Hello, this is Earnest Mann, and today we’re tackling the buzz (pun intended) surrounding the mysterious drones reported across various parts of the country. What are they? Who’s behind them? Are they extraterrestrial? Spoiler alert: no. The real answer may be far more Earthbound—and potentially more troubling.
Let’s cut to the chase: these drones aren’t alien crafts or intergalactic visitors. Instead, they likely stem from Earth-based origins. While some believe these phenomena are the result of elaborate pranks by small groups of people, others suspect a more coordinated effort by governmental or law enforcement agencies.
The big question is why. My analysis suggests these drones are part of a larger effort to normalize surveillance, a stepping stone toward more invasive systems. By introducing them as a “mystery” and playing into the public’s fear and fascination, authorities can justify ramping up monitoring technologies under the guise of keeping us “safe.”
This isn’t just about drones; it’s about the slow but steady march toward a more controlled and monitored society. Think of it like a python constricting its prey—tightening its grip every time we exhale. Conditioning the public to accept invasive technologies without question paves the way for an increasingly authoritarian system.
Awareness is key. Recognizing these trends for what they are allows us to question, resist, and hold the powerful accountable. Don’t let fear or complacency allow these systems to tighten their grip further.
I'm a deep thinking contrarian, a very pragmatic idiocythrope. I believe that function determines desirability and legitimacy. I don't like the superficial and/or pretentious, nor the shallow. I speak the truth as best as I know it, as a professor of tautology.
With friends, I desire quality over quantity. I know some very important life truths I'm just waiting for you to ask about. I have found in life, many people talk about happiness, but are unwilling to pay the price, or believe they shouldn't have to, because they are entitled to it, but I know with absolute certainty, that such beliefs are always due to stupidity, Insanity, or some degree of both.
This is not just another YouTube channel; I'm seeking to build a community of Intelligent thinkers daring to discuss, - and say - what the hell really needs to be said, so do the right thing, leave your thoughts, for me and others to possibly learn from, and subscribe, and tell everyone else in the world you know about me, and you'll stand a really good chance, of me remembering you, in my will!
I believe we really can change the current status quo of an idiotic and fucked up purposeless treadmill existence, and actually improve this world, but it requires intelligence, honesty, and BALLS, all three of which are currently in short supply, especially the balls.
Thank you for taking the time, to read this, and remember to avoid anything or anyone stupid, as much as possible, your life will be far better for it.
Please consider, that by visiting my website and/or donating to this show, you're supporting an actual person, not some mega corporation, that wouldn't know human compassion if it hit them over the head!
I look forward to hearing from you, and until next Monday or Friday remember, the world may be misinformed and batshit crazy, but YOU, don’t have to be!
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© 2024 The Earnest Mann Show
00:00 e l [Music] from out of nowhere the Flying Saucer
01:03 mystery is with us what is the flying saucer what do people see in sometimes photograph what's behind the daily reports of aerial phenomena in the nation's press after more than 5 years of study there is still no agreement even among the experts we can say that the recent sightings are in no way connected with with any secret development by any agency of the United States with all due respect to the Air Force I believe that some of them will prove to be of interplanetary origin in my position in the research
01:44 and development organization of the Bureau of anautics and of the Navy Department I am thoroughly familiar with both our aircraft and our guided missiles programs and can State without reservation that the Navy has no saucer shaped aircraft or missile in any of these programs hello and thank you for being here you know one of the hardest things for me to talk about it's not controversial things so much like politics or celeberity let's say and that's that's because frankly you know for the most part it's
02:31 it's not really that interesting in my opinion but what is interesting is when you have to try to talk about something that's at its core completely dramatized and [ __ ] idiotic now apparently in this country at least according to the late great George Carlin there's a hell of a lot of stupid people now of course I'm not saying that's you not my audience but you have to admit there's a lot of [ __ ] stupid people out there and so that brings me to the stupid subject of the uh the the mystery
03:25 drones I figured everybody else just clamoring in and they're always talking in that that crazy rapid fire manner um about it is that that is what makes it difficult because frankly the whole thing from beginning to end is just again it's utterly [ __ ] stupid and you could rely on the six o' news because they also hold up the position as the jester they're the king's gesture that you know is there to Simply again frighten the children with a story well what could they be Biff I don't know it's certainly a mystery what
04:18 do you think Jane well I don't know they all said that nobody knows what what it could be you know are they drones or are they actually secret manyi super tiny small Intergalactic space beings that are here to sew the seeds of Earth conquest and destruction I mean Christ how [ __ ] infantile can you be so I'm going to try in my own uniquely Manish way to uh hopefully shed some light on this situation which actually is most likely greatest [ __ ] odds you can imagine not what you think it is actually I do
