'll also talk about other things like financial health, which, I know

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is a big topic for a lot of guys.

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create a lot of, stress in your life.

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So we're gonna be helping out with a lot of that different kind of

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stuff and really, Helping you to learn how to incorporate all these

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things into your life without turning your life upside down.

Stephen Box:

Which actually brings me to today's topic, and that is this idea of

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how do we actually manage to get healthy when life will not slow down.

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Or another way that you might think about this is, , why we should

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stop waiting for life to slow down.

Stephen Box:

So this came to me based on a conversation I had with a client a couple weeks ago.

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this person came to me after trying to do it on their own at

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the begining of the year and not really having a lot of success.

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Part of the reason they felt they weren't having success was

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that their schedule's so crazy.

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This just been super hectic for them.

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And they didn't have the time.

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They didn't have time to cook, they didn't have time to exercise, they didn't have

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time for really much of anything at all.

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Stephen Box:

Work's about to slow down for them for a period of about three or four weeks.

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So their plan was to hire me as a coach and really maximize

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that three or four weeks.

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Now, maybe you've taken that approach before, and if you have

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judgement free zone, no worries.

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But I'm going to talk to you today about why that approach.

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Very seldom works.

Stephen Box:

So here's the thing, a and this is part of the conversation I had with this client.

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When we say, okay, life is gonna slow down.

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Let me really immerse myself into that time period, and

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really just maximize my efforts.

Stephen Box:

Sounds great in theory, right?

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You go really hard for a short period of time and then you just reap the

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benefits of it for the rest of your life.

Stephen Box:

Uh, no, not quite.

Stephen Box:

The way it works, what usually ends up happening is one or two things.

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Either people think they're going to commit to going all

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in for that short period of.

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Only to realize that they are missing the fundamental skills, tools, and

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resources that they need to be successful.

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So for example, if you don't know how to cook, then suddenly meal prepping

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and eating healthy meals all the time is going to be incredibly difficult.

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You could eat out, you could order meal service, different things like that.

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And if you have the money for that and you have the ability to order

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healthier foods from restaurants, or you have meal services, you

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can get delivered to your house.

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I have no issue with that, if that's something you can afford.

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But not everyone can afford those kind of service.

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. And so we have to look at all these little things to say,

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are you really in a position to even maximize that time period?

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But let's pretend that you are.

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Let's just say that you are.

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And let's say that willpower is not an issue for you.

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You will knock it out.

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You will be locked in for that time period.

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So the next problem that we will oftentimes run into, We crank

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everything up for a few weeks and then things get busy again.

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And then what happens is we fall off and we fall off hard, as in we just stop doing

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everything because that all or nothing mentality starts to kick in, right?

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So when that happens, we just fall off.

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and we lose all the results that we gained in that short period of time.

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Stephen Box:

And again, if you've been here, if this sounds like you, no judgments.

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I've been there myself.

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Stephen Box:

I went through that process multiple times before I finally

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got it right and lost 80 pounds.

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And cap it off, because here's the reality of the situation guys.

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It's not about waiting for perfect opportunities in life.

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For some of us, that opportunity never comes.

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For most of us, it comes in small windows and it never lasts.

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But if you can learn.

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To make these things fit seamlessly into your life, no matter how crazy things get.

Stephen Box:

Oh man.

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That is a game changer, guys.

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I'm telling you.

Stephen Box:

So a couple things to con keep in mind here.

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Number one, when we talk about simple changes, when we talk about

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things that seamlessly fit into your.

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I think there's this idea that means slow progress, and that's not necessarily

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true because what it depends on is where you are in your journey at that time.

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For some people, they do not have a solid foundation yet, and for them

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a slow start might be the best.

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But maybe you already have a great foundation.

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Maybe you already know how to eat well, maybe you already

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know how to cook healthy meals.

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Maybe you already know how to exercise.

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Maybe you already know all these things and your skill sets are extremely high.

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So for you, we might be able to put more on your plate.

Stephen Box:

, but the key is that it's not about trying to be perfect for a couple weeks, right?

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The idea here is that we want to think of this like a dial, right?

Stephen Box:

A, and this is a concept that I got from Precision Nutrition, who I'm

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certified through, that we can look at even, I'll just use exercise here as

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a simple example, but you can use this concept with anything, but we can look.

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Any habit we want to create as a dial, any behavior that we want to do as a

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dial, that dial goes from one to 10.

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It never goes to zero.

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Stephen Box:

And that's the key here, is that it never goes to zero.

