Liz Warner turned to running almost 8 years ago while living in Tokyo as a way of grappling with her father’s recent passing. Soon after, she decided to combine her new love of running with her passion for travel and deep, deliberate exploration of other cultures. In early 2019, Liz launched Run to Reach, an 18-month philanthropic marathon expedition with the goal of running 30 marathons in 30 countries before turning 30 in June of 2020. Instrumental to Liz’s mission was her desire to leave a positive social impact on the countries she visits, one equal to their impact on her. Over the course of her mission, she partnered with 20 local women-focused NGOs across the world, whose tireless work for female empowerment and social activism often goes unnoticed. The Run to Reach journey brought Liz everywhere from the dense jungles of Sierra Leone, to glacial lakes in Mongolia, to turquoise waters in Yemen, to the central highlands of Afghanistan to undertake some of the world’s toughest marathons. With each step, she engaged in the rich and diverse cultures of these extraordinary communities and highlighted on a global scale their natural beauty and inspiring initiatives for equality.
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