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Self Help Doesn’t End With Your Self
28th May 2020 • The Karen Kenney Show • Karen Kenney
00:00:00 00:31:45

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Nowadays, with all the craziness that’s going on, plus the obsessive nature of social media, it’s wicked easy to become hyper-focused on the self. To view everything through the small, distorted ego-lens of ME, ME, & more ME.

So much so that we might forget to widen the lens that we’re viewing the world through. So that what’s in our field of vision and concern expands to include the welfare, perspective, justice and care for other beings and creatures.

The reality is, while we're not always going to be able to exactly or fully know what another person is going through - because of differences in privilege, culture, religion, sexuality, class, age, geography, education, finances, experience, etc. However, we can still certainly do better at having empathy, compassion and understanding for other people that might be marginalized, treated unfairly or suffering.

And if we see something, we shouldn't just speak up and say something - we should also be courageous enough to do something about it.

I think this is one of the things that can often go missing in the “self-help” world & movement. This sphere of influence often has plenty of books, webinars, courses and coaches that like to talk about knowing, healing & loving yourself - but the truth is that true self-help doesn’t begin and end with there. If your self-help ends with you - then it’s not complete.

Today on The Karen Kenney Show, we’re talking about one of the greatest gifts we can give when doing work on ourselves, is to also become more aware of those around us. One of the most powerful ways we can show love to ourselves and others is to pay close attention and notice what’s going on around us, including the hurting people and animals in it.

Going inward for healing is just the first step. By placing our focus outside of ourselves and turning our suffering and pain into service for others that might be going through something very similar is one of the ways that we heal. On this Spiritual journey, we’ve got to remember that “Self Help Doesn’t End With Your Self”.

What You Will Learn On This Episode:

He Didn’t Miss A Beat (3:57)
Does It Just End There? (11:28)
We May Think A Little Differently (16:07)
The Heartbeat Of The Work That I Do (23:16)
Stuck In Your Old Story (25:37)

Karen Kenney is a writer, speaker, and the founder of Fearless Flow Mentoring.


She’s a certified Spiritual Mentor, has been a student & guide of A Course in Miracles for 26+ years and a longtime student of Passage Meditation. She’s also a Gateless Writing Teacher and has been a yoga teacher since 2001.


KK grew up in Lawrence & Boston, MA and is known for her storytelling, her sense of humor and her “down-to-earth” approach to spirituality. Her signature mentoring programs: Your Story to Your Glory™ & Fearless Flow™ help people let go of their old stories of suffering and victimization, so they can write a new kick-ass story from a place of inner power, forgiveness, freedom and Spirit.


A sought-after expert and Spiritual Thought Leader for Live Events, Podcasts, Coaching Programs and Shows, Karen speaks on stages across the country and leads Transformational Retreats in the New England area and at the Omega Institute in NY.

KK is the host of The Karen Kenney Show Podcast and The Sunday Spiritual with Karen Kenney.

She’s currently at work on her memoir.

You can learn more and connect with Karen at:









Thanks for listening!

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So please tag me on Facebook or Instagram and let me know what your favorite part was or what you found most helpful. If you're digging what I'm saying and you want to hear more, I'd be wicked grateful if you can go to iTunes and subscribe and leave a review and if you can think of someone that could benefit from hearing this episode, please share it with them.




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