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There is no off one is if my life was absolutely pandemonium, super

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crazy, what's something I could do?

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And the answer to that question.

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Is what you put at one.

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So as a simple example, if we're talking about exercise,

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maybe I say, you know what?

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I could get up and I can knock out 20 pushups no matter what.

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So first thing in the morning, I roll outta bed, I hit the

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ground, I'll do 20 pushups.

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Done, right?

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I've now hit my minimum for the day, right?

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Or maybe I went into the day with the intention of doing

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something a little bit more.

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and it got away from me.

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End of the night, I'm sitting there, I haven't done anything.

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I'm like, you know what?

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I'm gonna do my 20 pushups.

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I'm gonna turn my Dow to one four today.

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Now, are you going to get maximum results at one?

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No, but mentally it's going to keep you locked in.

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It's gonna keep you into the pattern of exercise, and that's why this

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concept is so powerful and so important because guys, I'm telling you where

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we get ourselves in trouble with this, all or nothing thinking is that.

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We feel like I can't do it full force today, so I might

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as well not do it at all.

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And you have a couple of, I didn't do it at all days.

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And the next thing you know, you're done.

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Your consistency's gone, your willpower is gone.

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And before you know it, you've just, you've missed several days and it's over.

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Stephen Box:

On the other side of the spectrum here, we got a 10, right?

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That's what's the absolute best workout you're gonna do, right?

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I'm gonna go work out for an hour or whatever, right?

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It doesn't really matter what it is.

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The specifics aren't super important here.

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What's important is that you understand that on your best days, you're well

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rested, you slept well, your stress is low, your nutrition has been on point,

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your energy levels are super high.

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Turn that dial to a 10, let's.

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But on the days that it's not, let's turn it down to a one.

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There's no shame in having to turn the dow to a one.

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A lot of us are turning the dow all the way to zero, a lot of days right now.

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So why would we not just turn it to one and at least mentally

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stay locked into this pattern?

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Stephen Box:

So guys, that's what I wanted to bring to you today.

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I wanted to bring this concept to you of why we need to stop

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waiting for life to be perfect.

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We need to stop waiting for these circumstances to align themselves

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for us and not just the way out.

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One more thing for you here just to consider, just in case you haven't

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bought into this idea yet, if part of your motivation behind getting.

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So that you can be a better husband and father, and you find yourself really

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focusing on the leadership aspect at work.

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Then here's the challenge I want to give you.

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I want to, I want you to ask yourself, honestly, when you're

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focusing on work, are you being the best father and husband you can be.

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If the answer to that's no, I want you to ask yourself, when you've turned

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around and you take that downtime that you're gonna get, and you focus

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on exercise and nutrition and all of the things involving your health, and

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that's your main focus, is that going to impact being a good husband, a good

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father, and you've been, a good leader?

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Probably right?

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And then all of a sudden things get crazy again, and now you're

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back to being focused on work.

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So if your goal is to be a better father and a better husband, but you

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also want to have better health guys, I'm telling you this concept of the

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dial, being able to adapt things and.

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Not always feeling like you have to go all in and learning how to make these habits

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fit seamlessly into your life so that it frees up more time in your schedule.

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It allows you more flexibility to be there with your wife.

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It allows you more time to be there with your kids, and it allows you to focus

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on work and get stuff done when you're.

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. That is when things go so much smoother and when things do get

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a little bit crazy and you can't possibly be everywhere at once, we

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can always turn the dial down, right?

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Sometimes we just maintaining our health is where we are, and then when

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things do lighten up a little bit, when things are a little bit better,

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we can always crank the dial up, but let's not ever have that thing.

Stephen Box:

So if you enjoyed that, wanna ask a favor?

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if you could head over to unshakeable and at the top

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there, you're off, you're gonna see a link to rate the podcast, and I

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would appreciate you just hopping in there and giving me your feedback.

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Let me know, did you enjoyed this format?

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did you get some good value out of it?

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and while you're there, feel free to go ahead and.

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Download the ultimate habit Checklist, checklist and mini guide, that is going

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to give you a lot more information on some of the things that I've

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talked about today, about how do we actually implement these changes?

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How do we actually start setting ourselves up for success?

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How do we create better goals?

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All those kind of things are gonna be there on that sheet.

Stephen Box:

So guys, this is Stephen Box.

Stephen Box:

For the Unshakable Habits Podcast, and I want to just remind you that

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we're not all born unshakable, but we can all become unshakable.



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