05:22 believe it is something a bit more nefarious and no I don't mean again and space aliens from outer space no our these enemies are are quite Earthbound I'll get to that in just a moment but I just wanted to lay the foundation if you're not laughing yet please do you have my permission and uh you know if you're um I don't know if you're a bit of a SST out there you'll enjoy the fact of just how awful of a [ __ ] subject I think this is and it hurts me there is a that this is this is what everyone's concerned
06:16 about as they stare up into the sky what could it be I don't know I'll think it's aliens I think it's aliens too what do you think look like aliens to them flashing lights and I mean why would somebody be out here at night doing something like this I don't understand I don't understand all the humanity go all right here's what it is I noticed recently that the uh from the various the uh investigations quote unquote from the various other nefarious organizations such as the FBI and the military and so forth well
07:11 they they have determined that it is not of an exterrestrial extraterrestrial origin calm down folks it's it's going to be okay we we don't know what it is but well God listening to this and watching this [ __ ] I think ever dwood would be proud no um it's a perfect cover um it's it's part unbelievable part really silly Part people don't know WTF it's definitely a WTF moment here's my idea okay it's not aliens got that out of the way it's humans okay why would humans be doing this okay well
08:10 you either have the possibility of just a group of yahoos who has it's not it wouldn't be that hard for small groups of yahoos to coordinate this even in different states you only need I don't know two three four yahoos to get together in various States maybe they know each other because you know how it is once something takes off others copy it it's the whole the same [ __ ] thing with the crop circles all those many years ago if you any of you out there remember that [ __ ] and once it starts it kind of
08:55 takes on a life of its own and you just put it out there you only need a few yach to get this going but I will tell you more than likely besides that cuz it's a it really is an either or scenario okay okay so what this means what it is is that either simply by coincidence that you had a few yahoos that were doing this in other places independent of an actual purpose and that actual purpose would be either by the police and or the mil military or a possible collaboration between them and then stand around well we we
09:48 don't do you know anything B no I don't know nothing the when they're the ones behind it um all the time they're the ones actually behind it so why the next quote why why would they do this because um it furthers the grip of tyranny and surveillance and let me tell you why I say this generally speaking before you make any big sweeping social changes particularly um even you know the masses and masses of stupid people out there even they can catch on to something uh isn't right as far as surveillance and a lot of those people
10:47 as far as surveillance have a hair trigger and so yeah you you got to tiptoe through them on and you in other words you have to go through the process of legitimizing what your real plan is all along and I noticed that uh now they're talking about they're going to install surveillance some kind of surveillance monitoring Electronics to monitor these these whatever the [ __ ] they are drones or whatever and so you can have again you know the masses of bewildered people who are easily frightened like children they're easily
11:34 frightened so anything you know you know Daddy comes along and daddy says it's it's all right it's all right it's all right Johnny calm down we'll take care of this you don't worry about that we've got this situation we're going to take care of you we got you okay well thank you Daddy um FBI person monitoring to take care of my life because I'm I'm just a work slave and I I don't know I'm not very intelligent I don't know very much but I trust you because you're the
12:16 FBI man I'm sure you have my best interest in mind so I I just won't think about it anymore and I certainly won't ask any questions okay okay thank you um my idea seriously uh folks um they want to be able to introduce even more surveillance and so they want to condition and make the general population get used to the idea of these [ __ ] things buzzing around with even more intrusion into your life even at night of course you know they have night vision and all that actually um you know we I say the proverbial we don't even
13:14 really know what the hell they have uh that stuff being all kind of top secret and all that so the long and the short of this is I believe it is a a plan it's in other words they're testing the waters of future systems for even greater surveillance as we continue to spiral more and more which we are um to the uh police state or I mean actually we're already in the police state but I mean even you know tightening the grip you know like what a a [ __ ] python does it constricts and that's how it slowly
14:06 kills this prey and every time it exhales you hopefully you know how this process works but you know it may take a few hours or however long but it's inevitable because you got to breathe sometime this thing is squeezing the life out of you and as you exhale and it tightens again and then you can't inhale so you it suffocates you basically well here it's they're not suffocating you literally in that sense but with conditioning you do things and it's done fairly slowly at first you know until 2 three 5 years down the
14:50 road they're just these [ __ ] things buzzing around all the time whether they be delivery drones there's also going to be monitoring drums to monitor you at all times to make sure you're [Music] safe and that folks is something that really should absolutely scare the hell out of [Music] everyone and speaking of Serv veillance make sure there are no drones around you when you check out my next little episode so park your ass here on YouTube or my podcast the earnest man show every Monday and Friday at 6:00 a.m. please
15:45 subscribe and hit that notification Bell because it really helps the channel grow which means I can do more info and entertainment for you and last but certainly not least Compliments are great but the best compliment you can ever give me is to tell a friend until next time this is earnest and I usually always am